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Topics - Burnwolf

Pages: [1]
Forum Games / The Story Game
« on: January 28, 2017, 04:29:42 am »
Ok floofs, the rules of the game are this: 1. You may only have one word per post, 2. You may not post twice in a row, 3. Let's find out how long we can make this story owo

Me shall start..


Game Discussion / How did you come up with your characters personality?
« on: October 24, 2016, 01:56:39 am »
So, I was just wondering how some of my fellow floofs came up with their chara's personalities! I based my characted Ace loosely around Agent Maine (he's a former member of Project Freelancer in RvB), and well Cobalt...he just happened lol.

Game Discussion / Is Feral Heart dying?
« on: July 20, 2016, 04:28:03 am »
Honestly, I really hope this isnt the case as I dearly love this game, but I just cant help but get the idea that this awesome game is actually dying. I remember when I first joined (back in 2014), and this game having upwards of 800+ users online at once but now there are only 200 - 300 on throughout the day. Also, I notice that FH never posts any adds what-so-ever. Would something like this show an increase in players? Anyways, I will keep playing until this game last day regardless of how many players are on, and I thank the mods so much for keeping this game going. ;D

Game Help / Fearlheart.exe has stopped working.
« on: February 04, 2013, 11:07:43 pm »
For some reason when I try to enter another map or just select a character to start it will exit and say FeralHeart.exe has stopped working any help on this?? :-\

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