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Topics - CalliCat1113

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Game Discussion / Feral Heart has gone so DEAD?
« on: February 05, 2014, 01:17:07 am »
Ever since General Chat was taken out, not a lot of people are online anymore. It used to be nearly 1000, and now its down to 600-750 a day.
Does the staff think anything about this?
Is this do to the chat being taken, or just that people got bored and left? I am missing my friends. xD

Me and my friends were making a small pride RP, and I said, "It would be so cool if we could model our own mane style in the creator. Especially if we had belly manes, I would so put one on right now."

They told me to put it in the suggestions board, so...

I was thinking some manes lion-king style, and a belly mane.. kind of like:

And some lion -king style manes like:

Scar's mane, kinda goes back from his forehead, opposite of Kovu's.

Mufasa's mane, more solid, unlike Simba's which has locks that are separated on either side.

And a mane like a mix of Kovu's and Simba's. It has the overhanging lock like Kovu, but also has the locks on the side like Simba's. Hah? :D

See? xD So, just an idea. I will also PM this to Kovu, he might like these ideas.

And .. as far as giving credit to Disney, All characters and their manes belong to disney, except Ahadi and his design, belongs to DJCoulzAnimalsOnly on Devaintart. ^^

Game Help / Downloaded Warrior Cat Map VERY Laggy?
« on: February 12, 2012, 10:24:16 pm »
Okay. Here are the things I have tried to resolve this problem:

1. Switch rendering system/subsystem to 3Direct

2. Turn the view distance to 0

3. Turn off water reflection

4. Made chat font small as it can be

5. Deleted all maps that are not in use

6. Made FH run on a separate processor

A Warrior Cat RP map that I downloaded is very laggy when I enter it. I have to look down at the ground to go anywhere without idoling or stopping when I am moving. I just can't seem to kick the lag out of this map's snail-self. I would like to RP in it as it has been dead for a long time now and me and a friend are trying to revive it. I could have sworn I have been in it before- OFF TOPIC. I just need help on how to kill the lag. And it is only on this map. It is very detailed, but why is that effecting it????

Game Suggestions & Ideas / I Have Got Some Things to SAY! (Pin this please)
« on: November 25, 2011, 12:00:02 am »
Which of these should we do? I think:

We should get rid of the buttswing because people are using it to the 'rape' other people. This GAME HAS KIDS IN IT, PEOPLE! I think also we should replace it with the IT Moonwalk. I don't care if there's another way you can do the moonwalk or not, It's an awesome dance move!

We should not GET RID of the headbang, but MODIFY it to where people can not use it TO RAPE OTHER PEOPLE. Look at what I said from above, guys, seriously? CHILDREN PLAY THIS GAME!

I think we should have a chat filer that you can turn on/off so that people who want to curse should curse, and people who don't wanna SEE IT, can just turn it off.

I think we should get more of the MODS in the game. And if there ARE mods in the game.... THEY ARE NOT DOING THEIR JOB. No offense, but if you are a mod and if you go in the game, you are there to be doing your JOB. I know you're not paid, but that's what you chose to do.

We can also close FH+. FH+ is a MAJOR, TERRIBLE troll breeding ground! People are troling there all the time, I have heard that people curse their mouths out there, and it is as glitchy as HECK. All Simba needs to do is close it, and STOP stretching the mods from OUR game to HIS game. I am sorry, but it is not helping us any more than what we had, it is making it worse. Simba, if you EVER read this, PLEASE CLOSE DOWN FH+. You will do us all a favor. I am not hating on FH+ or anything for you n00bs that will overreact to such a stupid thing, but I am saying it is not helping the FH community.

Well, your choice. Pick wisely.

Introduction / I'm CalliCat1113! Cat lover....
« on: July 27, 2011, 01:36:08 am »
 ::)  ::) Hello people! I am CalliCat1113, and you'll know me as just that on almost all of the websites I'm on.

I'm.. a cat lover, mostly. Most of my charries that you'll see, are from the lion king. I do rp males, believe it or not. lol You'll see me as a yellow-ish lion with a black mane and tail named Ahadi, a black ocelot named Calli with bright turquoise markings, or a yellow-ish lion with a red-orange mane. You all know him, his name is Simba. You might even see me as a grey tabby cat named Jayfeather, or a liger named Axsot with a golden mane. I am friendly, but don't get on my bad side. I do hate cursing... oh well. See ya around! :D

Other Mods/Creations / Easier to jump in Acacia Tree
« on: July 22, 2011, 09:25:50 pm »
Not alot, but it's my 5th or 6th day, and that's a start. It makes the acacia tree smaller and shorter so that you can jump up into it easier.

Here: Just put the .fho file in your exports folder. One of the two acacia tree models should be shorter.

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