Feral Heart

Community => Introduction => Topic started by: GeminiFromHell on February 12, 2017, 03:40:20 pm

Title: A Gemini From Hell's Arrival
Post by: GeminiFromHell on February 12, 2017, 03:40:20 pm
*Cue the opening theme narrator from Tales From the Darkside.*

"AND IT IS FROM THIS WORLD OF DARKNESS"-- That a new member of the FeralHeart community emerges.

Hello beautiful guppies-- And I just realized it's snowing really heavily outside my window... I'm going to have to clean that later.  :-\ Good thing I like the snow!-- Heh, sorry, got a bit distracted there. I'm the (opposite of) notorious ♊GeminiFromHell♊~ Pleased to make your acquaintance. *Le bow... Or should it be a curtsy?* I wanted to create a new topic to introduce myself, just cause I wanted to get off to a good start on FH. (I believe that good beginnings are important  :P ) I used to have another account on FH, however, I was uber uber super duper super shy and so insecure that it was not even funny. Since then, my personality has rotated 180 degrees (If it was 360 degrees I'd end up where I started. ;D Just a quick lesson for you beautiful ingrates~) I love meeting new peeps, so don't be afraid to randomly follow or message. Plus, chances are that I'll answer back too. I have to warn you though, my AP classes are eating at my nonexistant soul (not forgetting to mention my crippling bouts of depression ;D ). So I might not be really uber active, but I'll try to be on. Just wanted to warn you, because I know it's not fair if I'm RPing with someone and I just don't reply for a few days.

Um... I love RPING~ Tell me about any RP and I'll join without thinking. If you would like to RP, message me. Just here are some things you should know...
- I'm not into romance or ships. I'll write about it sure, just with RP... I can't; I have too many expectations.
- I won't RP other people's characters. I didn't create the character so I couldn't possibly portray them realistically.
- I can't be on a lot. So remind me to be on. I have a lot of tests and studying to do for my classes, so something fun to do is welcome.
- I RP in 3rd person. And usually, I RP huge ass paragraphs.

HAMILTON! HAMILTON! HAMILTON! Ever since my friend first introduced this to me and I actually listened to the soundtrack, I've been obsessed. And with my huge love for hip hop, all the references is the closest thing to God that I've ever felt. (I'm an athiest, if you couldn't tell.)

I watch some shows on and off and would love some suggestions. Also I love music, so suggestions are appreciated. I listen to everything, (well, most everything) so don't feel apprehensive about suggestions.

Shows that I watch...
- Game of Thrones (Hold door.)
- Walking Dead
- A bunch of horrible British comedies that only I find amusing~
- Spanish novellas (XD Call to my roots-- I'm half Dominican and half Polish)
- Vikings
- Hetalia
- Roots
- Hell on Wheels (Norwegians = Swedes)
- Snap Judgement (This is actually a radio show... But still a mind opening show.)
- Sons of Anarchy
- Boondocks (My fecking heart and soul, niglet.)
- Salem
- iZombie

I make a lot of bad puns and jokes about suicide. I'll try not to do that here.  :P

I really, really, really love tea. It's my favorite drink. Coffee can't compare. Try me.

A quick description of me from my family... Enjoy!
- Loud
- Revolutionary
- Grumpy
- Confused
- Ajole
- A mix of stupid and smart

Did I mention I'm a band nerd? But I actually hate all the band peeps from my current school. They're so tight knit and annoying.
Title: Re: A Gemini From Hell's Arrival
Post by: Kastilla on February 12, 2017, 03:47:40 pm

Ahaha, sorry. I get a bit excited when someone else likes Hetalia. I may or may not fangirl too hard, aha. ^^;; I'm such a weeb.

Welcome to FeralHeart, Gemini!
Title: Re: A Gemini From Hell's Arrival
Post by: turtlies on February 12, 2017, 04:09:42 pm
Greetings, fellow Hamilton fan! :D Welcome back to Feralheart, you definitely seem pretty interesting!

Hope you enjoy your time here! ^.^
Title: Re: A Gemini From Hell's Arrival
Post by: Bloo. on February 12, 2017, 05:26:35 pm
Welcome, welcome!! c: I found your introduction rather entertaining and pleasing to look at haha Hope to see you in-game, floof!!
Title: Re: A Gemini From Hell's Arrival
Post by: GeminiFromHell on February 12, 2017, 05:59:34 pm
Thank you peoples. ;D To be quite honest, I didn't think this would be seen by anyone.


Ahaha, sorry. I get a bit excited when someone else likes Hetalia. I may or may not fangirl too hard, aha. ^^;; I'm such a weeb.

Welcome to FeralHeart, Gemini!

I LOVE Hetalia! It's great to meet someone who likes it too! And I know I fangirl too hard-- which is not the best, since you can make a reference to Hetalia with virtually anything. Still, amazing to meet you!

Greetings, fellow Hamilton fan! :D Welcome back to Feralheart, you definitely seem pretty interesting!

Hope you enjoy your time here! ^.^

Thank you! You think I'm interesting? I'm going to have to stalk you now, beautiful human~ If we're Hamilton fans, does that make us Hamiltonians? I know that's a belief... But Hamiltonians sounds kind cool.

