Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Game Suggestions & Ideas => Topic started by: vegeta on May 08, 2017, 06:42:05 pm

Title: this is probably the wrong section xdddddddddddd
Post by: vegeta on May 08, 2017, 06:42:05 pm
i think this should be in the
update section? if that exists idk ihavent been on the forum in ages

if feral heart gets future updates, i would love to see new body parts for the char creation thingy
maybe new tails, ears
and if possible maybe shards for items, i don't think thats possible because FH is laggy and will probably lag more or even worse xdddddddd
maybe new maps emotes, actions idk i'm really bad at guessing things

comic sans though xdddddddd
Title: Re: this is probably the wrong section xdddddddddddd
Post by: sanrio on May 08, 2017, 06:44:25 pm
The staff don't actually have the forum code so I doubt they could bring in new features such as tails, but certain players of FH have made mods for it so it may be possible.

But as for items, shards sound pretty cool, also new maps seem like a fantastic idea! Sometimes it gets boring seeing the same maps for a while.
Title: Re: this is probably the wrong section xdddddddddddd
Post by: Warriorstrike on May 08, 2017, 06:50:21 pm
I will move your topic over to the Game Opinons & Ideas board, as I think your topic would fit appropriately there. c:

Unfortunately, there are some setbacks to those ideas, as we do not have the source code, which allows us to implement new things like character models into the game. Item shards sound quite interesting, though.

Thank you for your suggestions!
Title: Re: this is probably the wrong section xdddddddddddd
Post by: Azurain on May 08, 2017, 08:37:51 pm
If we had the source, I would love to see new ears, tails, etc put in. But as Reggy said, there are mods for certain ears and tails. And Emotes. Basically there is a mod for everything. However, with things like the emotes, they can be put into an update, as the emotes were updated with full update last year, so I would like to see some new emotes. Maybe an emote that looks like you're fed up with the world. Where their eyes are closed and their face is scrunched up like they have a headache or something. I would have that emote on 24/7