Feral Heart

Community => Introduction => Ask Me => Topic started by: RancidWine on October 06, 2018, 04:56:10 am

Title: Aggressively Dabs
Post by: RancidWine on October 06, 2018, 04:56:10 am
Alright so here goes!
I am a senior member here who has been through a plethora of different accounts until I finally settled here. After having my ups and downs with FH, I decided to take a break which turned into a rather long hiatus.
Thanks to some wonderful people I've come back permanently and intend to stay ♡! So help me help you get to know me!
Title: Re: Aggressively Dabs
Post by: Astraea on October 06, 2018, 04:58:38 am
Ooh. Welcome back! Good to have you here again and I am glad you were able to come back. <3

1.) What are your hobbies?
2.) What do you enjoy most about FeralHeart?
3.) Do you watch any anime? If so, which ones?
Title: Re: Aggressively Dabs
Post by: Edolicious on October 06, 2018, 05:00:03 am
- Best type of cheese?
- What first drew you to Feralheart?
- How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
Title: Re: Aggressively Dabs
Post by: Calvary on October 06, 2018, 05:14:05 am
1. Do you like watching movies in theater or at home?
2. What inspired you to come back?
3. White Chocolate or Dark Chocolate?
Title: Re: Aggressively Dabs
Post by: BirdyBlu on October 06, 2018, 05:24:21 am
I see you, do you see me? Mwahaha
Title: Re: Aggressively Dabs
Post by: RancidWine on October 06, 2018, 05:26:32 am
Ooh. Welcome back! Good to have you here again and I am glad you were able to come back. <3

1.) What are your hobbies?
2.) What do you enjoy most about FeralHeart?
3.) Do you watch any anime? If so, which ones?

Thank you so much!! It's great to be back!
1. Hobbies? Oh gee I would say just being around the people I care about. My schedule generally revolves around sleeping, working, then doing something I enjoy. And 99% of the time it would be doing whatever my friends want to do. But also 99% of the time that would be playing League of Legends lmao
2. That is the easiest question! The community! There is nothing better than seeing people bind together to create one big family. I especially love seeing a person's problem solving skills along with the creativity of various types of art and writing.
3. Sadly I do not anymore! I rarely have any "me" time and when I do it's usually spent sleeping or mindlessly browing tumblr/instagram. However in the past I have seen the animes: Attack on Titan, Death Note, My Hero Academia, Soul Eater, and Free! Swim Club.
Title: Re: Aggressively Dabs
Post by: RancidWine on October 06, 2018, 05:32:09 am
- Best type of cheese?
- What first drew you to Feralheart?
- How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

1. Mozzarella, but cheddar comes in fast second.
2. Originally a middle school friend told me about WolfQuest. After being unable to really do anything there, I looked up youtube videos and found a lot about FH and IT. I thought FH and IT were the same thing at first so with "SO MANY DIFFERENT GRAPHICS" I got interested. By the time I had figured out FH was it's own game, I had already become invested.
Title: Re: Aggressively Dabs
Post by: RancidWine on October 06, 2018, 05:36:20 am
1. Do you like watching movies in theater or at home?
2. What inspired you to come back?
3. White Chocolate or Dark Chocolate?

1. 100% The theater because I am a popcorn and candy junkie. I've never been able to find popcorn that you put into the microwave that doesn't make my stomach upset :c
2. Even as I was "gone" I would continually check the forums and be around. A friend brought "No Mod October" to my attention and it broke my heart. When I saw how hard everyone was trying to help each other and stay strong; it inspired me and made me feel bad that I ever left. This place is a home and I intent to stay with my family!
3. White without a doubt. Dark chocolate is just gross!!!! However fun story! My grandmother would always have a 5lbs block of white chocolate on her counter and I would always steal little pieces of it all day long when there. However it became obvious when my not actually so small pieces went missing.
Title: Re: Aggressively Dabs
Post by: RancidWine on October 06, 2018, 05:42:23 am
I see you, do you see me? Mwahaha

Title: Re: Aggressively Dabs
Post by: BirdyBlu on October 06, 2018, 05:43:54 am
I see you, do you see me? Mwahaha

You win this round.
Title: Re: Aggressively Dabs
Post by: Insoholic on October 06, 2018, 08:35:16 am
- What age do you wish you could permanently be?
- What game or movie universe would you most like to live in?
- What shows are you into?

