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Topics - Brickstin

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Contact Request
« on: February 15, 2012, 05:35:08 am »
To anyone willing to lend me a hand: I have a bit of a situation. I am unable to be on Feral Heart for about a week or even the internet for that matter.

Can someone please contact the following in-game?



To let them know?

I would greatly appreciate.

Thank you to anyone in advance,

Game Help / No List?
« on: February 14, 2012, 09:10:03 pm »
Why isnt there an admin list?

Site/Forum Help / Account Settings Error.
« on: February 06, 2012, 10:38:23 pm »
I have had a problem with this for the past year and a half since I joined,

When I log into the main page of the website I get this error

joomla_int Session Create: You do not have access to this page! Your usergroup is Public Frontend. As a minimum, you should be a member of USERS.

Then when I try to go to chat too I get this : You must be logged in as member to access chat.

This is really disappointing: I am missing out on so many features of the website including the forums area that I have no access too..

Can someone please fix my account? And God knowing how many others are probably having the same problem.. I think you need to edit the groups settings.. .To give a little more permission for areas of the Site: I'm not saying give access to everything but just those two problems pull up..

Game Help / keyboard & Settings.cfg Does not update.
« on: January 15, 2012, 12:36:43 pm »
I am going to bring this up again: as I have brought this up a year ago and a half when I first joined here into the F-H community

Keyboard.cfg does not properly update all the way up to five keys get saved but other keys still do not stay when making changes to customize on which Keys I want binded and assigned.

This goes for the same for the settings.cfg files as well: other main settings do not properly save (example: Arrival chat does not save it's selected setting" )

Another example is that when Say for example taking the binded key Groups from Period "." and moving it to "G" Key.. It doesn't change the CFG File Keyboard: It only refresh it but does not bind it into the file for future  reading from FH.exe The executable would bind the G key but the Period Key would still remained Binded as well. There for two Keys are running the Group Key.. This goes for the same for several other Commands as well: at least listed here but not limited to the following:

Run Mode
Show/hide GUI
Show Chat
Toggle Minimap
Show Actions
Show friends
Show Party
Show Group"

Each of those areas listed including more most are not changable: They cannot be re-binded to another key function permanently and loose it's saved function upon restart and exiting of the game.

The CFG file does not properly update it's KEY # Numeric ID according to Standard keyboard Layouts.

Those are the major issues and concerns that I have with the game: IS the script writer going to address this situation? Is there anything I can do to help assess the situation? I have written scripts for Starsiege Tribes community and worked with some scripts. Perhaps I could be of some help: but I don't know what kind of language the FH executable was written in. Perhaps I could recommend a great coder named Kody Aka Waterfox whom is registered within this community as well.

Please after so many patch updates this situation has never been fixed: So I beg any of the code writers and software language writers to take my plea into consideration.

Sincerely yours,
                          Erick J. Vasquez

                                                                ~Former user of Impressive Tittle (Screwloose)

Game Help / SErver issues
« on: September 21, 2011, 06:31:11 am »
Mk well I have downloaded the latest version.. am I missing  a key informative thing?

I just cant connect is anyone having trouble or is it just me? cause if it is.. then um.. idk what it could be.. its not like my firewalls is blocking in/out going connections on the ports.. o_o im not even hooked up to my router im straight connected to the modem right nwo and I cannot connect..

is the server down for Maintenance?


Do you realize how many months have gone by to nearly almost a year that Feral heart website has had scripting errors, XML argument breaks in the lines to LINK errors to even were we click ANYWHERE within the site the vast majority of the time we get ISE errors? (internal Server errors)  even the dreadful (Authorization error please log out and log back in )

something something...

OK I am willing to offer any kind of help.. What is wrong with the servers. is the Feral Heart server in bad communications spots.. what type of server setup is put together? is The site and Game server hosted through a hosting service provider? or is it through a small home brewed type small business type location were Business broadband was purchased for hosting multiple in out going connections?

Which ever Server hosting provider Feral heart is being hosted on.. there is a substantial amount of lag; packet loss and VERY HIGH PING ranges from 350-500 on average.. It is absolutely horrible.

Do you need extra funding to MOVE to a better provider? I could strongly suggest Data Layered Tech.. They are very lenient and host services for another MMORPG called Furcadia..

Maybe you guys should start a donation fund or something.. I would be more then happy to donate.. Half the time I spend my time dealing with lag..and connection loss compared to socializing within the game and having fun. and I have T2+ business broadband services.. My down is at 24MB per second and 6 MBs per second on the upload.. I have enough bandwidth stretch to at least keep my DJing hub up.

I really want to help.. really.. This is a great community but it really takes out the connection with the community when we loose the actual connection it self.  :(

im willing to help with diagnostic hop tests and other types of Point to Point Hub tests to see if theres some kind of bottle neck from the main server to the providing server side and client sides.. Just let me know guys.. really.

I would be more then happy to help: I have lots of free time on my hands right now considering this time of year.. I actually returned to Feral heart now that i have more time..

Sincerely yours,

Leaving / This Blows..
« on: March 25, 2011, 05:56:43 am »
Thinking about Retiring..

