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Messages - FranTheWaffle

Pages: [1] 2
Game Discussion / shooketh
« on: February 22, 2019, 09:47:16 pm »
omg i havent played this game in for fricking ever and im about to start playing again!!
what kind of roleplays are there now a days? i remember when i used to play there was always lion king roleplays and stuff, do people even do those anymore?

Videos / Re: sad lion
« on: June 04, 2016, 04:17:18 am »
Oh god that was great. Really got me to laughing. xD Great job! You should totally do more!
thank you so much xD i'm glad you like it! I will make more soon lol

Videos / sad lion
« on: June 04, 2016, 04:04:58 am »
guess who made a thing!
thats right
i did
and i even made it 60fps for y'all

Game Help / Re: Kinda forgot how to roleplay
« on: November 14, 2015, 02:46:45 pm »
Thank you :D

Game Help / Kinda forgot how to roleplay
« on: November 14, 2015, 02:34:19 pm »
Ok, so I used to be this really intense roleplayer, I would play Feral Heart 24/7 non stop all day every day.
But then...I kinda just stopped playing the game for 2 years, I don't know why, I just did.
I want to get back into the whole roleplaying thing, I kinda forgot how to be a good roleplayer...any tips?

Game Discussion / RP Samples
« on: September 04, 2015, 04:01:22 pm »
Ello, one thing that has been bothering me is RP samples, when I roleplay I don't want to feel like someone has a knife at my throat whenever i type and when I try to join a roleplay I don't want to be judged based on the fact that i didn't put an apostrophe on a letter, some people like me have a thing called dyslexia, it's a disorder, sometimes it gets really hard to type correctly!
Oh and another thing, not everyone lives in America and not everyone has an American keyboard! For example I live in Europe and my keyboard is diffrent, but FH thinks that my keyboard is american so if i want to put quotation marks it puts an apostrophe or something like that so I then have to go find where it actually is.
And also about apostrophes and stuff like that, it's not like if i write dont like that you won't be able to read it and whats the problem if its not there? You're not going to die.
Ok, I don't want this to be too long so i'll just stop here. What do you think about RP samples?

Introduction / HAI
« on: September 04, 2015, 03:45:45 pm »
aye, my name's fran and im lame but im not new here
i'm not the best at roleplaying but eh i try, i'm actually better are drawing more than anything else :>
if you wanna check out my arts look at my deviantart
meh, idk what else to put here...bye i guesss???

Miscellaneous Tutorials / Waffles Tutorial corner
« on: August 10, 2015, 07:34:52 pm »
Waffle's Tutorial corner!

!!Work in progress!!

The person that made the mod has a folder in their that contains all of the original files

Site/Forum Help / Art section?
« on: December 26, 2014, 11:08:04 pm »
Hey everyone! Since I am trying to be more active on forums I wanted to know if theres and art section...Since I have some artsy fartsy things to show to you all...

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