(http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah314/ObviouslyKen/tenor_zpsrxlp5aye.gif) (http://s1383.photobucket.com/user/ObviouslyKen/media/tenor_zpsrxlp5aye.gif.html)
Hello! I'm here to open up some art requests. I'll only be taking
I have every right to decline your request if I don't want to do it/feel as if
it's out of my capability. If you've read this far, in the section stated "ref 1"
say scruffy. Ref 2 is where you put your actual reference.
This is my only example:
(http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah314/ObviouslyKen/001_by_crytown-dazzogi_zpsy2e0chht.png) (http://s1383.photobucket.com/user/ObviouslyKen/media/001_by_crytown-dazzogi_zpsy2e0chht.png.html)
Ref 1:
Ref 2:
Ahh I love your style, its so adorable! Hope you don't mind if I drop in a request!
Username: Kynvuu
Ref 1: scruffy
Ref 2: http://kynvuu.deviantart.com/art/Kynvuu-V-1-2-Reference-Sheet-615946040
Thank you!
I'd love one ahh!
Username: Accailia
Ref 1: scruffy
Ref 2: http://accailia-wolf.deviantart.com/art/Accailia-Reference-Sheet-663848776 (Don't forget the spec in her right eye)!
Thanks! <3
Username: Ms.Tea
Ref 1: Scruffy
Ref 2: http://imgur.com/OKRBVmI http://imgur.com/g3Ap8Je
Like what the heck your art is soo good...like wha..
Ayy you've got some really appealing art. I like your unique take on eyes.
If you don't mind, I would like to request a headshot of my OC Nero
Username: Zircon
Ref 1: scruffy
Ref 2: http://morqque.deviantart.com/art/Nero-2-0-Headshot-671096907
As it seems like you've already got quite a few requests, I'll hold off on requesting for nao. Your art is amazing though! I'm definitely gonna keep an eye here to see when there's not so many requests for you, so I can slide in and possibly nab one, lul.
Username: Cookie202
Ref 1: Scruffy
Ref 2: http://orig14.deviantart.net/d23f/f/2017/084/0/4/cooria___character_reference_by_cookie202-db3jzl4.png (http://orig14.deviantart.net/d23f/f/2017/084/0/4/cooria___character_reference_by_cookie202-db3jzl4.png)
Ahhhhh I would love one!!!!
Username: ArcticGalaxy
Ref 1: Scruffy
Ref 2:Merp (http://sta.sh/21xkxxa736j8?edit=1)
Please take your time. I'm in no rush. ^^
Username: Ms.Tea
Ref 1: Scruffy
Ref 2: http://imgur.com/OKRBVmI http://imgur.com/g3Ap8Je
Like what the heck your art is soo good...like wha..
canine only please
Ahh I love your style, its so adorable! Hope you don't mind if I drop in a request!
Username: Kynvuu
Ref 1: scruffy
Ref 2: http://kynvuu.deviantart.com/art/Kynvuu-V-1-2-Reference-Sheet-615946040
Thank you!
not used to working with antlers/and or neons, but i'll certainly try my best!
I'd love one ahh!
Username: Accailia
Ref 1: scruffy
Ref 2: http://accailia-wolf.deviantart.com/art/Accailia-Reference-Sheet-663848776 (Don't forget the spec in her right eye)!
Thanks! <3
of course accabutt <33
As it seems like you've already got quite a few requests, I'll hold off on requesting for nao. Your art is amazing though! I'm definitely gonna keep an eye here to see when there's not so many requests for you, so I can slide in and possibly nab one, lul.
it's alright!!!<: i'm not easily stressed!
Ahh I love your style, its so adorable! Hope you don't mind if I drop in a request!
Username: Kynvuu
Ref 1: scruffy
Ref 2: http://kynvuu.deviantart.com/art/Kynvuu-V-1-2-Reference-Sheet-615946040
Thank you!
not used to working with antlers/and or neons, but i'll certainly try my best!
Ah, thank you! If she turns out to be too complex of a character, don't worry about it x3 She's got quite the whimsical design.
Username: Ms.Tea
Ref 1: Scruffy
Ref 2: http://imgur.com/OKRBVmI http://imgur.com/g3Ap8Je
Like what the heck your art is soo good...like wha..
canine only please
Opps, sorry about that (Must have had a brain fart). But if you're still willing ^-^
Username: Ms.Tea
Ref 1: Scruffy
Ref 2: http://imgur.com/uqUR0dz (She's plain white albino chihuahua)
If you're still open for requests<3
Username: Regularities
Ref 1: Scruffy
Ref 2: http://sta.sh/01jdqjqhrs1s
if requests are still being made :D
Username: Potatolynx1
Ref 1: scruffy
ref 2: http://pre07.deviantart.net/d59b/th/pre/i/2016/108/b/1/_another_free_preset__by_undiscoverededen-d9zdq00.jpg
I'm excited to see how these requests turn out. <3 From the example picture above, you have quite the talent.
I've found myself to be quite eager, as well.
A heartfelt token of appreciation to you for offering such skill to the community. *Nuzzles.*
What lovely talent you have! ^.^ I too cannot wait to see how all of these turn out!