Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => In-Game Based Roleplay => In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement => Topic started by: Galaxyshadow on February 01, 2017, 12:44:13 am

Title: No longer exists
Post by: Galaxyshadow on February 01, 2017, 12:44:13 am


Semi-Literate | Sited | Semi-Realistic | Plotted | Tribal | Tiers | Marked | Mature | Accepting (Fake &/or Real) Species of Canine |


STARTED : 2/1/17
[OUR SITE (http://kumoriwpack.proboards.com)]
Long ago in the Valleys of Flourite lived three tribes. The first tribe was the Tribe of Rushing-Water, the tribe was located near a large lake where the tribe would go to fish when prey ran scarce. They flourished and were often very welcoming to strangers and travelers. The Second tribe was the Tribe of Barren-Skies, this tribe lived among the mountains, hunting mostly hawks, eagles, and goat. They were a very loose tribe as it had no ranks, no leader. So the tribe would often disband for a short amount of time before regrouping. Them living in the mountains never had travelers visit them. The final tribe was called the Tribe of Quiet-Winds. This tribe lived among the open plains, hunting rabbit, deer, grouse, pheasant, and sometimes turkey. They were highly aggressive and territorial toward any strangers that manage to wander in their territory. Sometimes killing them if they had been caught hunting within their borders.

The tribes were all fairly aggressive toward each other, often beating a trespasser to near death before sending them back to their own tribe to tell them to stay away, that is if they live long enough to make it all the way back. They seemed to hate each other with every bit of their hearts. If a tribe so much as caught a whiff of a rival tribe they would send a small group after the scent to attack whomever it was. They wouldn't tolerate each other whatsoever.

But, all of this changed when a new tribe moved into the neighborhood. They called them selves the Tribe of Long-Shadows. This tribe was feared by all of the other tribes. Waging war without warning and killing any trespassers who cross their borders. The tribes were willing to tolerate such actions for only a small amount of time, until the Tribe of Quiet-Winds grew sick of their ways and moved in to attack. Leaving only the elderly, young and mothers-to-be behind within their camp.

It was a terrible mistake.

The tribe of Quiet-Winds was wiped out within only three days time. Bodies were strewn along the borders of the other tribes in warning. Putting them into a panic. The pups, elders, and pregnant females then left their camp to join the other tribes as they were afraid that Long-Shadow members may come back for them. Rushing-Waters happily accepted them, quickly making more room for them, while those who went to Barren-Skies could not have said the same for themselves. They were turned down and chased out, some of the pups were taken away or killed. Leaving those who managed to get away from the chase with deep wounds, left to die.

All was good until Long-Shadows had managed to come up with a simple plan. If all the tribes were as weak as Quiet-Winds was, then it would be easy to kill them off and have all the territory for Tribe of Long-Shadows. It wasn't long before they launched their first attack on the Tribe of Barren-Skies. They surprised the loose tribe, taking out small groups at a time until only few remained. Managing to escape the fled to Rushing-Waters, begging that they take them in. Rushing-Waters, growing quite crowded by now couldn't turn them down. They knew that they would need to expand their camp anyway.

Once Barren-Skies was wiped out, Long-Shadows set it's sight on the Tribe of Rushing-Waters. Moving in the Tribe of Rushing-Waters fought long and hard but it simply was not enough. Whatever remained of the three tribes left the valleys for good. Venturing into new lands, crossing many miles, the mixed bunch soon came across a large valley covered in vegetation of all kinds.

This new land, they had overheard, was named Cherika Valley. It was perfect for all the tribes to live in, with thick vegetation and cover, lakes and ponds, hills and mountains, as well as open plains. It was a perfect home. But, then squabbles arose among the members of each tribe. Some wanting to split off and restart, while others wanted to stay together as they feared that Long-Shadows may return.

It took many days to come upon a conclusion, until the leader of Rushing-Waters finally made his decision. The tribes would stay together. Forming a new group, they would call it a pack, the Kumaru Pack. Most members agreed to the leader's decision, but some disagreed and ended up leaving the pack anyway.

Many generations had past since then. Until a new leader arose to lead the pack, from here, our story shall begin.


