Author Topic: Detailed Thoughts of a 7 Year FH Veteran - (Let me know your thoughts as well!)  (Read 7291 times)

Offline Erhiia

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This this this this this.

I was having a chat just earlier today about Feralheart's progress over the years. The game went without an update for years. People became so settled in to having the same old familiar functions and maps that the mention of an update caused uproar. Seems to be a pattern when it comes to change with this game. But we end up with a solution one way or another.

The common train of thought among the userbase is that this new AI will replace moderators. Rather, it could most definitely be used as a tool to 'auto-flag' people who are breaking the rules for the mods, so they're not required to be online constantly.

Just a little ironic to me, considering staff activity is something often complained about, and this could be the tool to helping solve it.
I appreciate your explanation of how things could go down. Very much.

Like you said, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but mine mirrors yours in this instance.

The thought that AI would take over the staff is what really sparked this entire memo. I'm trying to help people see the brighter side of things.

Thank you for taking the time to read through it all, I'm glad I have a shared opinion.
- Erhiia -
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This was a splendid post to read, obviously taken time and dedication to think this objectively and get into everyone's shoes in the meantime which is why this post got such respect and I'm glad it did.

I can see what you mean and what you've said but the uproar was caused by the sudden change, the wrong approach and failure to explain the whole process of how and why this has happened: The way Raz said it, it was as if he wanted to rid of the staff instead of help with the whole absense from their side, since everyone has a life and the game is a secondary 'need'. Another problem was the update that suddenly got declined when some of the community helped the staff to create the newest maps, which were later denied to be included in the update for who nows why. And the uproar happened because of this in a mix of the unfair treatement against a Moderator.

Overall I loved your point of view. It needs guts and lot of patience to get in everyone's shoes at this point. Thanks for this post.
| Skat  | Weirdo | Foodsexual | Nice to meet you :D|

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This was a splendid post to read, obviously taken time and dedication to think this objectively and get into everyone's shoes in the meantime which is why this post got such respect and I'm glad it did.

I can see what you mean and what you've said but the uproar was caused by the sudden change, the wrong approach and failure to explain the whole process of how and why this has happened: The way Raz said it, it was as if he wanted to rid of the staff instead of help with the whole absense from their side, since everyone has a life and the game is a secondary 'need'. Another problem was the update that suddenly got declined when some of the community helped the staff to create the newest maps, which were later denied to be included in the update for who nows why. And the uproar happened because of this in a mix of the unfair treatment against a Moderator.

Overall I loved your point of view. It needs guts and lot of patience to get in everyone's shoes at this point. Thanks for this post.

Oh gosh, I totally forgot about the newer maps that were suppose to come out. I remember seeing a preview in a discord channel but I forgot about them. I definitely do not a lot of the other things that occurred, given that I just came back after about 5 months break. I went off of what I knew from reading Raz's posts and spending 5 minutes in game. I will definitely be looking into the other stuff that you mentioned.

Thank you so much for reading! <3
- Erhiia -
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Oh my, take me down memory lane why don't ya <'3
You had me hooked on every word, every thought..
Such a beautiful post <3

Keep on traveling across this road called 'Life.'

Discord: Haku - Haku#74O7


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Gurl, you have explained the system perfectly! I still wasn't sure how the whole block/ban thing would work, but if that is how it is going to be then I'm okay with it. At least better with that than I am with like instant ban or something. I enjoyed this post. I agree, hate the decision/action, not the person. He could have things in store for the future, we don't know.

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Just like everyone else who has responded to your post, I too agree with everything you've stated in your original post. It was wonderfully written. One of the few, good objective standpoints of how to look at this entire ordeal that I've seen as of yet.

You are, and everyone else who has posted is correct when they say change is difficult. It can be upsetting to some and in some cases, cause uproar/riot-like situations, like the ones we recently had, especially for those who've become comfortable and set in their ways and see no reason to change. At the same time though, change is good. It allows all those directly involved and those who may become involved sometime down the road, to add another tool to their toolkit bag for overcoming challenges in the future. It opens doors as change provides people the opportunity to better understand and acquaint themselves with what it truly means to "adapt and overcome," as change essentially forces them to. It makes people ask, "I can't go back, so how do I go forward while at the same time, not repeating the past?" It makes us take a 360-degree look and consider other options when we may have only dared consider the 180-degree aspect of something before.

