Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Forum Based Roleplay => Animal & Non Human Roleplays => Topic started by: Jackalfur on July 19, 2012, 09:09:27 pm

Title: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Jackalfur on July 19, 2012, 09:09:27 pm
|| The Land of 'Hoole ||

Long ago was the Battle of the Ice Claws. The Guardians had been pitted against the Pure Ones, and many owls were injured, many lives were lost in that one war. That battle is still known, told as stories to young owlets.

Many, many months back, the Battle of the Ice Claws came, and went. But now the Pure Ones are back, which will not put any owl to rest. Training for the apprentices has begun, but little tension has swamped anyone's mind... that is, until they realize what danger is lurking upon them.

|| RULES ||

- Do not do anything they wouldn't do outside the movie/books.
- No "Jay hopped into a tree. She caught a mouse. Jay ate the mouse. Her feathers were beautiful."
- None of this either "Tiaka hoppd nto a tre, her eys gleming beutifuly."
- And, none of this "Irina flyed throu the are, skreetching at anothor owl."
- Literacy is a must.
- Wait for others after a few posts! I don't want anyone feeling left out because everyone moved on without them.
- Please have good grammar when roleplaying. Typos are okay sometimes, just not when it's constant. No txt tlk either.
- Please roleplay in one color for each character. It'd be hard telling them apart if none except spacing them apart with enter.
- As said in the first rule, keep it to NO swearing whatsoever. Not everyone likes it.
- Romance is allowed, just please keep it at a level fit for everyone.
- You can have as many characters as you want, just try to keep active with every single one of them.
- Hate the character, not the roleplayer.
- No OOC arguing/fighting! Take it to PM if needed.
- Please use real pictures for your character. No fanart, no cartoons, no fantasy. This also means no zombie owls or laser-eyed owls.
- You do not have to be an ally, you can be with the Pure Ones, or a loner. But remember, the Land of 'Hoole is uninhabited by humans.
- No godmodding, Mary/Garysuing, or powerplay.
- Be descriptive on your posts-- one-liners are not tolerated. A small paragraph of three-four sentences is okay if it's for a good reason.
- Real owl species, please! No wereowls, coyotebats, kittenhawks... You know what I mean.
- Spam is not tolerated-- use the Modify button to edit your post if needed.
- Use the application format to apply.
- Please know at least a little about Guardians of Ga'Hoole before joining.
More rules may be added if needed



Credit goes to whoever made the map, and whoever colored it.


Credit goes to original artist.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (WIP, DO NOT POST)
Post by: Jackalfur on July 19, 2012, 09:09:47 pm

COLLIERING CHAW Once categorically feared by creatures of the forest, wild, fires are now considered both friend and foe to owl kind. Studying forest fires is crucial to harnessing there power. In this class, owls will take the first step in the study of colliering. We will learn about the elements of fire, how forest fires start, the properties of thermal drafts, coal types and there formation, and fuel ladders. Different types of fires - crawling, crown, jumping, and smoldering - will be covered and observed, opportunities permitting, of course. And at the end of the course, all owls will be ready for fire penetration and coal retrieval.

NAVIGATION CHAW In this class, owls are taught to look to the sky to plot their course of travel. Students will be asked to recognize key stars and constellations in the Hoolemere region, and how they relate to landmass locations at different times of the year. The course will present opportunities to go on as many night flights as possible. Owls will also fly with the navigation chaw for observation and to participate in simple tracing exercises.

SEARCH AND RESCUE CHAW Strong flight skills are crucial to search-and-rescue efforts. This course will teach advanced flying skills, including effective high-altitude and low-altitude circling, diving, emergency landings, and in-flight object retrieval. Owls will go on real reconnaissance missions and deliver oral and written reports to their Partner work will also be covered, as all search-rescue operations require owls to work in pairs. With the ryb's approval, some owls will be introduced to battle claws, and be taught how to fly with them.

WEATHER-INTERPRETATION CHAW Wind and flight are intricately linked. Knowing how to fly in different types of wind and how to use wind to ones advantage are two things that set the owls of the Great Ga'Hoole Tree apart from other owls. In this class, owls will be taught to fly in turbulent winds and harsh weather conditions. The structure of a storm, including thermals, gutters, scuppers, swillages, and baggywrinkles will be covered. Everyone in this class will be required to fly in at least one small storm.

GA'HOOLOLOGY CHAW The Great Ga'Hoole Tree has been home to hundreds of thousands of owls during the lat millennium. It is our duty as Guardians to make sure it continues to thrive. In this course, owls will learn how to maintain a symbolic relationship with the tree. A significant part of the course will be devoted to practical exercises, including pellet-burying, vine-trimming, and pruning. Each owl will also be required to write to essays, and pop quizzes will be given at the ryb's discretion.

TRACKING CHAW All animals, including owls, leave tracks. Events are almost always recorded in the tracks of an animal. Tracks can tell you a lot about an animal: where it was headed, its speed of travel, even its size, health, and age. This course will teach owls how to identify the tracks of birds and small land animals, and how to piece together clues that tell us about an event that occurred in the past. Owls in this class will work with the tracking chaw on tactical tracking operations to develop proper groundwork skills.

METALS CHAW The Guardians depend in various types of metals in their day-to-day activities. This course will introduce young owls to the metals that can easily be found on or near the Island of Hoole. Books used in this course will include: How do Identify Metals and Its Implications for Magnetics; and Metal-Shaping with Fire. Owls will also be introduced to the forge. There, they will be asked to identify the basic tools used by blacksmiths. At the end of the course, owls will take the F.A.S.T. (Forge Acumen and Safety Test). Those who pass will receive their Forge Safety Certificate and be allowed to being work at the forge.

HEALING CHAW From the founding of Ga'Hoole, guardians have been committed to helping the sick and injured. In this course, the owl would be taught to identify symptoms of minor owl sicknesses and the technical names of the body parts of an owl. Owls are instructed on the procedures of an emergency situation. As they exit this course they would be able to observe sickness in another owl and identify that illness.

COOKING CHAW Many owls in the owl kingdoms do not have the ability to learn how to prepare such foods like cakes and roasted bat wings. The ability to make such dishes is one that the Great Tree cherishes for this reason. It is one of the most famous arts the Ga'Hoole tree has, so why let it go to waste? In this class students will learn about the most basic types of ingredients that you can find in almost any dish. They will also learn how to prepare simpler dishes that do not require cooking. With special permission students may cook food, as long as they are being supervised.

ALL CREDIT GOES TO http://noblegardiansofgahoole.wetpaint.com/page/Chaws (http://noblegardiansofgahoole.wetpaint.com/page/Chaws) FOR INFORMATION. I take no credit whatsoever; it was thanks to this website for knowledge.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (WIP, DO NOT POST)
Post by: Jackalfur on July 19, 2012, 09:09:59 pm

{Picture here, not too big or too small}
Name: (Name of your character)
Gender: (Female or Male?)
Age: (Owlet, Tween, Teen, Adult or Elder?)
Species: (What species is your character?)
Rank: (What rank is your character? If trainee/apprentice, choose one from post above and list "in-training" after - Example; Blacksmith In-Training)
Clan: (Pure Ones, Guardians, or Loner?)
Personality: (How does your character act? 3+ sentences required)
History: (What has your character gone through in the past? OPTIONAL)
Siblings: (Who are your character's siblings? If none, put N/A, or none)
Crush: (Who does your character like? If none, put N/A, or none)
Offspring: (Who are your character's offspring? If none, put N/A, or none)
Mate: (Who is your character's mate? If none, put N/A, or none)
Extra: (Anything else you'd like to list about your character?)


Code: [Select]
{Picture here, not too big or too small}
History: (OPTIONAL - Erase if not doing it)
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (WIP, DO NOT POST)
Post by: Jackalfur on July 19, 2012, 09:10:29 pm

Name: Athena
Gender: Female
Age: Tween
Species: Short-Eared Owl (Asio flammeus)
Rank: Collier In-Training
Clan: Guardians
Personality: Athena is rather prissy, with a sassy attitude. Besides the fact she's being trained as a collier, she's surprisingly well at fighting, even if it's just when using practice sticks. She may be a little on the rude side when you first meet her, but after you get to know her, this owl can be pretty kind. She's slightly hotheaded and quick to judge, but if you're respectful to her, she's respectful back. She loves play-fighting and prefers that over sitting in her hollow and daydreaming.
Siblings: N/A
Crush: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Mate: N/A
Extra: N/A

Name: Sawni (Saw-nee)
Gender: Female
Age: Tween
Species: Barn owl
Rank: Tracker In-Training
Clan: Guarians
Personality: Sawni is a very shy owl, she doesn't like to be put on the spot. She would rather be in her nest, then out in public, though she has to, to help out her Clan. But when you get through her shiness, she can be a very tough cookie.
Siblings: N/A
Crush: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Mate: N/A
Extra: N/A

Name: Hedwig
Gender: Female
Age: Tween
Species: Snowy Owl
Rank: Healer in-training
Clan: Guardians
Personality: Hedwig is a very wise, and intelligent young owl.  She is very loyal, and brave.  She is a tom-boy and isn't one to flatter herself in the presence of boys.
Siblings: none
Crush: N/A
Mate: N/A

Name:  Apollo
Gender: Male
Age: Tween (young adult/adolescent)
Species:  Eurasian Eagle Owl
Rank: Tracker in-training
Clan:  Guardians
Personality:  Apollo is a very brave owl.  He isn't much of a casanova, but he loves to impress the ladies. Apollo has a real sense of humour.  He loves flying at early morning, and likes the feeling of the sunlight warming his feathers.
Siblings: N/A
Crush: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Mate: N/A
Extra: N/A

Name: Shion (Short for: Fuyu No Shiro Yuki)
Gender: Female
Age: Teen
Species: Rhodoan owl
Rank: From loner to search-and-rescue
Clan: Ex-guardian to guardian
Personality: Silent and serious. She holds rage inside for her past and now it makes her ice-cold. She's resourceful and honestly this is all I need to say.
History: She was actually once a guardian before this. Back then, she was a natural search-and-rescuer who successfully found every owl she looked for. One night, she was out on an urgent mission with 2 other search-and-rescue owls, Spiny and Quill. They were ambushed, taken down with a powerful blow that knocked them to the ground. Spiny and Quill were struck dead, a sharp rock spar held them like a single kabab. Shion struggled to get out of the water and onto land, a red scarf caught on a branch giving her something to grip. She wore the red scarf since that day to symbolize her revenge. Shion argued with the Ga'hoole owls to allow her to hunt down the murderer, but the storm was too strong and it was too dangerous to go alone. So she just up and left to hunt the murderer as a rogue owl, never to be seen by the Ga'hoole owls again. Since then, the owls have made a legend of her, a white young warrior owl with a red scarf, the last of the Rhodoan owls.
Siblings: Spiny and Quill (diseased)
Crush: None yet
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra: She has a scarlet scarf made of silk that flows in the wind when she flies and has a sheem to it.

Name: Brair
Gender: Female
Age: Tween
Species: Barn owl
Rank: Tracker in-Training
Clan: Guardians
Personality: Brair is a very strong-willed, brave owl.  She is quick to learn, and picks up on the slightest things in an instance--she is very observant.  She isn't the one to flirt, and gets very akward near a boy she likes.  She has a very high respect for authority.
Siblings: N/A
Crush: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Mate: N/A
Extra: N/A

Name: Shinitagari (Sometimes just called 'Shini' or 'Shinigami', 'Shinigami' got started when an owlet misprounced his name.}
Gender: Male
Age: Teen
Species: Barn Owl [Tyto Alba]
Rank: Do you the Pure Ones have these? .3.
Clan:  Pure Ones
Personality: Shinitagari is often sometimes rude and ignorant, often picking on younger owls wich train with him or throwing uneeded comments to elders, this excludes Kludd and Nyra though. He actually hopes they may choose him to be the heir of they're role when they pass on, rather than the current choices they have made. Though, despite Shinitagari being rude and iggnorant, he's a head-strong and determined owl ready to fight to the end for his friends and the rest of the pure ones. He can be extremely kind and inspiring in hard times. Shinitagari is ready to do anything to make the Pure Ones win this war.
History: Shinitagari and his brother, Megami were captured by the Pure Ones. Of course, this was all praticly Shinitagari's fault. In order to join the Pure Ones, your required to make a sacrifice, and Shinitagari happened to want to sacrifice his parents, and take his brother as a 'gift to Nyra and Kludd. Megami usually avoids Shinitagari as much as possible because of this.
Siblings: Megami [Brother]
Crush: No one, but this may change.
Offspring: N/A.
Mate: N/A.
Extra: Unlike the picture shows, his feathers are actually a bit whiter. Though the bottom set of feathers on his wings are a dark black.

Name: Megami [Often called 'Megi']
Gender: Male
Age: Teen
Species: Barn Owl [Tyto Alba]
Rank: Navigator if the Pure Ones have this
Clan: Pure Ones, may possibly go rouge or join the gardians though.
Personality: Mgeami is often shy for a male owl, he hates getting into action and is actually quite useless on the battlefied. He's usually respectful to older and younger owls, though he only acts this way because he's afraid of them. Despite how timid he is, when navigating he's quite the adventerous type.
History: Megami was taken by the Pure Ones because of Shinitigari, his older brother. This happened around the time that he was a mere hatchiling, and when Shinitagari was learning to fly. He always actually just doubted those tales his parents told them about the Pure Ones. He just figured that they were nursery tales to scare little owlets, so they wouldn't mess around and fall. Even though he hates and regrets everything that happened, he loves being a navigator. He tries to avoid Shinitagari as much as possible.
Siblings: Shinitagari [brother]
Crush: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Mate: N/A
Extra: N/A

Name: Tacita
Gender: Female
Age: Tween (Adolescent)
Species: Guatemalan Pygmy Owl
Rank: Rogue (loner)
Clan: none (loner)
Personality:  Tacita isn't one to be judged by her size; her life's philosophy is 'never judge a book by it's cover'.  Taking Tacita's size into account, you would somewhat expect her to be timid and shy.  She however, maybe very quiet both verbally, and aerodynamically--she's one tough and brave cookie.  She is very loyal, and has a very high-respect for herself, and others.  She has a very strong, sympathetic, and caring heart, and if she could--she would help everyone.  
Siblings: N/A
Crush: N/A
Offspring:  N/A
Mate: N/A
Extra: N/A

Name: Aimi
Gender: Female
Age: Tween
Species: Saw Whet Owl
Rank: Cook In-Training
Clan: Guardians
Personality: Aimi is friendly and outgoing, but she knew from the start she was never cut out to be a fighter. Her heart was always somewhere she could have friends all around her and she felt safe. Though she's not cowardly.
History: Her parents were both Historians of the Ga'Hoolology Chaw. They raised Aimi to be one like them, but she was more on the creative side and decided to go with cooking.
Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra: Aimi loves to make art and will often pick up interesting things too add to her 'art supplies', as she styles them.

Name: Rei
Gender: Female
Age: Teen
Species: Barn Owl
Rank: Um... Heh... I dunno
Clan: Pure Ones
Personality: Rei is a particularly girly owl and will spend a lot of her free-time just cleaning her feathers or adorning herself with little jewels that Pure Ones often take from their victims - and happen to have an abundance of. She gets impressed easily (especially by males her own age, of course) and will give out praise freely. But when she's in a serious mood - like, for example, on the battlefield - she is focused and swift with her movements.
History: Rei was one of the scattered few owlets who were taken as eggs. Her parents were murdered by the Pure Ones, for they protected the unhatched owlet with their lives and wouldn't surrender. A sad story, but one among thousands that happen all the time in the claws of the Pure Ones.
She grew up in training and believes she has no parents.
Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra: N/A (Will probably come up with something later)

Name: Braith
Gender: Male
Age: Teen
Species: Tasmanian Masked Owl
Rank: Collier In-training
Clan: Guardians
Personality: Braith is a brave young owl. He is loyal and merciful as well. He isn't exactly good at speaking with others, so he's more quiet than some.
History: His parents were mistaken for Barn Owls by the Pure Ones since they noticed them first from a distance. Four of the Pure One fighting owls dove out of the sky on the two Tasmanian masked owls. At that time, Braith was but a hatchling just learning to flap his small wings.
The Pure Ones realized their mistake and turned on Braith, but a patrol of Guardians rescued him from sure death. He is always thankful of the valiant warriors of Ga'Hoole.
Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra: He gets a little snappy if other owls call him something like a "Red-faced Barn Owl".

Name: Araflame
Gender: Female
Age: Teen
Species: Barn Owl (Tyto Alba)
Rank: ? ? ?
Clan: Pure Ones
Personality: Araflame is one that usually won't bite unless she's thoroughly aggravated. She may be cold and ignorant on the outside, but deep inside she's a softie. If accused of being kind to one, she'll quickly snap back something along the lines of "How could you think of such a thing?" She's stubborn and most likely will only listen to the higher ranks, such as Nyra and Kludd, but sometimes she won't listen to anyone at all and instead go for a fly to clear her jumbled-up mind.
History: Stolen as an egg from the Guardians, Araflame was raised as an owlet in St. Aggies. Of course, she wasn't an orphaned owl, but the Pure Ones kept her anyways. As she grew up she steadily learned about what the Pure Ones stood for and accepted them, approving their lifestyle without knowing even a tiny bit about the Guardians and her original home.
Siblings: N/A
Crush: N/A, though this may change
Offspring: N/A
Mate: N/A
Extra: N/A

Name: Fioralba
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Species: Rough Green Snake (Opheodrys aestivus)
Rank: Nest Maid
Clan: Guardians
Personality: Fioralba is calm with a soft voice. She is loved by owlets since she is known to tell stories of heroic acts, some made up purely for storytelling. But she's not a liar, and she is extremely trustworthy. She uses her enhanced senses (other than eyesight, of course) to her advantage, and can move around like a flash when she wants to.
Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring:  None
Mate: None
Extra: She has a tight strand of silver material just behind her head that she traded some things for a long time ago.

