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Topics - WolfKat777

Pages: [1]
Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / Future Dream World? c:
« on: December 24, 2011, 03:56:04 am »

"Future dream world"? Yep, I'm planning to make a certain special something for you guys to enjoy...
It will be a map, but it cannot be made without YOU guys~! :DD

Think of this as a collab, or a chance for you all to ask for requests and reservations on your own area in this map...
This future map will also basically be a combination of everyone's ideas and "dreams" :3

However, there ARE limits, because I don't have interest in making my own custom 3D models and meshes for this map, so I must stick to basic meshes I can find elsewhere. ^^;;;

This was the big announcement I was actually going to announce on deviantArt in a meeting I planned, but not really anyone saw my notice or anything...o_e'

Anyway, just simply talk about your idea(s), and I will discuss along with everyone about how we can combine the ideas~! ^w^ I just thought this would be a fun thing to get everyone's creative minds working, and it's almost Christmas, afterall! So maybe I can work on this as a gift for everyone even if it may not release until after New Year! :3

Start discussing and sharing! More agreeing and team work, and no arguing or disrespecting others' ideas, please~ c:

If you want an example of the maps I can make, here's my map thread:

PS. This is also my way of saying "Thank you" to everyone who's been complimenting me about how amazing my maps makes me feel like my effort was worth it, especially in my newer and more detailed maps... :'3 I especially had to decide this when so many people came to my newest map, "Dragon Continent," and would enjoy my map like crazy...and for those of you thankful for my maps, I must say, "you're welcome"~ x3

Deadline for Idea Submissions:
January 1st, 2012

***This thread is now up for pure discussion about the accepted map ideas, but no more new suggestions! Sorry!***

Currently Acceptable Ideas:
1. Ant tunnel-theme map :D
By Brittini
2. Night Club (or Dance Floor)
By Rohsek
3. A large tunnel with a secret/hidden entrance, and a giant pool with crystals at the end of the tunnel
4. A stairway of flat crystals leading to the top of a giant oak tree
By DarkMist
5. A hidden temple somewhere, like near a pond~
By mismatched
6. An underwater temple
By LunaTheWolfSoul
7. A forest area with a meadow and/or stream in it - possibly the stream expands into a lake area (one underwater temple location?)
8. Dens also in the forest
9. Fallen trees across the stream, which leads to a meadow with a large den
10. Oak trees in one part of the forest, pine trees in the other
By Akari-Misune
11. Similar layout to "Crater"
12. A rain forest with a "glowing lake" :D
By Yinga
13. (?) Interperate the poem, please? c:
By Tame
14. An eerieness of the Twilight Realm (LoZ: Twilight Princess) with the castle (possible for me to make).
By blueicefox54
15. Hot spring with waterfalls nearby
By Masha
16. Caves/dens on mountains, one leading to an underground chamber
17. Hot spring underground as well, with flowers and rocks surrounding it, also with waterfalls.
By Jaysta
18. Rainbow crystals (I've already created other color crystals ;3 )
By frostflight
(Maps are now a W.I.P.! Please be patient~!)

Presets & Markings / WolfKat777's Presets
« on: June 19, 2011, 08:27:45 am »
I finally got the downloads up~!! ^w^ please enjoy~ c:

and remember to download those presets, especially if you wanna be able to see them in-game~! ;3

My finished presets
- Kaitlyn the wolf-cat (my main OC)
- Flame Storm the dragon
- Rubai the spirit-wolf
- Cyborg canine

Presets I'm working on/planning to make
- A request, though I don't seem to be making the preset too well...x_x
- More dragons~ :3


Link to DA page:

Link to DA page:

Link to DA page:

WARNING: the preset below has mild blood, as it's a vicious villain...if you're easily scared or grossed out (I guess), don't look D:

Link to DA page:


Yush, welcome! :3 I currently have about 6 maps at the moment, but I plan to make more! : D I will list them all here, linking to the downloads and DA pages. ;3 Screenshots included! OwO


Maps in this set are old and new - the newest being the Paradise map, oldest being Small City~ o3o
DA page:
Downloads are found there, as I'm too lazy to post individual links anyways x.x

Dragon Valley

For dragon characters, this map is a nice place to hangout at! c:
DA Page:

Dragon Continent ~~ NEW MAP - Nov. 2011 (Version 1.09)

An upgraded Dragon Map compared to Dragon Valley! Complete with multiple terrains and elements! Plenty of dens, too, if not too many....o_o

DA page:

Remember, all download links are found on the DA pages! ^^ thanks for looking/downloading! :3 I hope you all enjoy~<3

Game Suggestions & Ideas / WK777's Ideas Section c:
« on: February 11, 2011, 06:17:23 pm »
eep, I have to re-type this 'cause I accidentally hit one of my bookmarks and when I got back, all that I typed had vanished! D:> -whimper- T3T

anyways, I will post my ideas here and update when I think of more :3
if any ideas have already been suggested, then it's my fault for having had not checked around carefully enough...sowwiez :c (but at teh time I have first posted this, I checked all topics ;3 chances of this being outdated are...well...very high, of course...XD)

Return of IT Maps? OwO
No, not ALL IT maps....just a few, maybe the popular ones. :3
My personal favorites that I would like to see return are "Ascension Island" and "Playground"...those were cool. ^w^
Suggest any other maps for choosing from? like Graveyard or that awesome lava place? 8D

Marking ideas
1. http://oi56BannedImageSite/2lnwac.jpg
--Tail Ring LowER? XD (pleeease....that ring low doesn't freakin touch the tail BOTHERS ME D: -shot- x.x XD)
--dunnowhattocallthatmuzzlemarking....pfft XD any name ideas to make it easy on teh awesome staff? c:
--Raccoon Mask.... it be cool B3
--Wrapping Rings/Stripes? XD all over the body...heh OwO
--Lightning Stripes! >w<

thanks fer reading....peace ^w^~!

Videos / WolfKat's FH Vids c:
« on: January 11, 2011, 10:13:30 am »
I'll update this topic for when I have more vids...
and my first vid? it's over 20 minutes much fun! XD
I understand there are map tutorials here, but I wanted to make my own and show how it all works in a more animated way...if it's not allowed, I apologize and will take the video down...^~^; It's just that people learn differently from one another...I had a tricky time understanding by reading, but I managed to make maps really well on my I created a more visual tutorial for those who learn better by watching how something is done rather than reading how it's done. ;3

EDIT: because the servers are alive again, I have made new FH videos!! 8D
check 'em out! ^w^

Art Gallery / My Artz c:
« on: January 08, 2011, 07:26:50 am »
Just some character designs and I plan to make a comic using these characters~<3 :3
I even recently developed a new art style, so don't mind that roughness of my style....I'm just starting anew XD

Good Guys :3
My Main character, Kaitlyn:

Outlined and colored version...

Gender: Female
Personality: optimistic, clean-mouthed (dislikes dirty language/profanity), shy, quiet, stubborn, compassionate, merciful, easily curious, humble, polite, however easily angered... xD

Joe K. Sterr

Gender: Male
Personality: optimistic, funny, compassionate, merciful, polite, humble, outgoing, talkative, almost always happy, easily scared. XD

Bad Guys

Bloody Fang

(colors lighter than they actually are so it would be possible to see the outline ;3)
Gender: Male
Personality: serious, evil, cruel, loves to kill, dirty-mouthed, sneaky, clever, unexpected, loner, seems almost as if possessed

More coming soon~~ c:

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