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Messages - Bad Luck

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News Archives / Re: Hacking?
« on: November 27, 2015, 10:55:46 pm »

Discussion Board / Re: Needs Some New Music -- Suggestions?
« on: January 21, 2014, 03:58:08 pm »

I'm going to have to step back about five or six years for this. My taste in music used to be like yours, then I began to find really bizarre stuff fascinating. I still appreciate the old stuff, though. SO I apologize in advance if I throw in a few things that don't match your interests at all; I'm having trouble getting into the other mindset.

I second the suggestion for Brand New; that used to be my absolute favorite band.

King Crimson was formed in the late 60's; you might recognize the song "21st Century Schizoid Man" because it was poorly mixed into Kanye West's very popular song "Power" (yes, this upset me). He just had to try to ruin their good name. In the Court Of The Crimson King is one of their more accessible albums, as is Lizard. The song "Lizard" is fabulous but about 23 minutes long. Actually, this is a band that I currently love--not an old interest.

Hurt is another former favorite band, though I have to say that I was impressed by their latest album. I think "Losing" is a pretty good representation of their music.

Deftones is an obligatory suggestion - I suggest the song "Deathblow"

And a few others:
Crippled Black Phoenix - The Brain/Poznan
Cynic - Carbon Based Anatomy
Katatonia - In The White
Manchester Orchestra - Where Have You Been?
A Perfect Circle - The Outsider

The second parts of each suggestion above are songs that represent the band well enough. Sometimes I seem to stumble upon some of the worst songs produced by a particular band, assume the band is terrible, then return to it later and find that the other songs sound nothing like whatever I found.

Game Discussion / Re: Illiterates Role Players.
« on: January 15, 2014, 05:40:36 pm »

On this topic, my opinion is a mixture between the preceding posts; of course, I also have a bit of my own input.

Like Silhouette, I'm not a frequent player of FeralHeart anymore. In fact, I don't believe I've participated in an actual roleplay for nearly two years, so I can't say that I'm entirely familiar with the current state of FeralHeart's roleplay community. I have been logging into the game a bit more often over the past week, so I have had a glimpse, but I haven't joined any roleplays. For me, it has proven to be extremely difficult to find with anyone who is even remotely willing to roleplay with me.

From my observations, the community's division of "illiterates" and "literates" says very little about the actual level of skill amongst roleplayers, much less the temperament of each individual. This certainly does not apply to everyone, but I can say that the "literate" roleplayers tends to be extremely incapable of expressing even the slightest degree of tolerance for anything that they deem to be an error. I've experienced this firsthand without even roleplaying. I'm the type to occasionally get a bit lazy with my typing when the conversation is far from serious, and almost every time I do this in-game--even if I'm merely showing minor mistakes such as typing in all lower case letters--a user who was, shortly before, advertising for a "literate" roleplay or showing some clear sign of participating in one will make scattered and snide attempts to correct me, despite the fact that I tend to blatantly mix literacy and illiteracy with any form of casual writing. The majority of the "literate" side of the community can be incredibly pretentious even though I can always find some serious errors in their writing as well. To summarize my first point, no one is perfect. I'm not perfect. We all make mistakes. You don't need to be perfect, and a rude approach does not help anyone. Everyone holds room for improvement.

As I said before, that does not refer to all "literate" roleplayers. I know a fair number who are tolerant and friendly, such as Silhouette. Those are the types of roleplayers that we should all strive to be, and no, I am not referring to the writing style or anything along those lines. Roleplaying is a form of collaborative writing. Productive collaboration demands that each participant puts in a good amount of effort and pays attention to the input of others. A good roleplayer knows how to properly work with others, regardless of "how well they write," and a good roleplayer knows how to adjust accordingly.

The "illiterate" roleplayers tend to be younger, so I can certainly understand why they often write in such a simplistic way. Honestly, I've never felt entirely aggravated by any of them. They're often significantly more pleasant to me, and most of them are definitely not trying to put anyone down.

If you don't want to roleplay with someone, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Just be polite about it, at the very least.

By giving them a little bit of your role play time they will begin to learn to be literate, and you might make a new, great friend in the process.

THIS is my favorite part of the original post because this is exactly what happened to me about four years ago. I had developed a roleplay group with several of my close friends--ones I was entirely accustomed to roleplaying with. I made the peculiar decision to talk to a random person in-game; she was trying to start a roleplay group for any species, and it was very apparent that she didn't have much experience with roleplaying. She essentially displayed every aspect of what you all would define as "illiterate," but she didn't get mad at me for approaching her. She didn't attempt to berate me in any way for my strange progression of thoughts. After a while, I managed to convince her to join the group that my friends and I had created; keep in mind that this group was a bit strict about "literacy." Initially, all of them were frustrated with her. They found it very amusing to pick apart her posts in separate chats and criticize her characters, but after a while, she REALLY improved in a variety of ways. Eventually, she grew on everyone, and it was certainly enjoyable to have her participate in that group.

(Oh and if that math doesn't add up, it's because this all occurred in Impressive Title--not FeralHeart. Close enough, though.)

After I went through a very unstable and depressed phase (sort of recently), all of the older friends began to drift apart from me and even made obvious efforts to avoid me. Guess who stuck with me through all of it? She did. And I can honestly say that she has been my best and most supportive friend in the time that I have known her.


Thank you again, everyone. I'm definitely going to read over the recent updates seeing as how I've been away for a while. I think I've found a reasonable font color, but I'll probably change it again eventually. It's always fun to have a consistent look in forum posts.

Yeah, chemical engineering is going to be stressful, to say the least. But I made it through the first semester without any serious issues, and I hope it'll work out in the end.

Oh, and if anyone ever sees me in-game, I'll likely be using a character named Sifaris that looks a bit like my avatar. Unfortunately, it's very difficult to make a primate character out of a canine mesh. :(


Thank you very much for the unique and pleasant welcome! I can already tell that I'll encounter a plethora of interesting people on this forum based upon the fact that the current "Member Of The Season" expresses a distinctive style while writing. I LIKE IT.

And I think I'll be spending the next few posts deciding on a font color.

« on: January 12, 2014, 08:14:53 am »

HELLO everyone, I'm Bad Luck. Well, I usually go by Sifaris these days, but I've preferred to stick with this username on FeralHeart since it's the one I used back on the original Impressive Title server.

I doubt that anyone here really knows me, and that's partially due to the fact that I have sort of isolated myself from this community (and all related ones) for the past few years, but if you do, that is WONDERFUL. I want to know how I knew you back in the day if I can't immediately recall. Anyway, if you can't already tell based upon everything I've written before this sentence, I'm not at all new to FeralHeart. In fact, I think I joined on the same day this forum opened. I just never really bothered to be active on the forum. I was a little more well-known on the original Impressive Title forum near the end of the game's life, but even on there I don't think I socialized with enough people to gain anything of a popular status; I don't mind that at all. I joined that game in January 2009 and simply lurked on a multitude of accounts for much of the time. At least I get to act like a hipster by saying I've been here for a while.

That being said, I used to roleplay, abuse emoticons, and get upset over things that didn't actually matter. I assure you that I'm not quite that way any more. I still do some collaborative writing, but it most certainly does not qualify as roleplaying, and it's a tad bit vulgar, so I'm going to refrain from sharing it on this forum. I don't really intend to jump back into roleplaying unless, by some odd chance, there is someone on this forum who enjoys "low-energy" roleplays that are a little more mentally stimulating than action-based ones. My odd taste in writing is really annoying and tends to bore others, which is perfectly understandable.

To add a little bit about my actual self, I'm an eighteen-year-old college student. I'm currently studying chemical engineering, and yes, I absolutely love it. I have an obsession with a particular Polynesian plant/beverage, so don't mind my occasional rambling about it; I tend to stop eventually. I'm one of those obnoxious health-conscious people, but I don't berate others for not living a healthy lifestyle unless it's entirely harmful to their loved ones. I tend to like people despite the fact that I don't have many friends; I'm simply not very social, but that doesn't mean I can't admire the many unique personalities that people express. Feel free to send me messages on here or on Skype or something (my username there is sifaris).

I really want to be active on this forum because I can't seem to find any relevant ones where I feel comfortable posting often. This community is just so enormous that it's impossible for everyone to think I'm neurotic or something along those lines. So HELLO again.

Forum Discussion / Re: How long have you been a member?
« on: January 11, 2014, 03:20:17 am »

I registered here on January 3, 2011, but I joined the preceding game in late 2008/early 2009. So I've been here for a while haha. This site was definitely slow after the initial release.

This entire thread consists of bored members attempting to establish some sense of authority or meaning in disputes between the staff of animal roleplaying games. I will never understand how you people can take this nonsense so seriously or even apply the term "professional" to anything that pertains to a free, glorified chat room. I'm genuinely curious as to what the common incentive is; why does everyone feel inclined to debate about Super/Onowl's legitimacy via moderately lengthy forum posts?

Discussion Board / Re: Strangest and/or Weirdest Dreams
« on: October 04, 2012, 01:23:16 am »

Lucid dreams are my only "strange" ones; they begin strange (hence why I'm able to detect that I'm in a dream), and I attempt to make them even more bizarre. My last one involved clouds made of trees and vines.

My non-lucid dreams are usually normal. They're so realistic and dull that I find it impossible to notice that they're actually dreams; sometimes, I wake up feeling terribly confused. I've had a few that reflect what I expect to see in the following day.

Game Help / Re: Good heightmap maker for mac?
« on: October 03, 2012, 11:10:02 pm »

GIMP should work on a Mac. It works on mine, at least.
Scroll down to "GIMP User Manual" and click on "Show other downloads."
Under "Native Builds," you should see "Download gimp-2.8.2-dmg-2.dmg." If I'm not mistaken, that should be the correct installer; I'm not on the Mac partition of my computer right now, so I can't check it out. If it doesn't work, I'll switch over to it and look for something else.

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