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Messages - xAenigmax

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Introduction / Re: Hiya! I'm Back (With a New Account!!)
« on: May 04, 2017, 04:57:08 pm »
Welcome back and have fun!!! Same with me for the forums so I look forward to seeing you around ;)

Website will be done in 2 weeks given everything goes off without a hitch and the map should be done within the week.

Characters / Hysteria
« on: May 04, 2017, 01:41:44 pm »

Deathknight of Warcraft Legacy

-Trained Knight
-Use to Serve Arthas (A villain in WLP)
-Moonshadow saved her life, and now is devoted to her.

History: -Coming soon-

She's currently in the making of all of her history...

Introduction / Re: Aenigma Here ~
« on: May 04, 2017, 12:52:00 pm »
Welcome to Feral Heart! Hope you have fun here, and hope to see you around! c:

Thank you so much! ♥

I hope so too. :)

Art Gallery / Re: Hysteria A Deathknight Ranked Character of WLP
« on: May 04, 2017, 12:41:59 pm »
Very nice work! I like it how do you do the lightpoints and shadows do! And the Mimik is gracefull!!!

Thank you so much Destiny!!!

Art Gallery / Re: Hysteria A Deathknight Ranked Character of WLP
« on: May 04, 2017, 12:41:36 pm »
Ahh this is a gorgeous piece of art<3 I really love how you use your light sources as well c:

Thank you so much!! She resides in Northrend of Azeroth. :D So I had to do a blurry blizzard snow theme. :3

Art Gallery / Re: Hysteria A Deathknight Ranked Character of WLP
« on: May 04, 2017, 05:48:44 am »
I'm speechless!
I absolutely love your art!
Thank you so much Chipz!! That means a lot. :)

White clouds cascaded over the terrain, the sunlight breaking through portions of it that it was able, as the light faded down onto the ground. Trees surrounded the territory, it was rich in greenery and life had fulfilled this portion of Azeroth.. The Eastern Kingdom, where Moonshadow had resided. Where she lived was not barren, seeing that this was the land that she wished for her family and pack to thrive on. Coming onto the clearing, where screams and shouts could be heard.. what was the commotion that she was hearing? Her eyebrows drawing together, Moonshadow had walked past the frantic residents of the Eastern Kingdom, her teal eyes reflecting the radiant sunlight that had shown past her..  It was... a fire? A low growling sound began rumbling through her chest like thunder, her sharp fangs peaking from under her lips... her eyes, scanning the area.. wandering who was responsible for setting a portion of their homeland ablaze.. Sylvanas no doubt... That wretched Banshee Queen had been starting a lot of trouble for her homeland... But for what? Watching the small forest area burn to rubble, her long, fluffy white tail with decorative accents flicked to the left and to the right. It was time.. that she got to know those around her.. so that she could prepare themselves for the up coming war that would begin.. and hopefully have an end. Her eyes flickering upwards, she had given a brief nod to those around her.-

Art Gallery / Re: Hysteria A Deathknight Ranked Character of WLP
« on: May 04, 2017, 04:34:56 am »
Thank you so much Morgra! I really enjoyed it.. I love doing artwork haha. :)

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