Feral Heart

Community => Introduction => Topic started by: VortexAlive on July 11, 2017, 05:00:48 am

Title: Vortex Returns!
Post by: VortexAlive on July 11, 2017, 05:00:48 am

I, VortexAlive, have returned to the land of the living... and I'm here to stay! :D
"It's not just a game... It's home... and they aren't just random people... They're family, which means I care." - me 2017

--- Return message ---

I'm not new, I'm a returning member.

Guess who's back!? and with a titanium mindset too! Wonder where I can get one of those...*Quick-speaking* but anyway how have you all been? What have y'all been up to? How have things changed? What's new? What's old? What are all the hot topics today?! I've missed you all so much! It broke my heart to make the decision to leave a while back... I never wanted that, but I felt it was necessary to overcome my biggest obstacle, which I unfortunately did not do. I'm going to make it though, and I hope everyone else does to! There are so many things I want to do that I might be in overdrive for a long while, with so much unused energy to! *BREATHES* ... I took a peek at a few things around from when I left, I'm a little saddened to think Silverside was released the way that it was and remember how poorly I did with that items pack thing... the first is so unfinished(1/10th according to my old plans and I did so poorly with the heightmap, I don't see mountains and waterfalls like I first imagined it... and the second went up in flames... I'm also very happy though, the messages in the post mentioning my leave were too much for me to go without tears, ok I might be a bit emotional but when you think you're alone and failing at every turn... it's hard not to be. I'm so excited to be back and can't wait to start making a difference again! I'm curious to know, what do you all think I should do first? OH I KNOW! *Creates a biography* Ok besides that? xD

I MISSED YOU!!! ;-;!

tl;dr = Hey I'm back and want to hang out, chat and do things, leave a comment, look me up on Skype or Discord(uhh after 8am though lol) and/or pm me and say hellooooo-fades out-! :D

===== !!! END OF POST !!! =====
wait...(open)... coffee, ctrl-c(copy), coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, ctrl+v(paste), ctrl-c, ctrl+v, ctrl+v, ctrl+v, ctrl+v, ctrl+v, ctrl+v, copy n' paste the COFFEE!!! =P
c[~] c[~] c[~] c[~] c[~] c[~] c[~] c[~] ctrl+s(save), alt+F4(close)! oops... that was my internet tab. XD
Title: Re: Vortex Returns!
Post by: Morgra on July 11, 2017, 05:19:11 am
Welcome back Vortex!!! It has been awhile. I'm so happy to see you returning. And, for whatever is going on in your life, you have an outstanding positive attitude about it. It's hard to stay positive in tough times but it is really the best we can do for ourselves. ^^ Be proud of yourself for simply staying strong.

As for FeralHeart, not much has been going on other than our usual events and occurrences. We have had a few movie showings and still plan on many more to come. The FeralHeart Summer Party is coming up on July 22nd at 5 PM Eastern. For the thread with more information, click the ticket in my signature (and a lot of other users' signatures xD). We're collecting presets so your first returning activity could be to create your preset for the party if you plan on attending.

Hope to see you around ingame soon. Once again, glad to see you back.
Title: Re: Vortex Returns!
Post by: Kuri on July 11, 2017, 05:19:43 am
Was wondering if you're return.
So what things will you make now?
Title: Re: Vortex Returns!
Post by: VortexAlive on July 11, 2017, 05:28:44 am

Hey Morgra, thanks! Sweet an event right around the corner and I've been wanting to make a new preset so this is perfect!

I know, it's been a while but hi Kuri!. I think I'll be making a new preset first now... as soon as the coffee finishes. :D
Title: Re: Vortex Returns!
Post by: Kerriki on July 11, 2017, 06:17:31 am
Vortex! It's nice seeing you around here again ^^ Welcome back!!
Title: Re: Vortex Returns!
Post by: VortexAlive on July 11, 2017, 06:41:37 am
Hallo Kiki! Good to see you to! :D

*I'm removing the quote text to keep it from being messy, that's why they're blank. xD
Title: Re: Vortex Returns!
Post by: G4RG0YLE on July 11, 2017, 09:19:21 am
It's nice to see you again, VortexAlive!
I hope you'll overcome this large obstacle, and just know that many people are around you to help you if you need it- don't be afraid to send any of us a Private Message or over Skype/Discord, wherever you are when you need some moral support. Can't wait to see what plans you have for FeralHeart, you've offered much to the community already and even though that item pack and some maps didn't go according to plan, I'm certain success will start to rise up through your works. I can't wait to see you around in-game and here on the forums again. c:
Title: Re: Vortex Returns!
Post by: VortexAlive on July 11, 2017, 09:36:47 am
gradient_0.png gradient_1.png gradient_2.png gradient_3.png

wait... that's not right...

Aha! Hey Shurtle, good to see you again and thanks very much! As for my FH plans, that bit at the top is me making a preset. xD

There are other plans now to! But I'll let the plans unfold as I do things. =P
Title: Re: Vortex Returns!
Post by: sanrio on July 11, 2017, 03:04:24 pm
Ayy, the Vortex is back!
You may not remember me but I was formerly Regularities, we didn't speak much but I always knew you were kind.
Don't be afraid to see hi to me if you see me in-game! c:
Title: Re: Vortex Returns!
Post by: Astraea on July 11, 2017, 03:56:06 pm
Ayyyee, Vortex!
Welcome back my friend. As others have stated a few get togethers have happened and new MOTS but nothing more to say the least! I hope you find this transition easy, please PM me if you need any help! Welcome back again! <3 <3
Title: Re: Vortex Returns!
Post by: VortexAlive on July 11, 2017, 06:18:06 pm
I remember you, thank you! Hello Arreze! :D
I'll definitely try to say hi this time if I see you on! ^.^

Thank you and hallo Accalia! Well I hope those get togethers were fun and wish those MOTS great luck, I should probably say that on the MOTS page though huh? xD
Will do and thank you again! ^.^
Title: Re: Vortex Returns!
Post by: Astraea on July 11, 2017, 06:39:00 pm
You're welcome!
Come say hi in-game if you are ever on! <3 <3
Title: Re: Vortex Returns!
Post by: Insoholic on July 11, 2017, 06:44:25 pm
Welcome back to the community, Vortex! It's good to have you back.
I look forward to seeing you around, feel free to say "Hi!" if you see me in-game.
Title: Re: Vortex Returns!
Post by: VortexAlive on July 11, 2017, 07:04:36 pm
Thanks Valhayes! Looking forward to seeing you around to! ^.^
Title: Re: Vortex Returns!
Post by: LordSuragaha on July 12, 2017, 05:21:47 am
-gives you a big hug-

Welcome back you super awesome fluffbutt! I was thrilled to see you back on the boards! You've been missed greatly. Seeing you around again makes everything feel like one big happy family again <3 Hope you've been well.
Title: Re: Vortex Returns!
Post by: VortexAlive on July 12, 2017, 01:16:06 pm
Awwe hugs are awesome! Thanks Sura -returns a hug-! ^.^
I have been well, I hope you've been well as well! :D