C H I R E I G N (S)

(http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h205/Azarath1/rsz_noun_project_-_plus_roundsvg_zpskyhwuv4o.png)               (http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h205/Azarath1/rsz_noun_project_-_plus_roundsvg_zpskyhwuv4o.png)
Sphinx (Chireign I)           N/A (Chireign II)


D A O J I (S)

(http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h205/Azarath1/rsz_noun_project_-_plus_roundsvg_zpskyhwuv4o.png)               (http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h205/Azarath1/rsz_noun_project_-_plus_roundsvg_zpskyhwuv4o.png)
N/A (Daoji I)           N/A (Daoji II)


F I D A L G O (S)

(http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h205/Azarath1/rsz_noun_project_-_plus_roundsvg_zpskyhwuv4o.png)               (http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h205/Azarath1/rsz_noun_project_-_plus_roundsvg_zpskyhwuv4o.png)
N/A (Fidalgo I)           N/A (Fidalgo II)


L I T T E R S  &  A D O P T I O N S

Want to join as a Kumaru-born pup? Well you can! You can join the pack as the child of one of our expecting members. Want to try it out? Check out our Litter Section, I'm sure you can find a design you like.
Or perhaps you want to take on the part of an already created character?  These characters were already pre-designed, but instead of starting as a baby, you can be an adult!

http://kumoriwpack.proboards.com/board/15/litters (http://kumoriwpack.proboards.com/board/15/litters)
http://kumoriwpack.proboards.com/board/14/pre-characters (http://kumoriwpack.proboards.com/board/14/pre-characters)

All the above information may be false as we're changing everything up (the link still works don't worry) if you want to see our new and improved version check it out!
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (WIP - Help Wanted)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on February 01, 2017, 04:04:56 pm
Edit: If you want to help build the site or build the RP but do not want to officially join the RP. Please say so. As for joining this is optional, but all assistance is greatly appreciated!
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (WIP - Help Wanted)
Post by: barghosts on February 01, 2017, 08:59:57 pm
might i suggest a guide on which particular herbs are available within the RP? because as though some herbs are indeed beneficial in healing, would sometimes be out of the RP's terms of realism. other than that, i can see this RP being prosperous with members and RPs if kept active vigilantly!
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (WIP - Help Wanted)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on February 01, 2017, 10:03:47 pm
might i suggest a guide on which particular herbs are available within the RP? because as though some herbs are indeed beneficial in healing, would sometimes be out of the RP's terms of realism. other than that, i can see this RP being prosperous with members and RPs if kept active vigilantly!

We have a list of herbs under our Shaman/Seer guideline, but it wouldn't hurt to post it under the Pack Guidebook! :3
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (WIP - Help Wanted)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on February 01, 2017, 11:16:44 pm
Alpha is no longer open until further notice! Beta and Delta are still open.
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (WIP - Help Wanted)
Post by: Chilled. on February 02, 2017, 04:38:39 pm
I wish you Luck on gaining Members for your Guild!~
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (WIP - Help Wanted)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on February 03, 2017, 12:25:17 am
I wish you Luck on gaining Members for your Guild!~
Thank you! I wish you luck as well!
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (WIP - Help Wanted)
Post by: Chilled. on February 03, 2017, 12:49:34 am
My pleasure, and thank you!~
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (WIP - Help Wanted)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on February 07, 2017, 12:17:13 am
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (WIP - Help Wanted)
Post by: Astraea on February 07, 2017, 02:02:34 am
Ah wish you luck on getting some members for your pack!
May I just make a comment- I love the name of the pack you chose!

Might I also add, maybe add a bit more info about the pack so people might be more grabbed for attention?
Either way, hope ye get members and flourish!<3
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (WIP - Help Wanted)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on February 07, 2017, 10:24:34 pm
Thank you! The site has been finished for the most part, we're just working on editing the ad ^-^
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (WIP - Help Wanted)
Post by: Skorpylu on February 08, 2017, 02:00:47 am
Ah, sounds cool! Would love to help if I can~
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (WIP - Help Wanted)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on February 08, 2017, 08:57:34 pm
Ah, sounds cool! Would love to help if I can~

Feel free! We still have three open staff slots ready to be taken if you're interested! (This ad is going to be edited very soon!)
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (OPEN!)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on February 08, 2017, 10:20:00 pm
Yay! It's all done!
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (OPEN!)
Post by: Skorpylu on February 08, 2017, 10:34:48 pm
Ah, sounds cool! Would love to help if I can~

Feel free! We still have three open staff slots ready to be taken if you're interested! (This ad is going to be edited very soon!)
Mm, I see, should I make an Application on your forums? Or I heard there is a discord chat?
Thankies :)
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (OPEN!)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on February 09, 2017, 12:37:27 am
Ah, sounds cool! Would love to help if I can~

Feel free! We still have three open staff slots ready to be taken if you're interested! (This ad is going to be edited very soon!)
Mm, I see, should I make an Application on your forums? Or I heard there is a discord chat?
Thankies :)

It's best to make an application, the discord was taken down for lack of use.
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (OPEN!)
Post by: moonsider on February 09, 2017, 11:41:37 pm
Is discord required to join?
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (OPEN!)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on February 15, 2017, 07:15:28 pm
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (OPEN!)
Post by: Melon on February 20, 2017, 06:31:45 am
Woah, seems very interesting. This RP has potential! Good luck on getting members! <3
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (OPEN!)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on February 25, 2017, 09:56:14 pm
Is discord required to join?

