Author Topic: \\ Texture Submissions //  (Read 11550 times)

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\\ Texture Submissions //
« on: December 21, 2022, 09:49:07 pm »

\\ Texture Submissions //

Post a reply to this thread with screenshots of your work. Include downloads if applicable!

- Your examples MUST be your work only!
- You may make as many submissions as you'd like
- There is no deadline for submissions as of yet
- Submissions made here simply serve as examples of your skills and are not intended for the patch itself
- We're only looking for textures for the game such as meshes, rocks, trees, etc.; not preset textures

The staff will contact you if we believe your work fits in with the style and needs we're seeking for the game. If you have any questions, feel free to post them down below!

We look forward to seeing your beautiful creations and skills!

« Last Edit: December 22, 2022, 10:29:13 am by Ame88 »

Profile picture by Telluric
Thank you ;u;
Bio | My Creations
Renegade Row | FeralHeart Resort