Feral Heart

Community => Introduction => Member Bio & Journals => Topic started by: Enii on May 23, 2018, 06:21:52 pm

Title: Enii/Frida's BIO
Post by: Enii on May 23, 2018, 06:21:52 pm
So , I feel like its time that I made a Bio about myself since I've been on FH for a while now...Lets get into it I guess?

Name : I wont share my real name - but feel free to call me...Frida?
NickName(s) : FriFri , Warrior , Celtic , Eni , Anything you wanna call me basically.
Likes : Dramas , Mixing creepy w/ cute , The Greatest Showman , Zendaya , Music , Tulips.
Dislikes : The Dark yep i have nyctphobia , falling out w/ my friends.
Other : I have a main non-wolf , animal , etc OC that I like to call Mocha. I wish I had a picture drawn here but Im so bad at drawing hah who's a TV head.
My love for FH started when I watched a random video on YT ages ago and I was like " Hey! Im gonna play that! " but the regestration was closed all the time for me >.>
So I guess thats it? I could answer questions for you?I don't know. I'll probably make my own mind up like 2 minutes after I post this.