Author Topic: What's up with this hate?  (Read 4126 times)

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What's up with this hate?
« on: August 11, 2013, 11:30:02 am »
First, this is my first topic, so please be gentle ;D
If you're a lion or wolf, you don't get  bullied very much.
But if you're a hyena, fox or a coyote you will get bullied very much. I saw hyenas who were(I was one), but I didn't see foxes or coyotes...But I know they are. Just because of a stupid stereotype... or something else. Some people RP too much! >:(  And I bet they barely know a thing about the animal they bully or pretend to be.

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Re: What's up with this hate?
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2013, 12:16:35 pm »
No one should be bullying anyone just because of what species their character is. But in some RPs, like Warrior Cats, The Lion King etc. certain species are seen as 'the enemy' and so people will RP rather aggressively towards them. It's nothing person, just innocent roleplay.
If it does annoy the person who is 'the enemy' species, they can also say, "I don't feel like RPing," or "I'm not going to be mean towards you so can you be nice to me please?"
Or of course, in extreme cases, one could just block the person and be done with it.

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Re: What's up with this hate?
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2013, 01:59:23 pm »
Most of my characters are hyenas and-... Well. It does happen frequently! It's quite entertaining if the person's playing fair and respecting the rules of roleplay-- but that's an extraordinarily rare occurrence. It's unbelievable how many people leap to the stereotypes portrayed in popular culture (ie, hyenas are grey-pelted scavengers).

I simply block if they're being particularly obnoxious, powerplay or even if they hassle me when I've said I'd rather be left alone! Many of them don't seem to take 'no' for an answer. There's reporting, too, if the harassment continues.

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Re: What's up with this hate?
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2013, 02:57:47 pm »
Indeed some people have the lack of respect for different roleplays and characters. But in that case, there is no excuse for them to be bullying you, but there are many ways to resolve this. Relating back to what Flob explained about blocking another user, or simply telling them to back off or ignoring them. If they deny your kind request then you can also report them if the situation gets serious and argument rolls out.

But because someone is bothering you from your role play, don't let that bother you, it's pointless and disrespectful really. If you have a problem, use the advise I've just given you because sometimes any forms of harassment or harsh criticism can break the rules.

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If you are caught Harassing and/or threatening other players inside the game it can result in a warning/kick/ban all depending on the severity of the case, having conflicts or arguments is one thing but personally attacking users with hurtful, racist and/or offensive language within the game will not be tolerated. FeralHeart has a wide user-base and a lot of different users log on every day to play the game. As a member of the game you should be polite to everyone no matter which age, gender or views they might have. If there's a problem within the game, block/ignore the users instead attacking each other for various reasons, possibly post a report to the Mods and Admins here on the forum if seen needed.

Don't let people like that stop you from role playing, members with lack of respect aren't worth the argument~

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Re: What's up with this hate?
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2013, 04:42:30 pm »
I personally find it morally wrong that you will get bullied just cause of the species you pick. There could be times when it's like a RP reason like a territorial thing, but never should you feel like you are geting bullied or feel bad when being a species you love so dear to you.
One best way to just deal with this is to just block them and you will never see them again, another way is to just not give them attention that they are obviously wanting and just walk away.
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Re: What's up with this hate?
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2013, 10:03:48 pm »
Everyone has an animal they love and like to role-play as. Not everyone likes to a wolf or lion or the other way, people who do, don't always want to be a wolf or lion. I play a variety of species because it is so much fun to do, also, I get to learn more about the animal itself when I like to research things for the purpose of the role-play. I have a growing muse for playing hyena, panther, and winged animal characters. To get bullied for anything is always wrong of any person to do. No one is above anyone else in playing a certain animal, role-paying style, or any else outside the game. The best comeback, in my opinion, is to either prove them wrong or play your a character your way and be happy with yourself. Ignore the stereotypes and just be on your merry day to play and have fun. 
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Re: What's up with this hate?
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2013, 11:10:11 pm »
Like the others have said before me, it's unfair to bully someone all based on the species they are roleplaying as. I can relate to it, because I too have been harassed by wolves or warrior cats for being a fox. Some warrior cat roleplayers would really hammer me with attacks and threats all because they figured that I was going to come after them and their kits. WRONG! I don't want your kits! I just want to do my own roleplay with my friends. Nowadays, that kind of harasment has slowed down. It's been a long while since some random warriors have threatened any of my fox characters for whatever excuse they can come up with.
There was one time when I did play as a coyote character. When I did, I would get alot of hostility from wolf characters. They would "spit at the coyote", "snarl at the coyote", and even "rip the coyote's throat out no miss!" I'm pretty sure people who play as wolves get this kind of hostility toward coyotes from Wolf Quest. In that game, you had to defend your pups and you food from coyotes. Yes, wolves and coyotes are natural rivals out in the real world.... but this is FH. Not every coyote out in the game is out to get you or you pups.
It's the same thing with hyena characters. I suppose they are seen as villianous creatures all thanks to The Lion King. Some people, including the younger players who like to roleplay as lions, associate hyena characters as being evil scavengers that go after little lion cubs. Well what if the hyena character you encounter doesn't want to be part of your lion roleplay? What if he's just minding his own buisness and participating in a roleplay all his own? Are you going to respect his space, or are you going to go harass him and try to kill him if he doesn't get off of "your territory"?

