Feral Heart

Off topic => Discussion Board => Topic started by: DancingPetals on June 14, 2011, 06:25:53 pm

Title: A question for animal lovers....
Post by: DancingPetals on June 14, 2011, 06:25:53 pm
Screw This im gone since people prefer to focus on what i say thiers no point go on with your petty lives im fed up with it these petals have wilted.

Title: Re: A question for animal lovers....
Post by: Zaroque on June 14, 2011, 06:27:49 pm
GOOD topic.
And for people you should give more information which you could actually write on the topic of what Inbreeding and Hybrids are. ^^ Then show them the links.
I like this, the Zoo always explains the positives, but we need to look at the negatives.
Title: Re: A question for animal lovers....
Post by: lugailover on June 14, 2011, 06:59:14 pm
T_T those sick people they will kill tigers cos theyre not pretty enough and look at this.

Fur Farming Exposed (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEp636HYaPA#)

glad you made this topic ^_^ it upsets me to see animals like this hopefully i can help in some way when im older. also helps spread the word about animal cruelty
Title: Re: A question for animal lovers....
Post by: DancingPetals on June 14, 2011, 09:48:42 pm
Thanks I wanted people to know I want this to be a community thing spread the word!!

It may seem extreme but I want liger and leopon markings removed more out of respect for the big cats and nature. I already dont use them as it is, and I am never making a white tiger character. I hope Kovu sees this and thinks about removing them he can find many natural prints that he can pull ideas from to replace those markings.

I will be updateing this thread and want people to add to it so anything you can find videos and links add it here. We need to talk about it because pushing things like this under the rug is irresponsible for everyone.
Title: Re: A question for animal lovers....
Post by: lugailover on June 14, 2011, 10:32:32 pm
i dont think the markings should be removed i love animals and having markings of ligers and leopons on FH doesnt affect them in any way so we should leave the markings alone ^-^
Title: Re: A question for animal lovers....
Post by: DancingPetals on June 14, 2011, 10:44:45 pm
well its my opinion thats all they are lovely markings i agree with that but still.....

Anyway thanks for following i will add more on other cruelty and opinions are welcome here so lets agree to disagree.
Title: Re: A question for animal lovers....
Post by: TealSkeletore on June 14, 2011, 10:53:17 pm
Chill. It's just a game. They're not real xDD

I am against hybrids because it causes many birth defects. When a tiger and a lion mate, the lion is usually the mother and they rarely survive the birth because of how large the cub is. And I'm against inbreeding as well for obvious reasons (birth defects).
Title: Re: A question for animal lovers....
Post by: Tyki Mikk on June 14, 2011, 11:07:23 pm
I was arguing with myself if I should post here. Please dont be angry with me for this. xD

Im on your side 100% about all of this. EXCEPT removing markings. Its your choice not to play as a specific animal, yes that is beyond understandable. I dont blame you for hating these horrid acts. Because I myself, reading through the list am disgusted at what humans are doing to these poor cats. Im a huge big cat lover and I cant stand to hear about this. But its sadly human nature to do things like this. We've proven ourselves far beyond the point of not caring about wasting away animal life. Yet the very few of us that WANT to to something about it, we cant. We can only help in small portions.

But dont you think that removing specific markings from a online game is a little over the top? I think so. Its just a game and us having the pleasure of these lovely, hard worked on markings, is not affecting whats happening in the real world. Removing these markings will not in anyway solve anything. I myself, admit to having a white tiger character. But only because they are beautiful creatures. I just wish they were created in a more natural manner... But me having a white tiger character does not mean I support these malicious acts against the big cat world.

Im sorry but I dont totally agree with you here. :/
Title: Re: A question for animal lovers....
Post by: DancingPetals on June 14, 2011, 11:32:49 pm
i said it was my opinion but hey thanks for posting I will just not voice it anymore your right i never said it would change anything it was a stray thought in my mind i will try to avoid that now focus on the furries not what i typed.
Title: Re: A question for animal lovers....
Post by: Wudiin on June 14, 2011, 11:36:35 pm
..... wut about furries? O.O
Title: Re: A question for animal lovers....
Post by: DancingPetals on June 14, 2011, 11:41:16 pm
not those furries XD our animal friends that are abused misused and treated like they are beneath us but they aren't we walk on this earth together and need to remember that.

