Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Game Suggestions & Ideas => Topic started by: Stuey on June 16, 2011, 12:53:41 am

Title: Has Fh ever feel a little.....
Post by: Stuey on June 16, 2011, 12:53:41 am
You know when you just LOVE a game? So much you play it every second you can at night? That for me was feral heart.

And just like all the other games ive played a lot, hasnt it ever gotten just a little...er....boring?

I know it sounds crazy, but youve all been thorugh this. None of your friends are on, there are no good rps out, and theres just plain no ideas for rps in your head, or no ones biting your rp ideas?

So, main questioin time, have you ever felt, just a little bored of FH every once in awhile? How about we all just post something that occupies all of us in these times of boredom ^ ^
Title: Re: Has Fh ever feel a little.....
Post by: slycan on June 16, 2011, 01:04:28 am
Feralheart shouldn't just be defined as "a game" - it's a community of artist and animal lovers too.

Think of it as a graphical chatroom , like Furcadia, IMVU, Club Penguin & Secondlife for sample.

At the moment, there's nothing to do - but don't forget this game is still a work in progress. The staff , Kov ( the maker) and the artist are doing their best to bring you guys updates and fun things to do

Tigg and Delay just released brand new maps to explore and rp!
I ish made Feralistic just to add a lil twist to the game
Plenty of artistic things you can do - like meshing, presets, maps - and much more.

Don't fret (:  it can only get better.
Title: Re: Has Fh ever feel a little.....
Post by: NuclearParadox on June 16, 2011, 01:09:23 am
Sly, I don't think they were trying to say FH is a boring game.  Just that from time to time, there really isn't anything to do.  I don't think they're complaining, just trying to see if anyone else is in the same boat xD

And I know the feeling.  No friends online, all the rps are Warriors or they typ lyk dis.  What do I do?  Usually, I just close FH and go do something else for a bit.  That, or sit around and see if there's anything interesting to comment on.  There are some odd conversations in FH.
Title: Re: Has Fh ever feel a little.....
Post by: Stuey on June 16, 2011, 01:15:58 am
Sly, I don't think they were trying to say FH is a boring game.  Just that from time to time, there really isn't anything to do.  I don't think they're complaining, just trying to see if anyone else is in the same boat xD

Indeed exactly what i was trying to get at XD -isnt the best at stating points...god knows how i got into honors writing o.o-

Exactly what you stated though, too many rps out there who talk in txt chat or state- "_____ sat." then someone does a whole para, then they respond "____ walked in den". So sometimes theres just really nothing to do other then watch people argue about things on general..which at times can be amusing..... XD
Title: Re: Has Fh ever feel a little.....
Post by: slycan on June 16, 2011, 01:27:11 am
oooh okays (:

*le moves thread into opinions then*

when ever I'm sitting in-game bored I run over to map maker and make random caves or statues out of rocks XD

but I'm rarely in game anymore , cept for like you said, to watch people go at it and report them...- but I'm mostly meshing ^w^
Title: Re: Has Fh ever feel a little.....
Post by: Stuey on June 16, 2011, 01:31:28 am

*le moves thread into opinions then*

Wait what theres a Opinions section? o_o''

-never knew this wouldve posted there XD-
Title: Re: Has Fh ever feel a little.....
Post by: DimensionGal on June 16, 2011, 02:44:56 am
Well, I usually have at least TWO friends on, so... I can't exactly relate to that. Still, there are nights where we don't want to rp, and we try to think of things that hadn't been done before.

- A friend from a group I just joined and I made FISH characters and swam around in Fluorite. We were chased by all sorts of people and  joined by a bunch of other fish.

- Bunch of us made "Dinosaur" characters and tried to hunt lions in Fluorite. No one wanted to be hunted, but it was fun anyways. Had some random people join in with us.

- Racecars in Bonfire. Enough said. I was the Mach 5.

Basically, pretend to be something other than a feline or a canine. Don't make rp plots, just... do stuff.
Title: Re: Has Fh ever feel a little.....
Post by: Kyugima on June 16, 2011, 02:56:28 am
  I have ALOT of days like this... I always seem to be on when no ones on (One of the many reasons I rarely go on any more) Only once have I actually met friends online and had fun. We laid out in a line, soaking in the rays (and I laid down with my head between someone legs on accident, that had us going for a bit XD)

  But when I do go on and there is no one else on I like to just lounge around, reading the conversations, unless it's one of those horrid times when all the trolls are on, then I get out of there, head to map maker or work on presets.
Title: Re: Has Fh ever feel a little.....
Post by: barrettm82 on June 16, 2011, 03:58:58 pm
Happens here too.  So when I'm bored I usually just run around like a mad man, or just find a place and sit for a bit and think.  Sometimes I make an "odd" character and run it around, see what happens.  Then there is always Map Maker.
Title: Re: Has Fh ever feel a little.....
Post by: Stuey on June 16, 2011, 07:10:32 pm
Ahh i know map maker and presets but 1 i suck at presets and 2. i dun have the patience to make maps, espicially with the fact i cant use or make any meshs -.-

So yeah just as you guys said i try to come up with cool rp ideas no ones done before, but everyone just opnes your everyday lion king rp or something -.-


Get a bunch of people or friends online together and make warrior cats, wether theyre stars, paws, kits, whatever! Then have them delete the last part of their name, makiung it one noun. This is their name. Make the charie really muscular and somewhat bigger, then go and ask on general for any non map warrior rps. FInd out where they are, say your not interested, then run to where their camp is. Say your rogues and start an all out battle. LOTS OF FUN! Espicialy when the clan gets all agrivated and say to leave. They just need to learn what the real life of a clan is, not just some happy fun land where everything is just a paw step away....