Name: Tyra
Gender:  Male
Age: Teen
Species: Australian Masked Owl
Rank: Dunno o3o But he's a good flyer and good on the battlefield!
Clan: Pure Ones
Personality: Tyra has a somewhat similiar personality to Shinitagari's, only while being rude and iggnorant, unlike Shinitagari, in hards times or when one is wounded and could need encouragement, he usually scolds them for losing. Tyra's main goal in life is to surpass Shinitagari, who is the only one that can beat him in anything. Although Tyra is a Masked Owl, which would usually be second rank if reffered to the Pure One's laws,  he managed to earn the title of a First Rank due to his amazing skills.
History: Tyra, also like Shinitagari willfully joined the Pure Ones. In order to join them, as mentioned before, you are required to make a sacrifice. He chose his older sister and brother, along with his parents to go. It really didn't hurt him to lose his family though, considering most of the time he was ignored by his parents and his siblings managed to make good fun out of him.
Siblings: Kurjaki (Brother, Deceased) Baki (Sister, Decased)
Crush: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Mate:  N/A
Extra: N/A

Name: Artemisia
Gender: Female
Age: Teen
Species: Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina)
Rank: Weather Prediction Chaw (In Training)
Clan: Guardians
Personality: Shy and gentle, Artemisia is not exactly the most outgoing of owls, but she is rather intelligent and spends a lot of time reading up on scrolls and tales by legendary guardians both alive and dead. She knows almost all about the story of Hoole, the first king of the tree and perhaps the most legendary in all the land; it could be because of the rumors that he too was a Spotted Owl.
Artemisia, however, hesitates from showing pride, and is more likely to pick at her own flaws than boast about her skills. She shows great potential in manuevering storms, and is currently practicing an ancient skill known as "The Fall From Grace."

History: Artemisia was born in the forest of Ambala to Catherine and Tybalt, a pair of Spotted Owls who lived happily with their new hatchling for the first few months. However, it wasn't long before word of Pure One Attacks spread, and they especially came to the alert of the family when owlet disappearances included. In fear of losing their dear daughter, Artemisia was taken with her parents, and the three travelled far to the Ga'Hoole Tree to live. There, Artemisia learn to fly and hunt on her own, but took a special liking towards the duty of a guardian as well.
To her parents chagrin, Artemisia decided to enroll in the Weather Prediction Chaw, where she soon showed her potential as a great flyer. She is currently training to become one of the best in the chaws, a primary goal in her life.

Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra: None

Name: Matthias
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Species: Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis)
Rank: N/A
Clan: Loner

Personality: Matthias is a very stern and serious goshawk, as well as worriesome, although he usually hides it. It's hard for him to take a joke, and there has been more than once that he had made a very serious lecture towards pranksters. He, however, has proven himself to be a great ally, as he has a great affinity for communicating with other animals, and has been able to fight off an owl or bat or two without much effort. This is only been achieved through his special methods of one-on-one battle strategies, which can only be applied correctly when fighting a small number of opponents; making them inaffective if he is greatly outnumbered.
Matthias will have his lesser serious days, which he usually spends hunting and tending to an empty nest with his mate, Dahlia. On rare occasions, he travels to the Ga'Hoole Tree with reports on enemy whereabouts or events in his homeland, the Forest of Ambala.

History: Born and raised in the Kingdom of Ambala, Matthias was always very worriesome as a young hawk, and dared not stray from his hollow, even when he was old enough to fly. He was always very timid of his father, who was always serious and scolded him often, but shared a strong bond with his mother, who was very kind and gentle. Eventually, Matthias's father forced him out of his hollow, and did not allow him to come back until Matthias had proved that he could survive and live well on his own.
For a whole year, Matthias lived alone, wandering the forest and the nearby Desert of Kuneer, slowly conquering his fears, and becoming rather centered around proving himself worthy of his father's wishes. He also became close to some species of animals, such as the local elf owls of Kuneer, who taught him how to speak in Hoolian, and even a Coyote named Nimrod. After a whole year of training, Matthias had become a skilled survivalist, and soon travelled back in hopes of being welcomed by his parents.

But, to Matthias's horrific dismay, he found his old hollow ruined and his parents dead. He later learned from the local owls of Ambala that a Pure One attack had struck shortly before his return, and his parents were both killed in an attempt to fight them off. Since then, Matthias has been constantly honing his hunting methods into attack methods, hoping to one day seek revenge for his parents' death, and pledged to assist the guardians whenever they needed him.

Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: Dahlia
Extra: Matthias has a scar above his chest. He recieved this when assisting the guardians against the Pure Ones.

Name: Teo (short for Teodora)
Gender: Female
Age: Teen
Species: Barn owl
Rank: I would like to be a solider if possible?
Clan: Pure Ones

Personality: Teo isnt very friendly to those younger than her, mainly owlets. She often picks on them for their size and strength. She is brave and a quick learner, her fighting skills are pretty good, shes also fast flyer and very agile. Teo is very respectful and loyal to her leaders, she will do anything to catch their eye. As mean as she is to younger owls, she still has some manners towards those her age.

History: Teodora has never really got along well with her family, she was teased by her older brother and ignored by everyone. One night in a fit she pushed her brother out of the hollow where he drowned in the river below, with her mother there to witness it she was kicked out of the home. That is when she was captured and brought to the Pure Ones, there she knew this was her true home.

Siblings: Dead
Crush: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Mate: N/A
Extra: She wants to kill her parents when she gets the chance.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (WIP, DO NOT POST)
Post by: Jackalfur on July 19, 2012, 10:02:05 pm

Name:  Zendaya
Gender: Female
Age: three years
Species: Bald Eagle
Rank: N/A
Clan: Loner
Personality: Zendaya is a very hard-working, and strong-hearted.  She doesn't agree in foul-play and will fight for what she believes in,  being alot bigger than the owls, she has a greater advantage against them, if she ever had to duel.  When fighting, she attacks the parts, one wouldn't expect to be targeted.  She has a pure rage and wrath pin-pointed on the pure ones.  She has a maternal instinct, and has been known to drive owl pairs into hiding, and then sit on their eggs, or guard their hatchlings when news of the pure one's starts to spread.
Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra:  I was wondering if maybe, she could be a friend of the Guardians, an Ally.

Name: Eirian
Gender: Female
Age: Teen
Species: Barn Owl (Tyto Alba)
Rank: Collier In Training
Clan: Guardians of Ga'Hoole
Personality: This owl is determined to prover herself and will stop at nothing to finish a task. Sometimes she can get carried away, but she always means well. Eirian isn't a very smooth talker, but she is extremely well-versed in the ways of maneuvering and working with coals. She can't stand being still for long (of course, not including sleep) and always looks for things to do. Her favorite is to go out on important missions or errands with the other colliers.
History: Eirian was taken from her parents at a very young age and brought to be trained as a Pure One. Her name was 'Silver' because of a thick gray splotch running down her back, starting from her brow. She was perfect material for one of the Pure Ones and was just beginning to fly when something in her gizzard switched. From then on, she knew she could never join their ranks, and she somehow managed to escape with the help of a group of sooty owls working in the Canyons and some luck. The king and queen of the Ga'Hoole tree renamed her, since most young owls from the Canyons hates their name, as it reminds them of the place.
Siblings: None, she was an only-hatchling
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra: The dark gray feathers down her back have always been there and always will be. Some might think they're ugly, but she doesn't care. She works with coals and fires anyways, so she has ash in her feathers a lot, just like other colliers.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: SoulRevenge on July 19, 2012, 10:25:39 pm
I'll apply later, this will be edited into my application BDDDD.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on July 19, 2012, 10:34:30 pm
(I love the books and movie. o3o)
Name: Sawni (Saw-nee)
Gender: Female
Age: Tween
Species: Barn owl
Rank: Tracker In-Training
Clan: Guarians
Personality: Sawni is a very shy owl, she doesn't like to be put on the spot. She would rather be in her nest, then out in public, though she has to, to help out her Clan. But when you get through her shiness, she can be a very tough cookie.
Siblings: N/A
Crush: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Mate: N/A
Extra: N/A
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Theobear on July 19, 2012, 10:56:57 pm
I'll change this post to my applications.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Jackalfur on July 19, 2012, 11:05:25 pm
Accepted-- though the picture is a tad bit too small. Is there any way you could resize it, or find another picture? ^^; I hope you're not offended by me saying this.

@Soul & Theo
Yaaay! I can't wait for your applications! 8D
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on July 19, 2012, 11:13:28 pm
Fixed it.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Jackalfur on July 19, 2012, 11:18:15 pm
Alright, thanks. Added you to the members list. :3
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on July 19, 2012, 11:31:47 pm
Welcome. And thank you, for accepting me. I kept looking at the rules to see if I missed anything. XD
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Theobear on July 19, 2012, 11:47:46 pm
Name: Hedwig
Gender: Female
Age: Tween
Species: Snowy Owl
Rank: Healer in-training
Clan: Guardians
Personality: Hedwig is a very wise, and intelligent young owl.  She is very loyal, and brave.  She is a tom-boy and isn't one to flatter herself in the presence of boys. (Hope that's long enough. :))
Siblings: none
Crush: N/A
Mate: N/A

(Go Hedwig. XD Yes, I like Harry Potter. lol)
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Jackalfur on July 20, 2012, 12:00:33 am
Accepted. ^^ Added you to the members list.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Theobear on July 20, 2012, 12:01:34 am
(yeah.) I will have my three other applications in tomorrow. :)
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Theobear on July 20, 2012, 12:18:57 am
Name: Brair
Gender: Female
Age: Tween
Species: Barn owl
Rank: Tracker in-Training
Clan: Guardians
Personality: Brair is a very strong-willed, brave owl.  She is quick to learn, and picks up on the slightest things in an instance--she is very observant.  She isn't the one to flirt, and gets very akward near a boy she likes.  She has a very high respect for authority.
Siblings: N/A
Crush: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Mate: N/A
Extra: N/A

Name:  Apollo
Gender: Male
Age: Tween(young adult/adolescent)
Species:  Eurasian Eagle Owl
Rank: Tracker in-training
Clan:  Guardians
Personality:  Apollo is a very brave owl.  He isn't much of a casanova, but he loves to impress the ladies. Apollo has a real sense of humour.  He loves flying at early morning, and likes the feeling of the sunlight warming his feathers.  He loves too hunt baby skunks... He loves the challenge. (hope that's okay).
Siblings: N/A
Crush: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Mate: N/A
Extra: N/A
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: wolfie1000 on July 20, 2012, 12:45:02 am
I may join :)
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Jackalfur on July 20, 2012, 12:50:48 am
Brair is almost accepted, her picture is a tad small, and Apollo's personality is one sentence short. Otherwise, if you fix that, they're both accepted. c:

Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: okami129 on July 20, 2012, 01:05:40 am
Name: Shion (Short for: Fuyu No Shiro Yuki)
Gender: Female
Age: Teen
Species: Rhodoan owl
Rank: From loner to search-and-rescue
Clan: Ex-guardian to guardian
Personality: Silent and serious. She holds rage inside for her past and now it makes her ice-cold. She's resourceful and honestly this is all I need to say.
History: She was actually once a guardian before this. Back then, she was a natural search-and-rescuer who successfully found every owl she looked for. One night, she was out on an urgent mission with 2 other search-and-rescue owls, Spiny and Quill. They were ambushed, taken down with a powerful blow that knocked them to the ground. Spiny and Quill were struck dead, a sharp rock spar held them like a single kabab. Shion struggled to get out of the water and onto land, a red scarf caught on a branch giving her something to grip. She wore the red scarf since that day to symbolize her revenge. Shion argued with the Ga'hoole owls to allow her to hunt down the murderer, but the storm was too strong and it was too dangerous to go alone. So she just up and left to hunt the murderer as a rogue owl, never to be seen by the Ga'hoole owls again. Since then, the owls have made a legend of her, a white young warrior owl with a red scarf, the last of the Rhodoan owls.
Siblings: Spiny and Quill (diseased)
Crush: None yet
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra: She has a scarlet scarf made of silk that flows in the wind when she flies and has a sheem to it.
Her symbol is Freedom: (http://image.wetpaint.com/image/1/kVHR3WgSsiQyyPOSLQIr3w8311/GW73H23)

Info on the Rhodoan Owl
Rhodoan owl
The Rhodoan owl are quite rare, however they can grow into a population in time.
They have remarkably long legs, toes and talons enabling them to catch prey at the base of deep vegetation.
Rhodoan Owls mainly hunt by sound rather than by sight. With its acute hearing the Rhodoan Owl can detect the slightest movement & sound of its prey. The ears are set asymmetrically, meaning one ear is higher than the other. The ears are located under the feathering of the inside edge of the facial disc, located next to the eyes. The facial disc acts as an amazing sound funnel, collecting & filtering sound. This allows the Rhodoan Owl to detect the movement of its prey with complete accuracy.

 Average size ?:
Length 32-42cm (12.5-15")
Average Wing Span ?:
Wingspan 107cm (42")
Average Size ?:
Length 34-41cm (13.5-15.5")
Average Wing Span ?:
Wingspan 110cm (43")
Ideal Element:
Mountain ranges, Forests, and Plains.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Theobear on July 20, 2012, 01:23:06 am
(I can't fix the size... It goes way way too large)
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Jackalfur on July 20, 2012, 01:27:17 am
Accepted. Added you to the members list; I hope it was okay if I used the first picture for Shion's application on the list, if not I can use the second picture.

Alright. I could find a different picture for you, if you'd like?

Ho boy, I didn't expect this many members in less than a day! :O Also, we have to wait for Soul's application too before starting. I don't want to leave anyone out :3
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Theobear on July 20, 2012, 01:32:41 am
Yes, please.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: SoulRevenge on July 20, 2012, 02:17:54 am
(I decided to just post a new post XDDD}

Name: Shinitagari (Sometimes just called 'Shini' or 'Shinigami', 'Shinigami' got started when an owlet misprounced his name.}
Gender: Male
Age: Teen
Species: Barn Owl [Tyto Alba]
Rank: Do you the Pure Ones have these? .3.
Clan:  Pure Ones
Personality: Shinitagari is often sometimes rude and ignorant, often picking on younger owls wich train with him or throwing uneeded comments to elders, this excludes Kludd and Nyra though. He actually hopes they may choose him to be the heir of they're role when they pass on, rather than the current choices they have made. Though, despite Shinitagari being rude and iggnorant, he's a head-strong and determined owl ready to fight to the end for his friends and the rest of the pure ones. He can be extremely kind and inspiring in hard times. Shinitagari is ready to do anything to make the Pure Ones win this war.
History: Shinitagari and his brother, Megami were captured by the Pure Ones. Of course, this was all praticly Shinitagari's fault. In order to join the Pure Ones, your required to make a sacrifice, and Shinitagari happened to want to sacrifice his parents, and take his brother as a 'gift to Nyra and Kludd. Megami usually avoids Shinitagari as much as possible because of this.
Siblings: Megami [Brother]
Crush: No one, but this may change.
Offspring: N/A.
Mate: N/A.
Extra: Unlike the picture shows, his feathers are actually a bit whiter. Though the bottom set of feathers on his wings are a dark black.

Name: Megami [Often called 'Megi']
Gender: Male
Age: Teen
Species: Barn Owl [Tyto Alba]
Rank: Navigator if the Pure Ones have this
Clan: Pure Ones, may possibly go rouge or join the gardians though.
Personality: Mgeami is often shy for a male owl, he hates getting into action and is actually quite useless on the battlefied. He's usually respectful to older and younger owls, though he only acts this way because he's afraid of them. Despite how timid he is, when navigating he's quite the adventerous type.
History: Megami was taken by the Pure Ones because of Shinitigari, his older brother. This happened around the time that he was a mere hatchiling, and when Shinitagari was learning to fly. He always actually just doubted those tales his parents told them about the Pure Ones. He just figured that they were nursery tales to scare little owlets, so they wouldn't mess around and fall. Even though he hates and regrets everything that happened, he loves being a navigator. He tries to avoid Shinitagari as much as possible.
Siblings: Shinitagari [brother]
Crush: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Mate: N/A
Extra: N/A
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Jackalfur on July 20, 2012, 02:23:42 am
Yaaaay! Accepted! (http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d181/Ajile_Stupidity/funny/Kermit-dancing.gif)

Adding you to the members list~ :3
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: SoulRevenge on July 20, 2012, 02:29:21 am
Want me to post ze starting post? <----Will Edit...unlike last time *Headdesk*

Edit: Okay! BDDD I'l starteth~

Shinitagri was perched on a Cherry Blossom Tree near the old and rather dull castle which the Pure Ones used as a base. It was praticly in ruins, but it was enough to support them. Other than the fact that is would collapse at any moment, it provided acceptional protection from storms and the heat. "I should go see if I can do anything...well, important..." he muttered to himself, pushing down a chest-feather which slightly stuck up farther than the others with his beak as doing so. There was always alot of things for Shinitagari to do, but whenever he got a little 'break' as Kludd had told him, he just wanted to go on more important missions or- well anything. After a few minutes of pondering the idea, Shinitagaru finnaly spread out his wings, which burshed up against the pink and crimson-tinted Sakura leaves. Bending down abit, which he couldn't exactly do, the white owl with a strang of black shot off the branch, which shaked abit after leaving it. The young owl was quite an excellent flyer.
The best for his age actually. Shinitagari was capable of doing flips, barrel roles, and several other tricks which could be handy in combat or just for show.
While taking slow yet powerful and concentrated flaps, it was pretty easy to get where you wanted to go without wasting much energy. Before long, Shinitagari was strutting through the entrance way, Almost immediantly he notice Megami, his brother perched up in a tight-spaced corner which seemed actually comfortable for it's size. "Megami!" he called, taking off again and setting himself closer to Megami.

"Oh, not this bloke again..." Megami thought, he had hated his brother with all he had since that fateful day. He actually sometimes wondered if Shinitagari had lost his sanity. How was one supposed to enjoy himself in a place, a position, and organization like this?
Everyone here was evil within his mind, only a few were innocent, which included himself. And as far as he was concerned, Shinitagari was more blood-thirsty and evil than the most horrible hasfiend to ever fly across the Nothern, Southern, Eatsern and Western Kingdoms. "What is it Shinigami?" he replied in a rather sarcastic question. Rolling his eyes when Shinitagari asked him if he wanted to join him for extra missions.
"Extra Missions eh?" Megami asked Shinitagari, who replied in an eager yes. "H emust be plain stupid if he thinks I'll actually join him..." Megami thought and allowed Shinitagari to continue.

