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Topics - iceheart999

Pages: [1] 2
(Guys i promise, this is the last change. Ipromise.)

The soft, inviting sounds of birds reached your ears in the abyss of... where ever. Huh. You were pretty sure the afterlife wouldn't have birds at all. Then again, you'd been floating aimlessly, in a place that looked oh-so-similar to the universe for a while now. Long enough that you were pretty sure that the chances of wind hitting you, or ever having skin to feel said wind, was far out of reach. And yet you felt it. You heard it, too, the soft gust of wind inviting you from your sleep. Speaking of which... Wasn't Purgatory or whatever it was called notably lighter... and less red-shaded? Did you have eyelids to open? Cautiously, you tested out the ability, only to the greeted with harsh sunlight and clear blue skies. In the corner of your vision, you could catch the sight of branches, filled with emerald leaves, moving along with the wind.
The slight sensation of grass and soil beneath your hands confirmed that you laid on green grass. The sweet aroma of flowers could be detected in the air. By now, curiousity had gotten the better of you, and you pushed up off the ground, bringing your legs to your side as you sat up. The area around you happened to be a woodland. This nailed down the chirps you'd heard as non-threatening species of birds, but there were probably wild animals which lurked within the woodlands as well. To the west, off in the distance, if you peered closely, you could probably see a few wooden cabins. To the east; a clearing, where wildflowers grew in abundance. To the north and south; more woodlands, but you could conclude that a water source existed nearby, otherwise people wouldn't have built cabins there. Checking out those cabins seemed like a good idea, but there could also be danger. Then again, the whole land seemed to radiate mystery and danger, and going off to that peaceful-looking flower field seemed nice as well.

So, what will you pick first? The cabin, or the field? Either way, you're bound to meet up with someone at some point.

...Will Probably Be...

"No, no, no! This is impossible!" The bustling of the 'scientist' in her 'lab', more of a set-up in a garage, as she reviewed her evidence was all too apparent. "They can't possibly be that far! And I was so close!" She seethed, slamming a fist onto the desk. Almost instantly, the woman swung herself into her seat, fingers flying around her laptop's keyboard. "Come on, come on, come on!" Yes! There was her goal. A grin sprung up on her face as she continued to look. Well... looked like there was an unexpected move to Greenland.

The bustling of the council of dragons seemed to grow as the small dragoness took her stand.
"Farlia, the amount of human contact with these lands has been growing over the past few years. They are coming with more frequency. If we move now, then the chances of another war will be slim, and we will be safer." "And risk further discovery by them? Not a chance." The red-scaled dragon shook her head. "It took long enough to wipe our trances from them, if we move than we risk another war. You, Velieme should know this well enough." The dragon, who we can now identify as Velieme, retorted. "If we don't do something soon, they'll blast a hole straight into the council dome! And then who will stop them!" The red-scaled, named Farlia, sighed. "We will deal with them in the most humane ways possible-" "Kill them? Are you out of your moon-loving, sun-kissing mind!? Farlia, they're just like us! Living bei-" Farlia only snapped in response, "Do not question me Velieme! You have my answer, and that is no." "But-!" "We will not move." And with that, the meeting was adjourned, leaving Velieme in the dome as she pondered over what to do.



Welcome to Destiny
Welcome to the lands in which dragons roam freely. Centuries have passed since the last Great Prophecy. As a Nightwing, Starryskies knows this. But chaos is abundant, and it seems all hope is lost. However, on the verge of a war, a new prophecy is passed.
Night and Sky will unite
To the others, clear as light.
Hatred arise in the kingdom of Sand
Eggs left unguarded, as weapons taken in hand.
Scavengers demolished, forever at time.
Kingdoms choose sides, left on the battleline.
Eggs ceived in daylight
Hatch on the darkest day.
War will become no more,
And dragons of destiny choose therefore.
One to learn, one to die
Find their place in the sands of time.

Poems / Icey's little lost kakera -POEMS- (PG13)
« on: March 07, 2013, 04:01:48 am »

Hello~! It's nice someone finally found this kakera, I've been /dying/ to get an opponent for a game.
Nah, not really. In truth, I've been wanting to share some poems with the outside world... What? It gets boring with no visitors.

Many of these poems were constructed at the expense of being an observer for two little worlds. Lambda and Beatrice did make a large ruckus.
 Anyways, see ya! And enjoy these poems! It starved off boredom, after all.
(Continuously edited)

                        Your Sin
It's too late now, the birds have crowed
Yet do you know now what you sowed?
The sin you committed, too great of a crime.
Though you haven't yet quite run out of time.

The wrath which I carry,
Is not exactly merry.
It's always there, waiting to explode.
Though what's left once gone is similar to a geode.

