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Pages: [1]
Game Suggestions & Ideas / Items Search Box?
« on: July 04, 2016, 03:24:38 pm »
Since I oh-so LOVE items and have plenty, it would be nice if there was a search box, arrow key, or body part separation. I really, really would enjoy less struggle in finding my items, so a search box would be a blessing.

Game Help / What Is The Original items.cfg Supposed to say?
« on: July 04, 2016, 01:56:47 am »
Hi! I was trying to reinstall some items, but since I'm lazy trash, I selected all of the text from items.cfg (in the media folder) copied it, and deleted everything from the items.cfg (in the FeralHeart folder), and pasted it there. I completely forgot the last line of text in the items.cfg (FH folder) that wasn't in the other items.cfg , so if someone could please take a screenshot or copy the last line of their or the original items.cfg (FH Folder), that would mean so much to me.

Sorry if I started blabbering or if I didn't make a lot of sense. 

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