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Art Gallery / Re: Peach's Growing Art Garden~<3(Something for Sura!)
« on: April 08, 2013, 01:03:03 pm »
These are really cute. :3

Game Help / Re: two issues i may have found
« on: April 08, 2013, 12:58:57 pm »
Like Rawy and Tokoa have said, it's most likely the server change that has been causing this since there is a lot more people allowed into the server, it will lag more.
Another way to reduce the lag (Which seems to work for me) is when FH loads up with the options, turn the colour depth down to 16.

Videos / Re: Can you handle the derp?
« on: April 08, 2013, 01:03:47 am »
Holy cow, why is there so many comments and views? People still watch this?.. Geez, this is so old xD And badly edited..
But, uhm, thanks for the lovely comments guise <3

Art Gallery / Re: WhiteLightHeart's Art Sturf [Update 3/29/13]
« on: April 08, 2013, 12:40:56 am »
No problem :3
And hehe, thanks! xD -slowly cleans up all the exploded guts all over yer art thread- .. QwQ

Art Gallery / Re: WhiteLightHeart's Art Sturf [Update 3/29/13]
« on: April 07, 2013, 05:37:10 pm »
Urrrghhghrhghrughhr your art is so purty ;u;
Seriously. Srs. Great work on these <3
I might have to request once you open back up :3

Media / Re: Need art tips
« on: April 07, 2013, 05:25:10 pm »
There's 3 art programmes I would thoroughly recommend:


Pros - It is easy to use and has many cool features. It is easy to get a professional touch to your art. There is a wide selection of tools and brushes for you to use and makes it fun to just experiment with them.

Cons - Can be a bit confusing to beginners.

If you use this, I'd recommend just experimenting around with it, seeing which bit does and stuff. x3


Pros - The lines come out very smooth and you can still get a professional look to your art. It's really simple and easy to use, perfect for beginners.

Cons - Not many features or brushes.

Serif Drawplus x4

Pros - Although you have to pay to get the full version, you can get the free version for it. (Doesn't let you use as many features as the full version) This programme is very good for those who draw with a mouse because you can edit the lines and such that you draw VERY easily, and the lines come out very smooth. So once again, you can get a nice professional look to your art. There are quite a few features to this that are just.. Amazing. It's a lot of fun to experiment with this one.

Cons- You have to pay for full version.

Here are some of my tips:
Before you draw anything, it's best to sketch out basic shapes first before you draw the actual thing because it makes it easier to get the shape of the object so be sure to take advantage of the basic shapes tools that you will find on most art programmes.

Drawing the outline first on paper and then scanning it onto your computer so you can colour it digitally and then go over the outline is much easier.

Do not copy exactly but make sure to use plenty of references! They are a HUGE help.

I'd recommend getting a drawing tablet because it makes drawing digitally soooooo much easier.

Uhhh, and that's it. Sorry if it's a bit too confusing for you but I hope I helped! :3

Screenshots / Re: Rofl. [Contains Catastrophic Derping]
« on: April 05, 2013, 06:11:56 pm »
Psssh, I is not adorable -flies away-
But if you want adorable, here, have a Shallow ;) Huehuehuehue..

Screenshots / Re: Rofl. [Contains Catastrophic Derping]
« on: April 05, 2013, 05:48:40 pm »
How sexeh.
Huehuehuehue.. Good times >B)
We look so bootyful here x'D

Game Help / Re: not for sure where to ppst this, i guess here?
« on: March 06, 2013, 07:56:42 pm »
It sounds like some of your files for FH are a bit corrupted, I'd recommend deleting FH and re-installing it.
Since you're a map maker, to save your maps, copy and paste your 'Terrains' folder, your 'Objects' folder, your 'Music' folder and your 'Sky' folder into a seperate folder in the C:/ drive so that your meshs, heightmaps, sky/weather, music and object placing will stay the same. Once you have re-installed FH you can just put the folders back to where they go in the FH folder and make sure to replace. You won't lose anything from your maps then. x3
Basically, if you want to save any files, just copy and paste them to a different folder then replace later on.
Hope I helped.

Game Help / Re: Preset Problem
« on: February 09, 2013, 06:03:06 pm »
I see what's wrong with the miscolouring of your preset head, the glowing code automatically adds shading to the preset. Or in code wise, it adds 'Ambient 0.5 0.5 0.5'
So, the solution? Replace your code with this:

material preset_4_headMatL
             texture preset_4head.png
          emissive 0.0 0.0 1.0
          scene_blend alpha_blend
             texture glowmarkings2.png
 material preset_4_headMatR
             texture preset_4head.png
          emissive 0.0 0.0 1.0
          scene_blend alpha_blend
             texture glowmarkings2.png

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