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Messages - Aviarii

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Game Help / My preset won't work, help! {SOLVED}
« on: September 09, 2016, 11:49:05 pm »
Hello there! As you can see from the title, I need help making a preset. And if you were wondering, no, i'm not new, i've been with the server for a while now, and this is my first time making a preset. If anyone could help me, that would be amazing!

Here are my problems : The inside-ears also show as for the back of the ears, The hair color won't work, And the eye colors don't work. If someone could help me fix this, thank you! Also, I would fix the coding but, when I downloaded FH (from a while back) I never got that 'Preset_number - notepad' thing when I downloaded it.

PS, here is what I named the body parts for the preset


I didn't add wings to the preset.

PPS, I would show pictures but, the forum said it was a 'BannedImage'.

Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!!! Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you! Thank you!!! Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you! Thank you!!! Thank you!!

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