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Topics - Kitterr

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Site/Forum Help / BBCode help
« on: April 26, 2020, 11:48:35 pm »
Hello there, I just need a basic "handbook" to bbcode for this site, since I seem to have forgotten alot of things that I knew like a couple weeks ago.

Game Help / Map exporting help
« on: April 26, 2020, 05:53:37 am »
I had no idea where to pop this, so if it is in the wrong place I'm fine with it being moved around by the mods~

So, I have absolutely NO idea how to export maps that have modded objects and sky/weather cycles. I want to be able to give my maps to friends with custom objects. I also need a general idea on what I should put in the folder with maps.

Thanks if ya do help.

Game Help / Height map not working
« on: April 25, 2020, 09:33:17 am »
When I enter the file name of the heightmap, after a bit of loading FH crashes. Idk what could be causing it. I've also checked the log file, it just says:
Capabilities:: VertexProgram: YES
Capabilities:: FragmentProgram: YES
Sound:: Initialized: YES
ERROR::SaveFile:loadz: WaterMillGates.cfg failed!

Thanks if you do help!
- Kit

Request/Find Meshes / Witchy map objects?
« on: April 25, 2020, 07:08:08 am »
Hello there, dearest reader!
I'm in search of some witchy map objects for my new witch char, Elonne. I'm looking for cool rocks, candles, sticks, stumps, jars, and the like.
I haven't found many and I'd love if any of you could make a small bundle of objects for me.

Thanks if you do help,

Ask Me / Ask Kit!
« on: April 02, 2020, 10:41:39 pm »
Ask me just about anything, within the rules, of course.
I'll respond, since I'm now more active here. since the game committed OOF

Discussion Board / Game suggestions?
« on: April 02, 2020, 05:47:53 am »
IDK if this is the right place to put it, but I need game suggestions. I want some games like feral heart to play while this glitch is happening.
I have: Cereal Soup & Animal jam
I can't get anything over a few GB, so Dragons Den is a no.
Please reply with suggestions!
Keep in mind that I am young, so nothing too gorey & violent. :3

Forum Games / One word only!
« on: April 02, 2020, 05:37:15 am »
Hello, thanks for clicking :3

This is a game where you and others make stories, but you can only post one word!
User1: Once
User2: there
User3: was
User2: a
User1: frog.

You can add full stops at any point, too! They don't count as a word, so your post can start and end with full stops!
User1: did
User2: . She

It's helpful if you can't come up with a word for the sentence, so you can just end it and make a new sentence. :3
The story might be endless, who knows!
Have fun, and stick to the forum game rules!

Now, lets start!
I'll start: On

Member Bio & Journals / Kitterr's lil bio
« on: April 01, 2020, 10:19:02 pm »

the names james. or kitter. or kitt. or kit- look it doesn't matter, just Don't call me kitty or kitten. thanks.
i use all pronouns, but he/him mainly now :D
i am 13 years of age as of modifying this
i'm an asexual lesbian but not lookin for anyone
i'm a high functioning autistic kiddo
current songs stuck in my head: superfast jellyfish, empire ants, pale blue dot (red vox)
Inch Rests™
{- ace attorney (specifically wrightworth content.)
{- team fortress 2
{- houseki no kuni
{- roblox
{- vocaloid
{- and much.. much more...
my favourite color is purple or black. still.
honestly i could've just linked my carrd. that goes into more detail.
i'd love to see ya around! if i decide to go into the grounds.. 😅

Introduction / Crawled back at the wrong time
« on: March 31, 2020, 08:57:16 pm »
athough no one may care, i have rETURNED

so hI again everybody, hope to see yall in TG when the game's back up properly. I'll more than likely be a dapper dog character named Boujee.

see yall around! - Kitter

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Tree of Ruined Wings
« on: March 31, 2020, 10:04:21 am »
~Tree of Ruined Wings~

Tree of Ruined Wings, or ToRW/TRW for short, is a newly made, still in development, post apocalyptic cultish RP.

-We are-
~Still in development, and want members right now not just to RP, but help with this stage.
~Semi literate.
~Discorded, though it's not playing a big role right now and also still in development.
~Quarter realistic, this means we have some real life influences, but is mainly fantasy/fiction.
~Sited this is also still kind of in development, since I'm still trying to figure out proboards.

The universe is inspired by the Fallout series, in that it is a post nuclear apocalypse setting.
Our characters have special mutations, which they believe are blessings from their gods.
Polygamy is not only allowed here, but is encouraged.
There is a royal family, and they can choose between being called King/Queen or Emperor/Empress.
Our first & current plot point is that the ruler died heirless, and everyone is on equal grounds for the role.
Colors for every rank, their sacred object is feathers.

-Roles & their availability-
King/Queen/Emperor/Empress - CLOSED
Ruler's main husband/wife - OPEN
Ruler's other mates - OPEN
Royal Kids - CLOSED
Other royals and royal helpers - OPEN
High ranking guards - OPEN - AUDITION ONLY
Regular guard - OPEN
Doctor - OPEN
Hunter/Gatherers - OPEN
Working classes - OPEN

-PM me/Reply for more info & if you may be intrested in joining!-

Sorry if this isn't good, first time doing this. -Kitter

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