Welcome, welcome!! c: I found your introduction rather entertaining and pleasing to look at haha Hope to see you in-game, floof!!
I appreciate that! I tried to make it "aesthetically pleasing." I'm glad I succeeded. At first I thought it was a little much  ;D . I hope to see you too, fellow floof!
Title: Re: A Gemini From Hell's Arrival
Post by: MyEngriish on February 12, 2017, 06:12:44 pm
Ey welcome here to our friendly community!You seem to be a very full-of-personality person so i hope we can be friends:>
     Can't wait to hear more about ye
Enjoy yer time here and may the rest of your stay be the same!:>
Hope i'll see ya soon,
Title: Re: A Gemini From Hell's Arrival
Post by: Kerriki on February 12, 2017, 07:16:35 pm
Welcome fellow band geek ;3 I hope to see you in-game soon!
Title: Re: A Gemini From Hell's Arrival
Post by: VortexAlive on February 12, 2017, 07:24:38 pm
I hope you enjoy your time here! :D
Title: Re: A Gemini From Hell's Arrival
Post by: iico on February 12, 2017, 07:34:38 pm
"Hamilton" "Game of Thrones" "Vikings" "Hetalia"


Welcome to FH ^^ I hope to see you ingame sometime :)
Title: Re: A Gemini From Hell's Arrival
Post by: ArcticGalaxy on February 12, 2017, 07:42:40 pm

But omg, you seem like an amazing person. xD Welcome to FeralHeart! Hope you enjoy playing. xD
Title: Re: A Gemini From Hell's Arrival
Post by: Morgra on February 12, 2017, 09:15:59 pm
Amazing intro and welcome to FeralHeart! <3 You seem like a really funny person. I'm sure you'll make lots of friends.

Are you gonna be watching the midseason Walking Dead premiere tonight :3
Iz gonna be guuud
Title: Re: A Gemini From Hell's Arrival
Post by: Astraea on February 12, 2017, 10:01:40 pm
Ahhh, I'm a Gemini! xD Welcome to Feralheart, Gemini! It's great to see yet another face!
I hope to see you around in-game, you seem great!
Title: Re: A Gemini From Hell's Arrival
Post by: Kynvuu on February 12, 2017, 10:40:52 pm
Woot another one joining the Gemini army xD Welcome to Feral Heart! Hope ya have lots of fun here!<3
Title: Re: A Gemini From Hell's Arrival
Post by: GeminiFromHell on February 13, 2017, 01:25:08 am
I'm going to drop a tear. YOU ALL ARE SO WELCOMING~ It's a great surprise... Like getting a present on your sibling's birthday. And I love all the different art you guys use, as well. So creative.

Have a virtual cookie~ As thanks and appreciation.


Ey welcome here to our friendly community!You seem to be a very full-of-personality person so i hope we can be friends:>
     Can't wait to hear more about ye
Enjoy yer time here and may the rest of your stay be the same!:>
Hope i'll see ya soon,

Thank you so much! I really does mean a lot to me. I hope we can be friends too. Hopefully we'll meet up in-game? If you'd like to, of course.

Welcome fellow band geek ;3 I hope to see you in-game soon!

YAY! I play Alto Sax for marching band and (was forced to) play the Bass Clarinet for normal concerts. What do you play? I also thank you, and hope to see you in game as well!

I hope you enjoy your time here! :D
Thank you! I appreciate that! Plus, that is so colorful and fun to look at.

"Hamilton" "Game of Thrones" "Vikings" "Hetalia"


Welcome to FH ^^ I hope to see you ingame sometime :)

*You can't tell right now, but I'm laughing.* You just reminded me that I haven't watched Tom and Jerry in a year... Makes me want to revisit that show. And same to you!


But omg, you seem like an amazing person. xD Welcome to FeralHeart! Hope you enjoy playing. xD

*Flails wildly as well.* Thank you, beautiful human! You're so sweet!

Amazing intro and welcome to FeralHeart! <3 You seem like a really funny person. I'm sure you'll make lots of friends.

Are you gonna be watching the midseason Walking Dead premiere tonight :3
Iz gonna be guuud

That's uber nice of you to say. Most of the time my jokes are lost on people. Friends? My parents told me the opposite when I first entered kindergarten.

YESH, I better be mind blowing amazing. I'm going to record it and watch it tomorrow, though. I'm kind of behind on some work I need to do.

Ahhh, I'm a Gemini! xD Welcome to Feralheart, Gemini! It's great to see yet another face!
I hope to see you around in-game, you seem great!

Always great to meet another Gemini! One day we'll grow so large in numbers, the world will have to listen. Plus, thank you so much. And same to you!

Woot another one joining the Gemini army xD Welcome to Feral Heart! Hope ya have lots of fun here!<3

Don't reveal the whereabouts of our army to the other zodiacs! No, but in all seriousness, thank you.
Title: Re: A Gemini From Hell's Arrival
Post by: sanrio on February 13, 2017, 01:26:46 am
I'm a bit late but I wanted to say hi!
And I'm actually a Gemini :oo
Title: Re: A Gemini From Hell's Arrival
Post by: Enoki on February 13, 2017, 07:21:23 pm
AAAAA, iZombie fan! I've watched both seasons and so pumped f'er season 3.

Anyhoo, 'allo, hun! I hope ye 'ave a great time with us! If ye need anything, feel free to message a staff member, make a thread in the help board, or I'd be happy to lend a claw. I hope to catch ye around in-game. ;3
Title: Re: A Gemini From Hell's Arrival
Post by: GeminiFromHell on February 15, 2017, 02:06:09 am
I'm a bit late but I wanted to say hi!
And I'm actually a Gemini :oo

It's never too late to say hi! *Salutes* Hello fellow Gemini.

AAAAA, iZombie fan! I've watched both seasons and so pumped f'er season 3.

Anyhoo, 'allo, hun! I hope ye 'ave a great time with us! If ye need anything, feel free to message a staff member, make a thread in the help board, or I'd be happy to lend a claw. I hope to catch ye around in-game. ;3

I can't wait till the hows starts back up again. I've been tearing my hair out waiting. Thank you! I feel a noob, since it's been so long, so I'll probably need help getting around. And I hope to see you in game as well.