Everyone's correct when they keep repeating the phrase that nothing is going to remain the same; something's going to happen, be it now, a week from today or years down the road. It's true that all we can do is prepare ourselves, setting percussions and individualized instructions for ourselves on what to do if x, y, and z happens, so that when the worst does occur, we have a secondary plan of action to turn to and place into motion to minimize the damage done to us or those we consider dear. Who knows, we could even potentially craft the third solution if there is any speculation (even the slightest) that the secondary fix may fall through. Now the secondary or third options may not fix or be the solution in the grand scheme of things but it extends the clock, adding time for others to collectively create what may be the appropriate fix. I agree with you when you mentioned this is essentially what Raz is doing. Creating that x, y, and z secondary and third option.

I must concede, when this entire system was put out about a week ago, I was rather upset. Not in the traditional sense that everyone else was. I was not upset at the "injustice" divided against the staff, nor the "unfairness" directed toward the community for "destroying" their access to new content, but because I allowed the banter to get the better of me. In the end, too, I ended up joining in, letting my new found ability to voice the years of pent-up frustration toward x, y, and z be my guide. I don't regret the decision looking back, as one should never regret anything they do, but I am disappointed in myself for just how quick I responded with my initial opinion. I took a bias stand instead of an objective.

You're right, we do need to be objective in this. Being bias will get us nowhere; choosing these so-called or self-proclaimed "sides," will lead us to nothing but a dead end. We can't ignore what's happened but we also can't get caught up in it. We must overcome it and find the appropriate solution that'll minimize the issues Feral-Heart was having before, be it on the staff/administrative level or member/community one. We must look at this challenge as "how can this issue better our community and if it doesn't, how can we change it to be what it is we're looking for?" without reverting to the "old ways" of how things are traditionally done.

Truthfully I too like this idea of an AI system that helps moderate the game. I too am all for the idea of removing moderator ability from the Feral-Heart game itself, restricting their power to solely the forum. It'll alleviate, if not at minimum, reduce the current "power-hungry" or "ill-trained" perspective a lot of the members the community have of the moderators. It could potentially eliminate the "favoritism" or "big-shot" issue that's been seen in the past (ie. the more you're known, the greater someone/moderators are willing to assist/help you in the issue you've brought to the table). In layman terms, it gives light to all the "little people" out there that have been overlooked because they simply aren't "active" on the forums, Deviant Art page, Discord server and so on so forth. Catch my drift?

Bottom line, I also agree. I'm excited and am looking forward to how this goes - to having Feral-Heart turn into a community lead group instead of a moderator/staff lead one. I believe someone mentioned it on another forum but it may pave the way for members without any "power" to have the opportunity to hold their own events (ie. dances, movie nights, raffles) and what else not, without the need to be "staff" to fuel people's interest of participating. Ya know?

Let me know what you think. I look forward to reading responses to this post.

Very Respectfully,


« Last Edit: October 01, 2018, 09:04:00 am by Angarika »

Offline Erhiia

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Oh my, take me down memory lane why don't ya <'3
You had me hooked on every word, every thought..
Such a beautiful post <3

Thank you so much <3

Gurl, you have explained the system perfectly! I still wasn't sure how the whole block/ban thing would work, but if that is how it is going to be then I'm okay with it. At least better with that than I am with like instant ban or something. I enjoyed this post. I agree, hate the decision/action, not the person. He could have things in store for the future, we don't know.

I really hope that the system gets utilized that way, so that we still have human beings to talk to, ya know? Thank you for reading! <3

- Erhiia -
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Just like everyone else who has responded to your post, I too agree with everything you've stated in your original post. It was wonderfully written. One of the few, good objective standpoints of how to look at this entire ordeal that I've seen as of yet.