Title: Re: Aggressively Dabs
Post by: PocketMutt on October 06, 2018, 09:04:03 am
What would your cowboy name be? (Mine would be Buckle the Hound)
Favorite type of berry?
An unusual thing you do?
Title: Re: Aggressively Dabs
Post by: gh0ul on October 06, 2018, 12:55:32 pm
 Are actually an adc main or just love Jhin in particular?

Favourite season of the year?

Dogs or Cats?

Title: Re: Aggressively Dabs
Post by: LupusK on October 06, 2018, 02:01:41 pm
1. What is your version of true happiness?
2. When will you get on FH so I can befriend you?
3. Do I need a third question?
Title: Re: Aggressively Dabs
Post by: RancidWine on October 06, 2018, 11:22:55 pm
- What age do you wish you could permanently be?
- What game or movie universe would you most like to live in?
- What shows are you into?

1. 25! It's my favourite number, it's a good young age, and I feel like at that age I will be happy.
2. Oh jeez this is a hard question. Don't laugh, but Steven Universe. I would be elated to be a gem!
3. Bones, Supernatural, and Chopped :D
Title: Re: Aggressively Dabs
Post by: RancidWine on October 06, 2018, 11:26:24 pm
What would your cowboy name be? (Mine would be Buckle the Hound)
Favorite type of berry?
An unusual thing you do?

1. Ace Gun Virtue ;)
2. Oh jeez you entered my favourite food group! I can't choose between strawberries, blueberries, banana, and peach!
3. My lost puppy neutral expression. People always say I look lost and/or sad but it's just my face!
Title: Re: Aggressively Dabs
Post by: RancidWine on October 06, 2018, 11:31:45 pm
Are actually an adc main or just love Jhin in particular?

Favourite season of the year?

Dogs or Cats?

1. I actually play all roles A LOT. I have such a large variety of characters that I have points into nearly every champion and no high mastery levels. However ADC is my go to role as I very much enjoy; Jhin, Xayah, Lucian, Miss Fortune, Vayne, Kog'Maw, Ezreal, Jinx, Sivir, Varus, and Twitch ♡♡ (As well as own 99% of each and every one of their skins all together)
2. Autumn! The colours and the cool air, along with that incoming winter smell- I can't get enough!
3. OH JEEEEZ. Okay now THIS is the hardest question I have. I honestly can't choose. I formerly worked as a veterinary assistant for four years and I've been able to see both the pros and cons of both species along with owning both as beloved pets. However if I look into my future for what I want to add to my family, a dog has come to my mind first.
Title: Re: Aggressively Dabs
Post by: RancidWine on October 06, 2018, 11:34:29 pm
1. What is your version of true happiness?
2. When will you get on FH so I can befriend you?
3. Do I need a third question?

1. When other people can benefit off of the happiness too. If others can take joy in what makes you happy, then it will always make me happier.
2. Psh as long as you've given me a proper greeting and don't randomly add me, you are always welcome to send a friend request @ TwiceADare ♡
3. Wasn't that third question phrased as a question? So isn't it actually a question? :thinkingemoji:
Title: Re: Aggressively Dabs
Post by: aButteredBanana on October 07, 2018, 04:08:56 am
1. What's your favorite kind of seafood?

2. If you don't like seafood, favorite kind of fish (not to eat)?

3. How aggressive do you aggressively dab?
Title: Re: Aggressively Dabs
Post by: RancidWine on October 10, 2018, 02:22:12 am
1. What's your favorite kind of seafood?

2. If you don't like seafood, favorite kind of fish (not to eat)?

3. How aggressive do you aggressively dab?

1. Ahhh uugghhh nooo! I hate seafood so much :CCC
2. I'm.... I'm actually terrified of fish, HAH- Though small cute things like goldfish, betta, clownfish; don't really scare me :)
3. Like at least 10.