Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Game Suggestions & Ideas => Topic started by: KayKay on November 11, 2017, 07:57:24 pm

Title: A Returning Players Opinion on the new FH
Post by: KayKay on November 11, 2017, 07:57:24 pm
  I left FH late/mid 2013 due to a couple of reasons A - I was growing tired of the same old. and B - it just wasn't interesting to me anymore. I've RPed, joined packs, trolled a little. None of it was fun anymore, that and I'd discovered another game, an FPS game called team fortress 2, and spent time (and money, mind you) on it. Don't get me wrong, I still play it. But I found FH again when I saw a video of it in my recommended section on YouTube and thought I'd give it a try.

I'd heard of the update prior to getting it again, and honestly I didn't expect much. Maybe just a few bug fixes, but when I started it up i was amazed. The Lonely Cave was different, it was bigger and didn't really seem lonely anymore. I was mind blown and honestly, I was excited to see what was in store. I had a look around, had a little confusion on where portals were but eventually figured it out (took me an hour to find the entrance to Ficho. smh)

  The maps -

Another reason I stopped playing was because the maps started to get boring and bland. South Pole was always so quiet, and if people were talking it was in Russian or any other language. But that map meant a lot to me, i met a few friends through it who don't play FH as much anymore. My opinion on the new maps..slightly on the fence. I like them, especially Cherika Valley, and the Grounds is basically a newer stone bridge (generally speaking) whilst Ficho and Bonfire still hold their charm, but I do miss Fluorite and South Pole though. - But the redesigns made up for it.

Navigation was difficult at first, like I stated. But it makes it more fun and immersive. I found new things while searching for places I wanted to go to, and honestly the team outdid themselves. I love these maps and hope to see more in the future.


The UI to me is something I quite enjoy. It isn't up in your face like it used to be and is easier to get around now.
Theres not much I can say here since I'm still having an in - depth look, but I'll update.


The change I'm the most happy with is replacing the buttswing emote with moonwalk from IT. its extremely nostalgic and makes for a good idea. I'm glad they implemented it because lets face it - we needed more dance moves :)


Thank GOODNESS, they have more than a Christmas hat?! it must be my lucky day!
Seriously though, great choice once again. I am quite enjoying this new FH, although some people will disagree, its still fun and I'm glad I came back!

please correct me with anything, lol. but yeah. let me know what you think![/font][/color]
Title: Re: A Returning Players Opinion on the new FH
Post by: Warriorstrike on November 11, 2017, 09:16:24 pm
I'll move this over to the Game Opinions & Ideas board, as you are offering your opinion regarding the new game changes. ^^

Thank you for your input and feedback! I'm glad to hear that you have been enjoying some of the changes. Hopefully we can continue to modify and add things that people will enjoy. We will be adding new maps in future patches, so while some things may feel a bit off or out of place (such as the lack of colder maps or other varieties), we hope to improve FH as new updates come out. c:

Title: Re: A Returning Players Opinion on the new FH
Post by: KayKay on November 11, 2017, 09:25:53 pm
Thank you!
I am really looking forward to the new maps in future patches. It would be nice to have a colder map, for sure. :)

   Its a lovely game in itself and I'm really glad I came back.