Author Topic: SkyWolves Pack reruitment  (Read 672 times)

Offline wolfedragonhart

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SkyWolves Pack reruitment
« on: September 24, 2017, 10:26:51 am »
:) :) Hi everybody this is my first ever post!
SkyWolf FH Pack
In case you don't know, i made up sky wolves. They are kinda like wolf dragons but different.
How to join: Reply to this message saying you want to join. The first person to join will be awarded pack beta!
Rules: You must obey the alphas and betas or you will be kicked from the pack. You can only be a canine, any colour though and you must have at least one type of wing. Antlers are optional, but only the Alpha (Me) can have Aged Antlers. Our official meeting place is the pool in Cherika Valley (to the right of the portal as you come out)
You need to be online quite a lot, you need to have at least two hours per week online time. Only communication via Chat, no personal info like telephone numbers shall be shared within the pack.
 I Pack Info I
We go hunting and it is a semi-realistic RP. We act like wolves but we can fly.
I More rules, sorry forgot to add them earlier... I
Pups are welcome, except they can't fly till they are at least 12 months old. Then, the "Flight Trainer" will train them to fly. You can become grounded, which means you can't go flying or leave Cherika Valley but you can only be grounded by the alpha. If wished by the alpha, another person can move to a higher/lower rank. Join by sending me a buddy request and if i'm online, whispering to me. Or, like i said earlier, reply to this message. we will meet on Tuesdays at 4:00 - 6:00 (Be aware sometimes i can't make it), Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays same time, Saturdays at 1:00 to 3 or 4:00. Thank you for reading my message and i hope you consider joining my pack!
Oh and i don't know how to post this anywhere else so i had to post it here
High Positions:
Alpha Male- You have to earn
Alpha Female- Taken (Me)
Beta- You have to earn
Sentinel- You have to earn
Elder- Open
Assasin- You have to earn
Lead Warrior- You have to earn
Warrior- You have to earn
Lead Hunter- You have to earn
Hunter- Open
Lead Scout- You have to earn
Scout- Open
Pup Watchers- Open
Suboridinates-  Open
Omega- Open
Pups- Open
« Last Edit: September 24, 2017, 10:39:47 am by wolfedragonhart »
furries are not bad pls don't judge them