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Topics - Proquail

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' This is it, the Apocalypse. '

' I'm waking up to ash and dust, I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust.'

Year 2016, United states, The cities that once carried color and life, seemingly turn into gray rubble. Not a human scent or sound in any area, the only sound you hear is the sound of ravenous screams, turn around, they are coming after you.

The world has anticipated the 'apocalypse' for many years, but nobody knew it would come so quick, or come at all. The only known survivors are the ones with four legs and sharp teeth. Every dog saw it coming, and have maneuvered around these cities avoiding these flesh eating two-legs. Not a single soul knows when the 'zombies' will end, they keep coming, and oddly enough, they are able to reproduce. It is up to the dogs to rid the virus from all mankind. Any human who was able to get out, has fled the U.S., Other countries have built massive walls, around the boarders to keep zombies away, but America has lost all hope, not a single human soul still survives, It's time for the 'good for nothing mutts' to save the earth.


The city is a layout of broken down buildings and ash and dust. Nearly every building has been viciously attacked by the two-legged zombies. Only few buildings provide shelter away from them. You are one of these kanines, and you must fight to survive in this city of ash. Don't take a wrong turn, don't stop to look behind you, don't second guess if there is one around, simply go by instinct, kill, or be killed. The apocalypse has taken a toll on every being's personality, many have killed each other over this, you best try and keep your mind sane, or you'll be the zombie's next meal.

Rules ;

-No God modeling or Power playing.
-No killing each other
-This is MATURE, meaning, the more guts, the more glory. ;)
-Keep genders as even as possible.
-Romance is allowed.
-You will not run into a zombie every 2 seconds.
-Include everyone
-Just be awesome.

Zombies are much more active at dark hours, the sun seems to have a huge effect on their vision.
They hide from you until they know you are easy pray, so watch out.


Use any form to join, just make your own simple one, here is mine ;


Odann ;
Wolf Hybrid
Two years old

Odann is a wolf hybrid, who stands in a tall, slender frame of 2 years old. He had the average life of your average dog, of course until he watched his masters get eaten alive that is. Ever since he ran off, he has had the black collar around his neck, Odann is very off, and much too quiet for many. He is not social, he believes you are better off alone, the bigger the group, the more noise you make to attract the flesh eaters. He is often very rude to strangers, nothing personal, but he does not like company, especially around things that want to eat you.

He has no plans of joining a group [like many kanines have formed.] Or palling around, he means buisness, and his buisness is to take out every no-brained two-legged virus out there.


.:: S T O R Y - L I N E ::.

Spring fever, the bitter sweet months of love and renewal. Trees begin to breathe once again, releasing flocks of birds that soar among the open clouds. A tease of sunshine casts the warmth of spring to the soil once again. The creeks and lakes for miles crack in excitement as the ice melts. The season calls for many different forms of life to roam the plains once again. Herds are forming, and love is certainly in the air, for now. Spring is not only a signal of new life, but also new struggle. More blood baths emerge from testosterone-filled stallions, more territory to fight for, and more predators to protect yourself from.

There are two main herds in the valleys, neither in particular are good nor evil. They however, unfortunately, dislike one another a great deal. The long story holds back many decades before. The two herds were once strongly bonded as one. It all happened when the lead stallion Konaan was tragically killed by what seemed to be a 'cougar.' That is of course what his son, Ace, had said, soon after he rushed back to the herd in 'panic.' He crowded around, his twin brother Spade running up to his side, he had announced that Konaan had been attacked by a cougar. Spade hadn't believed a word, he was always able to tell when his brother had something to hide. Soon after, Spade and Ace were up in line, crowned as the lead stallions. Spade denied it, and along with a few of his followers, he ran away, forming a herd of his own away from Ace. Since then, the mystery still remains, but the two herds both know the history, and refuse to like one another. [ Code word is; Red apple, this will make sense once you read the rules. ]

So, as the twin brother's names go, The herd names are 'Ace' and 'Spade.'

