Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Game Suggestions & Ideas => Topic started by: Char on July 29, 2011, 02:33:36 am

Title: Cat/Wolf walk cycle...
Post by: Char on July 29, 2011, 02:33:36 am
I'm not even close to an expert on anatomy and all that, but there is one thing that bugs me...
The cat walk cycle compared to the wolf walk cycle.

I'll compare a lion and a wolf walking.
http://www.wildlife-pictures-online.com/image-files/lion_rctb-8622.jpg (http://www.wildlife-pictures-online.com/image-files/lion_rctb-8622.jpg)
http://rivertonradio.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Gray-wolf-walking-in-snow.jpg (http://rivertonradio.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Gray-wolf-walking-in-snow.jpg)

Pretty self-explanatory: Canines and felines don't walk the same way. I even went to go bug my own cats and test if this was true.

See the legs of the lion? Both legs on the lions left side are both facing backward, while the legs on the lion's right side are both going forwards?
And on the wolf's legs, two on one side are bunched together, while the other two are spread apart
Bad explanation, I know, but you can really see the difference without an explanation.

However, on FeralHeart, I was doing this with my own characters..

http://www.iaza.com/work/110729C/iaza13502038281200.png (http://www.iaza.com/work/110729C/iaza13502038281200.png)
http://www.iaza.com/work/110729C/iaza13502027342700.png (http://www.iaza.com/work/110729C/iaza13502027342700.png)

Both wolves and lions move the same way, making it look wonky in my eyes. D:

That's all.
Pet peeve moment over.
Title: Re: Cat/Wolf walk cycle...
Post by: Tigg on July 29, 2011, 02:40:04 am
Mh but do you know someone who is proper good in animations?
Problem is that Kov himself says he is not good, o the walk cycles cant be improved. Im already searching for a good person who could take over the animating :(
Title: Re: Cat/Wolf walk cycle...
Post by: Char on July 29, 2011, 02:56:24 am
D: ... Good point. No, I don't.
I hope you find someone who can take over the animating. :C
Title: Re: Cat/Wolf walk cycle...
Post by: kyuubi1161 on August 04, 2011, 06:45:28 am
me too :T i'm really fed up with the run cycle D:
Title: Re: Cat/Wolf walk cycle...
Post by: Fath on August 04, 2011, 07:14:08 am
Hey umm tigg? =3 im good... would you like a sample?.... xD Plus i know a ton about anamony.... so.... PM me 8'D
Title: Re: Cat/Wolf walk cycle...
Post by: wolffox on August 04, 2011, 10:20:53 am
The animations are all a bit "wonky" to me, honestly... and the bac legs when sitting? Oy, they look like noodles.
Title: Re: Cat/Wolf walk cycle...
Post by: wolffox on August 04, 2011, 10:23:27 am
(Sorry for the double post, phone won't let me modify.)
Title: Re: Cat/Wolf walk cycle...
Post by: Evanescence on August 09, 2011, 01:25:00 am
you could always ask Superfeesh after shes done with AK. The walk cycle is pretty epic for canine, I havent seen feline
Title: Re: Cat/Wolf walk cycle...
Post by: shusuke on August 09, 2011, 11:58:09 pm
I don't see how hard it would be. What exactly does he use to animate the meshes with?

I made this mesh and animated it. It has bugs and is slow because my computer can't render animations very well, but it wasn't that hard to do. Watching TV and animal documentaries really helps with this kind of stuff. I used my neighbor's dog as reference when I was stuck in places as well.

http://i54BannedImageSite/2uhs5qo.jpg (http://i54BannedImageSite/2uhs5qo.jpg)

I don't see why time can't be found to look at videos that are less than three minutes long to edit them. LOL
Title: Re: Cat/Wolf walk cycle...
Post by: Tigg on August 10, 2011, 01:30:33 pm
I don't see how hard it would be. What exactly does he use to animate the meshes with?

I made this mesh and animated it. It has bugs and is slow because my computer can't render animations very well, but it wasn't that hard to do. Watching TV and animal documentaries really helps with this kind of stuff. I used my neighbor's dog as reference when I was stuck in places as well.

http://i54BannedImageSite/2uhs5qo.jpg (http://i54BannedImageSite/2uhs5qo.jpg)

I don't see why time can't be found to look at videos that are less than three minutes long to edit them. LOL

Thing is that Kov refuses to overwork them :/
I like your Anim Shusuke, how about you apply to be an animator for FH?
Do you have more examples? I could send them to Kov, so he can see and judge.
Title: Re: Cat/Wolf walk cycle...
Post by: shusuke on August 10, 2011, 01:39:02 pm
Currently, no. I don't have any other animations right now [I've been visiting with relative's and haven't had time to make any more]. I can make others though if you want. o3o I don't have much else to do right now since school hasn't started yet.