You are, and everyone else who has posted is correct when they say change is difficult. It can be upsetting to some and in some cases, cause uproar/riot-like situations, like the ones we recently had, especially for those who've become comfortable and set in their ways and see no reason to change. At the same time though, change is good. It allows all those directly involved and those who may become involved sometime down the road, to add another tool to their toolkit bag for overcoming challenges in the future. It opens doors as change provides people the opportunity to better understand and acquaint themselves with what it truly means to "adapt and overcome," as change essentially forces them to. It makes people ask, "I can't go back, so how do I go forward while at the same time, not repeating the past?" It makes us take a 360-degree look and consider other options when we may have only dared consider the 180-degree aspect of something before.

Everyone's correct when they keep repeating the phrase that nothing is going to remain the same; something's going to happen, be it now, a week from today or years down the road. It's true that all we can do is prepare ourselves, setting percussions and individualized instructions for ourselves on what to do if x, y, and z happens, so that when the worst does occur, we have a secondary plan of action to turn to and place into motion to minimize the damage done to us or those we consider dear. Who knows, we could even potentially craft the third solution if there is any speculation (even the slightest) that the secondary fix may fall through. Now the secondary or third options may not fix or be the solution in the grand scheme of things but it extends the clock, adding time for others to collectively create what may be the appropriate fix. I agree with you when you mentioned this is essentially what Raz is doing. Creating that x, y, and z secondary and third option.

I must concede, when this entire system was put out about a week ago, I was rather upset. Not in the traditional sense that everyone else was. I was not upset at the "injustice" divided against the staff, nor the "unfairness" directed toward the community for "destroying" their access to new content, but because I allowed the banter to get the better of me. In the end, too, I ended up joining in, letting my new found ability to voice the years of pent-up frustration toward x, y, and z be my guide. I don't regret the decision looking back, as one should never regret anything they do, but I am disappointed in myself for just how quick I responded with my initial opinion. I took a bias stand instead of an objective.

You're right, we do need to be objective in this. Being bias will get us nowhere; choosing these so-called or self-proclaimed "sides," will lead us to nothing but a dead end. We can't ignore what's happened but we also can't get caught up in it. We must overcome it and find the appropriate solution that'll minimize the issues Feral-Heart was having before, be it on the staff/administrative level or member/community one. We must look at this challenge as "how can this issue better our community and if it doesn't, how can we change it to be what it is we're looking for?" without reverting to the "old ways" of how things are traditionally done.

Truthfully I too like this idea of an AI system that helps moderate the game. I too am all for the idea of removing moderator ability from the Feral-Heart game itself, restricting their power to solely the forum. It'll alleviate, if not at minimum, reduce the current "power-hungry" or "ill-trained" perspective a lot of the members the community have of the moderators. It could potentially eliminate the "favoritism" or "big-shot" issue that's been seen in the past (ie. the more you're known, the greater someone/moderators are willing to assist/help you in the issue you've brought to the table). In layman terms, it gives light to all the "little people" out there that have been overlooked because they simply aren't "active" on the forums, Deviant Art page, Discord server and so on so forth. Catch my drift?

Bottom line, I also agree. I'm excited and am looking forward to how this goes - to having Feral-Heart turn into a community lead group instead of a moderator/staff lead one. I believe someone mentioned it on another forum but it may pave the way for members without any "power" to have the opportunity to hold their own events (ie. dances, movie nights, raffles) and what else not, without the need to be "staff" to fuel people's interest of participating. Ya know?

Let me know what you think. I look forward to reading responses to this post.

Very Respectfully,


Had to respond to this one separately because it covers another topic I agree with; favoritism. Since I personally sympathize with those who aren’t active on the forums. For several years, I have been off the forum and honestly sometimes it felt like those who were active on the forums were more important than me (someone who never used it).
- Erhiia -
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I like the way you put this situation in words and I also like the fact that you are neutral in the way of viewing the situation of both sides of the coin, I want to mention that you gotta be one of the most mature members around here, thank you for helping out the community. And I agree on the fact that we should wait see what comes.


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I agree with you a heck of a lot! I'm also a vet when it comes to this game... I want to come back to it, because I'm bored in college.
But I have been avoiding it for a bit because I don't have any friends in game anymore, and the new update scares me cx
I miss the old maps a lot, but the new ones are so beautiful yet so overwhelming for me to see something so familiar change.
But heck, if I do come back, I'll have a great time exploring everything again like I did when I first joined.