Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Game Suggestions & Ideas => Topic started by: Evanescence on May 27, 2011, 01:54:59 pm

Title: ___Wings READ!!___
Post by: Evanescence on May 27, 2011, 01:54:59 pm
I know. There are 100000000000000000000000+ topics about this already! Mine is NO exception. I know Kovu said no... like billions of times. But I also know some of the players are dying for wings. I never played IT so I would not know. I know a LOT of people say: NO NO NO ITS REALISTIC!!! And I know a lot of people say YES YES YES I WANNA FLY!!! So I thought...

Kovu should make the wings. BUT LISTEN; maybe he could (I dont know if he could its just an idea) Be able to toggle the wings on and off. So people can have wings, and others wont be able to see them. I dont know, I thought it was a good idea, but thats just me (I thought of this myself, but if anyone else before me asked this, Im sorry I never saw your post, Im not copying you.) The only issue would be... if a person is flying.. will they just be floating...? OR maybe they will just be running to where they are flying. I dont know if anyone will look at this *cough* Nala_91/Rak$ha/Kovu *cough* But lemme know if its a good idea or not! {[( if this needs to be taken down cause you are annoyed, please do so I dont wanna cause any trouble XD)]}
Title: Re: ___Wings READ!!___
Post by: Kyugima on May 27, 2011, 02:17:52 pm
  It's not the issue of seeing wings, it's the simple fact that there are not going to be wings in Feral heart. Toggling them so some see them and some don't isn't going to change that simple fact. It doesn't matter how many people want it really, I mean, no matter how many people want the ocean to be purple, it's just a fact the ocean is blue. And it is just a fact that wings will not be implemented in FH.
Title: Re: ___Wings READ!!___
Post by: GemWolf on May 27, 2011, 02:29:45 pm
 Okay, wings are a big NO. Not even wings being toggle-able will change Kovu's mind. No means NO. I'm gonna lock this for now, because I get the feeling that people are gonna start fighting over wings/no wings when there are already like, 10 other threads on the topic.