The Ace herd remains very closely to the forest, often they are deep in the heart of it, where a small meadow inhabited by a creek makes home for them. The Aces are extremely clever, they have to learn to swerve through treeline after treeline, and must be very athletic and agile for this. Over the years, these horses have gained muscle and endurance, and stand very strong. It is very rare that you will see them closer towards the mountains, unless there is a scarce amount of food close to home lands. [mostly during winter.]

The Spades remain tucked in a valley, where a powerful river comes through down the rigid mountains and into a lake, the land around it is wide open, but is separated from the forest by a huge valley of mountain, only small and treacherous trails can get you from the forest to the open meadow in the valley. This place is a very big area for mountain lions and wolves, in which the Spades have gained high awareness. They outsmart the predators very often, and have formed a larger sized bodice throughout the years. The Spades are rather large, and often use their size against predator, and the bigger, the better to see around you.


You are either in the Ace herd, or the Spades herd.
It is spring time and love fever is in the air, This is almost like Hatfield and McCoy, the herds are slowly navigating [unknowingly] towards each other. Who knows, maybe something will bring the two herds together, whether it be love, or fighting it out, we'll find out.

.:: R U L E S ::.

- Keep genders even please
- No god modeling or power playing, you should know what those two things are.
- This is a MATURE Roleplay! If you can not handle love, blood, fighting and all that, this is not for you.
- I left a code word in the story line, PUT THAT ON YOUR APPLICATION!
- This is very advanced, that means like, 10 Sentences or more, with plenty of detail, do your best is all I'm saying.
- If you fight someone, they must agree to fight you, and you MUST agree on whoever wins, or I will choose for you.
- No killing each other, for real, unless the other person says its okay, I guess.
- You can have up to 2 characters
- This is REALISTIC, no purple eyes or pink wings etc, lol
- Include EVERYONE as best as you can.
- Don't just go and act like a dog and try humping everything just because it is spring time.
- Please just enjoy, and I really hope you read all these rules.

.:: Y O U R - A P P L I C A T I O N ::.

Code: [Select]
[b]Name |[/b]
[b]Goes By |[/b]
[b]Gender |[/b]
[b]Breed |[/b]
[b]Age |[/b]
[b]Personality |[/b]
[b]History |[/b]
[b]Herd |[/b]
[b]Appearance |[/b]
[b]Code word |[/b]

You may also write up your own personal application, and feel free to add an image of your character!

Characters / || CAJUNN || Ocelot Mix || MAJOR WIP
« on: March 20, 2014, 08:29:28 am »
" Artwork done by yours truly, Proquail. "

Silence overruled the mountainside, the only sound that rung in the feline's ears was the pitter patter of rain drops, racing each other down the steep route. She tucked her heavy belly deeper into the cave that inhabited the hillside. rumbles of stomach fluid signaled pain to her pelvis, and she let out a desperate cry for comfort. It was her first litter, and little did she know, it would be her last. Not to mention the fact that it may have helped if her mate had still stuck around. She was stuck birthing, and caring these kittens on her own.

The sudden rumble of thunder tuned in with the feline's contractions, each time pain coursed, the sky would sing. Before the next second could pass, a single kit had hit the cave floor. Not long after came the kit's cries for warmth and milk. She scanned the newborn's odd physical features, the only sure thing she could see was it was male. She dropped her head towards her thin parallel legs and thought for a moment. She had promised herself that if she were to ever birth a son, she'd name him after her long lost friend, Cajunn.

A crack of lightning hit, and the female's eyes turned pale. A sting of pain shot through her body like a bullet. Something had gone wrong, very wrong. She sat up, throwing the young kit off of herself, she was in panic mode. The sudden feeling of rocks settled in her throat, and she couldn't force any oxygen into her small lungs.

One last lighting bolt, and she hit the cave floor.




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" This is it, the
A P O C A L Y P S E.