No one is above anyone else in playing a certain animal, role-paying style, or any else outside the game. The best comeback, in my opinion, is to either prove them wrong or play your a character your way and be happy with yourself. Ignore the stereotypes and just be on your merry day to play and have fun. 

I agree with you on this one. I have tried those tactics before when trying to get my way out of a hostile situation between one of my fox characters and some clan cats. There was a time when I was playing as a mother vixen and had a little fox kit with me. These cats came out of nowhere and demanded that I get the out of their territory, or else they were going to kill me and my fox kit. Even when I showed signs that I was no threat to the cats, they didn't show any sympathy or compassion whatsoever. Some of the cats didn't want to kill me or my kit, but some of the others were hell-bent on hurting the fox kit. One of the warrior toms threatened that he was going to slice the fox kit's neck open. Some noble warrior ::) So they don't have a problem with killing baby animals of another species, do they? But the clan leader let us off the hook (since I knew the guy), and we scrammed out of there without an unecessary squable.

So even when I try to reason with some players who want to "kill" my character for whatever reason, it doesn't always work. I guess they really want to stick to the books instead of respecting someone's offer of peace.

Really, this whole thing is ridiculous. We are all human beings behind these computers. It's not like the person playing a hyena character is a hyena in real life. It's the same with any fox character, cat character, coyote character, lion character, and so on. That clan of cats aren't really cats in real life, they are just people playing as characters. It's not right to harass others all based upon the species they are playing.

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Re: What's up with this hate?
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2013, 12:16:53 am »
For a long while, Warrior Cats received all the hate. Everyone seemed to highly dislike them and want to bother them all the time. As the WC popularity rose, the hatred and criticism quickly fell. Nine times out of ten, you'll find that people criticizing a certain character species has probably never played one themselves. It's just how some people are, it can get very stressful, especially if they become more and more aggressive with their hate.

It's incredibly rude and unfair to receive hate because of the character you play, but sometimes, you just can't help it. My best advice, ignore them, or block them. Guaranteed as time passes, they'll end up playing as the very species they criticized and then they'll receive the hate from others and have to go what they put you through. It's an endless chain, really. One person playing a species says something another doesn't like and BAM, they have a hate for the species in general. It's pretty childish if you ask me. It's a shame that some the FeralHeart community would deliberately break a rule to express unnecessary hatred toward a species.

I know it's not the same thing, but it follows similar lines; if someone plays an evil character, and someone doesn't like the way their character acts, then that person immediately holds a grudge against the player of the character, even if they don't have that specific personality in real life. Alternatively, they can also begin to hate on the species being played because of one character's personality. I just don't understand where all this hate comes from, it's completely irrelevant and causes nothing but trouble.

And there you have, my opinion ;D xD

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Re: What's up with this hate?
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2013, 03:50:27 am »
I agree. I know in Erin Hunter's books, every fox the cats see is hostile, and so is every big dog. And this can get on my nerves a lot, I have a fox character in FP.
  Nobody sees many leopards in FH, right? Me and a couple of friends met up, and made a small group of leopards. We were leisurely strolling, and roleplaying through Bonfire, when all of a sudden a HUGE lioness named 'Sarafina' Jumps off the hill (Unscathed, of course), struts up to me, and says 'ugh leapords get out of mah face riff raff' I responded politely that I wasn't 'riff raff', and was only searching for my friend. She obviously had to call her precious Nala and the two proceeded to been the crap out of poor Arushi. >.> Stuff like that just gets old.

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Re: What's up with this hate?
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2013, 05:19:40 pm »
I see this around quite a bit (and have had it happen to me on multiple occasions) and it really does annoy me.

Just because someone's a hyena doesn't mean they're going to 'steal all your food', 'attack the pride', or 'kill your cubs'. Most of the time, lions are far more hostile than hyena characters are, anyways. I've seen (especially in FP and Bonfire Island) lions go up to hyenas and tell them that if they didn't leave they'd 'kill them', even if the hyena is just sitting there, innocently, doing absolutely nothing.

Someone being a fox does not automatically deem them a 'terrible danger to your clan'. Sure, in the warrior books foxes may be dangerous to the clan - but FeralHeart isn't the warrior books. Most people who make fox characters do not do so with the sole intent to attack anyone's clan - they most likely want to roleplay without being bothered just like the rest of us do!

Coyotes, like all other species that receive pointless hate, are not on FH to burden you, 'kill' you, or whatever you think they're going to do. They're here to roleplay as the species that they like - it doesn't matter if you don't like this species. It's their choice if they want to roleplay as it, and you shouldn't hate or harass them for doing so.
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