Only issue is I don't have internet at my apartment so I probably wouldn't get in contact with anyone often enough if I ever applied for anything xD
Title: Re: Cat/Wolf walk cycle...
Post by: Tigg on August 10, 2011, 05:50:11 pm
Currently, no. I don't have any other animations right now [I've been visiting with relative's and haven't had time to make any more]. I can make others though if you want. o3o I don't have much else to do right now since school hasn't started yet.

Only issue is I don't have internet at my apartment so I probably wouldn't get in contact with anyone often enough if I ever applied for anything xD

Aww... but we have the choice.. wait for a good animation or wait for no update of it at all.. lol.. i would rather then chose to wait a lil bit.
Title: Re: Cat/Wolf walk cycle...
Post by: ZipherAvenger on August 11, 2011, 07:28:41 pm
The animations are all a bit "wonky" to me, honestly... and the bac legs when sitting? Oy, they look like noodles.

Sitting down for wolves looks pretty strange. One time I was just hanging around with some friends and I made my char sit down. Suddenly someone pointed out that my legs looked like rubber and/or noddles. That gave me a pretty permanent nick-name >.<

Laying half-way down for felines looks pretty strange as well. It looks like they're ready to pounce on someone, not relax.

Besides that, none of the other animations bother me so much.
Title: Re: Cat/Wolf walk cycle...
Post by: shusuke on August 12, 2011, 02:33:45 pm
The appearance of the hind legs are most likely due to the way the model was made. Simply fixing the animations won't help in that department. The pose could be altered to attempt and make it look less pasta-like, but that's just about the most that could be done. Unless Kov redoes the legs to try and make them look better.

Which I highly doubt will ever happen. xD

TIGG. I have more examples if you want to see them. [They're really sketchy though]
Title: Re: Cat/Wolf walk cycle...
Post by: wolffox on August 12, 2011, 02:37:30 pm
XD "Less pasta-like."
That walk cycle is pretty neat, Shusuke. Seems as though you should've helped with the animations for the game... as well as the noodle-legs. |3
Title: Re: Cat/Wolf walk cycle...
Post by: shusuke on August 12, 2011, 02:55:13 pm
XD "Less pasta-like."
That walk cycle is pretty neat, Shusuke. Seems as though you should've helped with the animations for the game... as well as the noodle-legs. |3
I might actually try to see if I can. xD I made a feline and messed with it animating while I was thinking about it. XD

If I could just find some time to actually get AT&T or something so I can frequent good reference I would definitely volunteer. xD But I'm a total newb and can't exactly make things loop nicely. Soooo. xD

Title: Re: Cat/Wolf walk cycle...
Post by: Rukata on August 17, 2011, 12:02:34 am
Beware! My sparkle dog will beat you to death with his noodle legs! Raaawr!

.. 'kay, troll moment is over.

The current animating definitely needs a bit of work, but for someone who doesn't have much practice in animating, it's fairly good. Someone who's good with that sort of thing would help wonders with improving the quality of the game.
Title: Re: Cat/Wolf walk cycle...
Post by: FoxfangPitbull on August 26, 2011, 12:50:00 pm
Amen to the first post and this is a direct reply to it.
I don't think that time or care was taken on the run cycles' at all. Or even the walk cycles. If a wolf or a big cat ran like that...it would have broken its' knee joints or something similar before long. Even if it's was just going to be a generic wolf & lion run cycle, I feel they could have done it properly.

There isn't a lack of animation artists on dA or out there in the big wide world. I know a few, even those doing the cycles for that new game, Aerokai, is it? Can't spell at the moment ._. But still, come on...?
FH is great and all that, it is, but a tad more time could have been put into the models.
I'm not sure, but there are more updates coming along...maybe at some point in time, the models will change and improve?
Title: Re: Cat/Wolf walk cycle...
Post by: shusuke on August 26, 2011, 02:54:28 pm
I don't think the models will "change" change, just certain things about them.

The animations could be tweaked. That much I know. Other things are the way they are due to the style of the models, and it would be best to deal with them. o3o Unless Kov feels like moving around vertices to see if that would improve anything. /shrug

In my opinion I think FH's "noodle" sit is a lot better than Arokai Canine's sit |D The way their model moves is pretty, but the sit makes my eye twitch for some reason.
Title: Re: Cat/Wolf walk cycle...
Post by: FoxfangPitbull on August 26, 2011, 03:40:06 pm
Yeah, that's what I mean, you wouldn't need to change the whole model. They're well made, it's just the way they move, maybe just rethink the moving sequence. There are plenty of videos' on youtube with 3D models and cycles on the topic as well.
I haven't been looking too carefully at the other games' models XD