"Yup! Extra missions, You know me when it comes to navigations anyway. Hell, half the time I'm lost in our own base!" Shinitagari answered him, everything beyond the 'Extra Missions' was completely untrue though, but in Shinitagari's eyes, well he saw those last few sentences as words that would convince anyone to join him. "And don't call me Shinigami!" he said quickly and rather loudly. It sort of took him awhile to realize what Megami has said.

"No, and no." Megami replied proudly, raising his head abit. His face now held a smirk. He tapped his talons rather impatienty as he waited for Shinitagari to reply, which was just a rather simple 'suit yourself'. "Finnaly...." he muttered quietly when Shinitagari flew off towards the center of the castle, which was where Nyra and Kludd usually where.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Jackalfur on July 20, 2012, 02:34:00 am
If you would like. If not, I can ^^
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Theobear on July 20, 2012, 02:52:44 am
(Yeah we can start role-playing... Christina are you going to start us off?)
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: SoulRevenge on July 20, 2012, 03:00:07 am
Okay .3. I posted! BDDD
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on July 20, 2012, 03:04:15 am
Heck, I'm joining this. But I'll edit my post with my app. :D
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Theobear on July 20, 2012, 03:26:55 am
Name: Tacita
Gender: Female
Age: Tween (Adolescent)
Species: Guatemalan Pygmy Owl
Rank: Rogue (loner)
Clan: none (loner)
Personality:  Tacita isn't one to be judged by her size; her life's philosophy is 'never judge a book by it's cover'.  Taking Tacita's size into account, you would somewhat expect her to be timid and shy.  She however, maybe very quiet both verbally, and aerodynamically--she's one tough and brave cookie.  She is very loyal, and has a very high-respect for herself, and others.  She has a very strong, sympathetic, and caring heart, and if she could--she would help everyone. 
Siblings: N/A
Crush: N/A
Offspring:  N/A
Mate: N/A

The Guatemalan Pygmy Owl is considered s sub-species of the Northern Pygmy owl..
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Pygmy_Owl (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Pygmy_Owl)
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Jackalfur on July 20, 2012, 03:40:33 am
Okay~! 8D Thank you for starting off!))

Athena was sitting in the middle of a group of owlets, who were looking excited and awestruck as they listened to the collier trainee tell a story. "...And everyone says Metal Beak wears a mask to hide his missing beak," she continued, gaining a horde of excited gasps and squeals. One owlet asked, "How did he lose his beak?" At that, all the fluffy baby owls shouted. "Tell us, tell us!"

"Alright," the short-eared owl chuckled, amused by the young ones' enthusiasm, but before she could start an angry hoot echoed from behind her. "Athena! Colliering!" her mentor, a blinding-white snowy, ordered. "But-but-but--" one owlet started wailing, muted by his siblings' complaints. A female barn owl, most likely the mother of the owlets, shooed her children away gently, churring soothing words to them. The snowy owl landed beside her apprentice, looking fairly annoyed. "Athena, stop dazing off into the dream world and think about your classes! You're already going to be late!"
"Well, so-rree!" Athena snapped back, her sassy attitude quickly replacing the dreamy. The snowy hissed, obviously seething with anger, and started hopping hastily away. "Come on, then! We have no time to waste!" Rolling her eyes, the younger owl followed.

"Now. As you know, colliering is the art of diving into raging fires without much harm done to oneself. Colliers provide heat for molding metals, cooking, light from candles for reading and lighting pathways, and warmth from grates in cold weather." The black-speckled white owl pointed with a stick toward an old-looking fire painting. "I will be training you so you aren't as vulnerable to getting fire-blinked, which is the stage when an owl becomes transfixed from the fire and goes yeep. You will also be learning the coals, and hazards when close to a dangerous fire, one would be fire-blink." Athena's mentor motioned to a fire that very much looked like a hurricane. "This, is a fire tornado. It is a rare phenomena where a vortex of flames form under extreme conditions, rising up to 30-160 feet and containing winds of 100 miles per hour. They usually persist for more than twenty minutes, but I wouldn't put you on such a dangerous task at your skill level." Athena made a silent sneer, folding her wings to her sides and propping herself onto a wooden stool. "Can't we just practice flying now? I need fresh air."

((Phew, long post xD
Your character will be accepted once you finish up Tacita's application. c:

I can't wait for your application! ^^))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Theobear on July 20, 2012, 03:57:37 am

Hedwig, gently grind-ed her beak.  Her snow white, black speckled feathers, ruffled--where the young owl had disturbed them sub-consciously during her sleep.  Clenching her feet, she felt the muscles and tendons in her toes tense.  She puffed out her chest, then immediately began to preen herself.  Fixing the disturbed, mismatched upper wing feathers, she smoothed them out, gently.  The young owl's golden eyes, still partially clouded from her tired exhausted mental-state.  She gently paced,   her toes clenching on her perch/branch, she violently flapped her wings, her Talons, digging into the soft bark, then dug deep engravments, as she slowly became air born.  No one really knows why the young owl did that morning routine--an occurrence of boredom, or maybe an early morning exercise?   Releasing her grip on the branch, she slide into the morning light, the sky a mixture of red, tangerines, and violets, one of Nature's many masterpieces--the morning sky.
 Brair slide through the air, a silent deadly killer.  Her wings, outstretched, they soaked up the warm rays of vitamin D.  Her dusty golden eyes, scanned the ground, examining it for even the slightest movement.  Her ears catching the sound of small paw-pads, she pin-pointed the source.  Her eyes catching the glimpse of a blade of grass, dancing, she quickly knew the diagnosis. A mouse.  The young owl's talons, poised, her eyes locked on the small radius of movement now trailing through the emerald green grass.  She re-thought her decision to attack--if she missed, then she would be missing breakfast.  
'Thud' she landed in the emerald green grass, clenching her toes, she squished the squirming struggling small body, she held within her deadly grasp.  The early bird, gets the worm....
Apollo's ears swiveled, he quietly circled the sky, a dark speck against a sea of radiant color.  The young male, sighed in pleasure, grateful for the warm that blanketed his feathers, he flew his daily cycle.  His eyes keeping to the sky ahead of him, he wasn't hunting and didn't need to be aware of anything below him.. at this altitude, nothing below could touch him.  
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: SoulRevenge on July 20, 2012, 04:29:02 am
(I'll post again because it's pretty much just me right where I am.. XDDD)

Shinitagari landed with a soft and muffled 'plop' infront of Nyra and Kludd, who were perched on the usual pile of stone, which had once been a part of the castle walls. He shuffled his feet abit, Shinitagari's talons made soft 'scraping' noises against the rough concrete terrain. He hadn't thought of anything to say to them, and it was quite difficult to think of something quick when those two were starring down expectantly at you.
"What is it this time?" Nyra finnaly squawked, she seemed quite annoyed of his arrival, however Kludd, or as many called him Metal Beak just perched there silently, waiting for him to speak at his own time. "I'm bore again Kludd!" he managed to sputter out finnaly, though he sort of said it thw wrong way, and made it seem as if he was directing the question to Kludd alone. A Sooty Owl, the lowest rank here seemed to have overheard Shinitagari's outburst. Calling of his shoulder, the sooty started scolding him, though he was too afraid to go that close to Kludd and Nyra.
 "How dare you call the Hight Tyto by his old name! Your lucky they don't kill you for that-" The Sooty seemed to stop almost immediantly after Metal Beak gave him a quick glare, he seemed annoyed that the Sooty had interupted they're 'conversation' and wanted him to stuff a mous in it.
"Bored eh? How many missions have you been on....I think it was one everyday for the past moon." Kludd stated, the way he said it made the 'question' sound like an order.
"Yup I like missions" Shinitagari replied rather casually, smiling abit to himself. Nyra had gone rather eerily silent, she didn't move at the slightest. The High Tyto was quiet for awhile, his single eye seemed to have a thoughtful glint in it, he was obviously pondering weither or not he should alow Shinitagari to do something.
"Theres supposed to be this sort of tornado of fire..." he muttered, clinking his talons which made loud 'clanging' noises because of the Fire Claws- a special type of Battle Claws he was wearing. "I'm guessing the Choilier Chaw or whatever will be in that, I'll send you, Megami, and Tyra down there." He finnaly spoke what would make Shinitagari happy, though he was a little concern with they're low numbers. Sure, Tyra might be excellent in battle and colliering, but not as good as he was. And as for Megami, he was praticly useless. Who would bring a navigator that can't fight into a firestorm?
"I get rid of all of them!" Shinitagari said quickly, almost immediantly he stopped pondering the negative thoughts. "Hey Megami!" he called flying off in the direction Megami was in before, and sure enough the same figure was perched in the same place.

"You better not of dragged me down with you!" Megami scolded Shinitagari, who was flying around impatiently. This was quite an obvious sign that he was coming to get Megami. Shinitagari only shook his head and said something about Kludd and a plan, though Megami didn't really pay attention. "Okay....I'll go but only because I have to." Megami muttered, Shinitagari just chuckled and replied. "You have no choice!"
"Your right about that...." Megami replied, trailing off near the end abit. The brown, black, and tan-speckled owl rather hastily spread his wings, making sure to get out of his little 'hole' though. "You said Tyra is coming to right?" Megami asked Shinitagari, who replied with a simple shake of his head. Mgeami really couldn't comprehend why Shini used body language instead of actual words though.
For the blood-relative of a great flyer, Megami was quite terrible. Really, the smaller-sized Barn Owl could hardly keep himself up for more than two hours. He just hoped that whatever place they were going had possible footholds so he could rest.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: LuinLasse on July 20, 2012, 04:32:12 am
Name: Aimi
Gender: Female
Age: Tween
Species: Saw Whet Owl
Rank: Cook In-Training
Clan: Guardians
Personality: Aimi is friendly and outgoing, but she knew from the start she was never cut out to be a fighter. Her heart was always somewhere she could have friends all around her and she felt safe. Though she's not cowardly.
History: Her parents were both Historians of the Ga'Hoolology Chaw. They raised Aimi to be one like them, but she was more on the creative side and decided to go with cooking.
Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra: Aimi loves to make art and will often pick up interesting things too add to her 'art supplies', as she styles them. She is known for her singing as well.

Name: Rei
Gender: Female
Age: Teen
Species: Barn Owl
Rank: Um... Heh... I dunno
Clan: Pure Ones
Personality: Rei is a particularly girly owl and will spend a lot of her free-time just cleaning her feathers or adorning herself with little jewels that Pure Ones often take from their victims - and happen to have an abundance of. She gets impressed easily (especially by males her own age, of course) and will give out praise freely. But when she's in a serious mood - like, for example, on the battlefield - she is focused and swift with her movements.
History: Rei was one of the scattered few owlets who were taken as eggs. Her parents were murdered by the Pure Ones, for they protected the unhatched owlet with their lives and wouldn't surrender. A sad story, but one among thousands that happen all the time in the claws of the Pure Ones.
She grew up in training and believes she has no parents.
Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra: N/A (Will probably come up with something later)

Name: Braith
Gender: Male
Age: Teen
Species: Tasmanian Masked Owl
Rank: Collier In-training
Clan: Guardians
Personality: Braith is a brave young owl. He is loyal and merciful as well. He isn't exactly good at speaking with others, so he's more quiet than some.
History: His parents were mistaken for Barn Owls by the Pure Ones since they noticed them first from a distance. Four of the Pure One fighting owls dove out of the sky on the two Tasmanian masked owls. At that time, Braith was but a hatchling just learning to flap his small wings.
The Pure Ones realized their mistake and turned on Braith, but a patrol of Guardians rescued him from sure death. He is always thankful of the valiant warriors of Ga'Hoole.
Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra: He gets a little snappy if other owls call him something like a "Red-faced Barn Owl".
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Theobear on July 20, 2012, 04:34:00 am
(is Tacita accepted?)
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: okami129 on July 20, 2012, 05:38:07 am
Can there be a legend in Ga'hoole of Shion that all the owls know? I plan to make her interesting for plot reasons))
Deep inn the mountains, you could see a flash of white and red in the sky as the Rhodoan owl, Shion, glided through the sky peacefully like a kite guided by the breeze. Her landing was peaceful too, she gracefully flapped her wings and reached out a talon to grasp onto the branch as they wrapped around the limb. She scanned the terrain forward, away from her mountains. "I will find you..." she mumbled to herself before leaping forward, spreading her wings, and beginning the glide again.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Jackalfur on July 20, 2012, 06:23:55 am
((Sorry for the slight absence guys, I have to go to bed and I just watched Destiny Deoxys (for the who-knows-hundredth time) again. I will be adding another character either tonight or tomorrow.

Accepted. :3 Your characters should be on the members list by tomorrow.

Tacita's accepted.

Sure. ^^

I will be posting tomorrow, right now I should be in bed. Try not to get too far without me! c:))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Theobear on July 20, 2012, 12:37:17 pm
Tacita frowned,  her small wings propelling her through the crisp morning air.  She didn't really know where, she was going today, she was just letting the wind carry her.  The young female cut through the silent air.  Her reddish colored feather's sparkling in the sun.  She flapped her wings, one..twice...three times, she continued to glide.  

She could hear talking? Looking around, she noticed three figures--Pure Ones.  She screeched, I wonder what they're doing? Silently gliding behind them, she tagged along.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: LuinLasse on July 20, 2012, 04:04:51 pm
((Can I 'invent' different kinds of meals for Aimi to be trained on? It's been roughly a year since I read the books, so... I've forgotten most of the food they eat and can't find them on Google...))

Rei watched three owls fly off, probably intent on some mission. She ruffled her wing feathers and couldn't help the exasperated sigh that fluttered through her curving beak.
Turning in the small rock-hole that she called home, she gazed into the shard of glimmering, reflective metal that had been given to her a while back by Nyra and Kludd who found no use for it. Rei blinked her large black eyes at herself.
Maybe next time I'll be able to go with them. It's been a while.
Not that she minded staying here too much. It just might be fun to go out on some important errand.
Swiveling around and swiftly dove out of her hollow in the gray stone walls. Her wings noiselessly brought her towards a group of Sooty owls carrying waste from some pit or another to somewhere that they would get it out of the Pure Ones' canyons.
"Don't drop any of it," she jeered. Spinning in the air, she slapped out a wing and tipped over one of their buckets. The contents plummeted downwards and the carrier of them squawked in alarm. He went immediately down to clean it up.
Rei churred and flew on. She knew the slave owls could do nothing against her, nor any of the other Pure Ones.

With a stroke of his wings, Braith was up in a lofty branch of the Ga'Hoole tree. He'd been out training until he was sore, and now was his rest time.
They'd been doing things with coals, and since it was Braith's first time really using his talons with fire, he felt a little scorched around the feet.
The Tasmanian Masked Owl shook himself in a brisk movement, leaving a cloud of dark ash to shower down around him. Many of the other colliers in-training were in the same boat; shaking their feathers or nursing burnt feet.

Aimi nudged a piece of rabbit across the surface of a heated stone using her perfectly cleaned talons. All of the cooking owls were required to wash them in a little basin constantly so that the food wasn't spoiled with bits of things they walked on.
The small Saw-Whet owl riffled her feathers when the wonderful smell of the food reached her. She clacked her beak in satisfaction.
Picking up a few spices and herbs, she sprinkled them over the rabbit-pieces as they sizzled on the stone.
"Nice work on those Spiced Bits, Aimi," a voice called. It was one of the older owls who helped training younger ones in the culinary class.
Aimi churred a little at the praise.

((I'll post for Aimi once I know about the foods. ^^"))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Jackalfur on July 20, 2012, 04:52:23 pm
Sure. I can understand, I haven't read the books in a while either. c:

I will be editing this post into my rp paragraphs, but here's a peek at my new character!
(http://i50BannedImageSite/zvx4jm.jpg) Her name will be Araflame. She's a Pure One :3 Her full application will be on the members list once I get finished copying and pasting all your applications.))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: LuinLasse on July 20, 2012, 05:10:38 pm
((Are we allowed to have snake characters? If so, I'll use this post for an app for one. :3)) Yay!

Name: Fioralba
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Species: Rough Green Snake (Opheodrys aestivus)
Rank: Nest Maid
Clan: Guardians
Personality: Fioralba is calm with a soft voice. She is loved by owlets since she is known to tell stories of heroic acts, some made up purely for storytelling. But she's not a liar, and she is extremely trustworthy. She uses her enhanced senses (other than eyesight, of course) to her advantage, and can move around like a flash when she wants to.
Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring:  None
Mate: None
Extra: She has a tight strand of silver material just behind her head that she traded some things for a long time ago.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Jackalfur on July 20, 2012, 05:24:29 pm
((I suppose; maybe as minor characters in the rp? I haven't had a GoG rp that had snake characters, but I guess so.

UPDATE; Araflame's application has been added to the members list. I can't believe it's already getting crowded! :O Good thing I reserved a spot for members, haha.))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on July 20, 2012, 07:17:39 pm
(I'm leaving later today, around... about 6:30ish. Just a heads up. ^^')

A golden owl opened her black eyes. She shook her head, away from sleep. She tensed her talons. The beautiful sky, an aray of oranges , blues, purples, and reds shot a glance through her eyes. "Morning, already?" She felt like more sleep. Grogginess got a hold of her. A stabbing pain shot through her wing, as the wind heavily blew. Her white curved beak opened, into a yawn.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Jackalfur on July 20, 2012, 09:35:02 pm
Alright. I'll be sure to wait for your return. ^^

Accepted, but the picture isn't showing for some reason. ono

I will post once the others are caught up.))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: LuinLasse on July 20, 2012, 09:45:02 pm
((Nuuu! It's working for me. :C I'll try a new one though))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Jackalfur on July 20, 2012, 10:10:18 pm
((Okay, thanks. Adding you to the members list c:

New rule - the maximum of nest snakes is two. I don't want more than that, because if people were to constantly apply with snakes instead of owls, the whole rp would most likely be overtaken by reptiles. Also, since bats and hagsfiends are too minor of a character in the rp and don't play a big part, they will be NPCs instead of characters, as everyone can control them. Hawks and eagles will also be NPCs unless they're allies with either side.
I'm going to try and get this rp in order so it's not a bundle of confusion wondering who is where, who posts what, etc. As posted on the rules, I'd like for everyone to wait until the others who are a bit left behind catch up before posting, so no one feels left out.

Also, to everyone, try to keep up with all your characters! I don't want to fill up the members list right away, though, so try to refrain from making new characters if you're not going to be active with them! Having too many characters can make it harder to do longer posts. Try to keep the minimum sentences in a post at least five sentences, so everything's not jumbled up.
Just a little reminder :3

I will wait for Soul, Okami, and any of the others that haven't posted in a little while to catch up before I post my two characters.))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: okami129 on July 20, 2012, 10:41:03 pm
Waiting to be seen flying))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Theobear on July 20, 2012, 11:29:06 pm
Tacita's eyes brightened, as she saw a flash of white and red. Could it be her? the small owl, barrel-rolled, turning her direction.  She glided towards the figure, flapping her wings gently, she surfed the gentle waves of wind.  A screech escaping her beak, she landed on a small branch, a good hiding spot, but it concealed her well.

(I will reply with my other Character's tomorrow.. going camping :))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: okami129 on July 20, 2012, 11:47:43 pm
Shion heard a screech that caught her attention. She glanced at it only with her eyes and gracefully dipped her wind down to turn in the air, barely needing to flap. She did a half circle as sh soared over the location of the screech. Alas, she found nothing. The Rhodoan owl narrowed her eyes in irritation. "Hmmm..." She continued to glide away.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Theobear on July 21, 2012, 12:23:32 am
Tacita smiled, as she saw the owl circling.  It was her.  Launching herself into the air, she flapped her wings twice.  Gliding towards the owl, she screeched again.  Her small form, charging toward the white she-owl.  She barrel-rolled, her small body, swooping, she dove under the white owl, then re-surfaced above the owl, and silently flew above her, ready to bolt away, if necessary.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: okami129 on July 21, 2012, 12:52:11 am
Shion somewhat expected the owl when she originally made her screech. "Hmph." The white owl easily flapped to manouver her body sideways so the smaller owl was in her line of sight. "Hmmm." she gave a dark smirk, her eyes narrowing in amusement. She outstretched her large talons and attempted to grasp around the owl, which was most likely successful.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: SoulRevenge on July 21, 2012, 01:09:07 am
{I think I'll make an application for Tyra, who should be my last character B3)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_Masked_Owl (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_Masked_Owl) (First picture shown on the page)

Name: Tyra
Gender:  Male
Age: Teen
Species: Australian Masked Owl
Rank: Dunno o3o But he's a good flyer and good on the battlefield!
Clan: Pure Ones
Personality: Tyra has a somewhat similiar personality to Shinitagari's, only while being rude and iggnorant, unlike Shinitagari, in hards times or when one is wounded and could need encouragement, he usually scolds them for losing. Tyra's main goal in life is to surpass Shinitagari, who is the only one that can beat him in anything. Although Tyra is a Masked Owl, which would usually be second rank if reffered to the Pure One's laws,  he managed to earn the title of a First Rank due to his amazing skills.
History: Tyra, also like Shinitagari willfully joined the Pure Ones. In order to join them, as mentioned before, you are required to make a sacrifice. He chose his older sister and brother, along with his parents to go. It really didn't hurt him to lose his family though, considering most of the time he was ignored by his parents and his siblings managed to make good fun out of him.
Siblings: Kurjaki (Brother, Deceased) Baki (Sister, Decased)
Crush: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Mate:  N/A
Extra: N/A

(I will post my reply when Tyra is not accepted or accepted o3o)
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Jackalfur on July 21, 2012, 01:16:12 am
((Accepted :3 Adding Tyra to the members list~
I shall reply after you. ovo))
Title: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: SoulRevenge on July 21, 2012, 01:39:15 am
(Okay B3)

"Someone's following us..." Megami said rather silently, he actually wondered how Tyra and Shinitagari hadn't realised this sooner.
They probaly didn't notice because they were both too busy conversating. Megami sighed after the thought, which was true considering they were both still talking they're tail-feathers off. They've been sent on what appeared to be an extremely hard mission, and they couldn't managed to make a low profile or at least shut they're mouths. "Hey! Someone's following us you two idiots!" Megami shouted, sloppily thrusting himself over to Shinitagari and aimed a shot at his chest with his talons, Megami managed to push Shinitagari abit towards the other direction, but it was really nothing at all.

"Okay! I get it!" Shinitagari yelled back, then began to fly upwards abit. Unlike most of the Pure Ones, his flying skills weren't the pratical opposite of sloppy. Shinitagari was capable of gliding through the air, making praticly no sound at all. He actually made less noise than Kludd when flying, which was really no suprise. That hard-headed owl would make as much noise as his heart desired as long as it meant he got a chance on the battlefield. Looking down, he focused his pitch-black eyes down towards Megami. His idiot brother was just gazing up at him, and turning his attention back to the course they were to take every few seconds. With a quick and rather unhead hiss, Shinitagari dived down towards Megami, his talons were outstretched, he was in the rather praticle hunting stance. In only a shrort moment, he had the smaller owl, which somehow managed to fit, between his talons. "You've been snatched!" he taunted, though the extrra weight was wearing him downwards. It didn't take him too long to know that he was to relase him quickly.

"Shutup will ya!?" Megami hissed back, quickly jumping up towards where Shinitagari and Tyra now glided softly. He hated them both, they were both stupid and dumb, They didn't deserve to live another day. Of course, those two iditos were laughing at him like crazy, even throwing a few taunts out. "I swear to Glaux! If you two don't shutup, then I'll lead you in the wrong direction!" Megami thought this threat was pretty good, and it was quite true actually. Shinitagari and Tyra probaly had no idea where they were meant to go, which was probaly the reason why Kludd sent him along too.

"Aye, why don't you put a mouse in it!". Tyra replied somewhat harshly. A serious look was on his face as he glared at Megami. Tyra was easily angered, and Megami saying something like 'I'll lead you in wrong direction' was enough to make him pretty mad. "It's only common knowledge that a collier, like myself knows where a fire storm would be." Tyra muttered, just loud enough for Megami to hear him, The hot-headed owl had already forgot about how this started, and about Megami's announcement. The Asutralian Masked Owl flapped his black, brown, and white-speckled wings a few times, just to go a little ahead of Shinitagari.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: LuinLasse on July 21, 2012, 01:40:33 am
Aimi, using a flat piece of slate, swept all of the spicy rabbit meat into a basket that she held in one talon. The steam rising off of them curled languidly around and the smell wreathed with it.
The small owl flapped her wings, carefully carrying the basket up to a shelf with an opening on the other side. This was where a lot of the food from the 'kitchen' area was put after it was cooked, since on the other side, owls could come take their meals.
Aimi, proud of her cooking, fluttered noisily back down to the place she'd left. It was difficult navigating in flight down here since there were many tools, herbs, spices, and other things that could be knocked down with just a careless stroke of a primary. She used a spongy moss to clean off the now-cooling stone where she'd cooked the rabbit and tossed the soiled moss into a chute.
Owls went back and forth, hurrying to prepare things for the next meal.

((That's all I'll post for now. o3o I just wanted to establish Aimi in the cooking ways a little more.))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Jackalfur on July 21, 2012, 02:56:46 am
"No, Athena." her mentor replied sternly. "Not until you've practiced colliering!"
Athena's bright yellow eyes rolled. When did she ever have fun? "Fine." the short-eared owl snorted, stretching her wings out and yawning. "Now, what am I going to practice again?"
"You will be flying out to sea to collect the cold coals I've placed on the pillars. Cold coals do not give off smoke or light fires, which I am giving you those to train with, as they are not dangerous."
Athena nodded intently, watching the large snowy owl as she beckoned her trainee toward the exit of the hollow, to the outside world.

After a few moments of hopping and flying, Athena was airborne. The sea breeze penetrated her dark-dappled feathers as she flapped, her talons gripped on a coal carrier. "She said the first coal was by a stone arch..." she murmured, casting her gaze farther from the Great Tree. At last, she found an archway shrouded by fog and mist; the collier in-training flew out to it, the coal bucket weighing her down. As she reached the stone arch, an orange light enveloped an area of the rock, surrounding by a blue-green glow. "Aha, found you." the female owl churred, scooping the coal into the carrier.

Araflame scanned the skies, her dark gaze showing no emotion but scorn. "I bet Shinitagari already asked Kludd for something to do," she hooted to herself, staying in one place in the sky while trying to stay airborne. The Barn Owl looked down to see the three male owls taking off, and she rolled her eyes. That's no lie.

Sighing, she dove down back to the old castle, her talons gripping the air as it swept passed her. The Guardians most likely weren't aware of the Pure Ones' presences yet, which gave a strong advantage if they ambushed them. We know they're here, but they don't know we're here... Yet. The wind made her feel like she weighed nothing, yet on land she felt like gravity was pulling her down toward the center of the Earth.

I should go tell Nyra and Kludd I've spotted no intruders at the moment. she thought, tucking her wings to her sides and going into a stoop.

((Araflame's application is up on the members list if anyone wants to know more about her, unless everyone's already checked...? xD
Also, I may not be on until tomorrow. Going to get something to eat and most likely going to watch another movie. c:))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Theobear on July 21, 2012, 12:31:41 pm
Tacita screeched, as talons grasped her body.  "Hey, not fair--your twice my size." the young owl protested, struggling to free herself from the owl's grasp.  Her small, wings flapping madly, she looked more like an injured bird being taken away for dinner, rather than an owl.  Her screech carried across the land, she remembered the pure ones, and immediately shut up.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Ingredient on July 21, 2012, 01:11:23 pm
Sorry if my pic is too large))

Name: Teo (short for Teodora)
Gender: Female
Age: Teen
Species: Barn owl
Rank: I would like to be a solider if possible?
Clan: Pure Ones

Personality: Teo isnt very friendly to those younger than her, mainly owlets. She often picks on them for their size and strength. She is brave and a quick learner, her fighting skills are pretty good, shes also fast flyer and very agile. Teo is very respectful and loyal to her leaders, she will do anything to catch their eye. As mean as she is to younger owls, she still has some manners towards those her age.

History: Teodora has never really got along well with her family, she was teased by her older brother and ignored by everyone. One night in a fit she pushed her brother out of the hollow where he drowned in the river below, with her mother there to witness it she was kicked out of the home. That is when she was captured and brought to the Pure Ones, there she knew this was her true home.

Siblings: Dead
Crush: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Mate: N/A
Extra: She wants to kill her parents when she gets the chance.

Ive watched the movie but only read the 7th book, The Hatchling i believe its called.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: okami129 on July 21, 2012, 02:40:30 pm
The Rhodoan owl gave a smirk at the owls pathetic excuses. "Fair is fair in self defense." she cooed and then dived down to the ground, holding the smaller owl forward so when she hit the ground, the owl would cushion it and pretty much be crushed along the way. Thunk! The larger owl leaped back from the smaller owl as it hit the ground. Shion walked forward a little and placed her claw on the owls head. "Now tell me who you are."
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: LuinLasse on July 21, 2012, 03:13:01 pm
"Braith. Your mentor wants you at the Roots."
A high-pitched voice hailed Braith as a Little Owl flew up and perched on his branch. Braith looked up and the messenger continued.
"He said he wants you for a training exercise he wanted to show to each student alone."
Braith tilted his head.
"Um... Alright." The Tasmanian masked owl spread his wings and jumped off the limb of the Ga'Hoole tree, diving and catching himself near the foot of it. His mentor was supposed to be somewhere around here, so Braith lighted and began calling for him.
Suddenly, a heavy weight slammed into Braith's back, making him call in surprise. Instinctively, he began smacking against his attacker with heavy wing-blows.
"Always be ready for a sky-attack, young 'un."
Braith's teacher stepped away, leaving the young owl to steady himself and realign is feathers.
"I've set up torches in different locations. All of them need to be lit if you are to pass this exercise." The Great Gray paused to point with an outstretched wing. "There is a pedestal for the hot coals already out there somewhere, on top of a rock spire. You'll have to find it yourself. Now.... get going."
Braith took off without waiting for another word, since his mentor was like that - tell the student what to do and then expect them to fly off without any questions.
Braith looked out into the foggy waters. The mist billowed slowly in thick sheets, making visibility very low.
He tilted his wings and flapped hard a few times, gaining altitude with each stroke. The masked owl caught sight of a faint red glow within a particularly thick bank of fog, and he dove towards it, folding his wings to his sides to gain speed.
As he approached the pedestal, he stuck out his talons, which were still covered by the protective training claws he'd used before, and opened his wings to their full extent.
He grasped two coals in a rush of sparks and smoke. They glowed from within his claws, leaving a trail of light as he flew off towards the tree, searching for the torches.

Fioralba curled herself around a branch, half of her long, thin body draping downwards. The nest maid's head was lifted, facing the direction that a soft breeze was coming from.
Her mouth opened slightly, she sighed. The scents coming from the waves were slightly reminiscent of the far off shores where her home used to be. It just brought her thoughts slithering back to the time when she was a pretty young thing with big hopes for the world.
But she'd found her true self here, with the Guardians. She had been the friend of an old Spotted owl who brought her here when he was not far from passing on.
Fioralba's blind, golden eyes dilated a bit.

Soaring back towards her hollow, Rei spotted Araflame heading for Nyra and Kludd.
Altering her course, she followed, wings silently moving the air to keep the bird aloft. Rei was half hoping Araflame would be sent on a mission of some sort so that she could come along.
Nyra and Kludd rarely noticed Rei, after all, since there were many Pure Ones. Especially more important ones like Shinitagari. But that didn't matter to Rei, just as long as she served the two High Tytos, she was content.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on July 21, 2012, 04:09:55 pm

I was too lazy to edit my post, here they are. :>

Name: Artemisia
Gender: Female
Age: Teen
Species: Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina)
Rank: Weather Prediction Chaw (In Training)
Clan: Guardians
Personality: Shy and gentle, Artemisia is not exactly the most outgoing of owls, but she is rather intelligent and spends a lot of time reading up on scrolls and tales by legendary guardians both alive and dead. She knows almost all about the story of Hoole, the first king of the tree and perhaps the most legendary in all the land; it could be because of the rumors that he too was a Spotted Owl. Artemisia, however, hesitates from showing pride, and is more likely to pick at her own flaws than boast about her skills. She shows great potential in manuevering storms, and is currently practicing an ancient skill known as "The Fall From Grace."

History: Artemisia was born in the forest of Ambala to Catherine and Tybalt, a pair of Spotted Owls who lived happily with their new hatchling for the first few months. However, it wasn't long before word of Pure One Attacks spread, and they especially came to the alert of the family when owlet disappearances included. In fear of losing their dear daughter, Artemisia was taken with her parents, and the three travelled far to the Ga'Hoole Tree to live. There, Artemisia learn to fly and hunt on her own, but took a special liking towards the duty of a guardian as well. To her parents chagrin, Artemisia decided to enroll in the Weather Prediction Chaw, where she soon showed her potential as a great flyer. She is currently training to become one of the best in the chaws, a primary goal in her life.

Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra: None

Code: [Select]
Name: Artemisia
Gender: Female
Age: Teen
Species: Northern Spotted Owl ([i]Strix occidentalis caurina[/i])
Rank: Weather Prediction Chaw (In Training)
Clan: Guardians
Personality: Shy and gentle, Artemisia is not exactly the most outgoing of owls, but she is rather intelligent and spends a lot of time reading up on scrolls and tales by legendary guardians both alive and dead. She knows almost all about the story of Hoole, the first king of the tree and perhaps the most legendary in all the land; it could be because of the rumors that he too was a Spotted Owl.
Artemisia, however, hesitates from showing pride, and is more likely to pick at her own flaws than boast about her skills. She shows great potential in manuevering storms, and is currently practicing an ancient skill known as "The Fall From Grace."

History: Artemisia was born in the forest of Ambala to Catherine and Tybalt, a pair of Spotted Owls who lived happily with their new hatchling for the first few months. However, it wasn't long before word of Pure One Attacks spread, and they especially came to the alert of the family when owlet disappearances included. In fear of losing their dear daughter, Artemisia was taken with her parents, and the three travelled far to the Ga'Hoole Tree to live. There, Artemisia learn to fly and hunt on her own, but took a special liking towards the duty of a guardian as well.
To her parents chagrin, Artemisia decided to enroll in the Weather Prediction Chaw, where she soon showed her potential as a great flyer. She is currently training to become one of the best in the chaws, a primary goal in her life.

Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra: None

I hope you don't mind if I add a non-owl avian into the roleplay; I've read the books before, and I do remember that there were puffins, crows, and even eagles also in the books. Not to mention hagsfiends. I hope it's okay if I add this one, Christina..

Name: Matthias
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Species: Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis)
Rank: N/A
Clan: Loner

Personality: Matthias is a very stern and serious goshawk, as well as worriesome, although he usually hides it. It's hard for him to take a joke, and there has been more than once that he had made a very serious lecture towards pranksters. He, however, has proven himself to be a great ally, as he has a great affinity for communicating with other animals, and has been able to fight off an owl or bat or two without much effort. This is only been achieved through his special methods of one-on-one battle strategies, which can only be applied correctly when fighting a small number of opponents; making them inaffective if he is greatly outnumbered.
Matthias will have his lesser serious days, which he usually spends hunting and tending to an empty nest with his mate, Dahlia. On rare occasions, he travels to the Ga'Hoole Tree with reports on enemy whereabouts or events in his homeland, the Forest of Ambala.

History: Born and raised in the Kingdom of Ambala, Matthias was always very worriesome as a young hawk, and dared not stray from his hollow, even when he was old enough to fly. He was always very timid of his father, who was always serious and scolded him often, but shared a strong bond with his mother, who was very kind and gentle. Eventually, Matthias's father forced him out of his hollow, and did not allow him to come back until Matthias had proved that he could survive and live well on his own.
For a whole year, Matthias lived alone, wandering the forest and the nearby Desert of Kuneer, slowly conquering his fears, and becoming rather centered around proving himself worthy of his father's wishes. He also became close to some species of animals, such as the local elf owls of Kuneer, who taught him how to speak in Hoolian, and even a Coyote named Nimrod. After a whole year of training, Matthias had become a skilled survivalist, and soon travelled back in hopes of being welcomed by his parents.

But, to Matthias's horrific dismay, he found his old hollow ruined and his parents dead. He later learned from the local owls of Ambala that a Pure One attack had struck shortly before his return, and his parents were both killed in an attempt to fight them off. Since then, Matthias has been constantly honing his hunting methods into attack methods, hoping to one day seek revenge for his parents' death, and pledged to assist the guardians whenever they needed him.

Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: Dahlia
Extra: Matthias has a scar above his chest. He recieved this when assisting the guardians against the Pure Ones.

Code: [Select]
Name: Matthias
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Species: Northern Goshawk ([i]Accipiter gentilis[/i])
Rank: N/A
Clan: Loner

Personality: Matthias is a very stern and serious goshawk, as well as worriesome, although he usually hides it. It's hard for him to take a joke, and there has been more than once that he had made a very serious lecture towards pranksters. He, however, has proven himself to be a great ally, as he has a great affinity for communicating with other animals, and has been able to fight off an owl or bat or two without much effort. This is only been achieved through his special methods of one-on-one battle strategies, which can only be applied correctly when fighting a small number of opponents; making them inaffective if he is greatly outnumbered.
Matthias will have his lesser serious days, which he usually spends hunting and tending to an empty nest with his mate, Dahlia. On rare occasions, he travels to the Ga'Hoole Tree with reports on enemy whereabouts or events in his homeland, the Forest of Ambala.

History: Born and raised in the Kingdom of Ambala, Matthias was always very worriesome as a young hawk, and dared not stray from his hollow, even when he was old enough to fly. He was always very timid of his father, who was always serious and scolded him often, but shared a strong bond with his mother, who was very kind and gentle. Eventually, Matthias's father forced him out of his hollow, and did not allow him to come back until Matthias had proved that he could survive and live well on his own.
For a whole year, Matthias lived alone, wandering the forest and the nearby Desert of Kuneer, slowly conquering his fears, and becoming rather centered around proving himself worthy of his father's wishes. He also became close to some species of animals, such as the local elf owls of Kuneer, who taught him how to speak in Hoolian, and even a Coyote named Nimrod. After a whole year of training, Matthias had become a skilled survivalist, and soon travelled back in hopes of being welcomed by his parents.

But, to Matthias's horrific dismay, he found his old hollow ruined and his parents dead. He later learned from the local owls of Ambala that a Pure One attack had struck shortly before his return, and his parents were both killed in an attempt to fight them off. Since then, Matthias has been constantly honing his hunting methods into attack methods, hoping to one day seek revenge for his parents' death, and pledged to assist the guardians whenever they needed him.

Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: Dahlia
Extra: Matthias has a scar above his chest. He recieved this when assisting the guardians against the Pure Ones.

I've seen the movie and have read all the books up to "Burning" (And not to mention, played the game)....Yes, Matthias has a much longer description than Artemisia..
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: SoulRevenge on July 21, 2012, 04:14:58 pm
"We're here." Shinitagari stated as he silently and rather quickly perched himself on a fern branch. Not too far away, the starting spiral of flames was begining. It wouldn't be too long until the uproar of flames would send ash and debre up into the sky, making it slightly harder to see. Shinitagari examined the area abit, he seemed to be content on doing so, considering he was constantly turning his head. "Tell me if you guys spot any owls supporting battle mask, training claws, or, well owls." He ordered Tyra and Megami as his pitch black gaze traveled in all directions. It was almost impossible for something to get past him now that he was so focused on spotting someone.

"Ya, whatever." Megami stated in a rather bored tone. Though, rather than examining the area as Tyra and Shinitagari were, he was simply preening his breast feathers. Pushing down anything that slightly stuck up or was 'tangled' with the other feathers with his light pink beak. He really didn't feel like helping those two, for if he did it would mean helping the Pure Ones. Though every once in awhile he couldn't help but examining the area. It was hard for him not to try to take in every detail of an area, considering his goal was to make a map of all the kingdoms. And that map would have every tree, thermal, hollow, shrub, bush, and river he could find. It would even include the Great Ga'Hoole' tree, and the Hoolian Sea.

"Alright." Tyra replied, his eyes scanning the area carefully. He tried to examine everything closely, just in case an avian might fly through without him noticing. The Barn Owl even looked towards the ground. It was highly possible that another owl might take a route on the ground to escape they're wondering eyes. Though, after abit longer, possibly about fifteen minutes they didn't notice anything in particular. "I don't see anything, but when that Fire tornado or whatever starts up, we better fly into it." he clicked, flapping his wings abit, though he remained on the branch as he wanted to. "Theres a high possiblity that they'll be in there."

Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Jackalfur on July 21, 2012, 05:05:17 pm
Naw, it's fine. c: Accepted, added you to the members list. Only one more space for a hawk/eagle.))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Ingredient on July 21, 2012, 11:16:28 pm
Dont forget to add me D:))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: SoulRevenge on July 21, 2012, 11:19:37 pm
Christina, since this Roleplay is getting so big and still adding on members, I'd like to make a suggestion O3O
Maybe you could add Moderators so this won't be too much work for you? Just a suggestion owo
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Jackalfur on July 22, 2012, 12:10:52 am
(FUFUFU I'm sorry Ingredient D: I missed your application on accident. Accepted.
Maybe. I've considered that, but I'm not really sure yet. Thank you for the suggestion!
Editing into rp post once finished adding Teo to the list.))

After at least two hours of flying to and from the Tree, Athena's mentor waved a blinding white wing. "In a few moments I will be taking you to a practice area," the snowy hooted. "There, you will learn the types of fires, and how they are formed."

Athena's shoulders drooped. "But you just set me on a two in a half hour fly with no breaks whatsoever!"

"You have to learn how to adapt your wings to flying great distances and long distances. You did well with retrieving coals, yes, but there is much more to learn, young owl. If you clear this task, I might just be impressed."

"Okay." The short-eared owl's darker eyelids forced themselves to stay open. Well, at least I'm not checking hollows for pellets, she thought, her head tipping to one side as her teacher led her from the Great Tree.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Theobear on July 22, 2012, 01:29:20 am
Tacita screeched slightly in pain, as she was crushed against the momentum and the weight of the larger owl.  Shaking her wings, she struggled to stand, only to be trapped by the larger owl's talons.  "Who are you?" She asked, her beak snapping in the general direction, of the larger she-owl's toe, she struggled to free herself.  "I am not Guardian or Pure one; I can tell you that." She said, bravely.

(Sorry, I don't really have an muse for Apollo, Hedwig, and Brair.. Do you guys have any suggestions, on what they could be doing?)
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: okami129 on July 22, 2012, 06:09:34 am
The owls words seemed to trigger something in her. She narrowed her eyes and frowned at the owl. "I am Fuyu No Shiro Yuki" She lifted one foot off the owl and held it higher, her grip loosening so it didn't seem crushing anymore. After a pause, she fully released the smaller owl and watched it, waiting for it to fly away. "Not a pure one, not one of my targets... Go home."
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Theobear on July 22, 2012, 11:26:55 am
Tacita stood up immediately, "your really her."  The young pygmy owl, hopped slightly, then stared at the larger white owl.  "I don't have a home." she said sadly, the young owl, had once had a home.  The young owl squawked gently.  "I'm Tacita." The young owl, shook her feather, releasing the dirt and dust they had collected during the fall/collision.
(Can someone give me any ideas on what Hedwig, Brair, and Apollo could be doing?)
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Theobear on July 22, 2012, 01:48:49 pm
Name:  Zendaya
Gender: Female
Age: three years
Species: Bald Eagle
Rank: N/A
Clan: Loner

Zendaya is a very hard-working, and strong-hearted.  She doesn't agree in foul-play and will fight for what she believes in,  being alot bigger than the owls, she has a greater advantage against them, if she ever had to duel.  When fighting, she attacks the parts, one wouldn't expect to be targeted.  She has a pure rage and wrath pin-pointed on the pure ones.  She has a maternal instinct, and has been known to drive owl pairs into hiding, and then sit on their eggs, or guard their hatchlings when news of the pure one's starts to spread.

Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra:  I was wondering if maybe, she could be a friend of the Guardians, an Ally.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on July 22, 2012, 03:42:09 pm
(My Thanks :D)


The scent of the sea slowly whaffed into a small hollow, filled with trinkets and scrolls and all the like. Within this nest of soft moss and other paddings, a still figure lay, her head tucked away within tawny wings, her eyes shut as she dreampt great fantasies.

But as that aroma of salt water and gentle white caps that washed along the shores of the Ga'Hoole Tree, the young owl finally began to stir, her eyelids slowly parting from her sight. Dark, yet soft eyes be in their place, gazing out from her hollow as she awoke. For a moment, there was silence, and then, the Spotted Owl let out a small "Mmmnn..." in content, tucking her beak back within her wings.
There came the sound of beating wings, drawing closer and closer, much to the owl's own chagrin, over the calm echo of the waves.

"Hey, Artie! Artie! Wake Up!" A familiar voice met Artemisia's ears, which were nothing but small spots beneath her feathers. The Spotted Owl lifted her head again, opening her eyes. There, though having to flap constantly in mid-air to stay aflight over Artemisia's hollow, was Artemisia's best friend Agomar, a small, optimistic Barn Owl who was always in charge of waking up his friend. "Hello, Agomar.." Artemisia replied groggily. "C'mon, C'mon! The ryb will go yeep if we're late again! Besides, you don't wanna miss the storm tonight, right?" Urged the Barn Owl, his large eyes gazing at the Spotted Owl in excitement.

"Oh dear..of course not! Thank you for reminding me, Aggie!" Artemisia exclaimed, coming to realization. The Ryb had explained that a storm would appear tonight, perfect for practicing with his students. It always excited Artemisia; she loved storms, and she loved flying in them. Perching on the very ridge of her hollow, she allowed Agomar to flap a few feet back to prevent himself from getting in his friend's way. Artemisia then spread out her great wings and followed Agomar into the skies.


Chatter and conversation filled Parliament, as it was another busy meeting with the elders and highest members of the tree. Amongst them, a seemingly strange outcast--not an outcast, but a welcomed visitor by Boron and Barran, the King and Queen of the tree. It was like he was being spoiled again, something that Matthias absolutely did not like. Little did he know that life here in the Ga'Hoole tree was much easier and much more posh than the life of any average hollow in any average pine tree, like his nest was.

But Matthias had learned to enjoy this occasion, and a milkberry tart always satisfied his gizzard. He had to commemorate his avian brethren for their fine achievement in taste. But now that lunch was over, the members of Parliament were sharing a discussion in the large hollow, explaining not plans for the future or the past, but what was going on right now, and something terrible was happening.

"Please, do tell us, Matthias. What is your report on the Forest of Ambala?" Asked Boron, lifting his head a bit as his white feathers gleamed with the spots of sunlight that flowed from the many small gaps in the hollow. The goshawk gave a sigh, turning his head to the side, where Bubo, the Great Horned Owl, was looking at him with great sincerity. "The creatures of Ambala are still recovering from the recent Pure One attacks; and without any sort of defense, they are vunerable to being attacked again."

Boron sighed, looking to his mate in concern. "Any owlets lost?"
"Plenty, your highness. They lost five in the recent attack."
"I see...very well then.."

The snowy owl then turned to one of the other members of Parliament, a ryb of the Search and Rescue Chaw. "Send your finest chaws to the Kingdom of Ambala to guard the owls there. They need more help than they think." He explained, before taking the small, wooden sphere, used as a guffle, and sent it against the wood. Matthias blinked a bit in surprise by the loud noise that echoed through the hollow; he was mostly unphased, but it still startled him enough to blink his yellow eyes. "Matthias," The snowy owl turned to the Goshawk, his proud, strong eyes gazing at him. "Thank you again for your assistance. You are dismissed." He said with gratitude.

The hawk raised his feathery brows, and then bowed his head in respect. "It is an honor, your highness."
"Feel free to wander around the tree before you depart, Matthias." Barran said rather kindly. "Thank you, your majesty." With that, the hawk spread his wings and took off towards the exit of Parliament's hollow.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Theobear on July 23, 2012, 12:16:23 am
(Waiting for Okami to reply to Tacita)
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: okami129 on July 23, 2012, 12:18:33 am
"Oh really?" The larger owl lowered her claw once it was free and outstretched her wings, leaning forawrd with her wings out and back. Before it seemed she would fly away, the then closed her wings again with a flap or two and sat straight again. "Go to the Ga'hoole tree. I'm too busy to babysit you." she said in a somewhat harsh tone. the Rhodoan owl then leaped forward and outstretched her wings, soaring into the sky with occasional flaps. She seemed like a phantom, a ghost, her flaps so silent and flying so graceful even, white feathers.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Theobear on July 23, 2012, 12:22:53 am
Tacita frowned, then screeched.  Her dusty golden eyes watching as the white owl took off.  She flew into the crisp sky, her wings flapping, she screeched.  A part of her happy she had meet the legendary Rhodoan Owl.  Her wings flapping twice, she flew into the direction of what she thought was the Tree od Ga'hoole.

(Still needing some ideas for Hedwig, Brair, and Apollo.. Are the Guardians going to have a meeting or something? Sorry, if I seem like a bug or a pest.)
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Jackalfur on July 23, 2012, 12:45:59 am
Accepted. Athena and her mentor are going to practice flying through fires, but it's up to everyone else if they want their characters to be involved. :3

Will be posting in a while, gotta eat dinner, and I'm going to try to make sure no one has been left behind.

EDIT; the first members list has been filled. I only have one reserved space, so please try to keep the creation of characters down unless needed!))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Theobear on July 23, 2012, 12:54:58 am
(Okay, I think I will involve the three in that Activity... I'll wait for you too start it pff. XD)
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on July 23, 2012, 01:00:49 am
Ginger and white flew back and forth as a Barn Owl flapped her wings. She let go of the branch, as she noticed the sky turning an indigo shade, and she let out a soft screech. She flew to the main part of the tree. The trunk.

(All I've got for now.)
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Ingredient on July 23, 2012, 12:17:12 pm
Im not sure how to join in with you guys, ill try anyway))

Teodora was perched high on the rocky wall, looking down on the moon blinked owlets working hard as always. She smirked at them, their appearances and jobs humored her strangely enough. Looking up at the huge hole in the ceiling of the cave, she could see the lights of dawn seeping in. Giving a yawn she looked again at the owlets before getting comfortable on the mossy ledge.

(Not my best rp post. Still a bit confused on whats happening and what i should be doing with the Pure Ones)
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: LuinLasse on July 23, 2012, 02:57:48 pm
Braith tossed the glowing coals into one of the torches he'd found. It immediately flared up, casting an orange veil around as the light bounced off of the fog. The masked owl flapped his wings hard, searching for a thermal above the flames to lift him in a few seconds of effortless flight.

If Braith opened his wings and tweaked his flight-feather position just so, he could hang in the air, suspended upon the warm updraft from the fire he'd just created. He floated momentarily before brushing his wings back, down, and then up in a wheel-like motion to make himself go backwards for a short way before leaning up and flying upwards, shooting up the thermal and rising to a smooth layer where he could maneuver around to return for another coal.

The young collier in-training managed to get two more coals. This time, he was careful to hold them in a way that wouldn't scorch his feet as much, though a few cinders managed to prick painfully at his toes. He headed out in search of more torches.

Known to most owls of the tree, a storm was to hit the Ga'Hoole tree relatively soon, and it affected the air currents, creating confusing swirls or sudden drops in places. Braith ran into one such air-mishap, a Hoolespyrr located almost directly above the next torch.

Braith found out about it at the last second, and he folded his wings and dove out of it, making a messy landing in the kindling of the torch. If he hadn't, he would've been sent up in a dizzying spiral by the Hoolespyrr.

Dropping one of the coals on the kindling, he flapped off and began the search for the last torch.

Fioralba found herself swallowing a tasty little mouse that had somehow crawled up into the branches of the tree. She'd been deep in thought before, so her whereabouts escaped her until she paused in her actions to test the air for scents and certain vibrations from drafts or owl-movement that could tell her where she was.

She was, apparently, in an old hollow unoccupied by anyone. Ah well, she thought. I might as well take out some of this filth.

In the corner was a pile of discarded nesting materials that someone had left after moving out a while back. As Fioralba brushed it out of the hollow, she wondered why someone would've abandoned such a cozy little place.

It had a view through a tiny space in the leaves of the tree that allowed the light of the moon to seep into it when it was night. This Fioralba could tell because of the taste and smell of the air, as well as the direction it flowed, however slowly.

The nest-maid continued her work upon the hollow, peeking her head out now and again to test for owls or other nest-maids.

Rei looked up at Nyra and Kludd, who were perched upon their pile of stones like always. Rei always wondered why they sat in such complete silence.

The young tyto dipped low in a bow, spreading her wings just a little.

"Speak," Nyra said, looking down at her with almost no expression.

Rei had always tried to mimic Nyra's beauty using jewels and such to adorn her feathers in a subtle way, but she knew she wouldn't look like the ruling female owl. "I've just come to look for work outside of the canyon." Did I really just sound that stupid? she asked herself wryly.

Nyra churred in her smooth, sly sort of way and ruffled her shoulder feathers slightly. "I sent out Trya and Shinitagari with Megami to lead them out. What else is there to do? I've got multiple groups out, all of them capable of doing what I've told them. Do you have something in mind?"

Rei hated it when Nyra spoke like that; it was as if she was speaking to a hatchling instead of a young Pure One. She looked down. "No...." In fact, Rei had an idea of something she could do, but she thought perhaps it was best to keep it quiet, since Nyra usually didn't like it when a Pure One suggested something that should be done. Unless, of course, they were someone more important than Rei.

"Then you are dismissed." The way Nyra said dismissed made Rei feel even more stupid. "I'll tell you something though. Tomorrow, a group of ten will be sent out to the forests of Ambala. Perhaps you will be among their ranks."

Rei's eyes lit up with hope. "Thank you," she responded. It was all she was required to say before she flapped away.

Rei didn't even know why she went to them. Whatever. It was better than sitting around doing nothing. She returned to her ledge and entered her hollow, peering out in thought after settling down inside.

((I had to think of something. x3 Again, it's been a while so I have no idea how Nyra would act. So.... ignore it. :P))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: SoulRevenge on July 23, 2012, 03:17:49 pm
"God....what's taking them so long?" Shinitagari complained, sighing in quite obvious boredom. He began to preen his feathers abit, as Megami was doing, just to pass the time. Already, the immense spinning spiral of fire was rising steadily. The guardians might not be coming, but, you never know how long these things might last. "Ty, you want to go out and fly around in there? For practice..." the mostly white Tyto trailed off at the end of his statement, though while speaking to the Masked Owl, he didn't bother turning his head towards Tyra's direction. He just simply continued gazing at the wall of fire.
"It would be good for an abush.." he added on, hoping to convince Tyra to travel in with him abit more, just enough to make him do it.

