Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => In-Game Based Roleplay => In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement => Topic started by: iico on February 03, 2017, 01:41:33 am

Title: [Terran Gaia] seeking development partners
Post by: iico on February 03, 2017, 01:41:33 am
^ that will look a lot better in the future lol

High-fantasy | Multi-species | Plotted | Mapped | Longterm | Custom-made Lore

Terran Gaia is a work-in-progress multispecies high fantasy roleplay, created to mirror a game of Dungeons and Dragons and was highly inspired by the Elder Scrolls.  I need some help developing some things like the plotline, races, magic, fauna/flora, and just general worldbuilding. It’s still kinda half baked. You can request access to edit the files on Google Docs, and can talk to me or suggest things on this thread or on this document. If you develop this with me, you can play as a God or higher ranking member once the roleplay starts. :)

The roleplay will be using my personal map pack (https://feral-heart.com/smf/index.php?topic=59700.0), which I realize may be taxing on other people’s systems, so I am considering creating smaller and less detailed maps. It will also be held on the forums so users that can’t be in the maps can still roleplay there, and users who are in the maps can optionally roleplay again. The map pack will be up for public download so I’m trying to figure out how to work out a situation if someone who is not in the group approaches, but I created the maps before really fleshing out the roleplay...  hmm

Google Docs folder (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BxBXOK8kEK78azA2WVFIZ01hZUk?usp=sharing) - here is where a lot of things will be developed. Keep checking back for more updates. Lore section has docs on religion, astronomy, magic/powers, custom races, and realms/provinces. Roleplay folder has docs such as application, rules, and a list of major groups. It will also have another list of members.

The roleplay will be advertised here. This thread contains basic information, application a lot of links to things like the actual roleplay thread.
It will be held in-game 3 times a month, and the days of roleplay will be posted the first of every month. Dates may be updated if my schedule changes, which it does a lot… Forum roleplays will always be held the next day. All forum roleplays will end at 10 PM EST and all ingame roleplays will end at 8 PM EST. [timezone converter]
The roleplay will take place on both the forums and ingame. It will not have it’s own forum because creating one is very headache-inducing, and I don’t really want anyone else to make the site. Forum roleplays will be held in the Groups Roleplay board, but only after ingame roleplay days. It will always end at 8 PM EST, please don’t roleplay past that time. I may attend either forum or ingame roleplays.
I am debating whether or not to require some form of contact when applying, like making a Skype group or Discord server. I know that not everyone has access to these applications so I’m skeptical. In the event that I choose to move forum roleplays over to another application, forum, game etc, or an emergency occurs that I cannot publicly post on the forum, I will contact you with the details of the situation. Roleplays may be moved from the forums to skype/discord in the future. Your contact information will not be shared anywhere on the forum unless you’re ok with it.

Not sure how to actually form the actual roleplay group. This is really just the universe that they are set in. Maybe subgroups? Such as separate dragon dens/wolf packs/etc. Each will have their own leaders/ranks/culture/etc. Like warrior cat clans. You can develop and discuss subgroups with me and also be the leader of these groups.

Gods will either be non-playable characters or reserved for long term members / people I trust. They will eventually have their own presets that can be used. There will also be some plot-related characters that people can play.

Development Partners:
Dragoneiz (https://feral-heart.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=228875) is working on new custom races and their cultures. You can play as these races in the roleplay. Check them out! (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b7uYZDoZvQXyMwgIrVDoOwasufM2T51i9lPAQepikx8/edit?usp=sharing)

I am still developing this!! Check back in the docs and this thread to see some more updates. Suggestions and questions are highly encouraged!
Title: Re: [Terran Gaia] seeking development partners
Post by: Chilled. on February 03, 2017, 01:53:06 am
I wish you luck on Gaining Members for your Guild!~
Title: Re: [Terran Gaia] seeking development partners
Post by: Dragonelz on February 04, 2017, 04:03:30 pm
This sounds really cool!! I looked through the docs and everything seems pretty interesting, I especially like the magick system - it looks really neat. I'd be happy to help out with creating new races if that's alright with you, I really enjoy coming up with ideas for creatures :)

Anyway, I'll be sure to join this when it's done, it sounds awesome!
Title: Re: [Terran Gaia] seeking development partners
Post by: sanrio on February 04, 2017, 06:39:14 pm
You've set this out very nicely.
I wish you luck gaining members.
Title: Re: [Terran Gaia] seeking development partners
Post by: iico on February 04, 2017, 07:28:40 pm
You've set this out very nicely.
I wish you luck gaining members.
I wish you luck on Gaining Members for your Guild!~

Thank you both very much! :D

This sounds really cool!! I looked through the docs and everything seems pretty interesting, I especially like the magick system - it looks really neat. I'd be happy to help out with creating new races if that's alright with you, I really enjoy coming up with ideas for creatures :)

Anyway, I'll be sure to join this when it's done, it sounds awesome!

Thank you too!! I sent you a message :>
Title: Re: [Terran Gaia] seeking development partners
Post by: Astraea on February 04, 2017, 08:54:55 pm
Wow, the amount of detail and plot in this Guild seems amazing and very alluring.
Thank you for sharing, I wish you luck in getting loyal members c:

Title: Re: [Terran Gaia] seeking development partners
Post by: iico on February 05, 2017, 05:59:32 pm
Wow, the amount of detail and plot in this Guild seems amazing and very alluring.
Thank you for sharing, I wish you luck in getting loyal members c:


Thank you very much!! <3<3
[also small bump]
Title: Re: [Terran Gaia] seeking development partners
Post by: Bloo. on February 05, 2017, 06:25:43 pm
Color me interested! I love medieval/skyrim themed rps! I have some freetime here and there and would love to help out where possible~
Title: Re: [Terran Gaia] seeking development partners
Post by: iico on February 05, 2017, 08:24:53 pm
Color me interested! I love medieval/skyrim themed rps! I have some freetime here and there and would love to help out where possible~
Oooh okay! Sent you a PM :3
Title: Re: [Terran Gaia] seeking development partners
Post by: iico on February 07, 2017, 08:21:49 pm
Small bump..
Title: Re: [Terran Gaia] seeking development partners
Post by: KatonaKy on February 08, 2017, 12:05:34 am
You had me at  Elder Scrolls
I would love to join in on a RP like this! I'll keep a close eye on this thread for sign-ups to open.
One question I have is are you only allowed to be the races you listed, or can you make your own?
Title: Re: [Terran Gaia] seeking development partners
Post by: iico on February 08, 2017, 01:28:59 am
You had me at  Elder Scrolls
I would love to join in on a RP like this! I'll keep a close eye on this thread for sign-ups to open.
One question I have is are you only allowed to be the races you listed, or can you make your own?

Alright! Sign ups won't be for a while yet, I still need some help developing the world of the roleplay. Plus the map used for this roleplay is GIANT and I want to include a lot of detail so that probably won't be done for 2 months or more.
You can create your own races/species if you want! I will need some basic information on them however.