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Messages - kyrotonia

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Presets & Markings / Re: Safe link to Legendary Markings or alternatives?
« on: January 11, 2020, 05:05:03 am »

I re-uploaded it to Dropbox.
Disclaimer: The file/content is not mine.

Introduction / Re: Been inactive: here's why
« on: September 28, 2019, 02:48:31 am »
Hey! Nice to see someone familiar around. :) I hope I'm thinking of the right person, but welcome back Nowai! I've been inactive as heck as well. lol

Congrats everyone! Glad this is being dealt with, even if clearing up the drama and such may take longer. Good luck to all of the new staff, I'm really overjoyed to see this game breathe again! I actually joined while this game was still under development, and am really glad it's not poofing yet.

Edit: my original account says 2010, this one does not. lol

News Archives / Re: The Future of Feral Heart
« on: July 16, 2019, 11:44:30 pm »
Wow... I hadn't really been around in a few years for any consistent amount of time, but I was really sad to come back, only to see this game disappear. However, given the stress that I can only imagine Razmirz was under, I do get it. I hope this all gets worked out. Raz, you've been a great server host over the years, I hope you can stay with us, provided this gets worked out.  I know not everyone agrees to how things are/have been run, but at least we never had that long of downtimes, and scarce problems with hackers and the like. Sometimes what the community wants is indeed not a good idea, I can go along with that. While I do't expect you'll necessarily read or see this, I(we) appreciate the time you put in. Best of wishes to you.

News Archives / Re: // Feral-Heart Game Update June 2016 //
« on: June 10, 2016, 03:10:23 am »
I can't do this. I have been here since even before this game was released, and I suppose this is the straw that broke the camel's back. I had the game just the way I liked it, and now everything I(And lots of other older users), liked has been ripped away on a whim. Now, before you jump down my throat, please understand... This is a big change, and not a good one in my personal opinion.  I'm certain I'm not alone on this opinion. The game was fine the way it was. Do whatever you want, but I can't possibly play this anymore. I'll see you all around. Good luck to all who stay, I hope you enjoy it. I just can't. I'm not waiting around for another whole year of modding and repacking all the mods I had.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / ~Dovewing pride~
« on: June 19, 2013, 03:07:04 am »
Our king, and keeper of peace, Adrean:

Pride Rules:   1.No killing pride members,
                      2.No unneeded Drama starting(IE harrassment,Trolling,Flaming, or killing your character for attention.)
                      3.No mates/cubs outside the pride
                      4.No unrelated males may join the pride, unless they are cubs or teens.
                      5.PLEASE try not to interact/fight with godmodding/territory claiming animals/prides/packs.
                      6. these are subject to change, but i hope i don't need to.  1,2 and 3 are subject to kicks from the group.
                                                              Good Stuff:

We strive not to start/participate in wars, and live peacefully on the plains.
All you need to do to apply is have a somewhat realistic character.
We are lions only, and do not need other species.                                        
I will accept most RP skill levels, Literacy levels, and there are no Rp samples. the only thing you may not do, is use Chat speak in RP, but OOC(out of character) is fine.

To apply, just send an application INGAME to    ~Dovewing pride~
thanks for looking :3


 i've just had her sitting around so long, i wanted others to be able to see her too. thanks for looking ^^'

this preset is NOT free. that means the file is just a FHP, and i would appreciate no one tampering with it. thankyou.

Finished Maps / (1.13)Icy Romantic Getaway map.(Public)
« on: February 16, 2013, 11:56:35 pm »

No public mating, if you must, do it away from everyone else and whisper/party each other.
no serious trolling, this is supposed to be a getaway from that stuff.
yes, you may do RPs here, but don't claim anything as your own, or your "territory"
NO MATE CENTERS. i know there aren't going to be a huge amount of people... but please find your own, through RP.


the file from "put in MUSIC" into Sounds instead of Music. that was my bad. D:
I am in NO WAY responsible for your mistakes. if for some random reason your FH crashes, or gives you an error, don't bother me, it should be  able to be fixed in FH tutorials, bugfix threads, help threads, and the README file. i don't mean to sound horribly snarky, but i've had this beta tested, and it's not my fault if you put the files in the wrong places and mess something up.

Current leader: Gray Slick, a very large, very dark grey lion.
I want this to be a friendly pride for now, so please don't just join to start fights.  we will be RPing in the antzinako maps, unless otherwise told.

we currently have:5 members, including myself.
literacy isn't really an issue unless you chatspeak constantly, like: "can u b my m8? i'll b a gud queen!"
there is no royalty here, just a leader. that means; no kings, queens, princes or princesses.
i would prefer no perma-mates, as this causes issues.
we will most likely not RP in flourite. so if you can't download maps, look up a tutorial, but please don't bother me, i can't explain like a good teacher can.


Character Name:
Gender of character:
description(if you don't have a picture):
can you download maps?:

that is all, thankyou.

Game Help / Re: In quite the pickel...
« on: December 06, 2012, 01:38:14 am »
anyone who comes here is either going to tell you they can't do anything, or won't. honestly, this is the same as those other threads.. i don't know what to tell you..

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