Feral Heart

Help & Guidance => Game Help => Topic started by: amber501 on August 18, 2017, 05:20:14 am

Title: Curious about some things
Post by: amber501 on August 18, 2017, 05:20:14 am
Hey! I've been a member for a good few years (not sure why I needed to say that but eh) but back around spring break of this year my old computer got pretty messed up and I lost it's data. There's a chance I can take it in for repair around Christmas but we'll see.. Luckily! I had my markings and items backed up to a USB!  ;D However, I've lost all my downloaded maps... (Again not sure why I needed to say that?) I'm not here to ask for any map downloads but I won't completely reject to downloading any if you feel like sharing them I guess.  Just.. It's been MONTHS since I've played this and I'm confused about a lot ya know? I know FH updated to new maps (still a bit sad over that but hey change can sometimes be good) so don't worry about explaining any of that to me. I guess all I really want to know is if that whole login dilemma is over with? Like do I need to have that one login browser anymore to get into the game? If I do, could any of you be so kind to send me the link? I'm a bit too lazy to do my own digging.. ^^;
Title: Re: Curious about some things
Post by: Vespian on August 18, 2017, 05:26:15 am
Hello, there.

Welcome back! It's good to see a returning user.
Methinks this thread is better suited for the "Game Help," board so me will message a friendly moderator about it- could be wrong, however!

As for the login, yes, it's still required. You can find the login tab by clicking on the upper, far right navigation titled "Play Game."
It's also here, if you so want it: https://feral-heart.com/login/index.php

As for maps, what kind are you looking for? We have a lovely Maps childboard located under the FeralHeart Add-Ons and Mods board you can browse through.
Title: Re: Curious about some things
Post by: Morgra on August 18, 2017, 05:31:29 am
Moving this over to Game Help! c:
Title: Re: Curious about some things
Post by: amber501 on August 18, 2017, 05:33:05 am
It's good to be back!

Ah, thank you so much for this! I feel a bit silly finding out that I could've simply pressed play game to get the login haha.. But thanks for the link as well!
Thank you again for linking me to the maps page! I'm sure I'll find a lot of nice ones there. ^^
Title: Re: Curious about some things
Post by: Vespian on August 18, 2017, 05:35:38 am
Of course! If you need any further assistance, feel free to give a nudge!
Title: Re: Curious about some things
Post by: amber501 on August 18, 2017, 05:39:55 am
Will do! :D

My question has kindly been answered so in case any confirmation is needed, this post is clear for lock down! c: