Author Topic: Let us ALL appreciate Sura <3  (Read 1728 times)


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Let us ALL appreciate Sura <3
« on: February 11, 2020, 07:05:59 pm »
LordSuragaha is one of the most friendly, welcoming, and accommodating people that I have ever met. I think that it is awesome that she posts so much on the forums and keeps up with the community! While most mods now post on the forums a lot more (I APPRECIATE YOU MODS TOO ;o;) I always see Sura posting the most and interacting the most. It really does give me the feeling that the staff members want to know more about the community and our own views for the game.

Sura, you are an amazing Admin and I really wish that I could nominate you for MOTs! I know that sounds a bit cheesy but in all honesty, you, along with the other members of the staff team, have kept this game thriving and the community together. You go through so much for us and I never really see you get much appreciation out of it. Personally I believe that without you, this game/community would be quite different!

Thank you so much for being an amazingly helpful person on the forums. It is awesome knowing that someone who has the community's back is leading our amazing staff team. <3

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Re: Let us ALL appreciate Sura <3
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2020, 09:03:36 pm »
I agree wholeheartedly! Sura has done so much for this game, all of staff and all the players. There have been countless times where she has helped me and the other new MITs on things such as creating certain event threads, answering our questions and giving advice whenever she can. I'm sure there's countless other times where she's helped her own team on many things as well throughout the years. She's always so kind and extends her arms to people in need of lifting up. I know she deals with a lot in the background of things, and to be able to still hold her head high and help out the way she does is very commendable.

This was so sweet Spicy, I know she'll love and appreciate this very much =)

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Re: Let us ALL appreciate Sura <3
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2020, 09:24:51 pm »
Surrrraaaaaaaaaaa. I've known you since.. 2012? Just when I was a wee little cringy player lol. I remember the day you were made a mit and I was so excited for you. You deserved it! You're the most awesome and laid back person I've met on FH and it surely contradicts your intimidating OC. (who's still my favorite)
Thank you for all you have done for the community and keep being awesome :D

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Re: Let us ALL appreciate Sura <3
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2020, 02:55:58 pm »
You guys <3

I’m really humbled that you feel that way about me. It really means a lot that you each took some time from your lives just to write these things for me. Knowing that I can bring even the slightest bit of happiness to someone makes everything seem so much more worthwhile and rewarding. I think a large part of the reason why I’ve even stuck around here as long as I have is because of the immense mutual support between my fellow staff mates and this community. I don’t think I’d be able to take any credit without mentioning how much you’ve all done for me. I’m not speaking lightly when I say that I consider this community an extension of my family. I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to maintain a game/forum that has had such a positive impact on so many strangers lives. Seeing as some of you have even grown up with this community is really something special. I love you guys.

Thank you for starting this uplifting little thread for me Spicy <3 It really made my morning.