Feral Heart

Help & Guidance => Game Help => Topic started by: DrSong on February 19, 2018, 01:52:17 pm

Title: Can't log into game (FIXED BY MYSELF, NO NEED HELP)
Post by: DrSong on February 19, 2018, 01:52:17 pm
Hello, so my friends showed me FH and I wanted to try it. Yesterday, at 8 pm Latvian time I registered, but I couldn't play then. Today I tried to play, and it couldn't let me play. At first it was problem with failing to connect to front server, but my friends helped to fix it. But I still couldn't log in. It kept saying that I wrote incorrect username or password. But everytime when I logged into FH site, it worked perfectly, everything was good. And in game it kept saying incorrect. Then I asked my friend to log into my account to see if it works for her. For her she perfectly logged into game, she sent me screenshot. But for me it still doesn't work with same username and password. I don't understand why... Please, could you help me?
Title: Re: Can't log into game
Post by: Azurain on February 19, 2018, 02:05:14 pm
If you have numbers in your password, don't use the numberpad for it if you are. Use the numbers above the letters.
 Also make sure that you aren't typing with caps lock on (I do that A LOT).
Title: Re: Can't log into game
Post by: DrSong on February 19, 2018, 02:07:25 pm
I tried with both numbers, and above letters and in right, both don't work, and yes, I checked if I write with caps on, and it still doesn't work :(
Title: Re: Can't log into game (FIXED BY MYSELF, NO NEED HELP)
Post by: Morgra on February 19, 2018, 06:35:47 pm
Locking this as it appears you have solved the problem due to your title. If this isn't the case, feel free to PM me or another staff member and we would be happy to unlock this thread for you. ^^