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Topics - tyilung

Pages: [1]
Game Discussion / Apologies and a complaint
« on: May 28, 2012, 08:58:34 am »
Well i'm sort of complaining and apologizing at the same time. I got banned for a month for "Sexual behavior" because i mentioned a dirty name several times complaining once and making a joke the second time. But now i realize i was being a bit hypocritical because i was annoyed little kids would see those people and my small cousins watch me play. But i realized since i mentioned the name more then once it would be the same as seeing the name on the character and they might get curious and make a character. I'm not asking to be unbanned i shall do my time but i just apologize. The thing i'm a bit annoyed about is that they found the time to ban me yet the dirty person wasn't banned i believe. Also i see alot of swearing in general and bad names more often because the moderators are never online almost. I understand there not superhumans and cant do everything but maybe you should maybe recruit 1-2 more? Because if the mods are doing other things some should be online and they could trade places.  And I'm sorry if i don't understand some things i don't know about the admin system or anything like that.  Anyway apologies again,See all my Feralheart friends in a month  :o) Sorry if i said anything stupid but i wrote this late at night because i cant sleep. >;]

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Action Suggestions
« on: February 04, 2012, 12:39:13 am »
Well im kind of bored of the same actions so if you get bored here are some suggestions~~

Swimming on your back





And last but not least maybe stand on two legs? I dont exactly know if animals can do that...But it will not walk in that state becuase that would make it a anthro. But maybe stretch up and go back down slowly? Thank you for reading this <33

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Add a Chat filter -_-
« on: September 04, 2011, 06:35:08 pm »
Now everybody in feralheart all they do is rape eachother and do inapropiate things IM SICK OF IT
please add a filter -_- i want theese freaks to ragequit fh and bring there scum with them -_- Thank you for your time~Tyilung

Well noone liked my idea....I guess thats a no for mermaid tails and fins too 3:

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