I use furries and fuzzies as terms for furry animals like panthera, canines,ferrets, anything covered in fur.
Title: Re: A question for animal lovers....
Post by: Wudiin on June 14, 2011, 11:45:15 pm
Ohhhhh...... -major derp- I love hunting, and even I know that XD, but I like those markings. I doubt having them on here supports that stuff.
Title: Re: A question for animal lovers....
Post by: DancingPetals on June 15, 2011, 12:03:15 am
as long as you use all of or most of the animal after you kill it i have no problem since we pushed predators out of many territories its needed to keep a balanced population.
Title: Re: A question for animal lovers....
Post by: Kyugima on June 15, 2011, 12:47:42 am
well its my opinion thats all because they don't occur in the wild and are created by man so it goes against Kovus game ideals if you think about it.  He wants to keep it natural so yea, they are lovely markings i agree with that but still.....

  I just want to say that the markings DON'T go against Kovu's game ideal's (Or he wouldn't have them put in) and if that was the case we would have almost NO markings, because he would then have to remove Swirl, Butterfly, Celtic, and all those other not natural markings...

  If you're talking about how Kovu supposedly want's realism, then that's a exxageration. Kovu want's realistic ANATOMY, AKA body shapes. It's just something that get's on my nerves when people use this none existant realism to back them up.

  Other than that, this is just cruel to big cat's. I've always been against hybrids, because it's not really natural for these cat's to breed in the wild, except for the tiger and lion, there used to be tigers in africa and on occasion and very rarely they would breed, but those tigers went exctinct, but that's against the point. This is just one of the cruel things man does that makes no sense.
Title: Re: A question for animal lovers....
Post by: Robin_Wolfieh on June 15, 2011, 02:09:12 am
Mainly because of genitic defects and issues with health.

Do you know why some species have more health problems than others? Some were breed because of quantity instead of quality. Some weren't probably tested or breed by "backyard breeders" without much experience. Mostly, humans are arrogant to these types of things and won't care much about ANY animal (the majority of them but it's not enough of us). Plus some think that these "beasts" can be domesticated as well as cats. No. Don't hinder with nature or you'll face a storm.

Fun Fact: Did you know some species went extinct due to the introduction of a new species?
Title: Re: A question for animal lovers....
Post by: Kyugima on June 15, 2011, 02:37:21 am
 Oh look, simply because we pointed out her mistake and how we don't think the markings should be removed and such she left. That's pretty childish if you ask me. It's not like we were insulting her or something. I hate people like that. If anything SHE'S the one focusing on that whole markings thing, and refused to see anything else. No one was attacking her.

  ^stating my opinion because it's obvious Dancing petals can't look past themself and think everyone should be on their side. It's the net, not everything goes your way people.
Title: Re: A question for animal lovers....
Post by: Wudiin on June 15, 2011, 03:08:05 am
She left? Thats silly......
Title: Re: A question for animal lovers....
Post by: lugailover on June 15, 2011, 06:46:17 pm
left???? thats just plain stupid >:(
thats pretty lousy and extremely childish im not THAT BAD
and im 11!
Title: Re: A question for animal lovers....
Post by: Tyki Mikk on June 16, 2011, 06:47:57 pm
I agree. That was pretty childish. Someones gonna be disappointed to see not everyone has the same views when they grow up.

But whatever. They're loss. We dont need anymore childishness here anyway. This was a interesting thread and now its gone to waste because of something stupid. I was hoping to see some friendly debate here but eh... Lock please.
Title: Re: A question for animal lovers....
Post by: purrito on June 16, 2011, 07:02:18 pm
Yes, they left, now leave it at that and continue on with this conversation, unless there's nothing more to say then I will lock it.
Title: Re: A question for animal lovers....
Post by: lugailover on June 17, 2011, 07:06:38 am
.... I'm pretty sure theres nothing more to say guys.
well one more thing heres the channel with more videos on it. One is a white tiger falling asleep! SOOOO cuuuute!
http://www.youtube.com/user/AnimalMedia (http://www.youtube.com/user/AnimalMedia)
Title: Re: A question for animal lovers....
Post by: Kyugima on June 17, 2011, 07:44:29 am
.... I'm pretty sure theres nothing more to say guys.
well one more thing heres the channel with more videos on it. One is a white tiger falling asleep! SOOOO cuuuute!
http://www.youtube.com/user/AnimalMedia (http://www.youtube.com/user/AnimalMedia)

No one said anything more, no need to say that, but whatever.

And I'll check the channel out. Always love a good aw moment XD