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Messages - ZipherAvenger

Pages: [1] 2 3
Game Discussion / Re: Strangest Role-play Groups?
« on: December 29, 2012, 07:10:15 pm »
Me and a friend created a KFC roleplay once... |D Surprisingly, it lasted longer than you would expect. Basically we ran around roleplaying as chickens and clucked.... and that was it. I think I was apparently "eaten" a few times, though.

Game Discussion / Re: Groups < They never work out. > 'n' < Friends....? >
« on: December 29, 2012, 07:04:59 pm »
Sadly, I'm sure that everyone has experienced that in one way or another during their time on this game. Personally it took me a few months to finally find a pack that was pretty close... and that was a pack that soon had a map. From what I've seen, it's better to join a roleplay group that has created a map specifically for that group. As said before, the group usually ends up being more organized and their focus is more towards the roleplay than anything else. It's also a good sign if the group has a website. The group I am apart of isn't very active as of now, but we still keep in contact with one another on other websites and such.

In the end, I suggest not expecting much when you join a group that mainly roleplays on public maps, mostly consists of strangers that were brought together from advertising, and ends up being rather large just in the first day. One time that happened to me and a lot of the people from the first day never came back. Only a few remained... and none of them included the actual leader. And so, the group failed. But still, I ended up meeting the leader (now a good friend) of the pack that I ended up loving just from being apart of the unorganized one.

All in all, just don't get your hopes up when it comes to groups that are advertised to the whole map and is made by someone that decided to create a roleplay on the spot without really any planning ahead of time. But hey, ya may meet a new friend if you try a group like that out, anyway.

Game Discussion / Re: I'm bored on FH, what to do..
« on: April 22, 2012, 04:04:16 pm »
Like as said in the above posts, I suggest trying out new roleplays and possibly trying to make your own! I've been on FH for almost a year now (maybe even a year already... I'm not quite sure) and I'm starting to get a little bored of the game, as well. I'm starting to get into the more "creative" part of the game, like making maps and what not, and its been helping me to go on the game more and more. Perhaps you could try to make maps? Maybe even presets of some sort? There's so many things you can do on FH, so I really haven't scratched the surface on what there is to do in the game :)

Game Discussion / Re: Dreams about FH
« on: April 17, 2012, 02:21:40 am »
Hmm... well, if I remember correctly, I had this one dream where I was seeing some of my in-game friends in real life (I've seen pictures of some of them before) and we were in this white room and just laying around on these couches that were also white. We were talking about randomly normal things, I think. I forgot exactly what we were talking about, though. I was very confused when I woke up ;~;

Game Help / Re: Atlantis Portal
« on: April 15, 2012, 06:00:50 pm »
Back up your files, maps, presets, etc. Uninstall FH and delete the folder. Then delete all the old setups and patches.
And install it again, it SHOULD help. (:

Thankyou for the advice! I'll definitely make sure to try that out if trying to hunt down the portal with some help doesn't work.

Game Help / Re: Atlantis Portal
« on: April 15, 2012, 05:59:55 pm »
It blends in with the background. It acually looks like a giant snowflake. I think you're just not seeing it through the snow. Trust me, I couldnt until I knew what to look for. Get someone to lead you there and then see if you can see it. I can, if you want.

I probably am missing it, knowing me. I'm fine, though. I'll just get a friend to lead me there once I have the time :) But thankyou, anyway!

Game Help / Atlantis Portal
« on: April 15, 2012, 04:59:00 pm »
I've been having some problems with trying to see the Atlantis portal. Other people have said that they see it, and they point out the spot where it is, but I still can't see the portal. I've already tried uninstalling and then installing FH, but I still don't see it. I'm on a regular pc, not a Mac, so I don't think I'm installing the wrong patch or anything.

Does anybody out there possibly know what I can do to fix my problem?

Game Discussion / Re: akward moments in fh...
« on: September 11, 2011, 07:51:28 pm »
I was on a wolf character of mine in Flourite, just sittin around at the bay area near the Temples portal, and all of a sudden a lion cub walked up to me and said "Daddy?" I said that I was a girl and I've never seen them before. I also mentioned that I was a canine, not a feline, but that didn't stop them. The cub kept saying 'Daddy' and started to 'cry'. Cubs can't cry actual tears :| (at least as far as I know of)

Then I just transported back to my Home. What else was I supposed to do? e.e

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Cat/Wolf walk cycle...
« on: August 11, 2011, 07:28:41 pm »
The animations are all a bit "wonky" to me, honestly... and the bac legs when sitting? Oy, they look like noodles.

Sitting down for wolves looks pretty strange. One time I was just hanging around with some friends and I made my char sit down. Suddenly someone pointed out that my legs looked like rubber and/or noddles. That gave me a pretty permanent nick-name >.<

Laying half-way down for felines looks pretty strange as well. It looks like they're ready to pounce on someone, not relax.

Besides that, none of the other animations bother me so much.

Game Help / Re: Flourite Glitch?
« on: August 10, 2011, 09:21:10 pm »
Ahh ok. Thankyou for the help! :D

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