Author Topic: October Update Part 2  (Read 21732 times)

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Re: October Update Part 2
« Reply #20 on: October 08, 2018, 10:20:04 pm »
Thank you, Razmirz and Suragaha, for letting us fully understand. I read both your posts pretty throughoutly to understand everything (I even had to use google translate for some of those specific words that you used. Danish ftw lol).
I hope things in Feral Heart will rise with positivity from this point, and I can’t wait to see what the upcoming update will provide for the game and the community.
Again, thank you for this.

P.S: I prefer cookies.

P.S.S: I used my phone for this, and I did therefore not write a long post like most fluffs here around here... I couldn’t be arsed and I had to sleep. :3
« Last Edit: October 08, 2018, 10:22:53 pm by Ellen11v »
doing what i feel like

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Re: October Update Part 2
« Reply #21 on: October 08, 2018, 10:57:56 pm »
Appreciate both of you explaining your sides of the story, it really opens my eyes, at least. From the start of it all I could just tell there was a communication error and muddy feelings being tossed around, as it was hinted at from the start. That's exactly why I tell people who I'm gonna work as a team with that I thrive on communication, or at least have a mutual understanding of such. Communication is a key element when developing something, as is patience and a want to understand the other's views and opinions.

When it comes to personal feelings and views, sometimes you just gotta bite the bullet and let things be. There's a lot of people out there in the world who'd rather have it their way in relation to having control. In some cases that's not particularly the issue, yet tensions still arise. That always leads to failure and hate. Everyone struggles with it, some more so than others, but in the long run things are so much easier if you can just let go.

Both sides had fault in things they've done and said, but I don't look at em any less for it. If anything more respect has accumulated for them as they admit what they've done. The only thing I can say is if I had any relation to this issues I would've tried my best to see both sides.

I agree with wanting to keep a more realistic 3D world approach, but adding in some slight fun bells and whistles here and there wouldn't be too bad.

In a whole, I hope you new staff can learn from this and do even better! Learn from the mistakes of others as well as your own so you can thrive at what you're trying to accomplish. I know all of you will do wonderfully~

it's a cooookkkiiieeee
« Last Edit: October 08, 2018, 11:00:14 pm by Ame88 »

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Re: October Update Part 2
« Reply #22 on: October 09, 2018, 12:02:05 am »
 Ah thank you so much Raz, Sura, and Red for your inputs. It clears the air a lot for me and now I can understand both sides better. I think I understand how both sides felt, and this spiral was a mixture of stress and miscommunication from what I can see. Now that I've learned about feelings from both ends of the island I can say that nobody was right or wrong here, everyone was just confused and stressed and that's how it all spiraled out of control.

 I hope that everything will only improve from here, and that the game can heal and grow from this point forward. Also... That thing is a cookie, no doubt about it, nobody can tell me otherwise. lol
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Re: October Update Part 2
« Reply #23 on: October 09, 2018, 01:01:01 am »
thanks for the explanation guys. i understand how things went down much clearer now.

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Re: October Update Part 2
« Reply #24 on: October 09, 2018, 01:06:36 am »
Its a relief to finally know the events that transpired, leading into this train wreck of a disaster. Having this clear, honest transparency with the community is refreshing and much needed, I hope it continues this way from here on out.

I will put it bluntly in my own opinion, which is not something I’m always fond of doing. Both parties involved were at fault, the staff allowed their emotions to run high and blind them of their duty to the game to remain calm and objective, and Raz abused his powers after years of absence because things were not going his way. I do not believe Raz should have had total authority to decide exactly what the maps would be like and what was released just because he is server master (though all my respect to him for his years of being such server master and keeping this game going), and I do not believe the staff had the right to release the map patch as a form of retaliation against Raz. This was something that got very out of hand and affected the whole community. The fact that the community itself had no knowing of this coming storm is possibly the worst thing as everyone was blindsided by what we deemed sudden and scary events.

I see both sides to this story and still respect both the Staff and Raz, my opinion is by no means an attack on either side but what I personally believe to have gone wrong in the course of things. I understand that things were stressful and intense, things happen and we are all only human. I hope we can build a better foundation to start again from. Trust can be made again with reliable and honest communication, let the community be heard and let us hear what is happening.

I love you all and appreciate the work, effort and stress you have been through to keep this game going <3

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Re: October Update Part 2
« Reply #25 on: October 09, 2018, 01:15:41 am »
Thank you guys for the update. I'm glad all of the salty and angry people have calmed down, and now everyone can see that nothing over the course of this situation was done out of pure malice. See, folks? Never hurts to not automatically demonize someone over a virtual game, there's always rationale behind certain things. Mistakes were made on both sides, which I saw from the very beginning, and the whole community got riled up over something that clearly was going to work out in the end one way or another.

Thanks for giving the community an inside look at this conflict, something I hadn't anticipated. The game's feel and the community that gets online hadn't changed, so I'm glad people can move forward. It's fine, guys, just like I'd said before. Welcome to new staff, thanks to old staff, and now we're moving on.

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Re: October Update Part 2
« Reply #26 on: October 09, 2018, 04:12:50 am »
I for one am extremley happy that I now know what was transpiring.
I will say however, I wont pick sides because reading this, to be honest, both sides actions in this explanation pissed me off just from reading it.

As you cant change the past though, I still have respect for all of you old staff, current new staff and Raz as well as Red.
I dont blame anyone in this situation given Raz didnt have control over irl duties, and the staff could only do so much and hope to get it right.
 I wish I couldve seen the patch maps but I did not and thats okay. I still commend everyone that made those maps.
Currently our community is to put quite frankly, a little tired, atleast from what Ive seen.
 Hopefully this can wake us back up and get us moving along.
 If I had enough talent or whatever qualifies a helper, I wish I could help in some way if possible AT ALL.
This community and game raised me and seeing everyone like this breaks my heart.
 I cant ever hate anyone as I know we are all human.

 So thank you Raz, Sura, Red, Old staff, New staff, and everyone involved in just trying your best, even if it got messy.
 I think as long as you are trying your best, thats all that matters. Some may be blind to that, but I certainly am not.
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Re: October Update Part 2
« Reply #27 on: October 09, 2018, 04:33:15 am »
Thank you for the explanation. I still completely disagree with how everything had transpired in the past and some of Raz's views on the situation, but I'm happy to see a clearer explanation of everybody's mindset during this whole event. Doesn't really directly solve some of the issues that happened, but this transparent and public explanation is much appreciated.

bro what if i put my feralheart cave next to yours.. bro what if they only had one flattened bush mesh to lay on and we had to share... haha just kidding... unless...?

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Re: October Update Part 2
« Reply #28 on: October 09, 2018, 04:56:37 am »
Thank you for the updates. I feel that these updates have really shed some light on a few mysteries. I agree with what was stated above as it doesn't directly solve some of the issues, but the public explanation is very much appreciated.
As I do feel that the situation was blown way out of proportion and should've been handled differently.. I believe that we, as a community, can put it past us and move on. We now have a new line of staff that have bravely accepted the challenge of stepping up and facing the community after this event. I only wish them the best.

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Re: October Update Part 2
« Reply #29 on: October 09, 2018, 05:32:29 am »
Thank you so much for the input, being able to see and understand both sides was really insightful, and incredibly important for the healing of the community after all that happened.

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