Nope, only requirement is FH
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (OPEN!)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on February 27, 2017, 04:29:54 pm
Woah, seems very interesting. This RP has potential! Good luck on getting members! <3

Thanks! I hope it goes well, though in my current inactivity due to computer issues, the group (from what I've seen) isn't going much anywhere until I return. But in the future, the group should be able to fully function if I have to leave again. I am still active on the website, just no in-game.
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (OPEN!)
Post by: Marbles on February 27, 2017, 07:28:27 pm
Hey; I'm incredibly interested in joining. I'm looking to re-introduce myself to feral heart. I joined back in 2011, and eventually my activity ceased. I'm interested in learning a bit more about the pack; I'm currently on my tablet, and I'll have to go and download feral-heart again on my laptop later this evening, but if it seems to fit what I'm looking for I'd love to become involved.
I'm looking for a mostly realistic pack- I saw the description on the front page, but I'm hoping this would mean that the wolves wouldn't have wings or powers? The "unrealistic" part of the pack would be in minor markings?

I also saw that you mentioned a website- what can be found there?
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (OPEN!)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on February 28, 2017, 01:02:28 am
Hey; I'm incredibly interested in joining. I'm looking to re-introduce myself to feral heart. I joined back in 2011, and eventually my activity ceased. I'm interested in learning a bit more about the pack; I'm currently on my tablet, and I'll have to go and download feral-heart again on my laptop later this evening, but if it seems to fit what I'm looking for I'd love to become involved.
I'm looking for a mostly realistic pack- I saw the description on the front page, but I'm hoping this would mean that the wolves wouldn't have wings or powers? The "unrealistic" part of the pack would be in minor markings?

I also saw that you mentioned a website- what can be found there?

I've been looking into making the pack, at least, 90% realism. Meaning unrealistic markings and colors are allowed. As it currently stands now, we do not allow neons, wings, powers, etc. So I would say we're at least 60% realistic.
The website holds all sorts of useful guides from making your character, how to join, and what exists within Kumara. Being rules, ranks, character creation info, RP regulations, breeding, training, mentoring, and all that jazz.
But like I said above I'm trying to talk with my staff about making as close to casual wolf life as possible, of course with an unrealistic twist to some behaviors. Hope this helped clear up I have in mind for the future and what we have now.
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (OPEN!)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on March 03, 2017, 07:11:21 pm
Staff and Lead ranks have been separated, therefore you can become a lead rank without becoming a staff member, also, bump!
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (OPEN!)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on March 08, 2017, 12:35:20 am
Added Senior ranks and a lot of updates -_- Anyway bump! xD
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (OPEN!)
Post by: Summeralla on March 08, 2017, 12:36:56 am
Just finished looking at the front page. It looks really good ^^ <3 I hope to see more and wish you best of luck.
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (OPEN!)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on March 11, 2017, 05:27:45 pm
Just finished looking at the front page. It looks really good ^^ <3 I hope to see more and wish you best of luck.

Thanks! I hope it goes well.
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (OPEN!)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on March 18, 2017, 05:38:36 am
Kumaru is having their first litter. The litter page is going to be posted around 1:00Am - 10:00Pm 3/18/17. I'll update when the litter page is up.
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (OPEN!)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on March 18, 2017, 06:40:55 am
Want a Kumaru-born pup, child of the alpha? Visit this litter page and check out the available designs we have! (http://kumoriwpack.proboards.com/thread/132/kodahs-munchkins)
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (OPEN!)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on March 19, 2017, 01:58:31 am
Added Litters and adoptions to the post, erased the story line.
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (Updating)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on April 09, 2017, 10:18:04 pm
Restarting an Rebooting, not everything on the website is updated. Until I announce that Kumaru is open for applications, please don't try to join the pack until everything is settled. You can join the website but it won't be registered and accepted until finished. Thank you.
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (Updating)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on April 10, 2017, 06:12:47 pm
- Guides are still being updates so not all rules and info will be accurate until further notice
- Ranks are being changed to be more "unique" and orderly
- Board visibility has been fixed (You can see the correct boards now)
- Sidebar Layout is being worked on
- Rank/Tribal Markings are being worked on
- Boards & threads have been cleared out and cleaned for the most part
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (Updating)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on April 13, 2017, 02:58:28 pm
- New rules were added, still adding a few and organizing it a bit better but at last it's up to date so far.
- Culture and beliefs are being worked on. Trying to make them unique and "magical" without it being completely crazy
- Tribal Markings are still a WIP
- Rank names have been changed, others are still a WIP
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (Updating)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on April 16, 2017, 01:27:22 am
- New chatbox in sidebar, you'll have to sign into the chatbox in order to use it, but it looks good so I figured it was worth the nonsence
- Finished base rank info
- Rules are finished but are always subject to change
- Eliminated breeding seasons, yes poopers all year 'round. Yeah buddy!
- Updating mentoring tutorials, applications, etc.
- Working on training checklists and guides
- Working on Litter info and requirements
- Added base statistics of area (Cherika)
- Completed rank names, rank system. Markings are still a WIP
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (Updating)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on April 17, 2017, 01:24:21 am
Happy Easter everyone! I hope you had a great time, whether it be egg hunts, inhaling candy or just chillin' with family!

