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Messages - XxDubstepxX

Pages: 1 ... 12 13 [14]


Comma rested quietly, but listening in to the conversation of the other fae. When she heard something about getting out Comma perked up instantly.
"What do you mean, they pick a police dog?" she asked lowly, carefully watching the police dogs. Watching them up also listening for the fae's answer.-short-



Comma looked around to see other of the captured dogs speaking up and telling her to be quiet. With that Comma gave a low growl to the other police dog and turned around as she hated losing, "One day..." She marked and went around in a small circle around the pillow before settling down and watching the two dogs outside the cages with resent, then imagined herself out on the streets again with nothing to worry. Yet while she daydreamed Comma still kept her visual of the two dogs.



The fae growled as the other police dog came over and showed little fear in his actions.  She barked louder once more towards him almost wishing to challenge him up to a fight right then a there. Comma looked at the other dog that had first told her to be quiet before the brute had come over and how she really didn't do much to discipline her, Comma then wished to try and make some trouble.
"Why you so submissive to that thing? Can't make orders?" She barked towards the other dog. Even if she didn't cause trouble between the two, at least Comma would get under their skin.

(Sorry she's being a butt, it's her personality.)



Comma's ears flicked to the sound of other dogs and stood up as the told her to sleep. She bared her teeth with a low growl towards them, ears flat against her head and tail held up.
"Why would I listen to spoiled mutts that lock others away?" Comma growled as she decided to annoy them more than they already were, she started barking at the two dogs to see how far they would be taken to actually get some sleep.


- Comma -

The German Shepherd sat in a cage as the daylight passed by. Comma shuffled her paws as she stood up and walked around the cage, her brown and black fur running against the wire as she walked in a circle. What else was there for her to do anyway? The fae finally laid down near her food bowl which had only a kibble or two left from her least eaten meal. Comma let her eyes wander from the blank, grey wall to one of the near by windows on the other side of her cage as she then proceeded to watch the day go by wonder what might be happening outside in the world.


-- Comma --
Gender: Female
Age: 5 Years
Position: Captured by police dogs (If allowed)
Police or Criminal?: Criminal
Crush:  None
Personality: Rude, Aggressive, Hates help
Other: No owner and has a piece of her right ear missing from fights.


Name: Cameron Darley
Age: 19 years old
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight - Heterosexual
Description: As in the picture, Cameron has brown hair that does below her shoulders and out-grown bangs parted to the left. She has nice soft and tanned skin, also with brown eyes and green spots in them. Cameron has an average girl figure, though slightly skinnier than most, she stands around at about 5"5.
Personality: Cameron is very peppy and bubbly. She loves to spend time out with friends and play pranks. To her, gossiping and being mean to or about friends is insane. Cameron can often be found hanging around dogs and other pets. Her favorite sport by far is swimming and diving or sorts, Cameron loves water sports.  Cameron is the type of person who tries not to get angry at people but sometimes becomes hard because she doesn't have so much patience.
Backstory/History: Cameron grew up with her family of five in Ohio, then later moved to New York when she was about 11 years old. Cameron's family wasn't the richest but her father worked in a high position of a new company as her mother worked in a bakery and taught her to bake. After a while Cam started saving money for a nice sized house.
Ryder is her two year old Border Collie mix, she took him when she moved out from her family. He is Cameron's favorite pet.
Crush: None
Relationship: Single, but open
Family: Her mother, Lillian. Her father, Charles and her two brothers, Max and Derek.
Extra: None

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