Feral Heart

Help & Guidance => Game Help => Topic started by: HowlingFox on December 13, 2020, 10:35:14 pm

Title: FH Closes Itself
Post by: HowlingFox on December 13, 2020, 10:35:14 pm
Once again back to ask for further assistance with my ever unstable game.
I've had this problem since redownloading the game. I will open the game, log in, and at random points the game just. Closes itself. It doesn't pop up with FH.exe has stopped working or any other messages or prompts, or offer anything. It just closes itself out of the blue. There is no rhyme or reason. It happens on the title page, in character select, in private maps, in public maps, just, at random. I'm growing ever more frustrated with the instability of the game unfortunately. I just want to be able to log in without it closing every 5 minutes. Please help.

FH.txt reads as follows after the most recent close:

Capabilities:: VertexProgram: YES
Capabilities:: FragmentProgram: YES
Sound:: Initialized: YES
ERROR::SaveFile:loadz: WaterMillGates.cfg failed!
ERROR::SaveFile:loadz: fhPodiumGates.cfg failed!
ERROR::SaveFile:loadz: fhPodiumWater.cfg failed!

I was already in the character select page, it loaded into that just fine. It just closed itself after a moment.
Title: Re: FH Closes Itself
Post by: D-ead7Dog on December 14, 2020, 03:10:43 am
"Make sure to double check your media > particles folder.
If there are any files with _0 or _1, delete them and try again."

"Try deleting DirectX and then reinstalling it"
Click here for the DirectX download (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tFPDZuuFy_LYnSRVxD2jOJjMz1_QjLTq/view)
Title: Re: FH Closes Itself
Post by: Dark_heart on December 14, 2020, 08:40:06 am
Have you installed any mods ealier? Like animations, modificated markings, etc.?
Title: Re: FH Closes Itself
Post by: HowlingFox on December 17, 2020, 09:18:53 pm
"Make sure to double check your media > particles folder.
If there are any files with _0 or _1, delete them and try again."

"Try deleting DirectX and then reinstalling it"
Click here for the DirectX download (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tFPDZuuFy_LYnSRVxD2jOJjMz1_QjLTq/view)

No duplicate particles showing. I'm running the game in Open GL, would DirectX affect that even if I'm not running it that way?

Have you installed any mods ealier? Like animations, modificated markings, etc.?

I have Legendary markings and items, as well as a domestic cat tail and ears mod, but they're all up to date for the current release of FH (To the best of my knowledge, I used links provided by an active RP i am a part of, and they don't seem to be giving anyone else problems), and the ears and tail mod were added later on down the line, after the crashing already started.
Title: Re: FH Closes Itself
Post by: Ame88 on December 18, 2020, 06:30:45 am
I had this issue as well at some point. How I fixed my issue is I started with a fresh download of FH and added back in the mods I had one by one (checking to see it if would crash with each one). Funnily enough it wasn't the mods but had to do with a bad preset file I had downloaded from someone. Have you downloaded any presets from anyone? If not, does this crashing happen with a completely fresh install of the game, nothing whatsoever added to it?
Title: Re: FH Closes Itself
Post by: HowlingFox on December 20, 2020, 04:35:52 pm
I had this issue as well at some point. How I fixed my issue is I started with a fresh download of FH and added back in the mods I had one by one (checking to see it if would crash with each one). Funnily enough it wasn't the mods but had to do with a bad preset file I had downloaded from someone. Have you downloaded any presets from anyone? If not, does this crashing happen with a completely fresh install of the game, nothing whatsoever added to it?

I have had a preset in the past, a single one. And it came from a trusted friend. It doesn't seem to make a difference if I'm playing on the preset character or not. That being said, I did a completely fresh install (uninstalled the game, removed the FH folder from my computer, etc.) The ONLY thing I added to the NEW folder was the FH.exe that needs to be put in for the update.
I then proceeded to launch FH 3 times, and let it sit at the title screen. It closed itself all 3 times. The third time, out of curiosity, I pulled up the clock on my phone and had it display the time down to the second.
At approximately 9:27.09, the Title screen loaded in. At about 9:28.09, the game closed itself. Exactly a minute of running, and the game shut itself down. I do not have any lingering files from the last download, I haven't added any mods. I am running the game on OpenGL. I didn't even load into character select. I just left it on the title screen.

Fh.txt reads as follows:

Capabilities:: VertexProgram: YES
Capabilities:: FragmentProgram: YES
Sound:: Initialized: YES
ERROR::SaveFile:loadz: WaterMillGates.cfg failed!