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Topics - KayeLioness

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Art Gallery / Thunderstar's Doodles
« on: March 02, 2013, 04:08:20 pm »
Most of this stuff is school art that I did either after I finished my work or if the teacher is taking a tinkle (lol)
School art. Done on paint.
Because the school is too cheap to get photoshop and too lazy to put GIMP on their computers.

Just s'more art. Done on Photoshop. (obviously not at school xD)

When I was uploading one of my drawings above I got this captcha

I didn't have a scanner in handy so I used my webcam lol

I also have a dA, but it has a load of OLD OLD stuff and I haven't had time to update it.

More to come later

Other Mods/Creations / ??? 'Thunda's Odds and Ends- NEW: MANE MOD ???
« on: February 23, 2013, 12:45:38 am »
Hello and welcome to my little corner where I put all my mods, textures, maps, and other stuffs. Have a look around and enjoy your stay. :P
This page will be updated when I have a new thing up for download.

Mods and Textures

NEW: Mane Mod!
This makes the mane just have a different feel, with a fluffier look to it.

Put the two mane files in the textures folder.


I haven't seen many mods for felines, so I made one myself! I did not edit the previous fur texture, this is a whole new texture by me!

-New underfur mask by me
-New default eye texture
UPDATED 2/28/13
Patch includes more eye mods, and edited masks and fur.


"Smooth" Fur/Mask Mod.
This is a slight rendition of the original files. This is recommended for people who want to lose the realism a little.


My GUI Skin
Preview: http://oi50BannedImageSite/29azc5y.jpg

Preset Codes & Tutorials

-Fluffy Manes For FH!-
Now, what you may be thinking is that fluffy manes work again, but this is not the case, so I found a way to make normal manes have a "fluffy" look.
Make a texture that is transparent, and put the fmaneMask into it, and make it fluffy.
Then, replace your preset's mane code with this one.
It's probably the same as it was, but if not, just paste it in anyway.
Replace the # with your preset's number.

Code: [Select]
material preset_#_maneMat
lighting off
cull_hardware none
cull_software none
scene_blend alpha_blend
depth_write off
texture preset_#mane.png

Now, for the texture, it should look something like this.

If you can't figure it out, feel free to use mine.
To change the color of it, lock the transparency and color it a different color, or press CTRL-U and change it there.

If you did it right, it'll look something like this.

Questions? Drop them below in the thread

-Transparent Presets FIX-
Now, I am aware a lot of transparent presets having a glitch, that they only show parts of the preset that are 100% transparent, like this. (this is just a quick example)

We're actually going to be using a similar code that we used on the tutorial above this one.

Replace the # with your preset's number.
Be sure when putting the code on the R code, (or right side) to change the bodyMatL to bodyMatR.

Water masking issue fixed

Code: [Select]
material preset_#_bodyMatL
scene_blend alpha_blend
cull_hardware none
cull_software none
texture preset_#body.png
Now for the textures.
Make a basic transparent body/head/mane, whatever part you're doing. This one that I made gives you an example. The fur texture is that mod texture I did (for download at the top of the page!)
Many people steal presets and the owners get mad and then a flame war starts, so for protection for my art, and plagiarism, I put a watermark thing (lol)

That gives you an idea.
Now, when you test it out, it is messed up because the code is wrong. This code people think is right, but it really is not correct, that is why it is glitching.

The code above is the correct one for transparency.
Now, the preset with the correct code.

Questions? Drop them below in the thread


If you want ambience, put this code in.

Code: [Select]
material preset_#_bodyMatL
ambient 0.5 0.5 0.5 1
texture preset_#body.jpg

The "ambient 0.5 0.5 0.5 1" can be changed.
The lower the number, ex. 0.3 instead of 0.5 actually INCREASES the intensity of ambience.
The first 0.5 is red, the second green, and the third blue. The fourth (1) is the alpha channel, and if you change it I don't think it makes a difference.

So, if you changed it to ambient 0 0.3 0 1 it would make it a greenish color.
Make sense now?
Let's see. I'm going to use one of my presets for an example.
ambient 0 0.3 0 1

frnncedcr i forgot to eat breakfast lemme go do dat now c:

Presets & Markings / 'Thunda's Presets- NOW WITH DOWNLOADS!
« on: February 22, 2013, 01:31:56 am »
'Ello errybody
Here are some of the more recent presets I have made, and I will also be updating this thread as I make more and more presets.
I am not a beginner, I started FH 2 years ago, and at the same time I started learning how to make presets.
Now, I can do advanced material shading, ambience, and ghostly effects.


Blaze has glowing teeth, eyes, markings, red-orange ambient shading, and an animated mane that glows from gray to orange and then back again.

Cybercat has blue ambient shading, glowing markings, eyes, and teeth.


I have a few more presets -- will be updated later.

Art Gallery / Thunder's Entry
« on: January 12, 2013, 10:16:28 pm »
I know I probably won't win, I'm doing it for fun because I love art.
So, here it is. I had a lil' art block, and it was winter, so I just stuck with the 'winter' theme and I drew Thunderstar running in some snow. For some reason, I dislike how the head looks lol.

Request/Find Meshes / Convertin' help
« on: September 25, 2012, 12:20:21 am »
I be a lil' nooblet at blender (lol)
Can someone be kind and please convert this to .mesh, and make it so it has the rockMat1 texture when loaded

Site/Forum Help / Banner contest??
« on: June 21, 2012, 12:08:34 pm »
I want to make a banner for the top of the page, where can I submit my entry?? Thanks :D

I don't get all the converting things, so can someone please convert these to .mesh for me, it would be greatly appreciated.


Game Help / *~~ Object won't show up? Plz help!!! ~~*
« on: April 30, 2012, 11:29:39 pm »
I made a den object thing, and when I go through the portal in Cape, and it won't show up in my map! Dx I love the thing I made, and I want it in my map!

Art Gallery / .:Thunder's Art:.
« on: February 26, 2012, 12:52:22 pm »
Just four drawings. I know, not much, but guess what??!!? This thread will be UPDATED!!! 8D (obviously xD)

(I hate Invader Zim, worst show EVER)

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