Author Topic: Advertising Threads?  (Read 4627 times)

Offline WarriorMoo

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Advertising Threads?
« on: September 09, 2011, 08:07:18 pm »
Or atleast SOMEWAY to attract more attention for new clans and prides.
Here's the deal.
I'm sure many of you are sick and tired of constantly bumping your pride thread, because no matter how hard you've worked on it, or even how attractive the title looks, (That's right, the title) no one applies or even cares to look at it.

True, some of you might be busy with another clan, or just read it over and was not interested.
Plus, it's more likely to succeed if you have worked hard on it, included a good plot, good literature, etc..
But when that fails, you're left to bumping up the thread every few days.

And it's absolutely annoying.

So here's what I propose.

What? You mean like those annoying posts we see ingame everyday?!

No. Not exactly like that.
Here's my idea.
You create a thread.
You've worked superhard on it, but no one seems interested.

What I think we should do is have a specific system. Kinda like the scrolling messages we see under the news panel?...a seperate one, though.
You would pm a mod with a link to this group you want to advertise.
The mod looks it over, and decides if it meets the qualities good enough to be successful.
If it is, they would add the link, and a little message, in the advertisement board.

Hold on, Moo.
Tons of groups are made nearly each month. If we had something like that, the poor mods will have their inboxes and hands full!!

I understand that, and it wouldn't be fair at all if the mods, who are already busy with keeping the forum and ingame chat in order, to have to deal with so much.
Plus, it would be a pain loading all those links into one panel!

Here's what I say.
Once a week, there would be a thread for advertising,
With three spots.
These three spots mean that there would only be three group advertisements each week.
During the time period, members with good groups can send a link of their group for advertising.
Just like before, the mod checks it over to see if it would be good enough.

Once these three spots are filled, no more links will be accepted until they are open again. This also means that no member can request saving a spot for their own group.

This is only my suggestion

I'm only trying to find a way so that some well thoughtout groups can get the members they deserve. It's sad that some well planned, fleshed out clans are pushed aside to gather dust in the back of the forums.

You guys go ahead and make your comments, and share your ideas on how to help groups get some members!
« Last Edit: September 10, 2011, 12:57:05 am by WarriorMoo »

^ Sofas are awesome.

Offline Kyugima

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Re: Advertising Threads?
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2011, 11:07:28 pm »
I have a suggestion. DON'T WRITE SO SMALL NO ONE CAN READ YOUR POST. Sorry I wrote that in caps, people tell me it means I'm shout, but to me it's different. I hate using italics and bolds and stuff, so I just use caps when I want something to be obvious. So I'm not shouting.

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Offline WarriorMoo

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Re: Advertising Threads?
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2011, 12:58:26 am »

I just. epically. failed.

Okay, fixed that.
I thought I set it to 8pt. HOW'D IT GET TO 1?

^ Sofas are awesome.

Offline Kyugima

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Re: Advertising Threads?
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2011, 01:17:23 am »
  XD I thought perhaps it was someone just trolling, I had to copy and paste all teh information to notepad to get the size up XD

   And my thoughts on advertisement threads:
  The groups would still be empty and unapplied for. Most people join INGAME. So empty groups you see might actually have more members than you realise. And sometimes groups simply aren't interesting and it's simply a case of no one wanting to join, not that their isn't enough advertisement. The group section IS basically the advertisement thread XD

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Avatar: Sameth
Signature: Kyugima, Rimfrost, Deafosho