Feral Heart

Off topic => Discussion Board => Topic started by: okami129 on May 29, 2011, 08:37:44 pm

Title: Stray
Post by: okami129 on May 29, 2011, 08:37:44 pm
(I figured I would be nice and advetrize xZuri's and Shade Okami's game. I know you know about it Slycan. Anyway)
Are you up to the challenging life of a stray in the dead suburbs of a once welcoming city? But you are not human nor elf, not dwarf nor dragon..no, you take on the role of a stray cat or a stray dog wandering the dangerous streets. Can you survive the harsh living conditions or will you surrender and succumb to life as a soft housepet? But despite the possibilities, this is easier said than done. Do not trust the hand of the humans so naively, for it can lead to your untimely and unfortunate demise. While there is a chance they will feel symptathy towards you, there is also chance of many, many other things as well...

And as you wander, you may gain many allies and enemies alike in the very members of your own race or others...will you fight them, or do otherwise? The choice is up to you and the member themselves. Whether you are friends or foes lies solely in your furry paws. If you do form an alliance with someone, you will become familiar to their scent, and soon develop the ability to track their scent trail over long distances, thus you may always know where they are (roughly.) You can work together to find food and shelter, and fight for your territory side by side.

Yet if you become enemies with one, the results are not so good. As soon as you enter their direct area - a radius as far as they can smell - they will be alerted to your presence indefinetely, and you will have to fight or flee. The same goes for enemies entering your territory - as soon as the scent hits your nostrils, you will know they are there, no matter how well they try to hide.

Do not venture too far onto the Roaring Gray, as huge shiny monsters lumber along it. They do not stray its path, however, so as long as you stay off of it, you are safe. From that danger, anyway. If you absolutely have to cross, it is advised you time it well, as to avoid harm to yourself. If, however, you cross and are attacked, the severity of your injuries will depend on where you were hit and how fast the monster was traveling. You may even die from these encounters.

If you become injured, from the monsters or otherwise, you will sport a limp, and, depending on the injuries, you may even be rendered immobile. Your brethren may help speed the healing proccess along; however, they cannot fully heal you.

Do you still wish to take on the challenging life as a stray? Very well, step up to the challenge. Here's wishing you good tidings and hoping you may survive.
(C to xZuri)

Anyway you get the plot.
In Stray you get to play as either a stray dog or stray cat. Small breed of dog or large. And if I'm reading it right then you can also decide on being a pup. I could of misread it so don't get high hopes. Also take notice that I saw the word "Play" instead of RP. That's right baby. This is going to be a game as well as a roleplay site. They are still working on the game and for how long is the question. But they take so long because they are trying to make it freaking gorgeous. Think of the beautiful graphics of IT and FH. They are/were beautiful games with amazing graphics and yeah all that. But Stray is going to be much more amazing with it's plot, graphics, and terrain. I mean they are doing cities! Have you seen that in any game you played. Like new york city theme. Anyway so pretty much I just explained to you why it takes FORWEVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER!!! It's because if you want details and amazing plots and graphics and blah then you will have to wait. Ok now that that's out of the way lets get links.

http://straymmorpg.proboards.com/ (http://straymmorpg.proboards.com/)

Concept Art
http://straymmorpg.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=conceptart (http://straymmorpg.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=conceptart)

Game journal
http://straymmorpg.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=journal (http://straymmorpg.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=journal)

Staff announcement
http://straymmorpg.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=staffannouncements (http://straymmorpg.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=staffannouncements)

Download / Updates
http://straymmorpg.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=download (http://straymmorpg.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=download)

Game Tutorials
http://straymmorpg.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=tutorials (http://straymmorpg.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=tutorials)

http://straymmorpg.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=gamecomment (http://straymmorpg.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=gamecomment)

(There are more pages but I figured it would sort of be flooding the page. So I figured just using the thing that interest you all most, the game, would be good enough. And like I said. Slycan knows. Chu is tha god! (Also that isn't chat speak I just used. I just figured I would exaggerate some because I so can't wait for this game.))
Title: Re: Stray
Post by: 12dollars on June 05, 2011, 06:13:29 am
I used to be a part of the team but I was getting annoyed by the lack of communication going on so I left ^^'
I do hope they make the game however, since the concept of the story is pretty good.
Title: Re: Stray
Post by: GemWolf on June 05, 2011, 05:50:02 pm
 Omg really Swifty? What did ya do? -curious- xD
Title: Re: Stray
Post by: 12dollars on June 06, 2011, 10:39:41 am
I was a mesh maker. Started to work on some dog meshes but they alreadu has a person for that so I didn't think they'd need the ones I was making
Title: Re: Stray
Post by: drtranfan on June 10, 2011, 10:14:13 pm
ive heard of this! got a account
Title: Re: Stray
Post by: Stuey on June 11, 2011, 02:24:17 am
-goes to make one-

Sounds awesome! Cant wait, always wanted to see something like this! ^ ^
Title: Re: Stray
Post by: slycan on June 11, 2011, 02:45:49 am
it's really dead.. don't bother...
Title: Re: Stray
Post by: Wudiin on June 11, 2011, 11:11:54 pm
^ Yes it is.
Title: Re: Stray
Post by: Stuey on June 15, 2011, 12:55:39 am
Itd still be cool once they finish it if they ever do o3o

Seriously, this loooks so epic, who cares f its dead, fun reading abouty it. If you guys stop making this, i seriously think im gonna comit suicide o.o Or just find someone else whow would make it for me XD
Title: Re: Stray
Post by: Kyugima on June 15, 2011, 01:00:12 am
  Actually, Zuri has been thinking of making it a 2D game for the moment, which I think would be cool. Hopefully they'll continue to work on the 3D version as well, so we have something to look forward to.