Stories / To the Rythm (Akari's full backstory, part 1) (WIP)
« on: May 01, 2012, 02:45:45 am »

A small, cream color, almost golden fox pounced on a black and white one playfully. She was quickly pinned down. "Got ya!" The black and white one said proudly. They both giggled, before the golden-like one spoke up. "Hey, we'll always be the best of sisters, right?" "Right" The other one giggled. Both were interrupted by an older kitsune's voice, in which the kitsune, a female, was pure white. "Come now, it's time to eat." ""Okay momma!"" The two said in usion, the black one getting up off her sister, who rolled to her paws afterwards. They raced to the small house, giggling and jumping. They then turned to a more human form, only their ears and tail showing, before entering the house, where they sat down at a table and began to eat.

Stories / Stories of legends. ~For the O-W/WW3BE/WR crossover~
« on: April 27, 2012, 05:04:28 pm »

The Creation of the universe

"Momma, we can't sleep..." A small, white pup complained. The brown wolf who laid beside her pups blinked in surprise, "You can't? And why is that." The male pup beside the white one, with a striking resemblance to his mother, whined, "We need a story." "Alright then. Why don't I tell you about the creation of the earth." The brown she-wolf began her story, "Long long ago, when the universe was new, there was nothing. No stars, just an endless amount of space. Until a wolf pup was formed from space itself. This pup was named Space, and for a very good reason. She had many black swirls in her white fur, and when she looked out at the endless amount of space, she imagined tiny lights and one big one. For a small while she was amused, but soon began to grow bored of the twinkling lights. Space began to arrange the twinkling lights into constellations. When one constellation waas made, another pup was born. He was called Time, and he had fur black as night with the only exception being the white swirls in it. Time looked at the ever-growing bored Space, and began to create things. He created Sun and Earth, two other companions. Earth's color depended on the season, and Earth created the very planet we live on. Sun's fur was a firey orange and red, and he gained control of the big ball of light. Time, Space, Earth, and Sun all came together, and the created Moon, the youngest. Moon had white fur that let out a shine. These five created their feline, bear, and other species equilvants. Each of their species was created on earth. Soon, things began to grow out of control from lower made creature emotion rulers, such as Agony and Death. Time and Space split their souls in half, despite the arguing of their siblings, and began to rule as a white wolf with blue eyes and a black wolf with red eyes. Each species god did the same, and if one of the two go missing, or both, is signals the soon to be death of a species, for the soul has gone to its original body."

Stories / Game of The Gods. Chapter one- The arrival
« on: December 12, 2011, 06:41:02 am »
Note from Author: I do not have this based on any of Flightfootwarriors characters, the idea is not mine. There are a few flashbacks where it shows fights and all that, but no real interaction between characters.


Two figures stood on a cliff, one a golden retreiver and wolf mix, the other, a fox and wolf mix. Four wolves stood behind the fox/wolf mix. "Give up Tyco, this is your end." The fox/wolf smirked as he spoke. The one named Tyco yawned fakingly and smirked also, "Oh, im sorry, were you talking to me? You must have meant some other Tcyo, since theres no way i'm giving in to someone like you!" The fox/wolf mix growled, "Fine, i was going to end this quickly but- BRAKE HIM." The four wolves lunged forward, growling. One hit tyco, bringing him down as he yelped.

To be continued

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Needing banner for rp ~*contest-like*~
« on: November 27, 2011, 01:32:54 am »
Ok, so im trying to do a warriors cats rp with a frum and all, having a thread for it on this site if no-one wants to post on the forum. Well, i am in the need of a banner for it.

Please try for an awesome one, not to spunky, not to glitterized, not to plain. I must see an example of your art. Many people may try at it. I will choose the best one
1- Your banner is the official banner!
2- Your banner is the sites new header!
3- All the admins siggy will include your banner on the site!

Site is-

Now start drawing!

Stories / Save yourself...
« on: August 01, 2011, 04:13:06 am »
Attempt finish of _ABANDONED_ Ravenpaw & Tigerclaw WOTF AMV - The Business of Paper Stars

In the savannah, a pride roamed without a worry. All the lionesses were relaxing, except one. She squirmed and tembled, roaring in agony. The pride leaders first cub was about to be born. Hearing the roar, the male went over. Usually the male would have no interest, but he almost roared in delight. The cub was born a few minutes after this. It was a fully black cub.

two months later...

((WIP, storming here))

Poems / A deadly lullaby (Pg-13 for gore)
« on: June 25, 2011, 04:20:44 am »
Im just holding
Onto dear sanity
Like a thread breaking
Im losing grip
Insanity consumes me
And i just cant help myself

The splashing of blood
Makes me smile
The grinding of bones
Makes me laugh
Im losing dear control!
God, oh God, give me more!

The sqaushing of brains
Makes me cackle
The cracking of skulls
Makes me giggle
Oh, God, help me!

Dedicated to blood, my own pyschopath kitteh

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