Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Forum Discussion => Forum Games => Topic started by: Speedyscout122 on October 30, 2017, 08:45:59 am

Title: ~ Random Character Challenge ~
Post by: Speedyscout122 on October 30, 2017, 08:45:59 am
Note1: if you did anything similar, I'm sorry ;-;
Note2: I don't know where to put this, you can move it to a different category if you need to c:
Hi, so I see you wanna do my challenge c: Well, the steps are below ;3
Step 1. Open random.org, it is what we will use to randomize.
Step 2. Open FH is small screen (not full screen) c:
Step 3. Start randomizing! Count the number of things (ex. there are 17 emotes. Set the randomizer thingy to 1-17. Count all the things, and set random.org to that number.. 1-17, 1-22, etc.). The only thing you don't randomize is the name and build/body shape- you even randomize the breed (feline/canine)!
NOTE: You can randomize up to 5 accessories.
Step 4. Now for color! Randomize EACH thingy (ex. Randomize r, g, and b for body color, underfur, etc.).
Step 5. Enjoy your crazy new OC xD
I got a blue, green, and pink OC who I called Sparkle. He was a feline.
Title: Re: ~ Random Character Challenge ~
Post by: Kynvuu on October 30, 2017, 01:06:28 pm
Moving this over to the Forum Games section as I feel it may fit better there c: