Feral Heart

Off topic => Discussion Board => Other Games => Topic started by: ashy29 on April 17, 2017, 02:46:28 am

Title: other animal rpg multiplayer games out there?
Post by: ashy29 on April 17, 2017, 02:46:28 am
I was wondering if there are any other games like feral heart, cereal soup, dragons den or canis lupus thanks <3  ;D :)
Title: Re: other animal rpg multiplayer games out there?
Post by: BirdyBlu on April 17, 2017, 04:50:25 am
Have you tried WolfQuest? C: I believe its like... $10 to buy it via their site, BUT its a great game. :) Realistically based, you hunt either alone or in a pack, Roleplay online with others on Multiplayer, Take care of pups and much more! XD Many Quests you have to achieve. :) Younger audiences seem to really enjoy it.

If interested... (  http://wolfquest.org/  ) that is the link to the website! Enjoy!

~Birdy Blu
Title: Re: other animal rpg multiplayer games out there?
Post by: WaterMelons4lif on April 17, 2017, 04:09:08 pm
Wolfquest is a great game x3.

Heres more you should try:
Animal Jam
Title: Re: other animal rpg multiplayer games out there?
Post by: MoonwalkingZear on April 17, 2017, 10:55:10 pm
Mmmm don't know of any, besides a handful that are prone to hacks and like another handful that do not work on Google Chrome because of their policy against video game plugins including Unity. I'd recommend WolfQuest like everyone else but since it's targeted demographic is children around 9-12 years of age roleplay will be limited.

Oh and for sweet sakes, as a survivor of the *insert stuff unsuitable for the Feral Heart forum here* on the game, do NOT play Animal Jam.
Title: Re: other animal rpg multiplayer games out there?
Post by: WaterMelons4lif on April 17, 2017, 11:52:35 pm
I reccomend WolfQuest and Meadow since they are child friendly and awesome animal MMO RPGs that are multiplayer.
Both are not free.

Animal Jam has hackers  ,viruses  ,perverts and trolls hanging around on there , so be really careful if you play Animal Jam.

I know  StarStable , and Alica online , they are cool too.
Title: Re: other animal rpg multiplayer games out there?
Post by: Gigi on April 17, 2017, 11:53:53 pm
There was a game called Monkey, but its closed. :/
Title: Re: other animal rpg multiplayer games out there?
Post by: WaterMelons4lif on April 17, 2017, 11:58:06 pm
Monkey Quest?  Yeah it shut down used to play it :(

I played Club Penguin , It shut down too.

I listed better open games above already -.-.
Title: Re: other animal rpg multiplayer games out there?
Post by: ashy29 on April 18, 2017, 05:28:10 am
thanks guys I do not play aj as it lags a lot and it basically forces you to pay money even though its meant to be a kids game I also play ao and sso
Title: Re: other animal rpg multiplayer games out there?
Post by: Morqque on April 18, 2017, 05:11:48 pm
kek, i still play animal jam and have for at least two years now and ive yet to encounter
any issues with other people or such on it. That's one I would usually recommend.
There really arent any animal based mmos besides this one, and all the tons of Impressive Title servers, good ones in
my opinion at least
Title: Re: other animal rpg multiplayer games out there?
Post by: Agent on June 01, 2017, 04:14:55 am
You should really check out last moon! It's fantastic! http://lastmoon.org/
Title: Re: other animal rpg multiplayer games out there?
Post by: FlyingGrass on June 01, 2017, 09:52:55 am
There is: Star Stable Online(Horses), Lif(All sorts of animals. Requires FireFox), Fly Like A Bird 3(Birds. Requires FireFox) and all Impressive Title servers(Mostly canine and feline, but there can be other species. All free).
Title: Re: other animal rpg multiplayer games out there?
Post by: Wolflover224 on July 19, 2017, 08:19:40 pm
There is: Star Stable Online(Horses), Lif(All sorts of animals. Requires FireFox), Fly Like A Bird 3(Birds. Requires FireFox) and all Impressive Title servers(Mostly canine and feline, but there can be other species. All free).
Fly Like A Bird recently shut down (actually all the games on GameVial shut down) and there's no way to access them now.
For another animal game I would probably recommend Dawn Of Eternity! It's super fun and you can be a wolf, cat, and horse!