' It is year 2020, the entire world has been taken over by a virus, an incurable, sadistic virus. The virus first came during the year 2015, Joshua Lingston was attacked and eaten alive by what at the time, was an unknown suspect. It all became clear, when it outburst-ed into millions. People eaten alive by other people, but the virus changed you into much more than a person. It was what we spent so many years making into movies, as an unrealistic thing. Some, or, most would call it, zombie. These zombies have E.T. DNA, and can run extremely fast, jump extremely high, and of course, eat you alive.

During the year 2018, the U.S. found that a certain type of K-9 was immune to the virus, European wolves, the only animal in the entire universe to be immune. The government captured many of the wolves, injecting them with liquids full of DNA. This DNA morphed many things in the wolves, not physically, but mentally. Extra strength, better vision, much higher stamina, heightened senses, and last but certainly not least, the ability to sense the virus. These dogs are strictly military use only, and have been sent out in small groups of up to maximum 20 dogs. They all work as a team, wiping out one area after another.

As of right now , the wolves have managed to wipe out many certain areas, forming giant walls and security to keep out the zombies. The teams are still going strong, and have added more advanced DNA to the wolves, adding a much longer lifespan and healthier life. It is even rumored that some of the K-9s have robotic eyes, able to see through walls. Some have limbs replaced with advanced metal robotics, suited with armor.

" I'm breathing in, the

' You are one of the great fighting K-9s. You live to serve the world as a protector, fighting off the zombies. You are one of the wolves in Group #17, you have been trained to battle, injected with the DNA, and maybe even have robotic eyes. Who knows, robotic limbs are possible too. Most wolves often have their canines replaced with razor sharp titanium. I will only allow 1 more wolf to have robotic eyes, and anyone may have robotic limbs or titanium teeth, whatever floats your boat.

We all sleep in the same area, it is a long line of roofed, large dog houses attached to one another, and the fence is electric around it, and very tall, layered on the top of it is circles of barbed wire. No wolf can really escape, not that any would really have the want or need to. The yard is rather large, with plenty of area to run around, it has a few trees and a small pond, with a large boulder halfway in it. The group has initially formed their own 'pack' ways. Though nobody is really in command, it is more as if it was a big family.

W O L V E S W I T H R O B O T I C E Y E S | 2 / 2
W O L V E S W I T H R O B O T I C L I M B S |  3
W O L V E S W I T H T I T A N I U M T E E T H |  5
M E M B E R S I N A L L |  5

" I wipe my brow and I sweat my

' You may only be accepted into the group after you have read these rules, and there will be a secret word in here, you must find it and add it into your application. If you do not have this in your application, you will not be accepted until you find the secret word.

[1] No God Modeling or Power Playing
[2] Romance is allowed among K-9s
[3] This is Mature, meaning blood, cussing, romance etc, if you can not be mature about it, get out.
[4] Yes, you will be attacking zombies, if that wasn't clear lol
[5] Fighting is allowed against each other, only if each one agrees to it, [the secret word is pancakes] and I will choose the winner depending on detail/lit.
[6] If you join, your in, that is a commitment, dont join and then never post.
[7] Nobody is perfect, add habits and weaknesses/strengths to your wolf.
[8] I may be adding more rules as I go on, feel free to ask questions.

Here is the Form; You CAN make your own, be creative! Robotic eyes is first come first serve.
Code: [Select]
[center][font=timesnewroman][size=20pt][color=#43B725].:: NAME HERE ::.[/color][/size]
[img] IMAGE HERE [/img]
[font=timesnewroman][b][color= silver][u]Name | Gender | Age[/u][/b][/center]

[color= silver][b]Robotic limbs/titanium teeth? | [/b][color=#43B725]does he/she have robotic legs or metal teeth!?

[color=silver][b]Persona |[/b][color=#43B725] A summary of your character, remember, weaknesses, strengths, habits, etc.

[color=silver][b]History |[/b][color=#43B725] Where did your character come from?

[color=silver][b]Other |[/b][color=#43B725] Anything else you want to share?


"Beyond the path howling can be heard in the wind,"

"Down the path, lies the darkness, the forest of sin,"

"Hovered by tree tops, and barks with horrifying grins,"

"The haunted forest, where no one should dare go in."

