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Topics - Kitterr

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Game Help / (SOLVED) Unable to view preset body in preset maker
« on: June 30, 2020, 12:45:19 am »
So, I got some preset textures from a friend in a group, and I'm using them to make myself a preset. I made the body, exported it out of gimp, and opened feral heart to view the preset. Body didn't show up. "Huh, that must be weird. Did I name it wrong or put it in the wrong slot?" Nope. Correct slot, correct name. Next, I remembered that the preset texture for the body was 1024x1024. So I scaled it down to regular size. No luck. What could be happening that is not allowing me to view the body?

Finished Maps / WORKING AS OF 2024 - Old FH Maps Link
« on: June 29, 2020, 05:29:15 am »
(DISCLAIMER: I did not make this map pack, I'm just putting this post here so nobody really has to message me anymore and if they do I'll direct them here.)
Hi everyone.
So I see alot of people searching for a link to the old maps that works with the current version (1.17). I've got a link to a map pack that works with the current version, people message me for it.
Step 1: Download
Step 2: Unzip & read the READ ME text file.
NOTE: You MUST replace lonely cave, for it adds a small cave with a portal inside that links to the old lonely. That's how you'll traverse the old maps.


Request a Preset/Marking / Preset Request
« on: June 28, 2020, 04:46:32 am »
Hi everyone. I'm looking for someone to make a preset for one of my characters, Chincoteague.
Here is a reference photo (I will provide more if needed):

I sadly cannot pay, but I can (optionally) trade services like: Map making, Art (though it isn't very great), Lore making and other things.
Please message me if you'd like to enquire about doing this preset. You will need to provide images of your work, so I get an idea of what the preset could look like. Thank you!

Member Bio & Journals / Art tablet!!
« on: June 11, 2020, 03:23:15 am »
I got an art tablet (and some new headphones) today!! My ma really didn't have to get one now but,, I'm so happy!! It's a Wacom Intuos S in black, and it's so sleek! Also, when I signed up & registered my tablet, I was able to redeem a paint program! I didn't really need one, since I already have GIMP and Krita, but cool cool, I can swap between them :3
But I'm super excited, and I'm going to finalize a sketch in Krita today, maybe I'll try out my new program and, play around with it.
I'll make a thread of art pre and post art tablet to see if i've improved. :3

Edit: oh. my god. i tested it out on a new document and,, holy goodness i love it!! it feels so good to draw w/ and my lines are nice and stable.

Request/Find Meshes / In need of cowboy items!
« on: June 06, 2020, 09:57:22 am »
Hello again friends, I am in need of an old-timey shotgun. There is a shotgun in the legendary items pack, but it is too modern to fit on a cowboy. There is also a shotgun mesh by Kuri, but I have no idea how to make meshes & materials into objects using the object maker, and I'd rather just get pre-made items, so the work has already been done. If anyone can find a shotgun item that still works that isn't a mesh & material, I thank you for your time. If you can make an item for me, that'd be the best, and I thank you for your time & work. Also, if there's a better cowboy hat out there, please send me a link to that too, since the applejack hat in the legendary items pack is a bit too, well, cliche.

Thanks. Even if you only read the post, thanks to you too.

Edit: P.S. I need a download link to Elfin's Barn, since you need a dA account to download it apparently, and I don't want to set foot on dA again.

Discussion Board / Miss Kitter's English Tutoring
« on: May 28, 2020, 10:33:31 am »
Hello friends, I have no idea where the original thread for this went so I'm making a new one.
I'm finally opening this place soon (hopefully) and would like to know if anyone, ANYONE, would like to join during the starting phases?

Here's the rundown.
There's going to be a group discord server where we will do most of our stuff.
You will be separated into language categories, then level categories, alike grades or years in school.
The older/higher grade students of their language category is advised to help people in lower grades, and are also allowed to help students outside of their language category.
There will be a submissions channel, for submitting assignments, special channels for specific language category where you are permitted to speak your native language & English, a main chatroom, a welcome room (ofc), rules (ofc), & a assignments channel where I will link to assignments.
Here's the application form (PM me this on the forums!)
Name (can be a screenname, a first name, a nickname, anything, really.):
Age (You can just say kid, preteen/tween, teen etc if you don't feel comfy with sharing that info):
Native Language:
Enter a short story here (Mini grammar & spelling assignment so I can begin to get a feel on your English):
Thinking of joining as a teacher? Here's the form for that!
If no longer in school, level of education (college, university, year 12, anything!):
Enter a short story here:

Please consider joining if you don't speak English natively, or if you struggle with english as a native speaker!