- Updated Ad to match current ranks
- Added a couple new rules
- Currently working on Training guides
- Created labels so we look more "professional"
- Got a few more marks done
- Fixing any typos or false info

We also have a new staff member, Smol Boog! Welcome to the group, hope you have fun!
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (Updating)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on April 17, 2017, 04:28:24 pm
We have a new member! Welcome to the pack, Axgarrx!
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (Updating)
Post by: LegendaryGrace on April 18, 2017, 04:05:33 pm
I recommend this pack, Galaxyshadow has been putting a lot of work into it. BUMP

Love you skrub. <3
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (Updating)
Post by: Drunken-Royalty on April 18, 2017, 07:32:20 pm
Eeee! You're doing so well with this Galaxy! Keep it up! <3
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (Updating)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on April 20, 2017, 12:32:29 am
Thanks guys ^-^ Loves ya too!
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (Updating)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on April 23, 2017, 04:22:57 am
We have a new member! Welcome puppylove20016!
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (Updating)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on April 28, 2017, 06:09:51 pm
Sorry for not posting in forever, I was moving! Anyway, I plan to finish as much as possible over the weekend!
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (Updating)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on April 29, 2017, 03:03:36 pm
We're temporarily closing so that we can train the members we have before getting new members. I can't train all of you at the same time, so please be patient. Feel free to drop an application anyway, that way I can get to it when registration reopens :3 Hope you guys have a great weekend!
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (Updating)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on May 04, 2017, 01:21:21 am
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (Updating)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on May 17, 2017, 03:22:04 pm
Sorry, we've been dead for a little while. But I'm planning on releasing a HUGE overhual to finally finish the site and pack overall! I'm hoping to start up very soon and get everyone trained up so we can let more peeps into the group!
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (Updating)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on May 19, 2017, 02:58:35 pm
We're reopening registration! Due to the training threads that have been added, we can train people on the forums if they're offline. In this case though, it's due to a missing part to the RP
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (Updating)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on May 23, 2017, 03:29:08 pm
Working on finishing markings then finally going to start in-game, yes!
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (Updating)
Post by: Chipz on May 23, 2017, 03:33:07 pm
I might jump in and give you a little bump, I really like this group but unfortunately I'm not a huge role-player and rarely stay active. Good luck!
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (Updating)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on May 25, 2017, 03:21:59 pm
Thank you! I hope I see you again one day :3
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (Starting Soon!)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on May 28, 2017, 03:41:29 pm
Bumperoni & Cheese
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (Starting Soon!)
Post by: smolboog on May 29, 2017, 03:58:51 am
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (Starting Soon!)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on June 02, 2017, 02:55:51 pm
Still working on markings, but nearly done. Can wait!
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (Starting Soon!)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on June 08, 2017, 03:04:19 pm
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (Starting June 12th)
Post by: Drunken-Royalty on June 08, 2017, 08:35:14 pm
Eeee so close to opening!!
Good luck, hopefully all the work was worth it!
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (Starting June 12th)
Post by: smolboog on June 09, 2017, 04:04:20 pm
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (Starting June 12th)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on June 17, 2017, 05:36:50 pm
Sorry for not opening on time. I feel bad, I just didn't have the time. Now, I do. And the pack is going to open today. i'll make a mass announcement on our forums. ;) Hope to see people there!
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (Open!)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on June 21, 2017, 01:46:01 am
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (Open!)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on June 27, 2017, 06:20:38 am
Is not dead, yet! xD
Title: Re: The Kumaru Wolf Pack (Open!)
Post by: Galaxyshadow on July 22, 2017, 01:35:26 pm
Kumaru is now a forum based RP! Since everyone including me had a hard time being able to get in-game to set things up, we decided instead of taking the hard work that was put into this and deleting it, we would modify it for Forum only! Giving the site an entirely new look, an entirely new name. Instead of just one pack there may be many packs in a land called "Kamuran"! We're trying our best to get these things done and looking good as well as understandable! Sorry for the inconvenience for those who may have wanted it in-game. But not only is it easier to have it completely on forum, but it also allows people to not spend as much time on it as people have lives outside of the internet too. Hope everybody understands, and when the site is done you might check it out and see where it's gone. Have a great rest of the day! ;3
Title: Re: Kamuran
Post by: Galaxyshadow on July 25, 2017, 03:10:06 am
The website has been reopened! Not entirely finished but I wanted peeps to see how it is now!