You have heard it all, the stories they say, of that forest. Anyone who enters, never returns, and any of they're screams can always be heard. Many people go in, thinking nothing of it, never realizing, they were to be trapped forever. Hell hounds, demons, ghosts, but no angels. This is the land where evil roams, searching for their next soul to devour. You want to find out, if all of this is true. So get together, and I'll go too. This place is empty, no animals roam, it's because they know. Their pure minds can see, the dances of the evil at night. They dance and they sing, waiting for you to fight. Don't be foolish, you have one chance. There is an escape, but the only escape, is through the gates of hell.

Gather your tents, sleeping bags too,
This night is black, that is when they attack.
Full moon rises, and your big mind resizes.
Shrink into those sleeping bags, because tonight,

Is all you have.


A group of young, foolish teenagers decide that a good adventure is to be found in the Hollow Haunted Forest of Montana. They never realized that true spirits, the ones who were too evil that not even hell wanted them, it is the place they roam. It is summer of 2014, and they decide a night in tents, in the heart of hollow forest is where their vacation is to be.The forest is a creepy place, and many rumors have been spread about it. This one group of teenagers, must find the way out, because once your in, no matter how hard you try to escape, the forest never ends, along with the evil that occupies it. Many nickname the heart of the forest, the 'Demons breeding grounds.' We are about to find out what it is all about, get ready, follow me into the world of what we all thought was simply imaginary.

"Into the forest where the human body is hell bound,"
Application form;
Image of character here
'Quote/lyrics here'

Name |
Gender |
Age |

'Quote/Lyrics Here'

Personality |
Appearance |
Strengths |
Weaknesses |
Nationality |
Sexuality |

'Quote/Lyrics here'

Car |

"Victims enter the darkness wishing it was all a dream,"

'Haunted by guilty memories'

Name | Viktor Nikolaevich Guidema
Gender | Male
Age | Eighteen

'My words may sting cowards'

Personality | He has always been a very odd character, interested more in imaginary world that reality. He is always researching supernatural phenomena. he has multiple personality syndrome and 'Blake' Is his other personality's name. He often tries to hold back from Blake, but he often convinces him to do things he wished he didn't. He has a criminal record of stealing cars, and even domestic violence and having to do with drugs etc. Sometimes he has no control over Blake, but other times he can stop himself from caving in. It is a constant battle for him, and he tries to hide his multiple personality disorder from any of his friends, but it is flagrant to them all. many people just consider him a downright disgusting criminal, but those are the ones who don't know what he goes through every day.

He also sometimes leads himself to believe that he is what one would call a 'medium.' Someone who can speak to the dead. He often is accomponied by various different ghosts, everyone says it is just skystofrenia. he has to take pills for it as well, but the spirits never leave him alone. He has learned to deal with it, and even talks to them sometimes. he believes they are his guardian angels.
Appearance | Blue eyes and brown hair accompany his handesome facial features. He stands at around 6'1 and has an average male build, muscle packed in the right places. He often wears a solid colored t-shirt with some type of flannel. Blue straight fit jeans and his black and white vans. Usually seen with his black and white striped hoodie.
History| he doesn't like saying until you really get to know him.
Relationships?| Has a mother and father, and 5 sisters.
Strengths | He is very charming and can often sweet-talk anyone out of the trouble that blake gets him into. He is very in to supernatural phenomena.
Weaknesses | Blake.
Nationality |Russian
Sexuality | Straight.

'You can never avoid the voices of the voiceless'

Pet(s)?| he has german shepherd named ' Konaan' Who is his 'service' dog. he takes him everywhere.