I'm sorry if this is in the wrong area - I had no idea where to put this!This is still in the works, but applications are OPEN for when it's all ready. Love yall fam, see yall there (hopefully!)

Hey yall!
I'm looking for some objects for Faewyn's FH Prom. (linkie here)
I'm looking for: green screens, a disco ball, a dance floor, some flowers, maybe a couple flower arch things? and a DJ area!

Thank you~!

Media / I customized a furby plush!
« on: May 09, 2020, 05:48:56 am »
Hey yall! I was bored and did some arts and crafts on a furby plush!
Onto the image showcase!

The making:



Her name is: Princess Percina 'Perci' Doja-cat the first, and her worm.. well it's name is too "vulgar" to say here, so if you wanna know then PM me!
Perci is a trans lesbian woman. She is my cHILD and i love her so much.

Edit: Update~! My mother tied her a little bow out of the gingham ribbon the main bulk of Perci's hair is made of, she's so beautiful!

Game Discussion / -POSSIBLE- Miss Kitter's English tutoring!
« on: April 30, 2020, 09:23:11 pm »
Hi there friends! I'm thinking of helping some non native speakers with this confusing language, to help better their communications! I'm thinking about doing this because I know/semi-know some people who have trouble with English, like my friend QuietMacaroni, though her English is pretty good, she does have a few hiccups here and there (but don't we all?). I also see many who want to speak on their native language on the forums, but are stuck with a weird second language. I want to help you~!
If this gets enough backing I might just do it, depends.

Characters / -WIP- Area for Kit's babies
« on: April 27, 2020, 02:57:20 am »
Hello, and welcome to the area for my babies, aka my kids or my charas.

Small Bio
Name: Boujee
Age: 27?
Gender: Male
Species: Some kind of dog/canine..
Sexuality: Homosexual
Personality: A bit rude, nothing like his namesake, won't open up to anyone.
Small backstory: Born sometime in the late 1800s, Boujee somehow got himself stuck in time. He was stuck in his 20s, and never changed his fashions with the times. He still speaks in the dialect of when he was born, and has a British accent. Since it wasn't "okay" in his time to be gay, or for males to admit to problems, he does not say so, despite being gay, and having slight mental problems because he can't speak his mind.

This lil man was based on The Right Opinion. Character created by Kitter.


Name: Elonne Willowwell
Age: ?
Gender: Female
Species: Cat
Sexuality: Asexual - Straight
Personality: Calm, kind, gentle, enthusiastic.
Other traits: Has a bit of a short temper, emotionally weak.
Extra facts: Is a witch, thought to be satanic, but is in reality wiccan. She will call you "Friend" or "Dear". Lives with her family in her coven. She is a bit of a "Travelling Merchant", though she does have a little homey island that she stays at when she isn't selling things.

Ivrig - WIP char!

Name: Ivrig Nyberg
Age: 2.5 years
Gender: Female
Species: some kind of wolf
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Okay I have nothing for this. Ivrig is still under construction so.. This is a big WIP


Name: Aveugle
Age: Unknown, but obviously elderly.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Asexual
Personality: Nice, can get cranky, old, but still has some spirit.
Extra facts: Scared of loud noises. Aveugle means blind in french. Aveugle is blind, her best sense is hearing. She is in the Eastern Pass Pride, but lived in Ficho for a short while. Aveugle was born blind.


Name: Polina
Age: ?
Gender: Female
Species: Caracal
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Brave, determined.. Polina is also a wip.
Extra facts: Seperated from family at birth. Has a light Russian accent. Migrated to Africa in the winter, that's where she met friends, including Ushindi.

That's all for now~!

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