Due to so much drama inside Feral Heart.. of people being a**holes to me.. Just because I have more then one character.. and That might have a mate.. I am thinking about retiring.. two users by the name of

Bellawolf789 and Wolfgirl122  an insane girl that thought i was her mate, told me off saying i was a cheater..

How the hell is it cheating when Brickstin doesn't even hate a mate yet Blizz does?

Blizz isn't off cheating going around screwing other she wolves..

But then Bellawolf789 said i was still the same controller (person) .. if she wants to get that technical .. then maybe it's best if I just quit Feral heart.. I really wanted to just have a few of my characters have a mate and start a pack or something.. do some nice role playing.. I have Multible Sclerosis its when the immune system attacks the brain, nerve system and brain stem. So I'm having to deal with a lot of physical pain and mental pain. Your body just kills it self: It's almost like having AIDS.. but it's not AIDS.

Now I know I am not the only one with problems; but when you come and log into the internet to a game like FH.. to spend time with friends and close.. Friends.. (Because you trust them) .. How can you enjoy it when pricks like that start giving you dramatic Farses!?

Ive met some nice people on FH But it's very VERY rare that I do: Most of it is filled with rude, obnoxious people; acting like they know it all.

It's soo hard to find GOOD role play; I don't mean one liners I mean Paragraph Liners!

I also hate it when people become your friend or interact with you and then dont show up for a week!

They dont even bother to even PM you on the forums and try and tell you what has become of them and why they are gone.

.. I have a lot of other crap going on right now.. and this kind of un needed stress from inside the game is just.. insane.. Fighting over such Trivial stupid reasons that are completely illogical.  When it comes to your characters inside Feral Heart.. it's a game! You can role play your characters how ever you like and just because you play a game a certain way shouldn't mean your Discriminated; cursed at, told to be a whore and talked bad about. That is just completely immature!

So my dear friends those wishing to have your character's have a shot at any of my characters to be have your character be mates with: I am going to ask you this question: Should I quit? or should I stay? and if I do stay? I tell you one thing.. you better not be a close minded person and take a video game soo serious to the point they feel it's a real life thing to live.. because. you seriously have no grasp in reality then if you do.

I will not associate with people who are immature pricks to me.. And this isn't the first time that this has happened to me here's another example: when I adopted a pop onto Brickstin.. This person's ID name was NIOMI.. I was afk.. for a momet. doing some things IRL because well.. I have a life.. then  I come back. and my game chat is scrolling inside FH... And NIOMI was screaming at me and i was trying to reply back to him: he accused me of ignoring him and he made his character jump off into the water to drop himself inside The Temple.. I couldn't believe the idiotic Drama that was coming from this player but he basically Blew up and called me 7 different names and capped off at me.. I was completely shocked at his behavior..

How many more morons and crazies are inside FH? I thought FH was a clean area.. for the most part!

Please.. Give me some answers. I want to find out if there is some sanity out there!

Convince me to stay: because I have given FH so many chances and up to this point my desire to play has been mostly killed.

I already have 17 morons on ignore and block.

Please.. if I am in the wrong area or in a place at the wrong time.. HELP me..

Show me a good spot in FH or a place to find Good Role play or something with people who aren't major D***s!

If nothing good comes out of this.. then I am going to take a long needed break off FH and come back: Maybe then I might have better luck v_v

Due to the  National emergency of The Quake and Tsunami that just struck hours ago last night at 11pm I have halted Role playing and being on FH heart for this day until midnight tonight: I have to take care of things irl. I have family that lives in Mexico and a friend in Hano Lulu Hawaii. his name is Ryan and I am praying to God he will be ok. Please pray for everyone tonight: and keep your fingers cross and have a strong heart. Blessed be the people that passed away.. the death toll in Japan Tokyo is almost in the 1300's I don't know what it will be by then tonight.

Be thankful of life and just thank God..

I hope anyone in the Pacific area is going to be ok.. I pray for all of you because your all in a little bit of danger.. A huge Tsuname is heading your way.. it will hit Hawaii in a few hours..

I Pray  all will be ok... Goodluck.. God Speed to you all.. in that region.. be safe.. and be safe people of Japan.

Update: What I have just found is the death toll in Japan is now in the 1,000's now...

And I have also been worried because I have a friend in Japan that is an artist on FA art site. I will link you with the art and she is about 16 now.. Her name is Stephanieh Tang.

Also the Nuclear power plant in Japan is not doing well.. I'm trying to find more news on it. There might have been radiation leakage.

Steph drew this for me here is her FA account and links to what she drew it hasnt been used in three years but thats her and she lives in Japan.

Holy Jesus ;-;

IT's now over in the 1,300's .. and up... Plus the outer Core of the nuclear power plant in Japan. has failed and cracked the outer core blew up and is available to see in youtube and other news caster areas.

The inner core is about to reach critical partial melt down; it is expected since they cannot contain it much longer.

There will be a partial global Danger to the public and all life within the area. The Pacific is also in danger and the following countries from the radioactive material within the atmosphere and water:

China, Indonesia, Russia, Australia, Hawaii Western Mexico and Western United states, British Columbia Canada, Alaska, India, North and South Korea, Afghanistan, Kazahstan, Mongolla..

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