Feral Heart

FeralHeart Creations => FeralHeart Media => Art Gallery => Topic started by: Likopinina on July 13, 2017, 10:15:53 pm

Title: Taking requests (closed)
Post by: Likopinina on July 13, 2017, 10:15:53 pm
EDIT: Okay, I'm finished

For Ms Tee

Kiki for Kikiorylandia

Sobek for Arreze

For thepinkHound

Nynx for Warriorstrike

I've been experimenting with some shading colors on my characters, but I thought I might as well experiment on other people's chars. So if you're interested, drop a reference sheet, or a screenshot in a comment below.

I get the lines and shading done traditionally and I color it digitally. So the stuff will look like this (but without background)
Title: Re: Taking requests (6 slots, all open)
Post by: Astraea on July 13, 2017, 10:18:29 pm
Meee! I love your art!

I'd like a transparent background and any expression is okay. c: Thanks!
Title: Re: Taking requests (6 slots, all open)
Post by: sanrio on July 13, 2017, 10:22:53 pm
I really love your art, a simplistic and realistic murge looks really nice.
Would you mind drawing Aluze?
>Reference Sheet< (https://img13.deviantart.net/629f/i/2017/184/9/e/aluze___ref_sheet_by_arreze-dbeyi1k.png)
She can have flowers in her hair (shown >here< (https://arreze.deviantart.com/art/With-you-691327166)) but it's your choice to add them or not)
Title: Re: Taking requests (6 slots, all open)
Post by: Kerriki on July 13, 2017, 11:08:48 pm
Your artwork is amazing! I hope you wouldn't mind drawing Kiki? c': (Transparent background with any pose or expression is fine!)


Thanks for making this offer! Very kind of you~
Title: Re: Taking requests (6 slots, all open)
Post by: Warriorstrike on July 13, 2017, 11:32:35 pm
Your art is beautiful! You have quite a unique style, and I'm sure it must take quite a bit of effort and time to draw traditionally before coloring through digital means. Would you be interested in drawing little Nynx? c: (Feel free to play around with colors and draw it however you'd like, really. Nynx is blind, but if you're feeling creative, I don't mind if you want to test out different looks. <3).


Thank you for doing this! <3
Title: Re: Taking requests (6 slots, all open)
Post by: Ms.Tea on July 14, 2017, 03:47:27 am
Would you try something..eh different? Could I request a female deer consisting of these colors? http://imgur.com/a/WcsZ1
(I just got her)

I know this kinda seems like a custom, but it can be exotic, mystical, magical looking deer whatever you'd like. Feel free to test out shading and such. This one is really just care free. Can add flowers or anything. ^-^
Title: Re: Taking requests (6 slots, all open)
Post by: Likopinina on July 14, 2017, 08:55:24 pm
 Accailia, Arreze and Ms. Tee, you are giving me too lightly colored chars. If I shade a white char with blue, for example, then the shading will obviously look blue, so no need to experiment with that.

Sorry, I should've mentioned this in the post
Title: Re: Taking requests (6 slots, all open)
Post by: sanrio on July 14, 2017, 08:59:39 pm
Accailia, Arreze and Ms. Tee, you are giving me too lightly colored chars. If I shade a white char with blue, for example, then the shading will obviously look blue, so no need to experiment with that.

Sorry, I should've mentioned this in the post
Ah, it's quite alright, don't worry, but you don't have to shade it if that's the problem.
If you're not too busy you can always draw >Sobek< (https://toyhou.se/982246.sobek-/gallery), if it's not too much of a hassle.
Title: Re: Taking requests (6 slots, all open)
Post by: Ms.Tea on July 15, 2017, 12:04:22 am
Accailia, Arreze and Ms. Tee, you are giving me too lightly colored chars. If I shade a white char with blue, for example, then the shading will obviously look blue, so no need to experiment with that.

Sorry, I should've mentioned this in the post

Hey that's fine, you can make the deer any exotic color you want then. Like I said before this is just a care free ^^
Title: Re: Taking requests (still open)
Post by: thepinkHound on July 19, 2017, 04:10:08 pm
 ill like something for her?

Title: Re: Taking requests (closed)
Post by: Ms.Tea on July 21, 2017, 09:33:16 pm
Just wonderful work! Stunning, thank you again ^-^
Title: Re: Taking requests (closed)
Post by: FlewToTheCity on July 24, 2017, 08:23:18 am
Aww, Must have just missed out. If you ever open again would you draw >>Benjen (http://flewtothecity2.deviantart.com/favourites/73093799/benjen)<< how you draw him is completely up to you. I can message you his biography if it helps get his vibe ;o;

again your art style is so fricken cute, i love it c: +Floof
Title: Re: Taking requests (closed)
Post by: Vespian on July 24, 2017, 08:26:50 am
Great lordy loo, when this is back open, Vesp's hopping aboard this train.