Tyra looked up abit, focusing his eyes onto Shinitagari. He flapped his wings abit, to move off the branch and into the crimson and peach sky. "Of course." he stated, then took a few more strokes in order gain altittude. Almost as quickly as possible, Tyra began to glide towards the immense wall of fire. Tyra was quite well aware that it wasn't in it's fullest form, but it would be 'dangerous enough' for now.

"Whatever....I'm going to scan the area." Megami stated, then with a few sloppy strokes of his wings, the speckled barn owl took off. He was planning to try to take in every detail, for his map of the kingdoms. His black clouded eyes searched the area, his gaze fell upon almost everything in the area, he even planned on placing the date of when the spiral of fire appeared onto his map. It would date back to every unusual happening in his life that he would be capable of remembering. "I think I've seen enough here.." The Owl thought to himself after fluttering around abit more, then noisly aimed himself downwards into a dive so he'd be able to examine the lower marks. It probaly wouldn't bother Shinitagari and Tyra if he was gone. After all there was a good chance that he would be seen by the guardians, and give them away.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Jackalfur on July 23, 2012, 06:21:21 pm
Wingbeats vibrated the still air as Athena glided with the wind currents. "Are we almost there?" she asked, her voice rising due to the air blasting constantly in her face.

"Nearly there," her mentor urged, flying ahead. Athena's head tilted-- if they were close, why couldn't she smell smoke?
"But I can't smell anything." The short-eared owl hurried to catch up to the large female snowy owl, who was swooping and diving way ahead. Feathers ruffled, the young collier trainee looked down to see a vortex of fire rising in the distance. Her eyes widened slightly, but she resisted the urges to just swoop down there and watch the spiraling flames. "Is that a fire tornado?" she breathed, her voice pummeled by the wind. As she saw her mentor had already descended, Athena quickly followed, the fire already searing the tips of her feathers.

Araflame landed right in front of Nyra and Kludd, bowing her head in respect.

"Well," Nyra demanded, "what is it?"

"I've spotted no intruders whatsoever on my part." The Tyto stood up straight, trying to look regal.

"Good." Nyra's emotionless gaze wandered ahead, though the sly, evil way she talked refused to falter.

Araflame fluffed out her cream and ginger feathers, trying to think of something she could say. It would be embarrassing to ask for something to pass the time, and she guessed Nyra wouldn't like it if she even mentioned something like that.

"Why are you standing there like a moon-blinked owlet? You may go."

Araflame dipped her head, secretly feeling a burst of relief. She held back the frustration tugging at her nerves and flew off to her hollow.

((I know, I know, a bit short... I feel brainless. I hope I didn't miss anything?
I didn't really know what Nyra would act like, so... 'xD))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: LuinLasse on July 23, 2012, 06:23:58 pm
((@Christina. Exactly how I felt. lol))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: SoulRevenge on July 23, 2012, 06:29:00 pm
@Luinara and Christina

Nyra  has a somewhat cold-hearted personality, so you sort of got her right. She'll snap orders around and hates it when people waste her time. She's sort of like the complete opposite of Kludd, who is usually abit more quiet and cool-like, yet still has a trace of his childish behavour.
O3O...How do I know all dis?
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: LuinLasse on July 23, 2012, 07:11:05 pm
((@ B-Rabbit

Because.... you do, don't complain that you know it. xD Lol, jk. Have you read the books recently? Or seen the movie?))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: SoulRevenge on July 23, 2012, 07:31:26 pm
"They're finnaly here..." Shinitagari stated, his port wing nearly brushed up against the roaring flames. The inside of this tornado was quite amazing. The fire was in a never-stopping spiral which whirled around the center, making it a wonderland for any collier that flew through. "We have to keep abit more quiet.." he cooed to Tyra, who was flying right at his side. Of course, the Masked Owl nodded his head in agreement. "We'll ambush on my signal." Shinitagari added, the crimson flames seemed to reflect in his eyes, which seemed to burn more than even the powerful flames.

Tyra swivled towards the right abit, though managed to avoid catching fire. This Fire Tornado was so strange and familiar at the same time. He could only stare in amazement at how the flames seemed to blend so perfectly into the spinning spiral. Though, every once in awhile he would glance up. He was able to hear the guardians, yet not see them. "Theres only two..." he whispered to Shinitagari, incase the stark white owl didn't know...

Actually, the last time I read a book was a year or two ago O3O.
I have epic memory! BDD /shot.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Theobear on July 23, 2012, 09:51:42 pm
Hedwig screeched, as she followed Athena and her mentor to the Tornado of Fire.  Her wings, warmed, with the heat from the fire below her.  She screeched, gently in fright.  Her heart pounding in her chest, it seemed to be wanting to jump out of her chest cavity.  Her dusty golden eyes, reflecting the orange flames of the fire.  Her white feather, shone a golden color from the flames.  

Apollo blinked in amazement, he stared at the fire, awe-stricken.  The male owl, barrel-rolled, then swooped, to an altitude on the verge of danger above the tornado of flames.  His mixed colored feathers,  seeming to be alive with the flames themselves.  

Brair flapped her wings, she screeched, mingling into the group of owls heading to the tornado of fire, she kept close to Athena and her mentor.  Her dusty golden eyes reflecting the flames, she kept them straight ahead, her eyes observing her surroundings.  

Tacita screeched, her small wings flapping, she screeched a warning to the Guardians.  She could tell they were Guardians, the Pure-Ones were staying still. Were they planning an ambush? The small pygmy owl screeched again, her small body barrel-rolling, she targeted the three perched figures, aiming to knock them from their perch.  She screeched another warning before closing her eyes.

(I forget the colours, I am using for Apollo, Brair, and Hedwig. XD)
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: okami129 on July 23, 2012, 10:04:57 pm
Shion was soaring high in the sky and above the clouds. The sound of a familiar screech caught her attention. "Huh?" She paused a moment before hearing it again. "Hmph" Quickly, she tilted her body sideways in a divebomb style before going back to normal soaring, at a lower height this time. She saw some guardians and possibly pure ones, but what got her attention most was that familiar owl from later today. She just circled from high above, observing. Her red scarf like a flag against the background made her easy to spot.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: SoulRevenge on July 23, 2012, 11:41:05 pm
"More than three you idiot!" he screeched at Tyra, trying to keep silent though. "This will be harder than I suspected..." Shinitagari thought to himself, his black gaze still flickered with the fire. Of course, Shinitagari was still flying about in the immense spiral. He was going in pratical circles, trying to stay away from the thickest part of the flames. His plan was, when the guardians came to push them into the flames, so they could burn to death. Though, if the owl he chose was at a higher level than him when it came to skill, he would surely burn. His plan would be a fatal mistake.

"I didn't hear the others!" Tyra hissed back, fluttering around here and there. Sometimes diving into the thicker parts to retrieve embers. Though usually he would just simply drop them immediantly. "Want to fight with embers?" he finnaly asked Shinitagari, who blinked a few times then replied with a 'yes'. Embers could probaly give them an advantage anyway. It would be easier to drive the gaurdians into the wall of flames, and theres a good chance they would try to stay away from them at the same time, so they wouldn't be able to push the two Pure Ones back.

(Permission to kill the head of this chaw, Christina? I plan to make this the cause of they're retreat owo But I can change my plan if not~)
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Theobear on July 23, 2012, 11:46:57 pm
(What about Tacita?)
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: SoulRevenge on July 23, 2012, 11:53:30 pm
(Eh? If your asking why I didn't post a reply for Tacita, it's because they were already in the Fire Tornado before you posted that owo)
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Theobear on July 23, 2012, 11:57:00 pm
(No.. I'm asking.. what Tacita should do then).
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on July 24, 2012, 12:31:02 am


The small Spotted Owl flew her way to one of the nearby lecture branches, feeling the soft, yet churing wind blow through her feathers as she followed the ever eager Barn Owl. "Everyone's been waiting for us, Artie! I'm worried that the ryb will leave us out of today's lesson! You see that storm up ahead? Beautiful, isn't it? I'll bet all my milkberry tarts that we'll find one of those tumblebones in there!" He joked, chattering on to his friend. Artemisia shivered. Why would Agomar want to find a tumblebones? Aren't they supposed to be really dangerous? The ryb always said never to go in one, for it meant being spun endlessly to death.

"Don't scare me like that, Agomar. You know tumblebones aren't safe.."
"Heh-heh! Sorry, Artie. Storms like that really excite me like that, though! Maybe one day I learn to fly through one and come out unharmed! Wouldn't that be great, Artie?"
"If you say so..."

"Huh, is something bothering you?" Asked the Barn Owl, slowing down a bit to get a better gaze into Artemisia's dark eyes. "What? No, not at all." She answered quietly. "You slept in awefully late though, Artie! Your usually the first one to arrive at that old owl's lectures!" Agomar remarked. "Well, I don't know, Aggie, maybe something is bothering me, but look, I don't want to talk about it, okay? Let's just get to the lesson..." The Spotted Owl said in an almost glum, and annoyed tone.


The hawk gave a sigh of content as he perched amongst one of the many branches that the Ga'Hoole Tree offered for him to perch on, one that was particularly in a high area of the tree, away from curious and confused eyes of young owls who wondered why there was a bird like him in a place like this. This place wasn't just for owls though, right? There were plenty of reptilian nursemaids that served themselves to owls, and only owls. He didn't mind that; he felt pride in being able to tend to his nest with his mate and with no assistance of any other creature.

Feeling relief for having removed that weight of his report from his wings, Matthias could now take a moment to rest before making his departure home. He had already asked for Nimrod and his family to guard Dahlia and the nest while he was absent, so Matthias felt in no rush to leave. So, he let himself relax, using the moment to observe the many clouds that hung over the sunset, spying the sun, and that beautiful harsh glow within the distance; the sky was a beautiful sight to behold.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: LuinLasse on July 24, 2012, 03:02:09 am
Aimi was now with a group of other young owls, perched along a series of branches that were shielded from the wind by a thick mat of leaves and twigs.

The small saw-whet owl listened to all the chatter - a few male owls frivling, sometimes giving a female a flower or a milkberry tart that they'd saved, or a small bunch of owls listening to a story of a scroom said to haunt the Ga'Hoole tree.

Aimi chuckled. For being such a young owl, she wasn't interested in frivling or storytelling. She just liked peace and quiet, especially the kind just before a storm. At that time, she always liked to just sit in silence and watch the approaching clouds, staring at their dark banks as they rolled closer.

((Thank goodness for Ga'Hoole glossaries. xD))

Braith, after finishing his training and returning to his mentor, was allowed to go back to the tree. His breast feathers were sooty from diving hurriedly towards the coal-pedestal, and his lower-legs were stained gray from the work.

Shaking his entire body, he let out some of the soot and grime into a cloud, just like earlier. He knew that a storm was coming in, and he had arrived just in time to see the spectacular view of its first ominous front. Braith settled on a relatively high branch, his talons grasping the smooth bark gently.

"I'll bet all my milkberry tarts that we'll find one of those tumblebones in there!"

Braith heard a small barn owl exclaim this, and he swiveled his head  to look at them, large black eyes blinking. It had been Braith's childhood dream to be able to fly through all sorts of weather, but he knew it was nearly impossible for anyone to survive a Tumblebone, even at a young age. The masked owl turned back to look at the storm, wondering if there really were going to be any Tumblebones in it.

((I'm trying to get my characters to mix a little with the others, so.... :P lol))

Fioralba found her way down to the infirmary; it was a place she enjoyed to coil up and sleep since it was so peaceful, and she felt an aura of healing around the place. Not that she needed it. She just enjoyed the feel.

The small grass snake smiled as she heard a young owlet playing with an Owlipoppen. She turned her head as if she could actually see the little chick. It was situated in a small nest full of the down its parents had plucked out for it to be kept warm and comfortable.

It made Fioralba sad to smell the scent of Gray Scale emanating from the little owl. It was a condition where the feathers turned a dull, hideous gray and start falling out as if the owl were molting... Except they didn't grow back. Well, not for a long time, anyway.

Fioralba turned her thoughts away from the owlet. She could do this without guilt since she knew it was under good care. The nest-maid curled up and lowered the clear lid that covered her sightless eyes in sleep.

Rei gazed deeply into the reflective stone in her little hollow, staring at her face. But she was thinking about Nyra and Kludd, not her vanity. The young Pure One absentmindedly fiddled with the battle claws that every one of them was given as basic equipment. Better ones could be worked or paid for.

Briefly, Rei could almost see Nyra in the mirror-like surface, just because her thoughts were so focused on her. Questions that she would never dare to ask - ask anyone for that matter - raced through her mind, wrapping around her gizzard like a swirling wind constricting around an injured owl in flight.

((Couldn't think of much for Rei to be doing. :P))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on July 24, 2012, 03:47:32 am
(Oi, tell me about it.)

Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on July 24, 2012, 08:03:27 pm
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Jackalfur on July 24, 2012, 08:49:26 pm
"Now, tilt sideways so only the tips of your battle claws are being dragged in the fire! And don't go divebombing into it unless you're prepared!"

Athena heard her mentor giving out orders, though just barely due to the flames roaring in her ears. She felt a twinge in her gizzard, excitement fulfilling her as she dove down a bit lower, following the snowy owl. Heat burned her face and stung her eyes, causing a few coughs or wheezes, but she knew she'd get used to it before long. With a few extra flaps of her wings she trailed after the older owl, teetering dangerously close to the raging hurricane of fire. "Are you sure about this?" she called up, her yellow eyes glancing to where the white bird was swooping and diving near the flames.

"Of course! You need to learn this before anything else! Now, try to find a shallow spot where the flames are not at its thickest!"

"Right!" Athena responded, her eyes rapidly wandering around the vortex. Now, where would that be? was the question she was about to ask, though she was pretty sure she'd get a good scolding for that. The tips of her feathers were already singed as she swooped up and down, wary of how close she was to being engulfed.

((Going to post Araflame in my next.

Sure. c:

I have a plot idea for Athena, maybe her mentor could get killed in the battle, and a new one could be chosen. I know, pretty bland isn't it? xD))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: SoulRevenge on July 24, 2012, 09:22:53 pm
"Tyra, Get to that Ryb!" Shinitagari screeteched, darting upwards because the gaurdiams were still abit higher up than them. His battle-claws nearly snagged against another Barn Owl, though he knew for sure it was a simple collier-in-training, and didin't bother continueing his fight with her. With a quick battle-cry, he joined Tyra into the task of pushing the ryb into the swirling spiral of flames. It was quite hard to get him into those though, he was obviously trained well and knew what he was doing around fire. But that didn't matter to Shinitagari, he was much better than him.

"You can do better than that Shinigami!" Tyra shouted at Shinitagari, who was obviously not giving this his all, but Tyra actually wondered, did this owl actually need to give this his all? Probaly not, he was very expirienced in battle for such a youngster, and the way he flew threw the flames, his wings not even nearly touching the flames was as perfect as the ryb. Tyra's training claws slashed at the ryb, who hastily losed alltitued abit. With Tyra ontop of the ryb, and Shinitagari on both sides, the old man would have nowhere to go but into the flames.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Saylor156 on July 24, 2012, 11:56:09 pm
Name: Eirian
Gender: Female
Age: Teen
Species: Barn Owl (Tyto Alba)
Rank: Collier In Training
Clan: Guardians of Ga'Hoole
Personality: This owl is determined to prove herself and will stop at nothing to finish a task. Sometimes she can get carried away, but she always means well. Eirian isn't a very smooth talker, but she is extremely well-versed in the ways of maneuvering and working with coals. She can't stand being still for long (of course, not including sleep) and always looks for things to do. Her favorite is to go out on important missions or errands with the other colliers.
History: Eirian was taken from her parents at a very young age and brought to be trained as a Pure One. Her name was 'Silver' because of a thick gray splotch running down her back, starting from her brow. She was perfect material for one of the Pure Ones and was just beginning to fly when something in her gizzard switched. From then on, she knew she could never join their ranks, and she somehow managed to escape with the help of a group of sooty owls working in the Canyons and some luck. The king and queen of the Ga'Hoole tree renamed her, since most young owls from the Canyons hates their name, as it reminds them of the place.
Siblings: None, she was an only-hatchling
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra: The dark gray feathers down her back have always been there and always will be. Some might think they're ugly, but she doesn't care. She works with coals and fires anyways, so she has ash in her feathers a lot, just like other colliers.

((I'm just going to have this one character for now. Then I'll see how I do with her.))    
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Jackalfur on July 24, 2012, 11:58:42 pm
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Saylor156 on July 25, 2012, 12:25:01 am
((Yay! And I got a new picture, so now it works.))

