Feral Heart

Help & Guidance => Game Help => Topic started by: Keaira815 on January 07, 2017, 06:43:14 pm

Title: Bad Token on private map
Post by: Keaira815 on January 07, 2017, 06:43:14 pm
I recently just finished making a map for a group I am in, but as soon as I shared it with others there were issues getting into the map from Cape. "Bad Token" kept popping up on their screen, why is this happening to them?
Title: Re: Bad Token on private map
Post by: Edolicious on January 07, 2017, 07:29:13 pm
Before anything else, did they try multiple times to get into the map and it kept on popping up? Or was it just one time for each of them?

Sometimes it takes a few tries to get in, occasionally quite a few more if the map has heavy scenery. Hopefully it's something simple like this, so your friends can hang out with you on your new map soon.
Title: Re: Bad Token on private map
Post by: Keaira815 on January 07, 2017, 07:34:39 pm
Before anything else, did they try multiple times to get into the map and it kept on popping up? Or was it just one time for each of them?

Sometimes it takes a few tries to get in. Hopefully it's something simple like this, so your friends can hang out with you on your new map soon.

There are some times when it works on the first try, but for some of them, it takes them a few tries to actually get into the map which can get annoying. And my map does have many meshes placed around, so like you said, this could be the problem.
Title: Re: Bad Token on private map
Post by: Kryvul on January 07, 2017, 07:46:10 pm
When you make maps, and people get bad tokens. It usually means that their PCs cannot handle all the loading of meshes at once.

It may be best to place "removable" meshes in their own files so if they do constantly get bad tokens, they can remove some of the .obj files and be able to get into the map.

I've had this issue before, and that USUALLY helps. Another thing is to be sure there aren't collisions on almost everything, like certain rocks, trees, plants. This can also help if some of the objects have collisions, while some do not.
Title: Re: Bad Token on private map
Post by: Morgra on January 07, 2017, 08:25:15 pm
As for what Kryvul said, as you are the creator of a map, make it so any non-important mesh files are exported into an .fho file for easy deletion if they need it to be removed to get into the map.

If this were a case where you downloaded a map with a bunch of .fho files, try and see if there are any that you can delete without affecting the map too much. You can experiment and see if deleting one or the other works better by trying it multiple times with deleting different .fho files.

Most of the time, deleting .fho files is the key so maybe separate objects into several different groups if the Bad Tokens keep happening to people.

Here is a Wiki Article if it helps explain this better: http://feral-heart.wikia.com/wiki/Bad_Token (http://feral-heart.wikia.com/wiki/Bad_Token)
Title: Re: Bad Token on private map
Post by: Insoholic on January 07, 2017, 09:04:05 pm
Quote from: Redlinelies
Bad tokens is the servers way to tell you that something went wrong when loading a map/location most of the times. The client failing to communicate with the server, or other way around. If there was some connection problems just during the time you tried to load a new map, this might happen to you. Also maps that has an extreme amount of online users, or more objects and other custom things might take longer to load, and the chance of getting bad tokens might rise. Usually the issue doesn't last for too long and get solved by just trying going through a portal again or loading the character again or just keep reconnecting, for some it's worse than others.

I suggest you to turn of all the applications on your computer that noms on internet bandwidth such as downloading programs. Also, shut off all other computers or devices connected to the internet. If you use wireless internet, place yourself closer to the source for a stronger connection.