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Messages - blindbeauty

Pages: [1]
Full name: First Light
Nick name: Light
Age group: Foal to yearling
Breed: Connemara
Height: foal- 8.2hh adult- 13.1hh
Origin: Blood born
Rank: Foal
Appearance: Pure white with almost invisible dapples on back. I have Icy blue eyes and a long forelock.
Personality: Very, VERY shy, isn't likely to answer you, keeps to the shadows. Is very submissive.
Back round: The blood born filly was well blood born- not much to it, sorry.
Family: Unknown...
Relationship status: Interested in the other colts ( but has NO chance!)
Crush: None.
Extra: Is allergic to wasps I guess. Yea.

Apperance: completly black with amber eyes

Its what it said 2 do

Hello, I am Liluna, I am the leader of Dark Forest Wolf Pack. If you follow me and my pack, we can show you the difference between right and wrong, good and bad, Light and Dark....

Plot: It is a cold winter night.... This winter is coming.... And coming fast, but the Dark Forest Wolf Pack, isn't prepared... It has been snow rain and blizzards for the past three days!!! How will they ever survive this time!?

Character Name:
Username (in-game):
Age (dog years):
Picture Of Wolf:
History/ Summary Of Wolf:
RolePlay Sample:

Here is an example form:
Character Name: Liluna
Username (in-game): SushiMushi
Gender: Female
Age (dog years): 24
Rank: Alpha (female)
Picture Of Wolf:
History/ Summary Of Wolf: Liluna is a royal to all wolves her mother and father have been Alphas of the strongest packs... But now she has the family troubles and isn't doing too well...
Personality: She is stern at the time that is needed, she is caring, wise, strong, and wise.
RolePlay Sample: -the she wolf padded through the dark moonlit forest trying to find a place to rest- "Have you seen any places yet?" -she asked her reflection in a puudle, then all of a sudden the puddle started to shake, and a roar came out from behind her, it was a bear!- "Really! I am hungry and tired will you just go?" -she snapped at the bear and launched her self at its stomach, the bear flung her away she let out a squeak sounding yelp and limped a little but did not give out. She launched herself again but this time at the neck and flung herself with all of her weight into the 500 pound grizzly. The sound of bones breaking and blood all over the snow was like a beautiful picture spalshed with red.... When the bear went limp, so did the she-wolf- "where am i?" -she asked weekly about a month later...-

I would go on if I was applying to a real rp but  I am not XD
Here are the rules of the Rp and rules that go by the feralHeart rules too!

Rule 1: No sexual harrassment on the website for the group or in-game.

Rule 2: No god moding!

Rule 3: Males can choose a mate at their Rank Applying Ceremony, the female can refuse if she wants.

Rule 4: No cursing or swearing over and over! You can curse every now and then but not every other word.

Rule 5: No spamming

Rule 6: You cannot block someone in the pack. But you can leave the pack with giving the alphas a heads-up first.

Rule 7: Have fun!

Rule 8: If you read the rules thouroughly please post 'herpderptherpmerpserp but beware there may be more XD'

when you have read the fo.lowing above, please copy and paste this at the top of your form so I know you read...

Is there any pics of the map you could upload/post

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