Feral Heart

Help & Guidance => Game Help => Topic started by: Sashastriker on July 05, 2011, 12:16:23 am

Title: The Plains?
Post by: Sashastriker on July 05, 2011, 12:16:23 am
Alright, So I've been in a map all day, and it had a spazz attack earlier..I pushed that aside. Now, someone asked me to go check the plains and see if it works, and whadda ya know, it's broken =/ I can't use any character I have there (Which is well over half). It's not that I get there and I crash, it won't load. You wait and wait, and then you can't connect to the main sever. Then, whne I go back to the login screen it won't let me log in! So, I have to close FH, and open it again to even be able to log on...I don't think any public map is working..Not Bonfire..Or the plains for me..Only private maps seem to be working DX What's wrong? What can I do?
Title: Re: The Plains?
Post by: -Chase- on July 05, 2011, 12:17:31 am
Its happening with everyone, it will fix itself
Title: Re: The Plains?
Post by: Sashastriker on July 05, 2011, 12:18:54 am
I hope your right. I've never seen this happen before.
Title: Re: The Plains?
Post by: Sashastriker on July 05, 2011, 12:31:08 am
I've just re-checked everything, and everything BUT the Plains works.
Title: Re: The Plains?
Post by: Miette on July 05, 2011, 12:36:52 am
of course, my main characters happen to be there -_-"  but yeah the same thing is happening to me too...
Title: Re: The Plains?
Post by: Sashastriker on July 05, 2011, 12:37:59 am
Most of my characters are there too, and everything else works, BUT the Plains. The plains is the only way to get..Anywhere really..This sucks. I hope it's fixed when I come back form Fireworks =/
Title: Re: The Plains?
Post by: Zarienai on July 05, 2011, 01:50:51 am
Happening to me too.... its REALLY hard to get a new pride made when your main is stuck in the freaken plans and its broken. -_- so yeah, I hope it works out soon!
Title: Re: The Plains?
Post by: Mishizoko on July 05, 2011, 01:55:28 am
So the plains are broken? Is that the reason? Well fracks, no wonder I can't seem to get FH to work. That's annoying. I want to tell my friends that me and Alastor (one of my friends) got our mutal map up and working finally. I know one girl was dieing to see the glowing trees he'd made. But, if we can't log on, then we can't tell them. How bothersome.
Title: Re: The Plains?
Post by: rockinval93 on July 05, 2011, 02:18:49 am
i hope they get it fixed by tonight
Title: Re: The Plains?
Post by: Zarienai on July 05, 2011, 03:07:26 am
So the plains are broken? Is that the reason? Well fracks, no wonder I can't seem to get FH to work. That's annoying. I want to tell my friends that me and Alastor (one of my friends) got our mutal map up and working finally. I know one girl was dieing to see the glowing trees he'd made. But, if we can't log on, then we can't tell them. How bothersome.
you can log on, just can't log on as any character currently in the Fplains. XD I had to make a new one so it would be in bonfire so I could get on and tell some friends of mine what was going on XD
Title: Re: The Plains?
Post by: Sayba on July 05, 2011, 03:18:05 am
i just posted a thread about this lol ok so i now know its not just me, thank god. i had to make a new character to play, then forgot plains was broke and tried to get there.
Title: Re: The Plains?
Post by: KandiKat on July 05, 2011, 03:52:58 am
I have my favorite charactor there D':
Title: Re: The Plains?
Post by: Sashastriker on July 05, 2011, 04:01:19 am
I'm back now..Did it ever work?
Title: Re: The Plains?
Post by: Nyan Cat on July 05, 2011, 04:07:24 am
No Fluorites still down. and so is Bonfire Island. Meh, So sad. Correct?

And at a hour this late not even the maps are filled to the brim, so I guess its due to some kinda server funding or bug. OR THE HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAX
Title: Re: The Plains?
Post by: Sashastriker on July 05, 2011, 04:08:46 am
I was able to use Bonfire earlier...I think it still works?
Title: Re: The Plains?
Post by: Nyan Cat on July 05, 2011, 04:09:43 am
No, Go to the shoutbox. They all know that it doesnt work. Only Ficho, Cape and Temple are remaining.

Maybe someone was being a -insert a million curses here- and hacked the server >:l Either that or its just a bug/ something to do with funding. But im not a mod LOL. Or an admin im just guessing. Maybe its down for overflowing with peoples?
Title: Re: The Plains?
Post by: Sashastriker on July 05, 2011, 04:14:09 am
There's a shoutbox? Where? and I hope the server isn't hacked o-o My favorite character is there!
Title: Re: The Plains?
Post by: Nyan Cat on July 05, 2011, 04:14:54 am
o.o Y U NO KNOW ABOUT SHOUT BOX D:< Login (not on forums) and go to the main page. theres a chat there X3
Title: Re: The Plains?
Post by: Sashastriker on July 05, 2011, 04:16:42 am
Oh, I can't log in there, that's why. Thanks anyway.
Title: Re: The Plains?
Post by: tonim12 on July 05, 2011, 04:23:17 am
From what ive heard,the plains and pathway are getting new things added but it's probably a rumor im not sure.
Title: Re: The Plains?
Post by: Zarienai on July 05, 2011, 04:29:22 am
It be cool if they were but it sucks that everything is down! D:<
Title: Re: The Plains?
Post by: Redlinelies on July 05, 2011, 04:43:40 am
Sorry for the innovience, similar things has happend to plains before I believe, it should get sorted sometime soon. Could be because of heavy load on the server and the plains particularly for a longer amount of time.

Though it should hold up, maybe something happened to cause this. But I havn't been on much recently.
Title: Re: The Plains?
Post by: Sashastriker on July 05, 2011, 05:14:53 am
Thanks for the encouragement Red, I know it's only a glitch and it'll pass, but it doesn't mean we like it very much. ^^'
Title: Re: The Plains?
Post by: Nyan Cat on July 05, 2011, 05:23:50 am
lol this is like Basco's Inconvenient store on Sam & Max XD
Title: Re: The Plains?
Post by: Vulpes on July 05, 2011, 05:38:00 am
This is like the service at Culver's by my house. >P  - Inconvenient. lol
Title: Re: The Plains?
Post by: Hibiscus on July 05, 2011, 06:09:33 am
I can't even load my non-map entering characters... and I can't get on Cheyenne DX
Title: Re: The Plains?
Post by: wolfOdeath on July 05, 2011, 10:57:02 am
yh ive only got about 2 chars left 1 is stuck in bonfire/tunel and the other in the cape i want my chars back D=    every time i try o go on the other chars it says 'failed to connect to map server. Retry?'   :'(
Title: Re: The Plains?
Post by: Hibiscus on July 06, 2011, 05:28:16 am
That's what I get too... plus the once again really bad tokens >.<