But yeah, normaly no one wants to do that -.-
Title: Re: Has Fh ever feel a little.....
Post by: -Angel- on August 25, 2011, 04:38:49 am
a few things ya can do to make those boring moments less boring


2. jump around as a sparkle-something and try starting a sparkle dance line

3. start a truth or dare party, the top of temple is a great place for em' (im hosting one 24/7)

4. randomly jump into a comedic rp with a lone character

5. when all else fails do what i do:
make a justin bieber character, youll definetly become surrrounded by beliebers :) then ask someone else to make another famous person, then another, then another untill you have a famous person party!

ps: i dont reccomend laying on your back. i got raped like, 15 times cause of that DX
Title: Re: Has Fh ever feel a little.....
Post by: aelitastar on August 25, 2011, 04:51:34 am
^ i hate it when you lay on your back and you get raped on fh -_-' i don't mind the buttswing action, its pretty funny and fun to use in dance lines but the pervs and everybody misusing it just gets annoying, the only dance move i use when im not around friends is headswing.

ON TOPIC: i randomly make code lyoko characters and sit in flourite wondering how many people have heard of code lyoko or will notice my name, another time i made a trigon character out of pure bordum and i got surrounded by people saying he looked cool O.o then another time i got on one of my many characters that i randomly make and it's name was raven, i somehow went into a space of trance and made raven on FH XD
Title: Re: Has Fh ever feel a little.....
Post by: -Angel- on August 25, 2011, 05:00:01 am
^ yea there were like, 8 lions on me at once at one point

back on topic: i hosted a south park rp once ^,^ i was cartman
Title: Re: Has Fh ever feel a little.....
Post by: Stuey on August 25, 2011, 04:10:00 pm
Mhmm... i'm pretty good at map making at this point, helps a lot when i'm bored.

Sometimes i just end up running around as a pokemon and see who tries to catch me, or i start singing random songs in general. Most people join in XD
Title: Re: Has Fh ever feel a little.....
Post by: Thowra on August 25, 2011, 04:45:09 pm
I make presets...that's all i do in the game pretty much. And run around, and see how many times i can get up the temple of dreams without falling.
then i go to tumblr...
then i go to World of Warcraft...
...then i come back on and theres trolls, trolls everywhere.
Title: Re: Has Fh ever feel a little.....
Post by: Stuey on August 27, 2011, 02:10:09 am
UGh..trolls.. dont even get me started -.-

And Mate-Beggers.....

I mainly make maps now, yeah. Its hard at times though :P
Title: Re: Has Fh ever feel a little.....
Post by: aelitastar on August 27, 2011, 02:15:34 am
Right now to cure my boredom im coloring lineart XD
Title: Re: Has Fh ever feel a little.....
Post by: Stuey on August 28, 2011, 06:39:36 pm
Lulz, ive been finding good rps lately! FINALLY!

The world needs better roleplays and roleplayers. I just learned my best friend is actually REALLY good at rping, but she said she doesnt like roleplaying :I

Anywho, the world also needs more roleplays with maps. For those who have never been in one of those roleplays, i can promise theyre MUCH better roleplays, with beter quality roeplayers. The world is also the way you want it :)

And that tis why i mainly make maps when im bored owo
Title: Re: Has Fh ever feel a little.....
Post by: aelitastar on August 29, 2011, 02:35:43 am
i tend to play around with gimp and color lineart when im bored with feral hearts, i infact haven't gone on in a while after code lyoko got bashed again, im lucky that i didn't cuss them out ^^"
Title: Re: Has Fh ever feel a little.....
Post by: xXLovelyBelleXx on August 29, 2011, 07:32:46 pm
Most likely I would probably be on general chat doing some type of random chat with others xD
Title: Re: Has Fh ever feel a little.....
Post by: Kenji89 on August 29, 2011, 08:08:52 pm
Normally whenever there are no RP's I either close out the game and find something else to do, or I strategically choose characters and go into all the dens seeing if I can rile up some of the den claimers. 'Tis fun.
Title: Re: Has Fh ever feel a little.....
Post by: -Angel- on August 29, 2011, 09:43:42 pm
very very fun. i dont understand whats wrong with their brains though. dont they understand its a public map?
Title: Re: Has Fh ever feel a little.....
Post by: xXLovelyBelleXx on August 29, 2011, 09:45:18 pm
Some people don't understand...no common sense at all x-x
Title: Re: Has Fh ever feel a little.....
Post by: -Angel- on August 29, 2011, 09:48:57 pm
nope. especially those bonfire den claimers. theres almost always a riot going on there
Title: Re: Has Fh ever feel a little.....
Post by: Thierry on August 29, 2011, 10:02:09 pm
I get bored of FH because i can't do a RP because i don't speak english.
And i'm too bad to RP, even with someone who speak spanish.
When i'm bored, i play IT or World of Warcraft, or explore the forum, or making some meshes.
The truth, i play FH only the 2% of my free time, the 60% i'm making meshes.
Title: Re: Has Fh ever feel a little.....
Post by: xXLovelyBelleXx on August 29, 2011, 10:31:45 pm
@Kenzi the main den claimers are the lions =w=" they tried attacking me and my friend when we stepped on their so called "territory"...we both just walked away ignoring them-.-...
Title: Re: Has Fh ever feel a little.....
Post by: -Angel- on August 29, 2011, 10:57:48 pm
yea i fight back
Title: Re: Has Fh ever feel a little.....
Post by: Stuey on September 04, 2011, 02:42:44 am
I love running around my warriors map as a loner right into camps, just to se what they do. its fun doing that in flourite. Last time i was attacked by an aprentice. I let them win, of course, but when they brought me to their leader they just ignored me and walked away o.o''