Poking her head slowly into a hollow, Eirian couldn't suppress a small smile. Her dark eyes glimmered with mischief as she watched her friend - a tiny Peal-spotted owlet -reading a book with great interest. The pearl-spotted owlet, which is actually a type of pygmy owl, was unaware of her friend sneaking up behind her.
"Boo!" Eirian churred loudly, almost falling backwards after seeing the pygmy wilf suddenly, spin around, and squawk with gigantic golden eyes wide open.
"Hey! It's not funny!" the pygmy owl growled, fluffing her feathers up. She fluttered at Eirian and attacked her with buffets of her small wings.
"Oh, for Glaux's sake, Alida, I was just playing," Eirian said, shielding herself with her wings.
"I told you not to do that while I was reading. The Ga'Hoolology ryb will put me on Flint Mop if I don't know this chapter by the time she gives out the next test! I've got to pass! Then I'll be a full Ga'Hoolologist!" The pearl-spotted owlet proudly strutted back to her book, shaking her small feathers.
"You're so boring," Eirian teased, flopping down beside her friend. In truth, Eirian didn't know what she would ever do without this small owl, since Alida had practically taught her everything she knew about the Ga'Hoole tree.
"Anyways, I came here to tell you that a storm is coming. Everyone's outside to watch it come in," Eirian explained, the gray stripe on her back rippling slightly in anticipation. "Are you gonna come?"
Alida didn't look up from the book as she replied. "Sorry, Eirian. I really have to read this."
Eirian sighed, and, after saying her farewells, flew out of the hollow and searched for an open spot on the branches outside. Her friend, Alida, was much older than her, but they were still the best of friends.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on July 25, 2012, 01:59:30 am
The small tracker trainee flapped her carmel and grey wings. Her white face went up as she noticed an owl come out of the hollow. She flew after the other barn owl. The wind made her fluster a bit, but she finally caught up to the faster barn owl. "Hello. I was wondering if you would like to watch the storm tonight? I've got no-one to watch it with, and I would like to watch it with someone. Even someone... That I hardly know." She said. Her shiness came the best of her. She flapped her wings, hard. She winced as the sharp wind flew in her eyes. If she were on a branch at the hollow, she would hide her face.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Saylor156 on July 25, 2012, 02:55:33 am
With a look of cheeriness mixed with a tiny bit of bewilderment, Eirian dipped her head up and down a few times. "Sure. It's always better to watch it with someone." She winked in a friendly way.
"Come on, let's go find a good place before they're all taken!"
She lifted off of the branch and led the smaller barn owl up higher in the tree to a place where the branches were farther apart, though still tightly packed with owls.
She hovered for a moment, then dove quickly to a spot where two owls had just parted.
"Hey! Shove off!" she shouted playfully as one of the owls she knew tried to sit in the spot she was saving for the shy barn owl who'd come up to her.
When the female lighted, she turned to her. "So, what's your name?"
Eirian was never one for extremely formal greetings.

((I hope you meant that you saw Eirian. x3 Otherwise I'd have just made myself look even more stupid. Haha))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on July 25, 2012, 03:06:27 am
(I did.)

The smaller barn owl flapped her wings as she landed. "My name is Sawni. What's yours?" She asked. Her head tilted, she was curious. She didn't know if she made a friend, or what. She was happy though. Even though she was shy, she became to overwhelm it. She was winning the battle though. A stabbing pain flew directly into her wing. She nipped at her wing, as she waiting for the other, larger, Tyto Abla to speak. She found a small deer tick, and flung it off the branch she was sitting on.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Saylor156 on July 25, 2012, 03:36:58 am
"Eirian," she replied.
Turning her dark gaze upon the billowing storm clouds in the distance, she spoke again, her voice now a bit quieter. "Ever flown in a storm?"
She herself never really had, other than a dust-storm in the dry land surrounding the Canyons from when she was just learning the gift of flight. It had tossed her around like a little rag, biting at her with sharp grains of sand. She'd been plucking the dirt and grime out of her feathers for days after that, and even now she could imagine all the grains still tucked in her flight-feathers.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on July 25, 2012, 03:41:04 am


As the twosome approached their mentor's lecture branch, the Spotted Owl couldn't help but notice that familiar face of Briath, the Masked Owl who had only just perched on a branch that Artemisia had only just passed. By the look on his face, she could tell that he had overheard Agomar's blabbering loudbeak, although it wasn't very hard for Agomar to be overheard after all. Agomar did not notice Briath, however, and only continued to chat away, being ignored by his partner without him knowing.

"Artemisia, Agomar, there you are,"
A familiar, deep voice called, and as the pair found themselves at the branches of the Weather Interpretation Chaw, they also saw the visage of their ryb, a strong old owl by the name of Brutus. He was never a soft spoken fellow. As a Great Grey Owl, he was stern, powerful, and graceful. His voice was always rich and deep; Artemisia had never seen one student dare turn away from him in a lecture, without the risk of getting some of their feathers ruffled in fear.

"You're late." Brutus said, raising a talon inquisitively. "Forgive me, Brutus! I slept in; it's not Agomar's fault!" Artemisia immediately cried as she perched upon one of the nearby branches, ignoring the several glares and annoyed glances by the other fellow students. "Your apology has been accepted already, Artemisia, but I don't want it to happen again. As one of my finest students, I expect you to always arrive early." The Great Gray admonished gently, setting his claw back upon his perch.

"Now then, let's review our attendance one final time..." Brutus suggested. With that, he began to recite the names of the fellow owlets present, to which they would respond whenever he called them. With all the students present, the Strix Nebulosa cleared his voice, and looked to his students with great pride. "Now then, remember, we have been given the great honor of practicing during this storm front. It's been classified as a stable front, many of the owls will be watching. Show your utmost grace and skill tonight, students. And remember..." The grey-feathered bird looked specifically towards Artemisia's barn owl friend, his yellow gaze narrowing. "No tricks."

This caused several other owlets to giggle as Agomar hid his head in shame, looking towards the branch he was perched upon.


The Goshawk let out another heavy sigh as he noticed the slowly growing crowd of owls; Strix, Tytos, Bubos, all the like, gathering around the branches of the tree, including the higher parts where Matthias had perched. Now the sunset was being blocked by a rather ominous front, slowly creeping closer to the Ga'Hoole tree and it's residents.

Matthias lowered his head in defeat. He wasn't going to fly in that storm! Not unless his life or another's life depended on it! He would have to wait until the storm itself passed, which could last all night. "Racdrops.." He whispered in dismay. The hawk cocked his head as he further peered to examine the growing crowd of owls below him, which would only take a few more minutes before he himself would be surrounded by them. Surely they were used to a bird like him, right? He was considered a noble ally to the Guardians, and there were plenty other birds the tree had come to know..
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on July 25, 2012, 03:51:39 am
A squeel came from Sawni. "A storm? You mean... Like..." She paused, the gestured toward the dark grey sky. "A storm? I would never've dreamed about it, so no... I haven't." She said. She wasn't trying to lose another friend. Like the last one. Her feathers shook with fright. She spoke with truth. She was always speaking the truth. She tucked her head into her feathers. She looked even smaller then before.

(Lawl. Warrior, your siggy is so funny! XD)
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on July 25, 2012, 03:54:57 am
((Pfft, ya gotta love trollin' Groose. XD ))
Title: Deleted
Post by: Synchronously on July 25, 2012, 03:59:01 am
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Jackalfur on July 25, 2012, 05:01:03 am
I'm sorry, but the eagle/hawks/falcons/other types of birds I have not listed spots are full. This is mostly an owl roleplay, so even if the spots weren't taken, Forte couldn't be on the Guardians' side because they're owls, and the history says he feeds on owls, and there are no dogs in the Land of 'Hoole. Your application also says he's a Rescuer in-training, though any bird of prey except owls are loners/rogues; as said at the start of my second sentence, this roleplay is based on the Owls of Ga'Hoole series by Kathryn Lasky. Your personality is also too short, and as I said in the example application, it has to be three sentences or more. I advise you study more into the Owls of Ga'Hoole before joining.
I sincerely apologize, but you are not accepted. :c

I'm going to wait for the others that haven't posted in a while to catch up before posting again. I don't want to leave anyone behind :3))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Ingredient on July 25, 2012, 09:31:13 am
Im already confused, what are the Pure Ones up too? What can i do to join in?))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: SoulRevenge on July 25, 2012, 04:20:46 pm

Ingredient, currenly Tyra, Shinitagari, and Megami are out on a mission, bu t Megami isn't doing anything to help. Tyra an Shinitagari are currently in a fire tornado, commiting murder towards the ryb or leader of the cholliering chaw. Aberflame and Rei aren't exactly doing much just sitting around in they're stone hollow for is all I know right now. Though Aberflame seems to have been flying around the base, checking for any intruders or strangers in the area.

I hope zis' helpd XP
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Jackalfur on July 25, 2012, 04:25:14 pm
((Editing into a post later. I'm very tired right now; I got to bed at at least 2:00 AM and woke up at 6:00 AM, and stayed up. Dx))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: okami129 on July 25, 2012, 04:40:25 pm
I'm sorry, but the eagle/hawks/falcons/other types of birds I have not listed spots are full. This is mostly an owl roleplay, so even if the spots weren't taken, Forte couldn't be on the Guardians' side because they're owls, and the history says he feeds on owls, and there are no dogs in the Land of 'Hoole. Your application also says he's a Rescuer in-training, though any bird of prey except owls are loners/rogues; as said at the start of my second sentence, this roleplay is based on the Owls of Ga'Hoole series by Kathryn Lasky. Your personality is also too short, and as I said in the example application, it has to be three sentences or more. I advise you study more into the Owls of Ga'Hoole before joining.
I sincerely apologize, but you are not accepted. :c

I'm going to wait for the others that haven't posted in a while to catch up before posting again. I don't want to leave anyone behind :3))

(Don't you mean she's... -sunglasses- DENIED?! BD -shot dead-))
Shion was quite bored with flying. She ceased her circling and perched herself on a not far cliff, waiting for the guardians to play their part and cease. After they had their fun, it was all her turn. Her red scarf still flowed in the windy terrain, making her easy to find for those who looked her way.
(Sorry for shortness, waiting for battle to end)
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Saylor156 on July 25, 2012, 05:00:49 pm
((I feel like being stupid, so here goes))

Eirian felt a nudge at her shoulder, and she looked around to see a Great Gray followed by three small Burrowing owls.
"Not them again," she muttered under her breath. She and the little gang had been long rivals in doing stunts and maneuvers.

"Hey Eirian! I hear the storms gonna be pretty bad. Bet you three nights' worth of milkberry tarts ((honestly, I don't know what other sweet they have xD)) that you'd be as scared as a wet pooper if you were caught out there."

Eirian gave a low growling sound of annoyance, though she was riled by now. "I could easily fly out there, and I'll even take one of your feathers out there, then bring it back to prove it to you!"
The silver-gray stripe on her back was ruffled.

The Great Gray churred loudly. He lighted beside her when a bunch of the other owls made way for him. "You're going to come back whimpering like a hatchling when someone has to go out there to save your tail feathers."

Eirian suddenly took flight. She turned and looked back at them, speaking to Sawni. "Come on, Sawni. Let's show these racdrops how an owl really flies!" With that, she ripped a large feather out of the Great Gray's wing and dove away before he could do anything. She headed for the other side of the tree where almost nobody was situated at the moment.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on July 25, 2012, 05:08:57 pm
She gulped, then took off in flight. She followed after Eirian. "We're not flying into that storm are we?" But it was too late. They were already in flight, and if they went back down, Eirian would be laughed at. She looked down, they were high. She choked and stopped flapping her wings. But about half way down, she looked back up, noticing how high her frind was. So she flapped, just lower to the ground. She felt bored after a while, so she sped up catching up to the larger Barn Owl. She swooped up, and was side-by-side with her friend. "Now that I think of it, this is fun." This was the highest she'd ever flown.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Saylor156 on July 25, 2012, 05:18:20 pm
Eirian smiled, her right leg held close to her body as it grasped the gray and white feather tightly. "It'll be great. Just stick close to me. I'll cut a path through here."
She beat her wings harder, moving in front of Sawni and flying in a wide arch around the tree. Only the top of the tree was visible by now, since they were so high up.
Adjusting her feathers to be as flat as possible so that she could cut through the air more easily, she made for the enormous clouds up ahead.
"Three nights of milkberry tarts, here we come!" she called over the wind, adding in a joyful churring at the end.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: SoulRevenge on July 25, 2012, 05:22:41 pm
Quick Question Temporal: Considering this is after the battle of the Ice Claws, would that make Soren and Gylfie still at St. Aggies, and Twilight and Digger doing who-knows-what?? XDDD
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Jackalfur on July 25, 2012, 07:19:58 pm
Haha xD

Yep :3 I have no idea what the original characters would be doing, so they can be if you guys want~ owo))

"No!" Athena screeched, swooping among the flames with her wings propelling herself away from being burned. She aimed toward the two Pure Ones trying to push the ryb into the fire tornado, her bright yellow eyes lit up with anger and horror. "Leave the ryb alone!" I wasn't expecting anything like this... she thought with terror, giving out a hiss and charging. Unfortunately she missed, diving under the two with her plumage feathers burning from the heat of the swirling vortex. I have a plan. Plotting in her head for a moment, she shielded her eyes briefly with her dark eyelids, screeching furiously at the two males.

Araflame pecked at her nest, fluffing it up with a few ginger-and-white feathers. She knew she needed her feathers for flight, but it was just a few she plucked out. Brushing off a shallow spot where she usually laid in, the Barn Owl sighed in satisfaction and bobbed her head a little, gazing around her hollow. It was nice and quiet, as always, and rarely anyone barged in-- especially without warning.

The Tyto Alba climbed into her bed and preened herself, nuzzling down each tawny feather and arranging them neatly, so they wouldn't look unkempt and messy. It feels good to have peace and quiet once and awhile, she thought, churring a bit, unlike being near the other Pure Ones. It would've been nice to have something else to do, though, rather than to daydream. She held up a wing and groomed her flight feathers down.

((Decided not to edit my other post 'xD))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: SoulRevenge on July 25, 2012, 07:46:49 pm

"Tyra, hurrry up and do something!" Shinitagari screeched, he was doing praticly all the work, and it was harder than he had expected. With another battle cry, his battle-claws met the the ryb's chest. Blood-splattered breast feathers flew everywhere, though the ryb didn't seem to care. Of course, thanks to Shninitagari's last move this would all just be much easier than before. "Tyra, bring him down lower so I can send the old geeezer to hell!" The white barn owl barked at Tyra, his beak clicking abit in ignorance. The Masked Owl from above was so slow when it came to these things, he was a simple nussiance.

"I was going to!" Tyra replied sharply, then dove dowards abit, but not enough to make the ryb or himself get too close to the flames. The black-speckled Masked Owl knew quite well not to interfere with Shinitagari's battle, if he did then that Tyto would have his tail feathers. It hadn't been that long since Tyra pushed to Ryb downwards abit more, maybe about a minute when the iggnorant masked squawked an order towards Shinitagari. "Finish him already!" though, rather than what he would expect from any other owl, which would be a 'I'm trying' Shinitagari only replied with a glare, and some harsh words.

"It would take you an hour to even wound him." Shinitagari stated plainly, a cold stare spread across his face as glared at the masked. Who did Tyra think he was talking to? Shinitagari was surely Nyra and Kludd's favourite, he could do anything to Tyra he wanted. With another quick flick of his wings, he stretched his talons out, the battle claws danced with fire as they reached out towards the ryb in a rather fast motion. The blow was meant to miss, so the Ryb might try to avoid it.
The Plan worked.
The idiot Snowy (I that was it owo) fell for it, and danced towards the side and back abit. Almost imediantly his stark-white wing turned into a blazing shade of crimson and dull orange. "Perfect..." Shinitagari thought with a smirk. Now that he was distracted, he coud get him into the flames, all of it this time. With a quick 'jerk' of his wings that had turned into a light shade of pink, due to the fire's light, the Pure One pushed the owl into the fatal flames. It wasn't that hard really, it just took a push that would make an owlet fall from it's hollow....
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on July 27, 2012, 01:22:30 am
(Meep. La bump~)
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Saylor156 on July 27, 2012, 02:52:31 am
((-is waitin' for Sawni- :P))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on July 27, 2012, 05:34:09 pm

"Ok." She said, as soon as Eirian said to stay close. The owl's ginger wingspan made her look larger, but she was almost the smallest Barn Owl her age. She kept following Eirian, trying to stay as close as possible, without crashing.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Jackalfur on July 28, 2012, 07:42:06 pm
"No!" Athena's bright yellow eyes clouded with misery and hatred. She felt an instinct to lash out like a rabid raccoon, but for a moment the owl just hovered there, her wings barely flapping due to her shock. The ryb was dead. Dead, just like that.

After the trainee got over her shock, she hissed and swooped down, plummeting like a pebble thrown from the clouds. For a minute she did not rise back up to strike, but the short-eared owl was just planning her strategy. Suddenly she let out a battle screech and flew at the two like a bullet, her talons extended and outstretched. "You'll never get away with this!" she screamed, trying not to choke on air as her breath rasped in her throat.

((Just thought I'd post something, to bump up the rp and keep it going >w<))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: okami129 on July 28, 2012, 08:21:08 pm
ewe I've got ideas. Anyway, we best move on without Swani if she doesn't show activity for so long. When she returns, we'll summarize))
"Hmph" As the owl, Athena, was going forward to attack the pure one, Shion flew swiftly into her, ramming the owl in her side to knock her off course. She flew back a bit, her red scarf got in the face of the Short-eared owl as the Rhodoan owl turned to face the two, holding a magestic grace and serious tone. "Killing an old geezer and attacking trainees? Now that isn't really fair, is it?" she smirked and tilted her head, her silent large wings that slowly flapped kept her airborn. "Where's your pride as an owl?"
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: SoulRevenge on July 28, 2012, 08:28:23 pm
"You need one of the greatest gaurdians ever to even try to beat us? Psht, lame." he said blankly,glancing towards the Snowy owl with the bright scarf. It was obviously Shion, a snowy owl who had retired as a gaurdian. Though he wasn't showing it, Shinitagari knew he was in a tangled mess of strings and chains. It would be alot harder defeating this geezer than the last one. "We're the same age, is that fair?" Shinitagari asked the snowy, who also seemed to be making a whole joke out of this. It was quite true, him and Tyra were about the same age as these trainees. "Do you even know who we are?" The strangely coloured white Tyto pecked up, giving his wings a few strokes every once in awhile so he could keep altitude. If the young barn owl even got close to the flames, he knew quite well that Shion would take the chance to push him in, and he would die the same way the crap geezer did.

(Sorry it's shorter than usual X.X I gotta go~ Be back on later.)
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on July 28, 2012, 08:31:50 pm
(*Is waiting for Eirian*)
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Saylor156 on July 28, 2012, 11:52:10 pm
Eirian's wings cut through the air as she rode the confusing currents. The dark clouds seemed to open in one spot, yawning like the jaws of some terrible creature.
"Over there!" She banked to port, flapping her wings to keep from spiraling away.
She shot suddenly into the break in the clouds, and it closed right behind Sawni and Eirian as if it had swallowed them.

Eirian suddenly shreed, the signature screech of a Barn Owl. The feather she'd been carrying had somehow slipped from her grasp and was fluttering wildly away in crazy circles, eluding her talons as she tried to reclaim it. "No!"

"Sawni! Follow me!" In her voice was an urgency that frightened even herself for a moment. "But just so we can keep track of each other," she added quickly, basically meaning that Sawni shouldn't dive with her. She suddenly angled downwards, her wings still half-open. They formed a sort of 'W' shape as she fell, all of her feathers wildly shifting to keep her from flipping backwards at this steep angle.