Car | A black 2001 dodge 1500 v8 quad cab.
Other?| N/A

Characters / } Oaklyn in the sky with diamonds { WIP
« on: October 29, 2013, 04:00:22 am »

Female || Four Summers || 50% Clouded Leopard x 50% Ocelot

Basic Deets ;

Oaklyn is extremely religious, and with every fiber of her soul does she trust in the belief that god exists.
She sees no point in labeling herself as bisexual, she believes love lies in the one that matters the most.
Politics? Yeah, let's debate (;
Stubborn? No doubt about it.
Nationality? - Ukrainian

How you see me ;

Oaklyn is a canvas of light brown, each spot and speckle crafted with delicacy and perfection. her coat is smooth in texture and she's soft to the touch. her markings consist of both the ocelot and leopard in a tad darker shade than the rest of her pelt, with a sandy under pelt to fit right in. green eyes topped off with flawless black mane to cover one of them. She is rather small in size, not quite as large as her clouded leopard size, but not as small as the ocelot either. She carries around a rounded tail and big ears to compliment her facial features. She is rather skinny and petite, being the runt of her litter, she never did get much nourishment.

Likes & Dislikes ;

Likes | trucks, hondas, parties, kangaroos, horses, popsicles, music, Johnny Depp, Puppies, Kittens, Babies, Most people, Honesty, loyalty, everlasting friendships, family, blankets, camo, camping, lakes, oceans, mountains, starts, rain, inside jokes, swag, roses, chocolate, love [always adding more.]

Dislikes | Miley cyrus, Fords, Crocodiles, coconut, lime, abc gum, busses, loud people, boring people, veggies, mullets, high heels [always adding more.]

How'd I get here?.. ;

I created Oaklyn as a reflection of myself basically. Some things changed [ like sexuality, nationality etc.]

She is based upon my personality and I freaking love her to pieces already. I guess I am just so self-absorbed, as is she. She is stubborn and lacks the ability to really understand whats going on half the time. She likes to get crazy and have fun. She comes from a long line of worthless know it alls and is proud to fit right in with it. She sees life as an opportunity to have fun and make something out of it. Boring isn't allowed in her world of craziness. She is very friendly, but step on her toes and watch the claws come out. She snaps and she whines, gets what she wants almost all of the time. Not many can handle her personality, her sarcasm and her odd ways, but those who stick around are sure to see the amazing things she has to offer.

Oaklyn suffers with PTSD and anxiety, many childhood experiences led her up to the crazy freak skin that she stands in today. Some days she is off, and rarely speaks a word, others she is off the walls and wont shut up. It takes a good, extremely patient heart to handle her half of the time. She has a stubborn head and it usually leads her into bad situations, but she has always remained loyal and trustworthy to all who enter her life.

You want to see me?.. ;

Email me at [email protected] or message me via feral-heart to get a chance to meet [ and maybe role-play] with Oaklyn!
I am usually almost always availible during late evenings and I am glad to hang with any species or breeds.

Characters / L-U-C-A-S
« on: October 23, 2013, 09:57:38 pm »

Male | Six Moons | 60% Hellhound 40% Wolf

They say what you don't know, wont hurt you.
So if you don't know me, and if I murder you, does it really hurt you?

-Evil Laugh-

what? you want an explanation of my life, there is nothing for me to explain, why should I trust you in the first place? Trust kills both your heart and your soul, as if I even had either one of those. So I might as well explain it anyway, and maybe my life would humor you as much as the pain in it humored my sick family. I guess you could say aside from all of the mental and physical abuse, it was a normal childhood. Dad left before I ever came into the picture, but it wasn't by his choice. Mom always said he would have left this world one way or another. She said it was better that I didn't have to deal with his abuse, as if it would have mattered among-st her own abusive ways. You know what, I dont  even want to talk about it anymore, if you really give a d*** I guess you could come ask me another time, for now I'm off to soak up these dark hours before the sun decides to ruin the fun.


Lucas, the name rings inside your head for a minute, what do you see? Well, I'll tell you the reality. He's got a heart, somewhere in there, feelings of emotion too. He may be a brute, but he still holds sympathy. He holds up a mask to his face every day. Covering the mental scars that slowly break him away. He wants no eyes, no lips and no ears, he prefers to be alone, soaking up his own tears.

-Slowly fading-

Want to meet him? contact me via message or email at [email protected]
I am on mostly during the weekends, and later in the day on weekdays.

Who knows, maybe someone could befriend him? :)

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