She sliced through the dark clouds, feeling her wings becoming wet with the moisture suspended in the air, but she kept her steep decline. If she closed her wings, it would be unlikely that she could open them again, but if she went too fast they could be seriously injured.

As she plummeted, she saw the feather fluttering just out of her reach. The clouds disappeared in a small spot for a moment, showing her that she was just a few wing-lengths from the water.

Gizzard shrieking for her to pull up, she put on more speed, now diving like a bullet to capture the feather. Just before she hit the waves, she opened her wings, reached out with her talons, and caught the Great Gray's silver feather.

Eirian squawked at the strain this put on her wings, but she flapped them anyways, trying to regain her altitude to a place where the air was slightly smoother.

((Derp, I felt like making her dive like they do on the Xbox Ga'Hoole game. :b))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on July 29, 2012, 05:20:35 pm


Artemisia's eyes brightened in excitement in response to the Great Gray's old speech, which, in contrast to Agomar, inspired her each and every time. However, it was a small gasp from one of the other students followed by the louder gasps of others that averted her attention, finally. "Hey, look there!" Shouted the young barn owl, his wing pointing towards the dark mass of ominous clouds.

"What in glaux's name is--" The old ryb turned his head to notice a small group of owls; a pair of Barn Owls. "Good Glaux, what are they doing? They aren't part of the Weather Predicament Chaw!" Shouted Brutus, spreading his wings. "Artemisia, Timber, come with me!" The ryb called, immediately welling excitement in the young Spotted Owl's gizzard upon hearing her name called.

"Yes!" She nodded in agreement, and spread her wings for take off, followed by the small Barred Owl, Timber. Through the beautiful skies they flew, soaring towards the storm as they gave off great hoots, Artemisia herself letting out a classic Spotted Owl's hoot; a series of melodious four notes that were short and sweet. The threesome flew themselves into the mass, manuevering through a mass of air currents and Baggywrinkles. "Timber do you see them?!" Called Brutus, letting out a mangled hoot as he did.

"I see a tumblebone! I see a tumblebone!" Timber's own cry was muffled an terrified, as if she herself was caught in the storm. Thankfully, she flying right above the small Spotted Owl, who gazed in awe at the massive eye in the distance. "Don't fly into it, Timber! Trust your gizzard, don't go yeep! Do you hear me? Do not go yeep!" The Great Grey hooted from afar.

Artemisia herself was terrified. At least Agomar wasn't going to lose his Milkberry Tarts tonight.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on July 29, 2012, 05:27:48 pm
Sawni didn't know what to do. She just intended to go down. I can do this. She thought, repeatedly. As she looked down she thought, I can't do this! Her wings couldn't handle it, and she found herself falling. Her wings went limp. She couldn't move her wings. The only thing she knew that was moving them, was the wind. She felt sick. She could yarp right then and there. But she didn't.

She was still horrified, since she couldn't move her small delicate wings, so she couldn't fly. She was falling to her death. She didn't know how to swim.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: okami129 on July 29, 2012, 05:44:34 pm
Warriorsmoo, your siggy is AWESOME! And Xerxes, Shion is a rhodoan owl.))
The white owl gave a no emotion at the words of her opponent. "I know exactly who you are, and if you survive I have a message for Nyra." With an outstretched claw, she flew forward and attempted to grab the opponents with sharp claws, pushing them towards the fires once she had them. "Tell her I'm still alive." Her eyes narrowed "And I want revenge." She didn't push them far, only enough to make them nervous. The other guardians as it looked were flying off to tend to some other event, except for a few for now. She noticed a particulat short-eared owl of the group. "Hmph."
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Saylor156 on July 29, 2012, 05:45:45 pm
((By the way, the Great Gray and the Burrowing Owls didn't follow them into the clouds. They're still at the tree. Heh))

Eirian heard the sound of some more owls, but the wind and rain made it hard even for a Barn Owl to hear well. It could be part of her imagination.
As she glanced down with her huge black eyes, she caught sight of something plunging uncontrollably downward.
Eirian went into a state of shock for a while, just hovering helplessly. She wouldn't be able to catch the smaller Barn Owl. Her only hope now was that she could locate the Weather chaw, who she by now knew from the shouting they put out and by reasoning that they'd be the only other ones out here.
Eirian gasped for air as she struggled towards the sound of the owls, her wings making confused patterns in the air. But she wouldn't show fear or shame. That was not in her personality. Her spirit.
"Over here! Brutus!" she shreed loudly.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on July 29, 2012, 05:46:53 pm
((Daww, thanks. X3
And whoops, scratch that then. *Edits post*

I might as well post again, since I feel like it. o3o))


The old ryb's yellow eyes peered through the heavy rain and hail, barely catching sight of a small figure in the distance. Indeed, to his excellent hearing he could hear the muffled call of a small owl, replying to his wild hoots by pointing out her own location. "Artemisia, Timber! Help her!" He cried, calling to his younger students who were not far from the giant mass of the tumblebone spinning endlessly before them. Such cry was enough to snap the two owlets from their daze, bringing them to realization and coaxing them out of their fears.

Despite the heavy feeling of torrential rains pouring upon their wings, coaking their feathers waterlogged and daring to slow their attempts to aid the struggling pair of barn owls caught within the storm, Artemisia and Timber let their wings fold even the slightest closer to their bodies, diving for the struggling silver barn owl, who had watched in horror as her small friend tumbled closer towards the sea.

However, the Great Grey ryb did not dwindle on this knowledge. With the young Eirian to be assisted by his young comrads, the old owl dove from the clouds, his own wings folded towards his body. His silver feathers grew soaked as he endured the rain, loud thunder roaring into his ears and nearly and temporary deafening him. But Brutus opened his claws, his wings slowly opening as he drew closer to his target, who could be only inches from the crashing waves and soaring white caps that raged over the seas.

In an attempt to grab her; careful not to harm the small barn owl with his talons, the male closed his talons over the creature's wings, hoping they would gently fold into her body.

In the meantime, Artemisia and Timber worked their way through gusty winds in hopes that they could provide some sort of source for Eirian to fly easier. With the melodious hoots that echoed from their beaks, the pair worked their wings to try and balance the silver barn owl's own flight.

Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Saylor156 on July 29, 2012, 07:08:36 pm
Eirian, now floating upon the clear pocket of air the two owls were creating, couldn't help the frustrated hiss that rattled from her beak. She didn't want to be helped. "No! We need to get Sawni back to the tree!"
The young, fiery Barn Owl tilted her head, the acute hearing that tytos were known for slightly obstructed by all the howling winds.
The silver stripe on her back was darkened to a sooty gray with the rain, and her wings were dragging a little in the air. Each feather was heavy with tiny droplets, and the lulus - the small feathers at an owl's wing bend - were flattened, wingicapped (handicapped lol) by the moisture that glued them to the thicker wing feathers.
Eirian searched the cloud banks below with her eyes for any sign of Brutus returning with Sawni.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on July 29, 2012, 07:24:33 pm
The young Barn Owl's eyes closed, as she watched the elder grab her wings. She couldn't move them, or even feel them. But they did close. She didn't know what was happening. It went to fast for her. She could hear Eirian's voice, and some of the other owls. A painfull screech left her curved beak. She made the sound because of the hail and sharp rain that was pelting her. She tried to move her wings, but since the larger Great Grey Owl was helping her and because they went limp so easily, she could not.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on July 31, 2012, 12:03:15 am
(Oi! Bump~)
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Saylor156 on July 31, 2012, 12:37:59 am
((Are we waiting for the other people to post? o3o))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on July 31, 2012, 12:44:28 am
((Aye, Temporal, B-Rabbit, Theobear, Okami, and everyone else..))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: SoulRevenge on July 31, 2012, 12:46:51 am
(I'm waitin' on Temp X.X And you guys might aswell just continue~ Considering that me, Okami, and Temp are all basically in a completely different setting then you, it shouldn't effect us- unless you count us having to go back through the pages to find the last reply XDDD)
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on July 31, 2012, 12:49:34 am
(Temp isn't going to be on the rest of the day. She's out with her family, eating. And after that, she's going to hang out with her cousin and aunt... So... She's going to post tomarrow.)
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: SoulRevenge on July 31, 2012, 04:42:41 am
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Theobear on July 31, 2012, 03:02:49 pm
(Thank you.  I can't remember where we left off?  Can anyone clue me in? I'm sorry, I've been kind of busy :()
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: SoulRevenge on July 31, 2012, 03:38:20 pm
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on July 31, 2012, 08:25:48 pm
(Guys, I won't be on much longer today. Because of our family's resturant, that just opened, and then a friend's birthday party. :I So, I won't be on today, as much.)
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Jackalfur on August 01, 2012, 03:34:57 am
(Kwah ;A; Sorry for my laziness inactivity. I couldn't really think of anything to post, and I was a bit busy today.
That's alright. ^^

-Editing into roleplay paragraph(s) tomorrow-))

Athena gave a furious hissing noise as the Rhodoan owl got in her way. "They killed the ryb," she seethed, the words burning on her beak like fire. "They have no right to interrupt our training." Her yellow eyes lit aflame, mixing with a glowing orange of the fire vortex near the owls. They couldn't be Pure Ones, could they? No. The Pure Ones are no more. But for some reason the short-eared owl couldn't convince herself-- the Battle of the Ice Claws had come and gone, and the tale of the Pure Ones was just a story for owlets.

Athena turned a threatening stare onto a young male barn owl, near her age. "How could you," she hissed, rage twisting her gizzard into knots. "How could you brutally kill someone? You must be lower than I thought."

Sighing, Araflame hopped from her nest and dusted off a few rocks and pebbles that sat near an old, rising pedestal-like platform. There, the Tyto would read her books, but she didn't feel up to skipping her eyes over pages today. "Wish Nyra would've given me something to do," she muttered in dismay. "instead of tidying up my hollow. It could have been nice to wipe out some of the Guardians." The owl dug her talons into the ground, her battle claws screeching against the rough surface.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: WarriorMoo on August 02, 2012, 03:08:32 am


Artemisia watched in fear, her eyes dancing around the clouds below and where the sea swelled, looking for any sign, any speck, or any sort of movement that belonged to the ryb down below. Her black-eyed gaze only widdened further as the silver feathered barn owl struggled to find her friend "..No! Please, don't go down there, it's too dangerous!" The Spotted Owl cried, trying to catch up with Eirian desperately. The roar of the strong winds rang into her ears, heavy downpour soaked her dark tawny and white spotted feathers. She could barely here the frantic cry of the Barred Owl from above; "It's coming closer! It's coming closer!" Between a mass of screeches and hoots.

Those words nearly sent Artemisia's gizzard awry. Any other owl would probably go yeep, if they weren't trained to manuever in great systems like this. "Wait, stop!" Cried the young owl again, folding her wings in a deep chase. Over the roar of the squalls there came the loud hoot of the old Great Gray, who used a mighty updraft to lift himself, and the small barn owl within his clutches, higher from the seas, and further into the clouds. "Quickly, now! We must return them to the tree!" Said Brutus, flying up towards the frantic Timber. "Timber! Where is Artemisia and Eirian?"

"They're down there!" Cried the Barred Owl, her beak pointing the the clouds below.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Saylor156 on August 02, 2012, 03:53:45 pm
Eirian shreed, trying not to go yeep as a swirling wind buffeted her in a dizzy spiral for a few wing-lengths. She flapped hard.
Since she was a collier, she was good at maneuvering, but this storm was new to her. Still, she didn't want to show fear, nor be carried out. Clutching the feather from the Great Gray that had dared her out here, she tried going towards Artemisia.
Her eyes glinted in the dim clouds, determined to come out of this thing alive with the feather.
A blinding light slashed across the storm, close enough to them that the static rippled through the air. The light danced around crazily for a gizzard-twitch, then disappeared.
Eirian, ears ringing from the sound of the thunder that followed the lightning, arrived beside Artemisia. "Let's go!" she called over the wind. Her wings were beating wildly, tilting from side to side to keep her body balanced.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: YowlingYeen on August 02, 2012, 10:32:12 pm
http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Owls&view=detail&id=89F314F4E6D40949D0F31080AB2FD59744A87F8A&first=107 (http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Owls&view=detail&id=89F314F4E6D40949D0F31080AB2FD59744A87F8A&first=107)

Age: Tween
Species: Blue eyed Snowy owl
Rank: Collier In-Training
Clan: Guardians
Personality:Snow is a rather mischevious Owl she loves a good prank and just LOVES picking on smaller owls than herself she can be a very good and lovable owl but she is mostly hard headed and stubbern she is allso an exsedingly great flyer and is very swift and fast on the wind she is allso a very good fighter and never backs down from a challenge no matter what it is and is famous for usawally starting fights and being the one who ends them. 
Siblings: N/A
Crush: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Mate: N/A
Extra: N/A
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: okami129 on August 02, 2012, 11:18:37 pm
No comment...
Waiting for Xerxes))
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: SoulRevenge on August 03, 2012, 12:17:25 am
(I'll post tommorow or really late at night, TTATT Sorry for the wait, I have stuff to do, video for the video contest, derping with Vallez, etc...
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Theobear on August 03, 2012, 05:36:10 pm
(I'm sorry guys. I am going to have to quit. :( I'm sorry).
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: SoulRevenge on August 03, 2012, 07:04:45 pm

(Awwww TTATT Bye Theo~)

"We're not THAT bad, we're just doing our job." he sqawked back, then turned his attention back to the Rhodan owl, Shion who seemed to be a rude, iggnorant, and intimiadating as he was. Of course, Shinitagari found her simply- annoying. A meer nussiance to this mission. "The Geezer was going to die anyway, it didn't matter, I made his life short and sweet!" Shinitagari was trying to sound like he was 'good' for killing him off, he knew it wouldn't work, but was he supposed to care? No. The White Barn owl made an attempt to push the Rhodan owl closer to the flames, it didn't work, but he wasn't suprised. This was a legendary gaurdian they were dealing with, not a pathetic ryb or a trainee. "We're all going to die anyway?! Does it matter if it's a little early? No!" he taunted, a slightly crazed look was visable in his eyes.
He was right, everyone would die eventually, there was no doubt about that. Even the High Tyto would perish someday.
"As would the one that landed the fatal blow..." He thought to himself. Snapping back into reality almost right after.

Megami could hear screeching and sqawking from the direction of the Spiral of spinning flames. Almost imeddiantly, the thought entered his mind that either Shinitagari and Tyra have died, or they gaurdians have. Who was he kidding? It was obviously Shinitagari and Tyra, no matter how good they might be they would obviously perish if they were to fight against a ryb and trainees. Though, the thought made his gizzard churn. Even though he hated his brother, Shinitagari had made him feel slightly better while he was in this terrible place. Shinigami reminded him of back then, when everything wasn't like a hell on earth.
Now everything would be like a hell on earth without him, and good glaux, there would be no happy memories. But maybe, his death could be a good thing! Maybe he could run away with the Gaurdians. If Shinitagari didn't return, they would all forget about him, persume him dead! "Oh thank you brother, for dying on me!"

(Soooorrey for shortness TTATT. I wanted to put abit of Megami in there though~ X3 His dreams shall be crushed B\)
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Wolf} on August 03, 2012, 08:13:28 pm
I would like to join ^.^
(http://img811.imageshack.us/img811/3281/6138barn20owl20copyrigh.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/811/6138barn20owl20copyrigh.jpg/)

Name: Silver
Gender: Female
Age: Teen
Species: Barn Owl
Rank:Seach and Rescue Chaw
Clan: Guardians
Personality: Silver is a kind and careing owl. Although she can be known for being quick to anger she's normally leveled. In Battle she's deadly and a quick thinker. Silver loves owlets and would do anything to protect them. And Silver almost always has a smile on her face whitch makes her easy to approch if she knows you.
Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra: None

(http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/161/thca0pcnj4.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/809/thca0pcnj4.jpg/)

Name:  Erin
Gender: Male
Age: Teen
Species: Australian Masked Owl
Rank: Warrior if the pure ones have something like that.
Clan: Pure Ones
Personality: Erin is acually a relatively nice owl. He is deadly in fights. But he isn't very smart when comes to backing down when needed. Erin often goes in to trouble and normally finds it. If you know his he's easily approach but he can be offensive if he dosen't know you.
Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra: None
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Saylor156 on August 04, 2012, 03:19:40 pm
Name: Colburn
Gender: Male
Age: Teen (on the verge of Young Adult though)
Species: Snowy Owl
Rank: Rogue, Sometimes a HireClaw
Clan: None, But if he had to choose, it would be Guardians.
Personality: Colburn is extremely calm, and he sometimes seems detached. If he meets a stranger, he rarely says a word. His eyes seem to speak for him, though they only show things that he wants them to. This owl is brave and daring, but he doesn't flaunt it.
History: He was born in the North Kingdoms, somewhere along the southern side of the Ice Narrows. He had a sister, but she was slain when she took her first flight too close to a wild katabat, which flung her against an ice wall that just by chance had a splinter off of it. She was impaled, and Colburn and his parents found her the next day. Colburn wasn't really affected by it. He'd never spent much time with his young sibling, but he did mourn along with his two parents, who were completely heart-broken.
Colburn decided that he should leave and become his own owl, away from his parents and the death-place of his sister. Now he just flies around, not really living anywhere specific.
Siblings: Flora - sister/deceased
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra: He always carries around an ice scimitar, along with a few ice splinters stored in a small pouch tied over his shoulders.

Name: Caerwyn \ca(e)-rw-yn\
Gender: Male
Age: Teen
Species: Barn Owl
Rank: Tracker In-Training
Clan: Guardians
Personality: Caerwyn has a knack for making others like him or enjoy his company. He always has compliments and helpful words for others, and is quite modest himself. He's very clever and quick, and he knows when to keep his beak shut and when to speak.
Siblings: None
Crush: None
Offspring: None
Mate: None
Extra: He secretly studies weather and air currents as well as his all his tracking work.
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: Saylor156 on August 07, 2012, 03:58:47 pm
Title: Re: || The Land of 'Hoole || Guardians of Ga'Hoole RP (Open and Accepting!)
Post by: SL138197 on September 10, 2014, 03:24:53 pm
Sorreh!  Didn't notice this has been inactive for a while